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1、2020/10/12,1,Unit 9 The worlds highest mountain is 8844 meters high.,2020/10/12,2,How do sth./sb. compare with sth./sb? Use the language in the box to make comparison.,A is three times as strong as B. A is not nearly as strong as B. A is ten centimeters longer than B. A is more than ten times bigger

2、 than B. A can eat a little more than B.,2020/10/12,3,Period 2 Section A 3a,Key Vocabulary ;attract, southwestern, peak, thick, top,freezing ,condition ,indeed,2020/10/12,4,Task2: Read 3a again, and answer the following questions: 1.What a mountain is Himalayas? 2.Why is it dangerous to climb Qomola

3、ngma? 3.When did the first Chinese reach the top of Qomolangma?,細(xì)讀課文完成3b,2020/10/12,6,在書中劃出重點(diǎn)、疑點(diǎn)后,翻譯下列短語。 先獨(dú)立完成,后小組商議。,世界上最危險的山峰 世界上最危險的運(yùn)動之一 登山(名詞短語)/(動詞短語) 來自世界各地的登山者 橫亙于中國的西南邊界 在所有的山峰中 厚厚的云層 遮住山頂 更為嚴(yán)重的困難,寒冷的天氣狀況和強(qiáng)勁的暴風(fēng)雪 首次到達(dá)珠穆朗瑪峰頂?shù)娜?丟掉性命 變得更為安全和快速 因?yàn)楦玫难b備和支援 例如 用了剛好不到11小時 一項(xiàng)令人吃驚的成就,2020/10/12,7,One

4、 of the most _ sports in the world is mountain _, and one of the most _ places to go for this is the Himalayas. These extremely high _ attract _ from all over the world. Many people say this is one of the most _ parts of the world. The Himalayas _ along the _ border of china. Of all the peaks, Qomol

5、angma is the _ and most _. Its _ to climb Qomolangma because thick clouds _ the top of the mountain. Even more serious _ include the freezing _ conditions and the _ storms.,2020/10/12,8,The first _ to reach the top of Qomolangma Tenzing Norgay and Edmund Hillary did it in 1953. the first Chinese climber _ the top in 1960, and in 1975, the first _ did it too. For these _ it was a difficult and dangerous _ - indeed, many people have lost their _ on this mountain. More _, it has become _ and _ to clomb Qomolangma, probably because of _ equipment and suppo


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