九年級英語全冊 Unit 9 I like music that I can dance to Period 1教學案(新版)人教新目標版_第1頁
九年級英語全冊 Unit 9 I like music that I can dance to Period 1教學案(新版)人教新目標版_第2頁
九年級英語全冊 Unit 9 I like music that I can dance to Period 1教學案(新版)人教新目標版_第3頁
九年級英語全冊 Unit 9 I like music that I can dance to Period 1教學案(新版)人教新目標版_第4頁
九年級英語全冊 Unit 9 I like music that I can dance to Period 1教學案(新版)人教新目標版_第5頁
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1、I like music that I can dance to【課 題】Unit 9 I like music that I can dance to.Section A 1 (1a-2d)教師個性補案【學習目標】1. 語言知識目標:1) 能掌握以下單詞及短語:prefer, lyrics, Australian, electronic, suppose, smooth, spare, director, case, in the case, war2)掌握 I like /love/prefer music that表達喜歡的音樂。3)掌握 I like music that I can

2、dance to. / I like musicians who play different kinds of music. 句型的用法。4) 學習關系代詞that/who引導的定語從句。2. 情感態(tài)度價值觀目標:1) 使學生學會談論自己的喜好。2)通過表達個人喜好,提高學生欣賞美的水平。3) 激發(fā)學生的學習興趣和學習熱情?!緦W習重難點】1. 教學重點:1)prefer, different kinds of sing along with的用法。 2)句型: I like music that I can dance to.I like musicians who play differe

3、nt kinds of music.2. 教學難點:學習關系代詞that/who引導的定語從句?!緦W法指導】預習聽力操練閱讀語法練習【教學過程】Section A 1 (1a-2d)Step 1 Warming up Greetings.Step 2 Lead-in Say What kind of books do you like? I like interesting books. I like books that are interesting. Writethat are interesting on the blackboard. Point to it andask who c

4、an make another sentence with it. Write another phrase on the blackboard, that is comfortable to . Help the students to make sentences with it.Step 3 Presentation 1. 教師播放學生較熟悉的帶有歌詞或歌手的圖片的流行歌曲, 激發(fā)學生的學習興趣, 同事師生對話,引出本單元的內容學習,為完成1a做鋪墊。T: Do you like music/? S: Yes, I do. T: What kind of music / do you l

5、ike? S: I likeT: Which singer do you like? S: I like2. Play the tapes of different kinds of music for the students, only a short piece of each tape. Say, I like music that makes me relaxed. Write these four groups of words on the blackboard,that has great lyrics,that I can sing along with,that isnt

6、too loud, that I can dance to. Tell the students lyrics means the words of the songs. Ask the students, What kind of music do you like?Say, You can answer with I like music, I love music, I prefer music Explain prefer=likebetter to them. Get one of the children to answer the question, then let this

7、child ask the one next to him/her the same question. Set off a chain drill. Explain that I like music that isnt means that I dont like too loud music.3. Show students some different kinds of pictures of movies and ask students to discuss what kind of movies they like in pairs.4. Discussion: 1a. 讓學生在

8、小組內交流討論自己的喜好,教師適時總結并完成對新詞的學習,然后對單詞進行強化訓練, 讓學生交流對一些歌曲的看法,寫下句子并引出本節(jié)課的重點句型。I prefer music that has great lyrics.I love music that I can sing along with.I like music that I can dance to.通過對這些句子的學習,引導學生歸納比較引導的定語從句及其結構特點,教師進行精講點撥,培養(yǎng)他們的觀察能力,為下一步的聽力打好基礎。Step 4 Listening Listen to 1b and check the kinds of m

9、usic Tony and Betty like.讓學生看圖表,明確表格中有誰,分別喜歡什么類型的音樂,完成相對應的選擇。Music that I can dance toMusic that has great lyricsMusic that I can sing along withTonyBetty Step 5 Pair workFinish 1c. Make a conversation between you and your partner about the music that you like. A: What kind of music do you like?B: I

10、 like music that I can sing along with. What about you?A: I prefer music that has great lyrics.Step 6 Listening 1. Listen to the tape for the first time and finish 2a. 1. Carmen likes musicians who play different kinds of music. T F 2. Xu Fei likes the Australian singer Dan Dervish. T F 3. Carmen li

11、kes electronic music thats loud. T F 4. Xu Fei prefers groups that play quiet and slow songs. T F 2. Listen to the tape for the second time and finish 2b. Carmen says1. I really love Dan Dervish. I like musicians _2. The Modern are really great. I love electronic music _Xu Fei says3. I like musician

12、s _4. I think The Modern are too noisy. I prefer groups _通過聽力訓練,進一步熟悉練習that/who引導的定語從句。Step 7 Practice1. Make conversations using the information in 2a and 2b. A: Does Xu Fei like The Modern?B: No, he doesnt. He prefers2. Ask a few pairs of students to present their conversations to the class.Step 8

13、 Reading.1. Read the conversation and answer the questions.1. What kind of music does Scott like? Why?2. Does Scott like serious movies?3. What kind of movies does Jill want to see?2. Role-play the conversation in 2d.1. Ill just listen to this new CD I bought.2. I suppose Ill just listen to this new

14、 CD I bought.3. I like smooth music that helps me relax after a long week at work.4. I only like movies that are funny.5. In this case, Ill ask someone who likes serious movies.6. I prefer movies that give me something to think about.Step 9 Language points1. Hmm, depends which movie.1) 本句省略了depends前

15、的主語it和which movie后的從句部分well watch,這是典型的口語表達形式。在口語和非正式場合,為保持語言簡潔明了,交流者往往會省略彼此所知或邏輯上可明確推斷的內容。例如:Anything I can do for you? 我能為您做些什么嗎?(省略句首部分Is there)Please hand me one of those books; I dont care which. 請把那些書遞給我一本,不管哪本都行。(省略句尾部分you hand me)2) It depends (on) who/ what/ how/ whether是一個常見句型。當depend后接疑問詞

16、及含有疑問詞的短語和從句時,口語中會省略depend后的介詞on,以求話語簡練。例如:It depends what day you catch me, and at what time of day. 這取決于你哪天見我,以及見我的時間。Well, as for this matter, I cant decide for now. Depends whether or not your dad will say yes. 嗯,這件事我現(xiàn)在決定不了,取決于你老爸是否會同意。2. I just want to laugh and not think too much.這句話中的to laugh

17、和not think too much均為動詞不定式,但后者在not和think之間省略了to。英語語句中當多個不定式結構并列使用時,to出現(xiàn)在第一個結構中,后面的往往會省略。再如:She likes to sing, dance and hang out with her friends. 她喜歡唱歌、跳舞、與朋友們外出消遣。 3. I prefer music that has great lyrics.句中的prefer意為“更喜愛;更喜歡”,后可接名詞、v.-ing形式或動詞不定式。如:I prefer the white bag. 我更喜歡那個白色的包。Tony prefers st

18、aying / to stay at home on weekends. 托尼更喜歡周末待在家。此外,prefer還可用于句型“prefer . to .”中,意為“喜歡而不喜歡(勝過)”。如:Linda prefers apples to pears. 琳達喜歡蘋果而不喜歡梨。I prefer reading books to watching TV. 我喜歡閱讀而不喜歡看電視。4. I suppose Ill just listen to this new CD I bought.仔細觀察下面例句中suppose的用法和意義,然后補全結論部分所缺的內容。a. We are supposed

19、 to get there on time.b. I suppose she will be back next year.c. Do you suppose he will agree? Yes, I suppose so. / No, I suppose not.a. We are supposed to get there on time.(1)觀察例句a可知,“被期望/要求做某事”或“該做某事”可用 _結構表示,含有必須、應該做某事之意,相當于should。b. I suppose she will be back next year.c. Do you suppose he will

20、 agree? Yes, I suppose so. / No, I suppose not.(2)例句b中“suppose +that從句”意為“猜測/假定”,that可以省略,若為否定句,和think,believe等動詞的用法一樣,應該否定_(主語/從句),即否定前移;例子c中對疑問句作肯定回答可用_ ,否定回答可用No, I suppose not。Step 10 Grammar 在復合句中修飾名詞或代詞的從句叫定語從句e.g. I like music that I can dance to. music 是先行詞,that是關系代詞 He is the man who I met

21、yesterday. man是先行詞,who是關系代詞RULES人 (n.) + who/that + 從句 物 (n.) + that/which + 從句 關系代詞who; that;的作用: a. 做代詞,代替先行詞 b. 在從句中擔任句子成分:主語或賓語 c. 做連詞,把主句和從句連接起來who / that/which 在定語從句中做主語時,謂語動詞的單復數(shù)應與先行詞保持一致I prefer shoes that_ cool. (be) I like a pizza that_ really delicious. (be)I love singers who _ beautiful.

22、 (be) I have a friend who _ sports. (play)在2d中找定語從句。1. I suppose Ill just listen to this new CD I bought.2. I like smooth music that helps me relax after a long week at work.3. I only like movies that are funny.4. In this case, Ill ask someone who likes serious movies.5. I prefer movies that give me something to think about.用that/who填空1. The girl _ you saw just now is my sister.2. Do you remember the words _ we learned last year.3. This is the watch _ my mother gave me for my birthday.4. I like the present _ youve sent to me.5. The nurse _ we talked about can speak English


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