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1、Aa bond/bridge of friendship 友誼的橋梁a battle of wits 斗智斗勇a close match 勢均力敵的比賽a chip off the old block 一個模子刻出來的(和文字)a definite idea 明確的想法a desperate shortage (局勢、情形)危急的,極其嚴峻的短缺a disturbing / tricky problem 棘手的問題a faint /slim/dim/slender/remote/slight chancea feather in your cap 卓越的成就a flash in the pan

2、 曇花一現(xiàn)a hot potato 燙手的山芋a new broom sweeps clean 新官上任三把火a peace settlement 和平解決方案a person of vision 有遠見的人a positive attitude toward life can determine how far you can go 積極的人生態(tài)度會決定你取得多大的成就a reluctant smile/force a smile 強顏歡笑,猶豫a superior attitude 指高氣昂a sincerely held belief 虔誠的信仰hold a beliefa tough

3、nut 頑固的人a controversial figure 飽受爭議的人物a wave of panic swept through the villagersan immense amount of 大量的abandon hope 放棄希望arouse anger/fear/dislike 激起憤怒/恐懼/厭惡arouse one s interest 激起,興起absence make the heart grow fonder 距離產(chǎn)生美(小別勝新婚)achieve one s life goal 實現(xiàn)人生目標act on a sudden impulse 一時沖動actions sp

4、eak louder than words 行動永遠勝于語言add variety /color to his daily routine 豐富生活address a meeting/crowd 在會上/對人群發(fā)表演說ahead of schedule 提前aim high 志向遠大alternative plan 備用方案alternative treatment 偏方all thoughts rush through my mind/crowd in 涌上心頭appeal to =call on 呼吁argue sb. into/out of doing 不要as long ago as

5、(date back to ) 追溯回到as the saying goes, there is no smoke withoutfire 俗話說無風(fēng)不起浪as tough as nails / old boots 非常堅強的,能吃苦的as fit as a fiddle 健康 小提琴as asleep as a log (原木)at a delicate stage 微妙的階段at the expense of 以(損害)為代價,spare no expense spare no expense 不惜代價17. be more of thanattach importance to sth.

6、對非常重視all good deeds ,whether big or small, make a differencea life of plenty 富足的生活a neat /elegant/solution 好的解決方法Bbare essentials 必需品beshort of hands缺人手beattached to sth/sb非常喜歡beacquaint with 了解beon edge 惴惴不安be immobilized like a statue 像雕像一樣一動不動be soaked in 充滿 eg. a city soaked in history歷史悠久的城市be

7、in good shape 狀態(tài)良好be numb with terror 嚇呆了be paralyzed by shock/scare (因害怕或驚訝而)無法動彈be full of doom and gloom 悲觀情緒be hemmed in 被限制住be amply rewarded 得到豐厚回報be directly relevant to 與相關(guān)聯(lián)的be bent on doing sth決心要be overcomed by (emotion or etc) 被某種情感左右be adj. to a great extent 在相當 /很大 / 某種程度上be well beyond

8、 our range 超過能力范圍be employed in doing sth 忙于be assoiled by sb. 被一be a sitting duck 坐以待斃be torn by 多的指教be capable of doing 有能力做be divorce from reality 脫離現(xiàn)實be devoured by 充滿(無法擺脫的強烈情感)beyond description/word 難以言表beyond match 無與倫比beyond one s reach 無法達到的beyond doubt /question 毋庸置疑bend the rule 開后門bird

9、s eye view of 鳥瞰betray sb. s trust 辜負某人的信任take sth. on trust 憑空相信be bent on doing 下決心做before you know it 在不知不覺之中bear responsibility / the blame 承擔責(zé)任/應(yīng)受責(zé)備beyond exportations 超出預(yù)期bet one s life 打包票 =we can safely assume that40. big ideas 不切實際的想法16. 40. big ideas 不切實際的想法41.bite off more than one can ch

10、ew 一口吃成個胖1.capured the imagination of 讓癡迷子2.cause damage to 造成破壞42.blow the final whistle 吹終場哨3.casual meeting 巧遇43.block ones view /sight擋住4.casual worker / staff 臨時工44.bleed sb. dry / white 榨干5.casting our neat wide 廣泛撒網(wǎng)45.bounce back 恢復(fù)元氣,重新振興6.choke back the tears 咽回淚水46.boost sb. s confidence/m

11、orale/ego 增強某人的7.catch a glimpse of 驚鴻一瞥自信心/士氣/自尊8.cast a shadow over 投下47.break the wold records 打破世界紀錄9.cautious optimism 謹慎樂觀48.bring sth to trial 移交法院審理10.carved out a career 建功立業(yè)49.brighten the lives of 為帶來了快樂11.carve out a reputation 贏得名聲50.bring tears to your eyes 使人熱淚奪眶而出12.can t but admit 我

12、不得不承認51.bring a lump to one s throat 使人哽咽13.can t bear the thought of / think about不堪設(shè)52.breathed their lost想53.burst one s bubble 幻想破滅14.capture sb. imagination/attention 喚起某人54.burn the midnight oil 開夜車想像、吸引某人注意55.bury sth in your memory 試圖忘記15.clutch at straws 抓住救命稻草56.bury one s head in the sand

13、 逃避危機(鴕鳥政16.challenge one s physical limits 挑戰(zhàn)生理極限策)17.cherish the hope that=hold out much/no hope57.by nature 天生珍愛,珍惜58.by sheer coincidence 純屬巧合18.changes are that 概率是,可能性是59.by virtue of 由于,憑借19.circulate knowledge /circulate rumor 傳播知識/60.bring conversation around 轉(zhuǎn)移話題傳播謠言61.by pure chance/sheer

14、 coincidence 純屬巧合20.claim possession of聲稱擁有主權(quán)21.clear their conscience (承認錯誤以)解除內(nèi)疚感22.climb up social ladders 提高社會地位Ces into conflict 發(fā)生沖突come back to my sense 恢復(fù)理智come to my rescue 救援come back on safe and sound 安然無恙common knowledge 常識conservancycontribute an article to a magazine 投稿contribute money

15、 to /donate 捐款combine business with pleasure 勞逸結(jié)合conclude an agreement 達成協(xié)議、締結(jié)條約、簽訂合同congratulate oneself on doing sth 暗自慶幸condemn sb. to do 設(shè)定,派遣count on the fingers of one hand 寥寥無幾;屈指可數(shù)count for something /anything/more 重要, 很有價值contain their greed /angerconfirms me in the belief 確認了我的想法curse fate

16、 怨天尤人curriculum reform 課程改革currency inflation 通貨膨脹Ddeath and rebirth 衰亡和復(fù)興debt of gratitude 人情債deep division 嚴重分歧densely populated 人口稠密deliver a speech/lecture/talk 發(fā)言 /授課/講話等department of human resource 人力資源部department concerned 相關(guān)部門depart from routine / standard practice /oldcustoms 常規(guī) /慣例/舊風(fēng)俗dete

17、rmine life and death 決定生死desperate attempt /effort /measures (危急時刻)孤注一擲的,鋌而走險的despite our best endeavors 我們雖然盡了最大努力display awesome destructive power 顯示出令人敬畏的毀滅性的能力dealt a heavy blow 重擊division of labor 勞動分工division of power 權(quán)力分配dirert attention from into從轉(zhuǎn)移注意力do with great tact 八面玲瓏do sth. forfree/n

18、othing義務(wù)做do sth as a favor 作為幫忙dosb s credit給爭光,給帶來榮譽draw a tie / end in a tie 打成平局dread to think 不敢想像dwelling on /focus on 細想1.It s easier said than done 說時容易做時難后果2.easy target (易受到攻擊的)目標6.feel bound to do 覺得是份內(nèi)事3.eliminate misunderstanding 消除誤解7.feel the sudden urge 沖動4.employed meager8.first impr

19、essions really do count 第一印象確實5.endeavour to do sth 努力,奮斗很重要6.erupted in to shouting9.fish in troubled water 渾水摸魚7.escape narrowly 死里逃生10.fight like a cornered animal 作困獸之斗8.escaped death by inches 擦肩而過11.fire brigade/department/station 消防隊9.excited a peculiar fascination on 施加一種特有12.for the meantim

20、e 目前,眼下的吸引力13.fortune smiles on 命運垂青于10.exchanged a word 交談14.fortune tellers 算命先生11.express one s worries over sth. 表/、對的關(guān)心15.found its target/mark 擊中目標12.expecting a donkey to sing a beautiful tune16.found my feet 站穩(wěn)腳跟13.extravagant 浪費的,奢侈的17.found my tongue( 激動/緊張得)說不出話14.exert every effect 盡一切努力

21、18.for the sake/reason of security 出于安全考慮15.exert a peculiar fascination 施加一種特有的吸19.for the sake of sb 看在的份上引力20.frighten sb. out of their wits 嚇得魂飛魄散16.exert a influence/pressure on 施加影響/壓力21.from scratch 從零開始;白手起家17.evil influence 極惡劣的影響22.from a reliable source 可靠的來源23.further study 深造24.full-sca

22、le invasion 全面的入侵25.fuel peoples rage 狂怒add fuel to the flamesF26.fulfill one s ambition 實現(xiàn)抱負1.fail/decline/deteriorate health 健康衰退2.failed to conceal her excitement3.fall into the abyss of evil 罪惡的深淵4.fall the music 面對不快的現(xiàn)實E5. face the consequences of our own action 承擔Ggain the upper hand 占據(jù)上風(fēng)gener

23、ate emotional response 激起情感反應(yīng)get nowhere 不成功的(bear no fruit )get to the bottom of sth. 徹底弄清get tough with 對 施以嚴懲get into a panic 恐慌throw sb into anextreme panic 使陷入恐慌get to the bottom of sth. 徹底弄清get the slightest idea about =not have the faintest idea about 根本不知道get tough on /with 采取強硬措施get /be car

24、ried away 失去自制力,忘乎所以,忘形get a convincing win over 完勝get a raw deal 受到不公正待遇get too big for your boot 自高自大give expression to one s anger 表達不滿give priority to 優(yōu)先權(quán)go to great lengths to do 竭盡全力go up in flames /smoke 付之一炬grind to a halt(車 ) 慢慢停下grasp a chance / opportunity (急切地 )抓住機會green issue 環(huán)保問題give s

25、b. the privilege of doing sth. 特許某人做give an interesting presentation( 陳述,說明)glow with pride/pleasure 因自豪/愉快等而容光煥發(fā)hard-earned money 血汗錢harsh reality 殘酷的現(xiàn)實hatching a plot 密謀have (a ) command of 掌握、精通(尤指語言)have no choice but to (can t help but do )have the nerve /courage to do 有膽量做have a firm belief (堅

26、決相信)in what goesaround comes around 因果循環(huán)have an appetite for 喜歡 一have a flash of inspiration/brilliance 靈光一閃have prejudice against 對有偏見have - to one s name 擁有have meant/intended/wanted 原打算have something done before the deadline 在最后期限前have much affection for (attectionate towards)對很有感情have no alterna

27、tive 別無選擇have load off one s mind 心里的石頭落地have a crash on 迷戀having a thick shinhas no equal /match in 舉世無雙has a tendency tohave wide appeal from 有廣泛的吸引力23.his heart swell with pride9.impose /place tight restrictions on sth. 規(guī)定 /24.his dismay( 沮 喪 ) melted( 消 失 ) away實施、限制unconsciously(不知不覺)10.in an a

28、ttempt to 為了25.his greed knows no limit11.in the meantime 在此期間,與此同時26.his powerful ideas undoubtedly shaped Cerfering in 干涉society and ernal affairs 內(nèi)政27.his reputation14.instil sth in/into sb. 逐漸灌輸(思想或行為方28.hit the roof 暴跳如雷式)29.holds a mistaken belief 錯誤認為15.indulge in self pity 自憐自哀30.hold the vi

29、ew 持觀點16.indulgesbs every whim 百衣百順31.hold the word records 保持世界紀錄17.in an attempt to = aim to32.hold /deep sb. prisoner/hostage/captive 將某18.in appreciation of 以示謝意人做為囚犯/人質(zhì) /俘虜19.in snatches 斷斷續(xù)續(xù)的33.hold a position /rank/job 擁有職位/級別/工作20.in other word =namely 即,那就是21.in full flow(講話)滔滔不絕,口若懸河22.in

30、spite of oneself 不由自主的23.in the pride of 處于頂峰(時期)24.in terms of 從方 回來說I25.it comes as no surprise that不足為奇1.If my memory serves me well, 如果我沒記錯26.it proved to be a false alarm 虛驚一場的話27.It s no good crying over spilt milk 覆水難收2.Im in a dilemma whether 處于兩難的境地28.It never rains but it pours 禍不單行3.I see

31、 no point in , there is no point in 無用的29.It tales all sorts 無奇不有4.I chose the lesser of the two evils 兩害取其輕30.It dawned on me that 突然明白5.it was disturbing to think 想到就寢食難安31.It can not be a coincidence that6.it s common sense that 常識32.it sticks out a mile ( when )顯而易見,一目了7.improve oneself (優(yōu)指通過教育)

32、求上進然22. has the distinction of 獲的榮譽8. imprinted in his mind forever 銘記在心33. it sticks out a mile 顯而易見J1. job hunting 求職KKeep track of sb/sth 掌握某人的蹤跡;跟上某事的進展keep the work around the clock 夜以繼日的工作keep /stand on one s dignity 保持尊嚴keep his figure 保持體型keep a low profile 低調(diào)know sth. as the plum of one s h

33、and 了如指掌Llay their hands on 找到、得到largely depends on 很大程度上,取決于launch an appeal 發(fā)出呼吁live in the depth of despair 絕望的深淵live under the same roof 住在一起,生活在同一屋瞻下lead an orderly life 有規(guī)律的生活leave sth. to chance 聽天由命,順其自然leave up to one s expectations 達到某人預(yù)期leave the nest and seek our fortune on our ownleave

34、a lot to be desired 有待改進let out the secret 泄露秘密let out a scream /cry /roar 發(fā)出尖叫聲/喊叫聲 /吼叫聲let things slide 任由事態(tài)發(fā)展lift rule/law/ban 撤消規(guī)則/法律 /禁止limit their consumption 消費、消耗live a life of plenty =be left for nothing 豐衣足食lived up to his reputation 名副其實live one s belief 身體力行l(wèi)ive up to people s expectatio

35、ns 滿足某人的要求lie in the bed you made 咎由自取long-term use of fertilizers 長期使用化肥loss and gain 得失loss in thought 陷入沉思loss the trail of 失去蹤跡lose one s temper 發(fā)火lose touch 失去聯(lián)系lose one s edge 失去優(yōu)勢lull sb. to sleep 哄入睡look at it from different anglesleading a simple life 過著簡樸的生活narrow horizons 眼界狹小的女子make a de

36、sperate attempt to escapenot have the faintest idea 根本不知道m(xù)ake a wild guess 瞎猜never fade from his memory 銘記在心make an educated guess 有根據(jù)的猜想never be erased from his memory 銘記在心make one s flesh creep 令人毛骨悚然no self-respecting(proud) 沒有尊嚴的5. make the slightest difference 有微小的差別make blood boil 怒火中燒make blo

37、od boil 怒火中燒/ stir one s blood熱血沸騰make a revolutionary breakthrough 革命性的突 破making so much fuss over 小題大做means very little to him 對他沒什么意義meet the deadline 如期完成meek and mild 言聽計從meet sb s expectation 滿足期望meet with no response 受到 / be greeted with 對作出反應(yīng)meet the need 滿足需求melting pot 融爐my mind go blank 大

38、腦一片空白military conflict 軍事沖突morale ( 士 氣 、 斗 志 、 精 神 面 貌 ) keepup/maintain morale ; boost/improve/raise moraleOobserves the commitment 信守承諾obey the rules to the letter 不折不扣的owe to 歸咎于not do sth by half(halves) 一絲不茍one s eyes glisten with tears 閃爍著淚光one s work pile upone man s meat is another man s po

39、ison 各有所 愛one bitten twice shy 一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井繩one s eyes locked with mine 眼神交會on the contrary 相反ominous sign 不詳?shù)嫩E象or rather 更確切地說on the horns( 號角 ) of dilemma 進退維谷on a large scale 很大程度上,大規(guī)模的on sb S behave為而盡力,為的利益of practical value 有現(xiàn)實意義on a large scale 大規(guī)模的18. nod off 打瞌睡one 18. nod off 打瞌睡one s anger

40、melted awayon mature reflection/consideration 經(jīng)過仔細考慮owe sb. a favor 欠某人的情Ppocket to one s dignity 放下架子plunge into 使陷入plunge sb./sth into sth 使某人 /某物陷于(遭受)某種情況plunge into despair /gloom 陷入絕望/憂傷present sb. with a award /p ride給頒獎professional complainer 老發(fā)嘮叨的人professional lire 說謊不打草稿的人polish the apple

41、拍馬屁apple polisher 馬屁精poison the minds of ( 人 )惡毒的poke/stick one s nose into 多管閑事passengers are packed like sardines 乘客擁擠put a curse on sb. 詛咒某人put sth. in the shade 使遜色pour scorn on 不屑一顧powers of darkness 邪惡勢力practical problem 實際的困難put sb. up給安排住宿pulsed through 強烈的感受到put in time and effort 投入時間與精力pa

42、ralyze it completely 使不能正常支運轉(zhuǎn),使陷入癱瘓pester sb. to do sth 一再要求,糾纏play a part in doing 起作用prepare the ground /way for為打好基礎(chǔ)(準備條件)put sth to the vote 投票表決put sth in the shade 使遜色put down deep roots 根系長得很深put down roots 扎根put one s pride in one s pocket 控制自尊心pocket to one s dignity 放下架子pipe dream 空想、白日夢Rr

43、ack one s brain 絞盡腦汁raise one s eyebrows表驚訝或反對raise/lift/ remove restrictions 解除限制raise the alarm 提高警覺raise one s eyebrows皺眉頭preserve one s good looks 貯顏有術(shù)6.raise concerns about 增力口對的關(guān)注觀點7.raise one s awareness of 提高認識3.scratch the surface of 觸及表面8.raise a storm of objection 引起強烈反對4.see much of the

44、world 閱歷豐富9.random sampling 抽樣檢驗5.set sb. of a task /homework 布置任務(wù)/作業(yè)10.raw data /statistics 原始數(shù)據(jù)、統(tǒng)計數(shù)字等等11.remain immortal 流芳百世6.set the alarm 設(shè)鬧鐘12.remain well-informed 消息靈通7.set the table=lay the table 擺餐桌13.representative of the views of8.set the trend for 開創(chuàng)14.receive the both praise and abuse 毀

45、譽摻半9.set a trap 設(shè)陷阱15.resist the temptation 抵制(拒絕)誘惑10.set a fire 放火16.restored my faith 重塑信心11.set a example for/to 做出榜樣;樹立典范17.retrace one s step 原路返回12.set a pattern for 做出例子18.regular as clockwork 準時地13.seal the victory 鎖定勝局19.regain my confidence 重拾信心14.set the world records 創(chuàng)世界紀錄20.reveal one

46、s true colors 顯出本來面目15.set up one s spiritual home in 建立精神家園21.rise like a phoenix from the asbe 東山再起16.serve the people heart and soul 全心全意為人22.rise to their feet 站起民服務(wù)23.religious beliefs and practices 宗教信仰和習(xí)俗17.sharp tongue 說話尖酸刻薄24.roar with laughter18.shaking with fear 害怕得發(fā)抖25.rough night 一夜未眠1

47、9.share both happiness and sorrow 同甘共苦26.rules be bent=bent the rule 通融,開綠燈20.sharpen fears of 使某種(感覺)增強;使 (感覺)更緊迫21. shed/cast/throwTight on 使清楚的顯出來,解釋S22. shiver with cold1.salvage one s reputation 挽回聲譽23. short-sighted 近視、短視24. show signs of Mtf的跡象2. sb. are divided about /over 們在上有不同25. shooting

48、 star 流星26. shooting stardom50. strike terror into ones heart 使感到可怕 /害26. shooting stardomshut close one s eyes to the fact 逃避現(xiàn)實shortly afterwards = after a short while 不一會兒sing high praise for 高度贊賞smile - radiates love and warmth 散發(fā)一small gifts of money / pocket money / extraincome零花錢sow the seed o

49、f doubt埋下懷疑的禍根special economic barrier 經(jīng)濟特區(qū)spare no expense 不惜代價at the expense of以(損害)為代價speak his mind 直抒胸意spare no expense to 不遺余力settle the conflict 平息爭端stick in one s throat 如能在喉sth was inspired by 以為靈感sth is no mranfeat某事不是輕而易舉的sth occupiers one s mind 占據(jù)stainless repution 清譽stay fresh in his m

50、ind 銘記在心struggle against fortune與命運抗爭stock market股市studies showthat有研究表明strike a chord激起共鳴stubborn stain污漬strike a small blow for liberty以實際行動維護、怕/毛骨悚然stand in the spot light 成為矚目的焦點suffer a heavy loss 遭受重創(chuàng)summon up (使出)力氣;(鼓起)勇氣;(振作)精神swallow his pride 忍辱含垢sweat buckets 汗如雨下swim with /the tide agai

51、n 潮流Ttake steps 采取措施take a chance抓住機會/冒風(fēng)險take the rough with the smooth 上得庭堂,下得廚房take off my hat to 向致敬take the tough with the smooth上得廳堂,下得廚房take sth into account 把考慮進來take sth for granted 認為理所當然take a leap of imagination to 要發(fā)揮豐富想象才能take no side 保持中立支持支持take sides with (在辯論中)支持、偏袒(某6. 6. with one

52、voice 異口同聲一方)take one s demands into consideration 考慮某人的要求tear yourself away (from) 使依依不舍地離開tears well up in one s eyes 熱淚盈眶tears run/stream down one s face/cheeks 淚流滿面team spirit = the spirit of teamwork 團隊精神the dust has settled 塵埃落定the scene of the crime 犯罪現(xiàn)場the traffic pile up 交通擁擠the road is choke by (a truck


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