人教版九年級(jí)英語(yǔ)第八單元Unit8 Section A3_第1頁(yè)
人教版九年級(jí)英語(yǔ)第八單元Unit8 Section A3_第2頁(yè)
人教版九年級(jí)英語(yǔ)第八單元Unit8 Section A3_第3頁(yè)
人教版九年級(jí)英語(yǔ)第八單元Unit8 Section A3_第4頁(yè)
人教版九年級(jí)英語(yǔ)第八單元Unit8 Section A3_第5頁(yè)
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1、Unit 8It must belong to Carla.Section APeriod Threelaboratoryoutdoorscoatsleepyn. 實(shí)驗(yàn)室adv. 在戶外;在野外n. 外套;上衣adj. 困倦的;瞌睡的Words ReviewObjectiveTo learn to use must, might, could and cant for making inferences It must be Carlas.It could be Meis hair band.Im not sure, but it cant be a dog.A: Whose volleyba

2、ll is this?B: It must be Carlas. She loves volleyball.A: Whose hair band is this?B: It could be Meis hair band.A: What did you see that night?B: Im not sure. But it cant be a dog. It was bigger. I think it might be a bear or a wolf.Read the sentences below and pay attention to the red words.1. A: Wh

3、ose volleyball is this? B: It _ be Carlas. She loves volleyball.2. A: Whose hair band is this? B: It _ be Meis hair band.3. A: What did you see that night? B: Im not sure. But it _ be a dog. It was bigger. I think it _ be a bear or a wolf.mustcouldcantmight Ready?表推測(cè)的情態(tài)動(dòng)詞情態(tài)動(dòng)詞must, can, may, could, m

4、ight都可以表示推測(cè)。must表示對(duì)現(xiàn)在的狀態(tài)或現(xiàn)在發(fā)生的事情很有把握的推測(cè), 意為“一定; 準(zhǔn)是”,可能性為100%。 如:You have studied for a long time. Youmust be tired.may, could, might這三個(gè)詞表示的可能性較小, 意為“有可能; 也許”, 可能性占20%至80%。 如:My friend has lost his watch. This may /might / could be his, but Im not sure.cant 表示很有把握的否定推測(cè), 意為“不可能”, 可能性為0%。 如:The blue mo

5、torbike cant be yourmothers. Hers is yellow.表推測(cè)情態(tài)動(dòng)詞的用法一、根據(jù)被推測(cè)的時(shí)間,確定動(dòng)詞的形式。 Good morning. Ive got an appointment with Miss Smith in the Personnel Department. Ah, good morning. You must be Mrs. Brown. “情態(tài)動(dòng)詞+do”形式:表示對(duì)現(xiàn)在或?qū)?lái)情況的推測(cè)。 Tom is never late for work. Why is he absent today? Something must have hap

6、pened to him.2. “情態(tài)動(dòng)詞 + be + doing”形式:表示對(duì)此時(shí)此刻正在發(fā)生的事情的推測(cè)。He may/might be waiting for us at home.3. “情態(tài)動(dòng)詞+have done”形式:表示對(duì)過(guò)去情況的推測(cè)。二、根據(jù)猜測(cè)語(yǔ)氣的強(qiáng)弱,選擇情態(tài)動(dòng)詞。 在肯定句中表推測(cè),must語(yǔ)氣最強(qiáng), 表示“肯定,一定”;could, may, might語(yǔ)氣依次減弱,表示“可能, 也許”。 Some people who dont like to talk much are not necessarily shy; they may just be quiet

7、people.2. 在否定句中表推測(cè),cant, couldnt語(yǔ)氣最強(qiáng),表示“不可能”;may/might not語(yǔ)氣較弱,表示“可能不”;mustnt 表示“禁止”,不用于否定推測(cè)。You cant be hungry already you had lunch only two hours ago!must表推測(cè)只用于肯定句,如果要表示否定意義,則要用cant;can表推測(cè)多用于否定句和疑問(wèn)句,而用于肯定句一般指“客觀可能性”,說(shuō)明人或事物一時(shí)的特點(diǎn)。三、某些情態(tài)動(dòng)詞表推測(cè)時(shí)的用法限制。e.g. Tigers sometimes can be very kind.1. I saw Lil

8、y in the supermarket this morning. Oh, it _ be her. She moved to Australia the day before yesterday.2. After a long walk, the children _ be very tired now.3. John _ go with us tomorrow, but he isnt sure.cantmustmay/mightUse proper modal verbs to fill in the blanks.4aChoose the best way to complete e

9、ach sentence using the words in brackets.1. A: Wheres Jean? B: Im not sure. She _ (is/ might be/ must be) in the laboratory.2. A: Everyone is going to the pool after school. B: Really? It _ (must be/ cant be/ could be) hot outdoors.might bemust be3. A: Thats the phone. B: Hmm. I wonder who it _ (mus

10、t be/ could be/ should be).4. A: I wonder if these are Jims glasses. B: They _ (cant be/ might be/ could be) his. He doesnt wear glasses.5. A: I hear water running in the bathroom. B: It _ (could be/ must be/ cant be) Carla. She was thinking of taking a shower.cant becould be/must becould be4bComple

11、te these responses.1. A: Many people are wearing coats. B: The weather must be _ _.2. A: Sally has been coughing a lot. B: She might be _.3. A: This restaurant is always very crowed. B: The food _.4. A: Whenever I try to read this book, I feel sleepy. B: It cant _.getting colderhaving a sore throat/

12、illmust be deliciousbe that boring/cold outsideIwonderiftheseareJimsglasses.我想知道是否這些是吉姆的眼鏡。(4a)【解析】wonderv/n希望知道;驚奇;奇跡(=wanttoknow)wonderfuladj.奇妙的wonderfullyadv.非常好地ChineseWomensVolleyballteamplayed_(wonder)inthematchNowonder+句子“難怪”Nowonderyouareangry.難怪你覺(jué)得生氣。WheneverItrytoreadthisbook,Ifeelsleepy每

13、當(dāng)我試著讀這本書(shū)的時(shí)候,我感到瞌睡。(4b)sleepyadj.困倦的;瞌睡的【解析】sleep(slept;slept)v“睡覺(jué)”sleepyadj.“困倦的;疲憊的” 可做表語(yǔ)和定語(yǔ) feelsleepy感到疲倦sleeping“正在睡覺(jué)的“可做定語(yǔ)和表語(yǔ)thesleepingbaby熟睡的嬰兒asleep“睡著的”,只做表語(yǔ)fallasleep入睡1)Ifyoustayuptoolate,youwillfeel_(sleep)inclassthenextday.2)Keepquiet,kids,Dad_(sleep)inthenextroom.OK,Mum.3)Davidfell_(sl

14、eep)inclassbecausehestayeduptoolatelastnight.4cLook at this picture of a room. How much can you tell about the person who lives here? Is it a boy or a girl? What are his/ her hobbies? Discuss your ideas with a partner.思考題:1.can與could的區(qū)別2.may與might的區(qū)別,以may為首的一般疑問(wèn)句該怎么否定回答?3.must與have to 的區(qū)別;以must為首的一般

15、疑問(wèn)句該怎么否定回答?4.maybe= may be 嗎?can與be able to 怎么使用? 肯定式否定式其他用法can能,會(huì)可能cant不能,不會(huì)不可能(不會(huì))1.在口語(yǔ)中can 可以代替may,同理,could也可代替might。2、Could you please?委婉語(yǔ)氣。3、表示否定猜測(cè),用cant be(不可能)。couldcan的過(guò)去式couldnt不能,不會(huì)不可能(不會(huì))may 可以可能mustnt/cant不可以,不應(yīng)該不許可mightmay的過(guò)去式(可能性更?。﹎ay not,可能不(表猜測(cè))must必須應(yīng)當(dāng)一定準(zhǔn)是neednt不必不用表示說(shuō)話人對(duì)事物的肯定推測(cè)時(shí)常用

16、must be。have to 有各種時(shí)態(tài)。mustnt不準(zhǔn)禁止have to 不得不dont have to 沒(méi)必要這么做1. Whose T-shirt is this? It _ be Johns. Its much too small for him. 2. The magazine _ be Lilys, for we can find her name on the cover.3. The man _be my English teacher. He has gone to Canada. 4. Difficulties always go with me! Cheer up!

17、If God closes a door in front of you, there _ be a window opened for you.cantmustcantmustUse proper modal verbs to fill in the blanks.5. Whos singing in the garden? It _ be Mr. Brown. He always practices singing at this time. 6. Is the man over there Mr. Brown? It _ be him. He has gone to Brazil to participate in a conference. 7.The woman _ be our English teacher. She has gone to Canada.


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