



1、Part4Listening聽力The Jacksons live in a nice apartment.杰克遜住在一個(gè)漂亮的公寓里。Its in a nice building.這是一個(gè)漂亮的建筑。Its also expensive.它也很貴。The apartment isnt theirs.公寓不是他們的。They dont own it.他們不擁有它。Another person owns it.另一個(gè)人擁有它。That person is the owner of the apartment.那個(gè)人是公寓的主人。The Jacksons rent it from the owne

2、r.Jacksons從主人那里租了它。That means they pay money to the owner.這意味著他們向業(yè)主付錢。-Who rents an apartment? the Jacksons. -Who owns their apartment? another person. -To whom do they pay rent? the owner.- 誰租房子? - 杰克遜。 - 誰擁有他們的公寓? -另一個(gè)人。 - 他們支付租金給誰? -主人。The Jackson pay rent every month.杰克遜每月支付租金。Their rent is abou

3、t 30% of their income.他們的租金約占其收入的30。Fortunately, they both have jobs.幸運(yùn)的是,他們都有工作。They have two incomes.他們有兩個(gè)收入。Together, their incomes are enough to live.他們的收入一起足以生活。But they dont have enough money for a car.但他們沒有足夠的錢購(gòu)買汽車。-What do they pay every month? rent. -How much of their income is for rent? -3

4、0%- 他們每月支付什么? -出租。 - 他們的收入多少是租金? -30-Why dont they own a car? They dont have enough money.- 他們?yōu)槭裁床粨碥嚕?- 他們沒有足夠的錢。The Jacksons have many expenses.杰克遜有很多費(fèi)用。The largest expense is the rent. Its about 30% of their income.最大的開支是租金。這大約是他們收入的30。The second largest expense is for their childrens education. T

5、heir schools are not free.第二大費(fèi)用是他們孩子的教育。他們的學(xué)校不是免費(fèi)的。They pay for their kids to go to school.他們支付孩子上學(xué)的費(fèi)用。Their other expenses include food and clothes. They also save some money every month. They save about 10% of their income.他們的其他費(fèi)用包括食物和衣服。他們每月也節(jié)省一些錢。他們節(jié)省了大約10的收入。They put this money in the bank.他們把這

6、筆錢存入銀行。-How much do they pay for rent? -30% of the income. -What is their largest expense? their rent.- 他們租多少錢? -30的收入。 - 他們最大的開支是什么? - 他們的租金。- What is their second largest expense? their childrens education.- 他們的第二大費(fèi)用是多少? - 他們的孩子的教育。Vocabulary詞匯A bus stop.一個(gè)巴士站。People get on a bus at a bus stop.人們乘

7、坐公共汽車在公共汽車站。A train station.火車站。People get on a train at a train station.人們坐火車站的火車。A taxi stand.出租車站。People wait for a taxi at a taxi stand.人們?cè)诔鲎廛囌镜却鲎廛嚒 subway entrance.地鐵入口。A subway stop has several entrances.地鐵站有幾個(gè)入口。An airport.一個(gè)機(jī)場(chǎng)。Airplanes take off and land at an airport.飛機(jī)在機(jī)場(chǎng)起飛和降落。People go

8、to an airport to catch their plane.人們?nèi)C(jī)場(chǎng)趕飛機(jī)。Eyes.眼睛。We use our eyes to see things.我們用眼睛看東西。Ears.耳朵。Our ears are on the left and right side of our head.我們的耳朵在我們頭部的左側(cè)和右側(cè)。A nose.一個(gè)鼻子。Our nose is below our eyes and above our mouth.我們的鼻子低于我們的眼睛,高于我們的嘴巴。A mouth.一張嘴。Our mouth is below our nose.我們的嘴巴低于我們的鼻子

9、。Hands.手。We use our hands to pick up things.我們用手去拿東西。A brain.一個(gè)大腦。Our brain is inside our head.我們的大腦在腦海里。-What do we see with? We use our eyes to see. We see with our eyes.- 我們看到了什么? - 我們用眼睛看。 - 我們用眼睛看。-What do we hear with? We use our ears to hear. We hear with our ears. -What do we think with? We

10、use our brain to think. We think with our brains.- 我們聽到了什么? - 我們用耳朵聽。 - 我們聽到了耳朵。 - 我們?cè)趺聪耄?- 我們用大腦思考。 - 我們用我們的大腦思考。Its morning.現(xiàn)在是早上。People get up in the morning and the day begins.人們?cè)缟掀鸫?,一天開始。Its afternoon.現(xiàn)在是下午。People eat lunch in the afternoon.人們?cè)谙挛绯晕顼垺ts evening.現(xiàn)在是晚上。People eat dinner in the ev

11、ening.人們?cè)谕砩铣酝聿?。Its night.晚上。At night people go to bed.晚上人們上床睡覺。Its daytime.這是白天。Its light during the day because the sun is up.因?yàn)樘?yáng)升起,它在白天很輕。Its nighttime.這是夜晚。Its dark at night because the sun is down.因?yàn)樘?yáng)落山,所以夜晚很黑。Its dark at night because the sun is down.因?yàn)樘?yáng)落山,所以夜晚很黑。Our day begins in the mornin

12、g and ends at night.我們的一天從早上開始,到晚上結(jié)束。Dialogue對(duì)話Sale assistant: Good afternoon, may I help you?銷售助理:大家下午好,我可以幫你嗎?Customer: Yes, Im looking for a summer dress.顧客:是的,我正在尋找夏裝。Sale assistant: Do you want a long dress or a short dress?銷售助理:你想穿長(zhǎng)裙還是短裙?Customer: I want something short but not too short.顧客:我想

13、要一些簡(jiǎn)短而不是太短的東西。Sale assistant: What about color? Do you have a favorite color?銷售助理:顏色怎么樣?你有喜歡的顏色嗎?Customer: I like blue. Do you have a blue dress?顧客:我喜歡藍(lán)色。你有藍(lán)色連衣裙嗎?Sale assistant: Yes, we have several dresses.銷售助理:是的,我們有幾件衣服。Customer: May I see them?顧客:我可以看看嗎?Sale assistant: Sure, please come with me

14、.銷售助理:當(dāng)然,請(qǐng)跟我來。-How many blue dresses does the shop have? several.- 這家商店有多少件藍(lán)色連衣裙? -一些。-What kind of summer dress is she looking for? a short blue dress.- 她在尋找什么樣的夏裝? - 一件藍(lán)色短裙。Sale assistant: Here are two short blue dresses.銷售助理:這是兩件藍(lán)色短裙。Customer: I like this one. How much is it?顧客:我喜歡這個(gè)。這個(gè)多少錢?Sale a

15、ssistant: Its usually 100 dollars, but its on sale today.銷售助理:通常是100美元,但它今天有售。Customer: So how much is it today?顧客:今天多少錢?Sale assistant: I can give you a 20% discount.銷售助理:我可以給你20的折扣。Customer: So thats 80 dollars, right?顧客:那是80美元吧?Sale assistant: Yes, do you want to try it on?銷售助理:是的,你想嘗試一下嗎?Custome

16、r: Yes, where can I put it on?顧客:是的,我可以在哪里穿上它?Sale assistant: There is a dressing room over there.銷售助理:那邊有一間更衣室。-How much does it cost today? It costs $80. -How much is the discount? Its a 20% discount. Her favorite color is blue.- 今天花多少錢? - 花費(fèi)80美元。 - 折扣多少錢? - 這是20的折扣。她最喜歡的顏色是藍(lán)色。Sale assistant: How

17、does it fit?銷售助理:它如何適合?Customer: It fits well.顧客:很合適。Sale assistant: You look beautiful.銷售助理:你看起來很漂亮。Customer: Thanks, but its still too expensive. Can you give me a lower price?顧客:謝謝,但它仍然太貴了。你能給我一個(gè)更低的價(jià)格嗎?Sale assistant: Sorry, Im afraid not. That is the lowest price I can give you.銷售助理:對(duì)不起,我不敢。這是我能

18、給你的最低價(jià)格。-How does she look in the dress? Beautiful. -What is the lowest price? -$80.- 她怎么看這件衣服? -美麗。 - 什么是最低價(jià)? - $ 80Customer: How about the other dress?顧客:另一件衣服怎么樣?Sale assistant: its a little more expensive, its 120 dollars.銷售助理:它有點(diǎn)貴,它是120美元。Customer: Is it on sale?顧客:它有售嗎?Sale assistant No, Im afraid not.銷售助理不,我不敢。Customer: Well, I really l


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