九年級英語下冊 Unit5 Topic2 Section A教案 仁愛版_第1頁
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九年級英語下冊 Unit5 Topic2 Section A教案 仁愛版_第5頁




1、河南省洛陽市下峪鎮(zhèn)初級中學(xué)九年級英語下冊 Unit5 Topic2 Section A教案 仁愛版時間參加人員課題Unit5 Topic2地點主備人Section A教學(xué)目標 The main activities are 1a and 1c. . Aims and demands 1. Master the new word and phrase: pioneer, spend.(in) doing 2. Learn attributive clauses which usewhoandwhose. (1)He was a great thinker who had many wise id

2、eas and thoughts about nature and human behavior. (2)He was also a famous philosopher whose wise sayings have influenced many people in different countries. 3. Talk about historical people and historic events of China. 4. Let the students learn about Chinese culture, and improve the sense of nationa

3、l pride. 重 難點及考點分析Who 或whose 引導(dǎo)的定語從句課時安排1 教具使用 錄音機 教學(xué)圖片教 學(xué) 環(huán) 節(jié) 安 排備注Step 1 Review( Lead in)Do you know Confucius(孔子)?Can you say some sayings of Confucius? You can say them in Chinese. 學(xué)生可能會說出一些像溫故而知新;有朋自遠方來等老師要鼓勵學(xué)生表揚學(xué)生。教師用常見的諺語和孔子名言呈現(xiàn)并介紹孔子,引出定語從句。(步驟) 1 教師收集一些名言和諺語,讓學(xué)生分組進行翻譯 (1)把所有名言和諺語用小黑板展示,讓學(xué)生選擇

4、兩條自己最喜歡的速記。 (2)把自己喜歡的名言和諺語說給同伴聽。 (3)教師選擇孔子的名言和諺語,呈現(xiàn)孔子,并進行簡單的介紹,呈現(xiàn)who引導(dǎo)的定語從句. (教師搜集的名言和諺語可參考下面小黑板呈現(xiàn)的內(nèi)容,進行英漢轉(zhuǎn)化。) T: OK, lets look at your translations together. Group1. (教師把收集的名言和諺語以小黑板的形式展示出來。) T: Look at the small blackboard. Here are some sayings. From No. 5 to No. 8 are Confucius sayings. (1)Two h

5、eads are better than one. (2)The early bird catches the worms. (3)Love me, love my dog. (4)Where there is a will, there is a way. (5)When I walk along with two others, I may be able to learn from them. (6)What you know, you know; what you dont know, you dont know. (7)He who learns but does not think

6、 is lost; he who thinks but does not learn is in danger. (8)Isnt it a pleasure that friends come to see you from far away? (9)Learn the new while reviewing the old. T: Which is your favorite? Can you tell me? S1: . S2: . S3: . (教師總結(jié)并引出Confucius。) T: Do you know about Confucius? Confucius was a pione

7、er in the field of education. He was also a famous philosopher. As we know Confucius was a great thinker. There are many Confucius colleges all over the world. More and more people are studying Confucius ideas and thoughts.(板書并領(lǐng)讀。) Confucius 孔子 pioneer n.先驅(qū) philosopher n.哲學(xué)家 Confucius was a pioneer

8、in the field of education. He was also a famous philosopher. 2. (教師展示孔子圖和孔子講學(xué)圖,并進一步對孔子進行介紹,引出定語從句: He was a great thinker who had many wise ideas and thoughts about nature and human behavior.) T: Lets learn something about Confucius. He was born in the year 551 B.C. He was a pioneer in the field of

9、education. He was also a famous philosopher. (板書) He was a great thinker who had many wise ideas and thoughts about nature and human behavior. (教師對who引導(dǎo)的定語從句進行必要的講解,并且要提到that和who引導(dǎo)的定語從句的共同點,并舉例。) (1)He is the man that I want to meet. (2)I like the teacher who can play with us. (3)Do you know the wom

10、an who/that talked to Mr. May just now?Step 2 Presentation 學(xué)習(xí)1a。 T: Weve talked something about Confucius. Do you want to know more about him? Now lets learn a dialog that introduces Confucius. Listen to the tape and find some key sentences about him. S1: Confucius, a pioneer in the field of educati

11、on. S2: He was born in the year 551 B.C. S3: He was a great thinker who had many wise ideas and thoughts about nature and human behavior. S4: He was also a famous philosopher whose wise sayings have influenced many people in different countries. S5: . 2. (聽錄音,學(xué)生跟讀,進一步記憶有關(guān)孔子的關(guān)鍵句。) T: Listen to the ta

12、pe carefully and read after it. Try to remember the key sentences about Confucius. 3. (讓學(xué)生讀出對話中孔子的一句名言并譯成漢語。) T: Ill ask one student to read the saying of Confucius in the dialog and another translate it. S6: He who learns but does not think is lost; he who thinks but does not learn is in danger. S7

13、: 學(xué)而不思則罔;思而不學(xué)則殆。 Step 3 Consolidation 以對話的形式,對1a進行鞏固并完成1b。 1 T: Listen to the tape and practice the dialog. 2. (以四人小組形式把有關(guān)孔子的知識以定語從句的形式展現(xiàn)。復(fù)習(xí)并鞏固先行詞是人的定語從句。) T: Work in groups of four. Use attributive clauses to introduce Confucius. You can discuss with your partner. S1:He was a great thinker who had

14、many . . S2: . 3. (完成1b。兩人一組,一人讀孔子名言,一人翻譯成漢語,然后一起討論。) T: Work in pairs. One reads the sayings, the other translates them into Chinese. Then discuss the meanings together. Step 4 Practice 完成1c和2。 1. (1)(Group work, 讓學(xué)生快速閱讀1c中的每個句子,在小組內(nèi)討論并排序,完成1c。) T: Read the sentences in 1c and talk about them in yo

15、ur group, then give the right order. T: Lets check the answers together. (2)(Pair work, 小組討論并找出自己難以理解的句子。) T: Read 1c again. Discuss in groups and find out the sentences that you cant understand. (學(xué)生可能難以理解的句子:) (1)He tried to search for good rules of behavior. (2)Confucius died five years after retu

16、rning to his home in the state of Lu. S1: . S2: . 辨析search search for(1)search意為搜查,為及物動詞,賓語可以是房屋,人身,衣袋等名詞,也可以是some place ,指搜查某個地方。如: They search the thief,but found nothing. (2)search for意為查找”,指花費極大的力氣去搜尋某個特定的目標,還可以說search for意思為為尋找而搜查”如: He is searching for the missing paper., (3) T: Please look at

17、 the time on the small blackboard. Try to retell Confucius life in order. (8)five years after returning to his home in the state of Lu (三分鐘后) T: Who can retell the life about Confucius? 2. (練習(xí)聽力,完成2。) (1) T: Listen to the tape for the first time. Finish the questions from one to three. T: Listen to the tape again. Finish the last two questions. (2) T: Check your answers with your partner, then Ill give you the right answers. (3) T: Now, Listen to the tape for the last time and try to get the main idea. (Explain:pass away=pass on亡故,去世 消失 eg.He passed away in his sleep at


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