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1、八年級 Unit 1-2,日日夜夜 一直 也 立刻/馬上 替代 大量,day and night all the time as well right away/at once instead of plenty of,生某人的氣 確定做某事 對重要 喜歡做某事 回信 為某人加油 到達(dá),be angry with sb be sure to do sth be important to be fond of doing write back cheer sb on arrive in (at),長大成人 放棄 給打電話 快點(diǎn)/趕快 動身去 代表/象征 照顧/照料/喜歡,grow up give

2、 up ring sb up hurry up leave for stand for care for,參加 保持健康 病倒了 整理床鋪 與交朋友 對大喊 盡某人的力,take part in keep fit/healthy fall ill make ones bed make friends with shout at sb. do ones best,對某人道歉 調(diào)低(音量) 增進(jìn)/增強(qiáng) 樂于做某事 用裝滿 照顧/照看 擔(dān)心,say sorry to sb. turn down build up have fun doing fillwith look after/take care

3、 of worry about,和交談 做運(yùn)動 遠(yuǎn)離 撥通(電話) /通過 回來 認(rèn)為/想起/考慮 為送行,talk with do exercise keep away get through come back think of see/off,經(jīng)典句型,你最喜愛的運(yùn)動是什么? Whats your favorite sport? What sport do you like best? 滑雪與滑冰你更喜歡哪個? Which sport do you prefer(like better), skiing or skating?,每天他至少花半個小時跑步。 He spends at lea

4、st half an hour running every day.=It takes him half an hour to run every day. 你喜歡哪種運(yùn)動? What kind of sports do you like? Which sport do you like?,你想來為我們加油嗎? Would you like to come and cheer us on? 下周開校運(yùn)會。 There is going to be a school sports meet next month. 你能幫我嗎?Could you please do me a favor? Cou

5、ld you help me? Could you give me a hand?,不要在這里抽煙你介意嗎? Would you mind not smoking here? 他為學(xué)生們發(fā)明了室內(nèi)游戲以便他們在惡劣的天氣也能玩。 He invented an indoor game for his students so that they could played it in bad weather.,恐怕明天我沒空。 I am afraid I wont be free tomorrow. 我們什么時候見?讓我們定在六點(diǎn)半。 When shall we meet? Lets make it

6、 6:30. 明天天氣會怎樣? What will the weather be like tomorrow? How will the weather be tomorrow?,你怎么啦? Whats wrong with you? What is the trouble/matter with you? What is your trouble? 你最好喝加蜂蜜的熱茶。 Youd better drink hot tea with honey. 我可以把你送到醫(yī)院嗎?不,謝謝。 Shall I take you to the hospital? No, thanks./thank you.

7、,他等他爸爸一直到十一點(diǎn)。 He will wait for his father until eleven. 他一直等到他爸爸回來。 He wont leave until his father comes. 治病救人是醫(yī)生的職責(zé)。 Its doctors duty to save peoples lives. 布朗先生多常運(yùn)動? How often does Mr. Brown exercise? Twice a week.,語法點(diǎn)撥,一般將來時的幾種結(jié)構(gòu) 情態(tài)動詞 may/might, can/could, must, had better, shall/should, need的基本用

8、法。 反身代詞,你們班昨天就初三是否要參加體育鍛煉進(jìn)行了一場討論,根據(jù)下表寫短文。 一半的同學(xué)認(rèn)為:應(yīng)該每天進(jìn)行體育鍛煉;可以做早操、跑步、打球,但是最好不要花太多時間;鍛煉可以增強(qiáng)體質(zhì),有助于更好地學(xué)習(xí)。 其余的同學(xué)認(rèn)為:鍛煉浪費(fèi)時間;鍛煉使人疲勞;鍛煉會使人受傷。 提示詞:physical training(體育鍛煉),Yesterday we had a discussion about whether students of Grade Three should take physical training. Half of the students think we should t

9、ake physical training every day. We can do morning exercises, go running or play ball games. But we had better not spend too much time on them. Also physical training can build us up and help us study better. The other students think physical training wastes time and makes us get tired. Sometimes we

10、 may get hurt when we are doing sports.,八年級 Unit3-4,成千上萬/幾千 太以至于不能 對感興趣 由組成 磨損/用壞,thousands of tooto be interested in be made up of be worn out,處于危險中 事實(shí)上 從那時起 同時 過去常常 釣魚 出去,熄滅,in danger in fact from then on at the same time used to go fishing go out,繼續(xù) 尋找 查閱/(在字典)查 建立 與某人看法一致 扮鬼臉 組成,go on look for l

11、ook up set up agree with sb. make faces make up,敲 考慮/思考 以為食 代替/取代 把錯當(dāng) 要求 注意/專心,knock at think about feed on take the place of mistakefor call for pay attention to,以為開始 推倒/拆毀 來吧/趕快 把看作,begin/start with pull down come on regard as,經(jīng)典句型,你喜歡做什么?喜歡集郵。 What do you like/love doing? I like/love collecting s

12、tamps. 為什么不出去進(jìn)行戶外活動呢? Why not (Why dont you) go out and do some outdoor activities?,過去你常在暑假游泳嗎?是。 Did you use to go swimming during the summer holiday? Yes, I did. 她喜歡哪種音樂?流行音樂。 What kind of music do you like? I like pop music.,昨晚這個時候你在做什么?聽鄉(xiāng)村音樂。 What were you doing at this time yesterday? I was lis

13、tening to country music. 昨天你為什么沒來學(xué)校?生病了。 Why didnt you come to school? Because I was ill.,音樂聽起來很甜美。 The music sounds sweet. 我認(rèn)為玫瑰是所有花中最美的。 I think roses are the most beautiful of all the flowers. 你確定機(jī)器人會使人變懶了嗎? Are you sure robots can make humans lazy?,甚至科學(xué)家都沒有把握是否有不明飛行物。 Even scientists are not sur

14、e if /whether there are UFOs. 你認(rèn)為古典音樂在中國很流行嗎?是,我是這么認(rèn)為。/不,我不這么認(rèn)為。 Do you think classical music is very popular in China? Yes, I think so/ No, I dont think so.,詢問價格的句型: How much did sb pay for? /How much doescost sb?/How much did sb spend on/How much isworth?/ Whats the price of 回答:It is 否定疑問句“be動詞/助動

15、詞/情態(tài)動詞的否定形式+主語+動詞原形”。 Dont you play basketball?,主語+must be表示肯定的猜測。 Swimming in the river in summer must be fun.,語法點(diǎn)撥,過去進(jìn)行時 形容詞的比較級和最高級 附加問句(反意疑問句) 感嘆句,Nick病了,他的朋友康康陪他一起去看病,醫(yī)生給Nick開了一些治療感冒的藥片并提了些建議,可Nick不懂中文,所以康康為他把服藥說明以及醫(yī)生的建議譯成英文。假如你是康康,請你根據(jù)提示內(nèi)容寫一篇英語。 要點(diǎn):1.一次兩片,一天三次,飯前服用。2.服藥2-3天見效。3.服藥后可能會有睡意。4.用藥期間不要吃魚、辛辣食物,不要喝酒。5.多休息,多喝水,注意保暖。,Here are some cold pills. Take two pills each time, and three times a day before meals. You may feel sleepy after taking the medicine. But it doesnt matter. Dont eat fish, spicy fo


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