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1、 -2002學年度第二學期期末教學質量檢測七年級英語試題一、聽力理解(本大題分為 A、B、C、D四部分,共30小題,每小題1分,共30分)A.聽單句(本題有 5小題,每小題l分,共5分)根據所聽句子的內容和所提的問題,選擇符合題意的圖畫回答問題,并將字母編號寫在答題卡上對應的位置。每小題聽一遍。)1. Whats Annies mother doing now?ABCABC)2. What is Lucy good at playing?CABCAB)3. Which picture is the speaker talking about?ABC)4. Whats on sale today

2、?ABCABC)4. Whats on sale today?ABC()5. Where does the woman want to go?ABCB.聽對話(本題有10小題,每小題1分,共10分) 根據所聽內容,回答每段對話后面的問題,在每小題所給的三個選項中選出一個最佳答案,并將字母編號寫在答題卡上對應的位置。每段對話聽兩遍。(C.聽第一段對話,回答第6 小題。) 6. What kind of food does the boy like?A. American food.B. Chinese food.聽第二段對話,回答第7 小題。) 7. What are they talking

3、about?A. The birthday party.B. The camera.聽第三段對話,回答第8 小題。) 8. Which club is the girl going to join?A. The Music Club.聽第四段對話,回答第) 9. Whose book is it?A. Jacks.B. The Tennis Club.9 小題。B. Jims聽第五段對話,回答第10 小題。) 10. What does the woman think of shopping online?A. Interesting.B. Easy聽第六段對話,回答第11-12 小題。) 1

4、1.What colour does the woman take?A. White.B. Black.) 12. Which size does the woman want7A. Size L.B. Size M.聽第七段對話,回答第13-15 小題。) 13. Why did Tony go to Paris ?A. To have a tripB. To study English.) 14. How long did Tony stay there ?A. About half a year.B. About one year.) 15. Where did Tony stay?A.

5、 In the school .B. With a local family .聽獨白。 (本題有10 小題,每小題1 分,共 10 分)C. French foodC. The walletC. The English Club.C. Nicks.C. Bad.C. Red.C. Size S.C. To study French.C. About two years.C. At a hotel .根據所聽內容,從每小題給出的三個選項中,選出一個能完成句子的最佳答案,并將字母編號寫在答題卡上對應的位置。獨白聽兩遍。聽第一篇獨自?;卮鸬?6-20 小題:() 16. Holi is a tra

6、ditional festival in .A. IndiaB. JapanC. Britain() 17.Holi was this year.A. in FebruaryB. on March 13.C. From February to March.() 18. Justin helped his mother cook on Holi.A. fishB. some sweet snacksC. beef noodles() 19. Justin and his friends on Holi.A. played with their water gunB went to the mov

7、ieC. visited their uncles and aunts.() 20. The children usually need to after they have fun with friends on Holi.A. throw dry colourful powder.B. take a showerC. clean up the park聽第二篇獨白,回答第 21-25小題。()21. Li Yuchun became famous because.A. she won the com petition Super GirlB. she danced wellC. she s

8、ang a nice song()22. Li Yuchun held her fourth concert in.A. 2005B.2007C. 2012()23. Li spent lots of time practicing.A. singingB. dancingC. singing and dancing()24.Li is so hard-working that she works for more than hours each dayA. nineB. tenC. eleven()25. Many young people buy her.A. rapesB. CDsC.

9、magazinesD.聽填信息(本題有 5小題,每小趣1分,共5分)。你將聽到一篇寫給 Peter的信件,信件說他們俱樂部要外出旅行。請你根據所聽內容填寫下面的信息卡,并請將答案寫在答題卡相應題目的答題位置上,短文聽兩遍。Lucys Stay in LondonFrom which country26.How long to stay there27.Things to doTake a 28.tour along the River Thames .Visit some famous 29.30.together on Sunday.二、單項填空(共 15題;每小題1分,滿分15分)從A、B

10、、C、D四個選項中,選出可以填入空白處的最佳選項,并在答題卡上將該項涂黑。()31.Steve lives in European country, and he teaches in university there.A./ ; theB. an; theC. a; theD. a; aA./ ; the()32. Walk this forest and you can see a bridge over the Great Valley.A. acrossB. throughC. withD. above()33. - Hi, Anna. Are these your sisters p

11、encils?-Oh, no. Theyre not.A. herB. himC. hersD. his()34. - Do you have this T-shirt in a small?-Im afraid not. It only comes in medium.A. sizeB. colourC. priceD. taste()35.David is a tennis player. He to play tennis when he was six years old.A. beginsB. will beginC. beganD. has begun()36.Can you he

12、lp me the pen? Its under your chair.A. ask forB. look forC. pick upD. put up()37.only the government (政府) used the Internet,now everyone canuse it.A. At fast; butB. In fact; soC. After all; or D. As well;and()38. After longyears of war(戰(zhàn)爭),many peoplein Syria are homeless. I think it isimportant a p

13、eaceful world.A. buildB. builtC. to build D.building()39.-fast China is developing !-Yes, we are so lucky to live in such a great country.A. WhatB. What aC. How aD. HowA. What()40. - How you to school yesterday?-By bike.A. do; goB. do; wentC. did; went D. did; go()41. -does it take you to get to sch

14、ool by bike?-About fifteen minutes.A. How soonB. How oftenC. How longD. How far()42.me a chance and Ill bring you a surprise.A. GiveB. GivingC. GivesD. To give()43. -Why are you in such a hurry?-There a basketball match in 5 minutes.A. will holdB. is going to have C. is going to be D. will nave()44.

15、My brother was with the movie.A. bored; boringB. boring; boring C. bored; bored D. boring; bored()45. -Its very kind of you to help me. Thank you very much.A. Thank you.B. Dont thank me.C. Sorry to help you very little.D. You are welcome三、完形填空(本大題共 10小題,每小題1分,共10分)通讀下面短文,掌握其大意, 然后在各小題所給的四個選項中,選出一個最佳

16、答案, 并將字母編號寫在答題卡上對應的位置。Many people know Robert Schumann ( 舒曼)was an important musician, 46 they dont know that his wife, Clara Schumann, was 47 a musician. In fact, she was more famous than Robert Schumann.Clara was born in 1819. In her time most women did not play music in public (公開). However Clara

17、 started to play the piano in public 48 the age of nine and was very successful. In 1840 Clara got married. She was busy with the housework and her children. It was 49 for her to find time to practise playing the piano. But Clara could 50 forget her love for music. She thought she had to share 51 wi

18、th other people. In 1842, Clara 52 to play in public again. When Robert died in 1856, Clara had to make 53 for their seven children by herself. She 54 music and played the piano for a living ( 維持生活).When she was in trouble music always gave her comfort and joy. Clara 55 at 77. Now people still remem

19、ber her as one of the greatest musicians in history.()46. A. AndB. OrC. ButD. So()47. A. tooB. alsoC. eitherD. as well()48. A. inB. onC. atD. for()49. A. easyB. difficultC. differentD. important()50. A. neverB. sometimesC. alwaysD. often()51. A. oneB. itC. herD. them()52. A. askedB.beganC. finishedD

20、. stopped()53 A. foodB. lifeC. musicD. money()54. A. enjoyedB. learnedC. studiedD. taught()55. A. changedB. livedC. marriedD. died四、閱讀理解(本大題有15 小題,每小題2 分,共 10 分)閱讀下列短文,從每小題所給的四個選項中,選出能回答所提問題或完成所給句子的最佳的答案,并將其字母編號填寫在題前的括號內。Summer holiday is coming! There are exciting films waiting for our students. Be

21、low is what I picked for you. Let s take a look.Spider Man : Far From Home, July 5, USTom Holland, the lead actor of 20 2017s Spider-Man : Homecoming, returns to play Peter, Parker, a high school student who has superpowers after being bitten ( 咬 ) by a spider. Spider-Man will try to return to his “

22、normal (正常 )” self; he will try to find his old powers on his new journey.Hobbs and Shaw , July 26, USTo most people, the Fast and Furious series(速度與激情系歹U ) is all about crazy drivers driving fast in sports cars. But in its spin-off ( 衍生作品) , called Hobbs and Shaw, there is a lot offun all over the

23、place. People cant wait to see these two actors again!The Lion King , July 19, USThis is a new version ( 版本 ) of the classic childrens film. The favourite part of the story has always been the friendship between Simba, Timon and Pimbaa. Timon and Pimbaa tried their best to help Simba become the king

24、 of the Pride Lands.() 56. Peter Parker has superpowers becauseA. he was bitten by a spider() 56. Peter Parker has superpowers becauseA. he was bitten by a spiderC. he is a high school student) 57. If I want to see Hobbs and Shaw, I can go onJuly 5B. July 19) 58. Who are Simbas best friends?A. Timon

25、 and Pimbaa.C. Jason Statham and Dwayne Johnsonhe was born with superpowersD. he is not normal ?July 26D. June 26B. Hobbs and ShawD. Peter and Parker) 59.Which one is NOT TRUE according to the passage?Spider Man will try to find his old powers on his new journey.Fast and Furious series is about craz

26、y drivers driving fast in sports cars.The Lion King is one of classic childrens moviesYou can see Fast and Furious series on July 19. US) 60. Where can we read the passage?B. In a story bookA. In a guide bookB. In a story bookC. In a students magazineD. In a science magazineC. In a students magazine

27、BWe know that many children have problems in learning body language. If your child does, here are some ways to help them.Match the actions to the messagesTeach your child that different body language can show special feelings. When someone isstanding and playing with the fingers, it means that he or

28、 she is losing patience. Or he or shedoesnt catch what youre saying.ExamplesIf youre watching TV together, you can turn off the sound. Then you can ask him. Why do you think the person felt that way? And you can say things like his face was red. It helps your child know the way of showing feelings.P

29、lay gamesIt is good for all families to play a game about body language. You can write different feelings on cards, such as happiness, sadness, anger and so on. Then some of you draw pictures and show them, and the remaining families try to guess what they are. You all may have much fun.Think moreOn

30、ly the actions cant show all feelings. You need to teach children to think about sound and words to get all the information.()61. When someone is playing with the fingers, it may show that he or she.A. is losing patienceB. is worriedC. is sadD. knows what youre saying()62. If parents watch TV with c

31、hildren, they can to help children learn body language.A. turn off the TVB. turn off the soundC. play a game about body language D. match the actions to the sound ()63. The underline word remaining probably means in Chinese?A.年長的B.不幸的C.剩余的D.全部的()4. How many ways does the writer give us in the passag

32、e?A. 1.B. 2.C. 3.D. 4.()65. The best title (標題)of this passage is.A. Learning Body LanguageB. Body Language is ImportantC. Childrens Body LanguageD. Different Body LanguageC 配對閱讀。請閱讀以下人員的相關信息,然后匹配他們感興趣的活動,并將字母編號寫在題號前的括號內。()66. Peter wants to be a basketball player()67. Helen enjoys skating with her

33、friendNancy()68. The Green6 plan for a family nightout. They would like a place for their kids to eat and relax.()69. John is a fan of South Giants. Hewould like to watch them play.()70. Betty wants to be a volunteer (志愿者)to help make the city better.Lets go skating!30km on wheels (輪子)At Blue Sky Pa

34、rkMovie nightAt the Phoenix Arts CentreNeighborhood night marketAll kinds of food, toys for children, and sports gamesAt Shelton town centre from 7 p.m.-9 p.m.Basketball gameSun Tigers vs South GiantsSaturday 25 AugustBasketball Players WantedIf you want to join the team, write to me and answer thes

35、e questions!My email address is Paul 225 .Tour to the City Museum1:40 p.m. meet at the school gateAn organization to help the environment ( 環(huán)境)Help the city become cleaner五、短文填空(本大題有10小題,每小題1.5分,共15分)。請用適當的詞完成下面的短文,并把所缺單詞填寫在答題卡指定的位置上,每個空只能填寫一個形式正確,意義相符的詞。The Chinese-born American architect Ieoh Ming

36、 Pei ( 貝聿銘)is 71 of the most creative architects (建筑 幣)of our times. He once said that buildings can not only carry on _72 also show our culture.Ieoh Ming Pei was 73 in Guangzhou, China on April 26,1917. He 74 at 102 on May 16, 2019. For the past half-century, Ieoh Ming Pei borrowed from many cultur

37、es in 75 designs (設計).His father was 76 famous banker(銀行家).In 1935,77 he was 17 yearsold, he came to the United States to study architecture(建筑).In 1964, Jacqueline Kennedyselected Pei to design the Kennedy library. After that he became 78 all of the world. In 1983, French President asked Pei to hel

38、p make the Louvre Museum more modern. It 79 ten yearsto finish the glass pyramid at the Louvre Museum. In his life, about half of his 80 won important awards (獎項).六、讀寫綜合。(本大題分A、B兩部分,共20分)A信息歸納。請閱讀下面這篇文章,根據所提供的信息,完成信息卡,把答案填寫在答題卡指定位置上。(共5小題,每小題1分,共5分)I always enjoy my summer holidays. Do you? During s

39、ummer holidays, I like to relax and forget about school. I dont have to get up early and I can see my friends any time I want.I usually spend my holidays with my parents. We go to different places in Britain and sometimes we go to foreign countries. In Britain, I like going to Devon, Somerset and Sc

40、otland, but my favourite place of all is Yorkshire. It has large farms and special building. The only problem is the weather. It often rains.Last summer. I took two trips. One was in Somerset by the sea, and the other was in Naples, Italy. I went to Italy with my mother by train. The journey took tw

41、enty-eight hours. We had a great time there.Information cardThe people I usually spend holidays with81.My favourite place to visit in Britain82.The weather problem in Yorkshire83.The transportation(交通工具 )we took to get to Naples84.The time the journey took85.B.書面表達。(本題15分)根據要求完成短文寫作,請將作文寫在答題卡指定的位置上。假如彳是Tony,請根據提示給你的 Grandma寫一封郵件,介紹你上周去北京參加“體驗中國”的經歷,內容包括:l,與中國學生一起學習,交談,周末參加體育運動;2.游覽北京的名勝古跡,如Summer Palace, the Forbidden City等,品嘗了


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