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1、2023學(xué)年九上英語期末模擬測試卷考生須知:1全卷分選擇題和非選擇題兩部分,全部在答題紙上作答。選擇題必須用2B鉛筆填涂;非選擇題的答案必須用黑色字跡的鋼筆或答字筆寫在“答題紙”相應(yīng)位置上。2請用黑色字跡的鋼筆或答字筆在“答題紙”上先填寫姓名和準(zhǔn)考證號。3保持卡面清潔,不要折疊,不要弄破、弄皺,在草稿紙、試題卷上答題無效。. 單項(xiàng)選擇1、Richard Gere _ a super model called Cindy Crawford in 1991, but they ended their marriage in 1995. Actually, they _ only for four

2、years since they fell in love with each other.Awas married to; got marriedBgot married to; have marriedCmarried; have been marriedDgot married with; are married2、- Id like to introduce my best friend to you , Peter .- Thank you , Lucy . But we _already .Ameet Bmet Cwill meet Dhave met3、Look in the m

3、irror. What happened_ your face?Oh, theres some ink on my face.AtoBonCinDwith4、Jolin, how long have you been a teacher as a pop star?_ the end of last month, after Jolins English Diary Book came out.ASinceBInCByDAt5、The Hollywood blockbuster A Star Is Born starred by Lady Gaga has received many prai

4、ses around the world. And the music is fantastic, too. the movie is!AWhat wonderfulBHow wonderfulCHow a wonderfulDWhat a wonderful6、Would you like to do _ interesting with me?Id love to, but I have a piano lesson this afternoon.Asomething Banything Cnothing Deverything7、Here we are. Leave you son to

5、 the doctors. _.ATake your timeBIt doesnt matterCTake it easyDThats too bad8、 Is this _ volleyball, girls?No. It isnt _.Ayour; oursByours; mineCyour; ourDyour; my9、Haidian All Stars have won most of the matches.Wrong! All of the matches!_, Tony. Youve got no chance!AFace the truthBNice workCHave a n

6、ice tripDLet me have a look10、I have got an “A” in my English test. _ATake it easy.BHave a good time.CIs that so?DCongratulations!. 完形填空11、Long ago, there was a scholar(書生)in Yunnan, China. He studied for an important exam in a small house on an island and his 1 had to walk a long way and cross a br

7、idge to take meals to him every day. But when she arrived, the food had become cold 2 the long route(路線). The cold food gave the scholar a stomach pain, 3 his wife was very worried about him.One day, the wife cooked chicken soup in an earthen pot, 4 some rice noodles, meat and vegetables. As usual,

8、she crossed the bridge, but when she arrived, she was 5 to find that the pot was still hot. After a careful examination, the scholar 6 why: there was thick chicken oil on the surface of the soup, which made it difficult for the 7 to come out of the earthen pot. Since then, the scholar often had this

9、 kind of food and kept in good health. He threw himself into study and 8 succeeded in the exam. When other scholars came to congratulate him, he asked his wife to 9 them with the special food. They asked what the delicious meal was. Thinking of the bridge 10 crossed every day, the wife replied, “Cro

10、ssing- the-bridge rice noodles.” Soon, it became famous and spread widely.1AdaughterBgrandmotherCwife2AwithoutBbecause ofCthrough3AbutBthroughCso4AaddingBmakingCbuying5AworriedBsurprisedCsorry6Aasked forBfound outClooked for7AheatBsoupCnoodles8AfinalBusuallyCfinally9AguideBfollowCtreat10AheBsheCthey

11、. 語法填空12、閱讀下面短文,在空白處填入適當(dāng)?shù)膬?nèi) b 容(不多于 3 個(gè)單詞)或括號內(nèi)單詞的正確形式。請務(wù)必將1-10 小題的答案寫在答題卡的相應(yīng)位置!In our daily life, our parents do many things for us . 1what can we do for them? Students in one class got special homework last weekend. They were asked to wash their parents feet.However, only 12 out of 54 students2(fini

12、sh)the homework. Some said it was a funny thing,while others just thought the teacher was3(try ) to attract attention. They even asked, “ They can take a shower. Why should we wash our parents feet?. However, the teacher had his own idea. “I want them to know how hard their parents work4(support)the

13、m. Washing feet is just a way of showing love,” he said.Respecting5(parent )has always been considered as a virtue (美德). However, nowadays many young people dont respect6(they) parents and some even do cruel things to parents. They got angry7(easy )when they thought their parents were too strict wit

14、h their studies.When one student wanted to wash his parents feet,his father said: “Why ,my son?Are you in need of money?”Another student Andy said he washed his parents feet 8about five minutes. And he found its 9useful experience. “I talked a lot with my parents while washing their feet, he said. A

15、s I grow up, I would possibly talk to my teacher that we all think doing this homework has made us 10(close) to our parents. 閱讀理解A13、Hip hop or rap (說唱) music started on the street and in the clubs of the New York City in the 1970s. People rap to express how they feel about their lives and problems.

16、Rapping in class.Would you like to rap in class? Well, actually hip pop music is played in more than 10,000 schools in the USAWhy? There is a new school program called “Flocabulary” in which teachers use texts and hip hop CDs to help teach different school subjects. The words of the songs are just w

17、hat students are studying. This makes learning easy and fun. Students and teachers are excited about the good results it has had on exam marks. Mr. Lee, a teacher in a high school, said, “Ive used hip hop songs in class, and I have never seen my students so crazy about history! You cant imagine how

18、well they remember what I teach! We even try to write our own songs.”Whose idea was Flocabulary?Blake Harrison, a high school student, was the first person to come up with the idea of Flocabulary. The word “Flocabulary” comes from the word “flow” and “vocabulary”. “Flow” is a rap word for “style”, o

19、r the way a rapper says the words of a song. “Vocabulary” means the words you have to learn in a language. How did he get the idea? Well, he realized he could remember the words of a hip hop song very easily. So, why not make lessons into songs? Today together with Alex Rappaport, a song writer, Bla

20、ke produces hip hop songs for math, science and literature (文學(xué)). They are now used in schools with great success.1Rap music started _ in the New York City in the 1970s.Ain a high school Bin a music classCon the street Din a CD shop2From the passage, we can learn “Flocabulary” is a program to _.Awrit

21、e rap music Bremember the words of a songCwrite our own songs Dhelp teach school subjects3Blake has produced hip hop sings for school subjects EXCEPT _.Amath BhistoryCscience DLiteratureB14、311 Gardener StreetLos Angeles, CA50031September 12Relex Company33 Pearl StreetClifton, NJ03013Dear Sir or Mad

22、am:A year ago I bought a Relex camera second hand. Its a SW 301 model, and its about five years old. Heres my problem: The light metre was fine when I bought the camera, but now it isnt working and my pictures are coming out too dark. I checked the batteries, and they are still good. I took the came

23、ra to some repair shops, but they said they couldnt repair it because the model is too old and they dont have the necessary part.Do you have the parts for this model in stock? If so, could I send you the camera for repairs? How much would the repairs cost? Im going to buy your new SW400 model in abo

24、ut six months, but I would still like to fix this old one.Thank you very much.Sincerely yoursSarah H, McDaniel1What does the Relex Company make?ALights. BCameras.CBatteries. DLamps.2When Sarah got the camera, _.Ait worked very wellBit didnt have any batteriesCthe light meter doesnt work wellDit didn

25、t take good photos3Whats wrong with Sarahs photos?AThey arent light enough.BThey arent dark enough.CYou cant see themDThey are too colourful.4How old is Sarahs camera?AOne. BFive.CSix. DAbout six.5Sarah plans to get a new camera, _.Aso she doesnt need her old oneBand she wants Relex to give it to he

26、r for freeCand she wants to send the old one to her friendDbut she still wants her old one repairedC15、Overhead bridges are found in many parts of Nanjing, especially in places where traffic is very heavy and crossing the road is very dangerous.The purpose of these bridges is to enable passengers to

27、 cross road safely. Overhead bridges are used in very much the same way as zebra crossings. They are more efficient although less convenient because people have to climb up a long flight of steps. This is inconvenient especially to old people. When passengers using_, traffic is held up. This is why

28、the government has built many overhead bridges to help passengers and to keep traffic moving at the same time.The government of Nanjing has spent much money in building these bridges. For their own safety, passengers should be encouraged to use. They cant risk their lives by running across the road.

29、 Old people may think that it is a little difficult to climb up and down the steps, but it is much safer than walking across the road with all the dangerous of moving traffic.Overhead bridges serve a very useful purpose. Passengers, both old and young, should make it a habit to use them. This will p

30、revent unnecessary accidents and loss of life.1What is the advantage(優(yōu)點(diǎn)) of overhead bridges mentioned in this passage?ATaller trucks can pass under them.BPassengers can climb up and have a good view of the city.CThey are safer for the passengers and keep traffic moving at the same time.DThey are ea

31、sier and more convenient for the passengers.2Why were overhead bridges built in Nanjing?ABecause they stop traffic from being held up.BBecause they provide an easy way for the drivers to cross the road.CBecause they save money for the government.DBecause they save time for the passengers.3Which of t

32、he following statements is true according to the passage?AOverhead bridges are found in every part of Nanjing.BOverhead bridges are found in the centre of Nanjing.COverhead bridges are found in many parts of big cities in China.DOverhead bridges are found in places where traffic is heavy.4The underl

33、ined words “ a zebra crossing” probably mean _.Aa safe place across road for passengers to walk across the roadBa wild animal from Africa that looks like a horse with black and white colour on its bodyCa safe place across a road for zebras to walk across the roadDa safe place across a road for child

34、ren to play a game.5Whats the writers attitude(態(tài)度)towards overhead bridges?AIt is inconvenient for old people to walk across the road.BIt is much safer for the passengers though climbing up and down the steps may be a little difficultCAn overhead bridge is more beautiful than a zebra crossing.DTo bu

35、ild overhead bridges is the business of the government.D16、This is a book show. Read and enjoy them in your free time! Lets dopleasure reading together.Greg Heffley is at school. His middle school isgoing to hold a dance party, but it is very difficult forGreg to find anyone to go with. Finally he f

36、inds a girlfrom his class luckily. That is the beginning of the thirdWheel story. This book is full of jokes and interestingpictures.By Jeff KinnneyBeans older sister goes to a summer camp, butBean cant join her because she is too young. So Beanand her best friend, Ivy, decide to create their owncam

37、p. They come up with all the activities and, ofcourse, they make the rules. Their happiness andkindness will,make you want to keep readingBy Annie BarrowsStick Dog is a dog that lives in an empty pipe(管子) . He has four friends, named Pooh-Pooh., Strips, Karenand Mutt. When Stick Dog smells delicious

38、 hamburgers,he and his friends decide to steal the food from a humanfamily that is having a picnic in Picasso Park. Along theway,they face a lot of funny challenges.By Tom WatsonZoe and Alices mother saves dogs. But dogs arentthe only things that need to be saved. The familys newneighbour, Philip, d

39、oesnt speak, and no one knowswhy. White Fur Flying is all about understanding thelove from both inside and outside. Although it is a littlesad,the book is good to read.By Patricia Maclachlan1We can find out_ is filled with lots of funny jokes and pictures.AThe Third WheelBStick DogCWhite Fur FlyingD

40、Ivy and Bean2What do Bean and Ivy decide to do?AJoin a school dancing party.BSteal food from the family.CSave dogs in their community.DSet up their own camp.3What does the writer think of the book White Fur Flying?AFunny.BHumorous.CA little sad.DBoring.4The books above are mainly written for _.Amidd

41、le-aged adultsBkids or teenagersCelderly peopleDcollege studentsE17、What would you say when we told you that you could learn to speak a new language in only 7 days? Pretty unbelievable, right? But how could it be? To find out, we spoke to Davidone of our brave Babbel learnersto see how the Babbel ap

42、p successfully got him speaking Norwegian(挪威語) in just one week.How much time did you learn each day?I didnt need to give my whole life over to learning Norwegian. Each Babbel lesson takes only 15 minutes, and I set myself the achievable aim of finishing three Babbel lessons daily. This took 45 minu

43、tes each day.How did the Babbel app help you learn so quickly?The Babbel app has a course plan for beginners that taught me how to make sentences in Norwegian within the first few days. Then I was able to personalize my learning by choosing single-topic lessons on eating, drinking, music, culture, t

44、ravelling and so on. This allowed me to quickly enlarge(擴(kuò)大) my vocabulary!This way of learning kept me highly active, and made sure I wasnt bored to tears(眼淚) with grammar practice that we all remember from school! “After 7 days I was able to introduce myself in Norwegian, talk about my hobbies and

45、interests, and most importantly, communicating with a native(本國的) Norwegian speaker in a real conversation and I could even play a joke or two!”Would you introduce this app to others?Certainly! Babbel has 14 languages to choose from, so if youre thinking about brushing up on your German for a busine

46、ss trip, or learning a bit of Portuguese(葡萄牙語) for next years summer vacation, youll be happy to hear that you only need an app, 7 days of learning to get you conversational.1The Babbel app is used for people to _.Aspeak with nativesBlearn foreign languagesCdo international businessDplan a vacation

47、abroad2How did the Babbel app help David learn quickly?AIt took him little time every day.BIt provided him with 14 languages.CIt gave him daily grammar practice.DIt offered lessons according to his needs.3The example of David is used in the passage to show that _.Ahard work matters a lotBBabbel app

48、sells wellCNorwegian is easy to learnDBabbel app really helpsF18、 Do you have any online classes? It is possible to take classes at home. All you need is a computer and a headset(耳機(jī)). However, most students dont seem to like online classes. 1,500 students from 10 cities took the survey, only 40% of the students would take such classes. Many students said it is hard to focus (集中精力) on studying while taking online classes. This was true for Lian Ruohan, 15, at No. 13 Middle School in Beijing. “There are


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