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航海英語(yǔ)(二三副)試題 1、Your vessel is to dock bow in at a pier without the assistance of tugboats. Which line will be the most useful when maneuvering the vessel alongside the pier ? (39992:第八章:2349) A.Bow spring line B.Inshore head line C.Stern breast line D.Bow breast line 2、Your vessel is loaded with nonhygroscopic cargoes and is going from a cold to a warm climate. You should_. (39993:第八章:2350) A.start the exhaust blowers B.start the intake blowers C.not ventilate the cargo holds D.ventilate the cargo holds 3、Your vessel is listening because of a negative GM. To lower G below M, you should_. (39994:第八章:2351) A.deballast B.transfer weight to the high side C.ballast on the high side D.add we ght symmetrically below G 4、Your vessel is listening 4to port and has a short rolling period. There is loose firefighting water in the hull. The ship is trimmed down by th end with one foot of freeboard at the bow. Which action should you take first ? (39995:第八章:2352) A.Press up the slack No.1 starboard double bottom tank B.Pump out the forepeak tank C.Eliminate the water in the tween decks aft D.Jettision stores out of the paint locker in the focsle 5、Your vessel is going from a warm climate to a cold climate with a hygroscopic cargo. Which statement is true ?_ . (39996:第八章:2353) A.You must ventilate constantly and vigorously to combat ship sweat A.Press up the slack No.1 starboard double bottom tank B.You should ventilate; there is little danger of ship sweat, but a possibility of cargo sweat C.There is danger of heavy cargo sweat if you ventilate D.There is little danger of any sweat problem 6、Your vessel has a midship engine room and the cargo is concentrated in the end holds.The vessel is_. (39997:第八章:2354) A.sagging with tensile stress on main deck B.sagging with compressive stress on main deck C.hogging with tensile stress on main deck D.hogging with compressive stress on main deck 7、Your tank vessel is loaded down to her marks, and you find that she has too much trim by the stern,To adjust the trim, you may_. (39998:第八章:2355) A.add ballast forward B.load more cargo forward C.shift bunkers forward D.All of the above 8、Your tank vessel is fully loaded, and you find that she is down slightly by the head. To adjust the trim, you may_. (39999:第八章:2356) A.add ballast aft B.load more cargo aft C.shift cargo aft D.All of the above 9、Your ship is carrinB.load more cargo aft C.shift cargo aft D.All of the above 9、Your ship is carring hazardous cargo.During a daily inspection, yopu notice that some of the cargo has shifted and several cases are broken. You should first_. (40000:第八章:2357) A.call out the deck gang to jettison the cargo B.log the facts in the rough log and inform the chief mate later C.make a determination of the seriousness of the breakage, and do what you think best D.report the facts immediately to the Master, who will make a decision 10、Youd better_the optional cargo block stowage in the tweendecks, then it can be easily discharged either at Shanghai or Dalian. (40001:第八章:2358) A.give B.to give C.given D.giving 11、You will load and carry a bulk cargo of sulphur at ambient temperature. Which statement is true ?_. (40002:第八章:2359) A.Wooden covers must be laid over the bilge wells to prevent the sulphur from entering the bilges B.Bulk sulphur may be carried without a special permit providing the vessel complies with all applicable regulations. C.The majir charateristic of this cargo is that it forms sulfuric acid upon contact with water D.Other hazardous material may not be stowed in the same hold as the sulphur bue may carried on deck above the hold 12、You receive a package, for shipment aboard your vessel, containing class 1 explosives. The package is damp, moldy and stained. To tansport A.have the captain of the port approve the shipment B.note an exception on the bill of lading C.repair or replace the packaging before stowage D.seek the shippers advice with regard to withdrawal, repair, or replacement 13、You must shift a weight from the upper tween deck to the lower hold. This shift will_. (40004:第八章:2361) A.make the vessel more tender B.make the vessel stiffer C.increase the rolling period D.decrease the metacentric height 14、You have berthed in a area with other tank vessels. What signal is displayed by a vessel to indicate it is transferring flammable or combustible liquid cargo ?_.(40005:第八章:2362) A.A flashing yellow light B.A red light visible all around the horizon C.A green light visible all around the horizon D.An illuminated red and yellow caution flag 15、You have a quantity of bagged cargo to stow in a block in 3 UTD. Which stow will provode the maximum block stability ?_ . (40006:第八章:2363) A.Half-bag stow B.Bag-on-bag stow C.Alternate layer directions D.Bilge and cantline 16、you can hardly complete the loading at No.2 hatch,_you ? (40007:第八章:2364) A.cant B.can C.will D.wont 17、You are kindly requested to supply the necessary tallymen to do_on board the ship during the discharging of the cargo. (40008:第八章:2365) A.the tallying work B.the lashing work B.can C.the clean work D.the work of opening and closing hatches 18、Yesterday afternoon 2 cargo surveyors appointed by the consignee came on board for investigation. I told them the cargo was loaded between Aug.14th.and 16th. Under favorable weather without any remarks on_. (40009:第八章:2366) A.log book B.short/over-loaded cargo list C.the mates receipt D.manifest 19、Wood or steel hatch covers are made_by tarpaulins. (40010:第八章:2367) A.watertight B.resistant to water C.so safe that no water will affect the hold D.so strong that no water will come into the hold 20、Whose duty is it to examine and verify the vessels classification and technical state and condition ?_. (40011:第八章:2368) A.Tallymans B.Marine surveyors C.Cargo surveyors D.Boarding inspectors 21、Whose duty is it to examine and verify the state and condition of the cargo carried on board ?_ . (40012:第八章:2369) A.Tallymans B.Marine surveyors C.Cargo surveyors D.Boarding inspectors 22、Which of the following will increase the positive stability of your vessel ?_. (40013:第八章:2370) A.Loading weight on deck B.Discharging weight from lower decks C.Shifting weight from upper to lower decks D.Shifti g weight from lower to upper decks 23、Which of the following will increase the height of the center of buoyancy for your vessel ?_. (40014:第八章:2371) A. Discharging weight from lower decks B. Loading weight in upper decks C.Shifting weight from lower to upper decks D.Shifting weight from upper to lower decks 24、Which of the following is the reason that the metacentric height is a valid measure of only the initial stability ?_. (40015:第八章:2372) A.The metacenter does not remain in the same position for large angles of inclination B.The center of gravity shift due to inclination C.The center of gravity shifts above the metacenter as the vessel is inclined D.The mean draft will change as the vessel is inclinded 25、Which of the following is more suitable for bagged cargo ?_. (40016:第八章:2373) A.Hydraulically operated pusher B.Spread beam sling C.Revolving roll clamping device D.Platform sling 26、Which of the following is more important in determining the amount of free surface that will be produced ?_. (40017:第八章:2374) A.Outside temperature B.Dewpoint of the outside air C.Dewpoint of the air in the cargo hold D.Temperature of the cargp 27、Which of the following is more important in determining the amount of free surface that will be produced ?_. (40018:第八章:2375) A.The breath of the tank B.The length of the tank C.The amount of liquid in the tank D.The position of the tank in relation to the center line of the vessel 28、Which is the summer load waterline on the load waterline mark ?_. (40019:第八章:2376) A.The first line at the bottom B.The second line from the bottom C.The third line from the bottom D.The fourth line from the bottom 29、When working with lumber, wire and staples are not desirable to be used because_. (40020:第八章:2377) A.they are not subjected to cause trouble B.they are difficult to handle this kind of cargo C.the efficiency of separating is raised D.the efficiency of loading is greater 30、When the vessel arrives, the cargo of machinery to be unloaded is_. (40021:第八章:2378) A.transpored to the ships side B.transported into the shed C.lashed and secured D.delivered to the consignor 31、When the truck does not work, the driver should_engines. (40022:第八章:2379) A.turn on B.turn off C.shut up D.close 32、When liquid is free to move transversely in a tank, the effect is called_. (40023:第八章:2380) A.Free communication B.Free fensity C.Free surface D.Negative GM 33、When cargo is shifted from the main deck into the lower hold of a vessel,_. (40024:第八章:2381) A.The metacenter will move downward B.The GM will increase C.The center of buoyancy will move upward D.The list of the vesel will become great 34、When air is at its dew point it_. (40025:第八章:2382) A.will contain no additional moisture B.has the lowest relative humidity C.cannot keep up its moisture D.has a low absolute humidity 35、What is reserve buoyancy ?_. (40026:第八章:2383) A.The amount of buoyancy measured in foot/tons B.The vertical distance above the waterline inside the hull C.The volune of space that is filled with water D.The volume of intact space above the waterline 36、What is MTI ?_. (40027:第八章:2384) A.The fioot/tons needed to trim the vessel by 1 inch B.The foot/tons needed to trim the vessel by 1 foot C.The moments needed to trim the vessel by 1 centimeter D.The amount of vessel will trim when loading 100 tons 100 feet from the tipping center 37、Well not charge the sorting expense_your account. (40028:第八章:2385) A.at B.to C.for D.in 38、We usually choose cargo-handing equipment according to_. (40029:第八章:2386) A.the ship type B.the ports organization C.the cargos nature D.the dockers ability 39、We have come on board to check with you on the main ltems of repairs as stated in the_ . (40030:第八章:2387) A.order list B.repair list C.srore list D.spare parts list 40、Upon underwater detection, there were no apparent defects on the bottom plates, bilge keels,rudder and propeller of the said vessel. This kind of wording usually appeared on_. (40031:第八章:2388) A.ship surveyors report B.a ships certificate C.a cargo inspection report D.a dive survey report 41、Upon the survey it is found the deck control valve of the fore peak tank could not be_. (40032:第八章:2389) A.tighted formally B.shut tightly C.combined properly D.closed suitably 42、To improve your vessels stabilty in a hazardous situation, you should_. (40033:第八章:2390) A.ballast deep tanks if they are slack B.transfer ballast athwarships C.pump out double bottoms D.fill double bottom from deep tanks 43、There should be at least two tiers of dunnage for the cargo loaded on tank top , the first tier laid_. (40034:第八章:2391) A.to prevent crushing of cargo B.to separate cargoes C.to prevent small containers from hanging up on the upper edges D.to offer the drainage D.fill double bottom from deep tanks 44、The valves_S/0 No.187 is not shown in the plan. (40035:第八章:2392) A.below B.in C.of D.under 45、The use of_between bags may lead to chafage and tearing of the bags. (40036:第八章:2393) A.strips of burlap B.heavy paper C.dunnage boards D.strips of rope yarm 46、The transportation of dangerous cargo in packages is governed by_. (40037:第八章:2394) A.IBC code B.BC code C.IMDG code D.IGC code 47、The total berth time for a vessel can be reduced through a reduction_. (40038:第八章:2395) A.of working gangs B.of idle time C.in productivity of the working shifts D.of working hours each working day 48、The terminal staff tallies the cargo mainly before the ships_. (40039:第八章:2396) A.loading B.leaving C.arriving D.sailing 49、The tentative cargo plan_. (40040:第八章:2397) A.eliminates confusion with the final stowage plan B.shows the approximate amount of cargo to be loaded in each hold C.expedites the total operation D.requires an unproportional number of gang hours of work to discharge the cargo 50、The tallying of cargo refers to such kind of work that the amount and condition of all cargo should be checked_. (40041:第八章:2398) A.after its arrival at the destination B.during the ships voyage at sea C.before they come to the dock D.during the time when the loading or diacharging is going on 51、The stowage factor should be calculated_. (40042:第八章:2399) A.before the stowage plan is made B.when the stowage plan is made C.after the stowage plan is made D.before loading 52、The ship will be responsible for the cargo loaded or unloaded_. (40043:第八章:2400) A.only when the cargo is within its rail B.during the time when loading or ynloading is going on C.after the cargo is checked by tallymen D.as soon as loading or discharging begins 53、The ship is now too much listing to portside. Which is the best way to keep the vessel upright ?_ . (40044:第八章:2401) A.Put all the remaining cargo on starboard side B.Put light cargo on starboardside and heavy cargo on port side C.Put light cargo on port side and heavy cargo on starboard side D.A,B,C are all correct 54、The ship is now too much listing to portaide. I suggest that you_light cargo on portside and heavy cargo on starboard side. (40045:第八章:2402) A.will put B.would put C.put D.shall put 55、The purpose of cant frames in steel vessel is_. (40046:第八章:2403) A.To support the overhang of the stern B.To strength the plating against the pounding of the sea C.To add srength to the deck beams which support the weather deck D.To support the plating of a cylindrical tank 56、The productivity of working shifts can be improved through a decrease of_. (40047:第八章:2404) A.working hours B.gangs C.idle time D.weight per set 57、The permant dunnage attached to the frames of the ship that aids in ventilation is (are) the_. (40048:第八章:2405) A.hatch boards B.tank top C.hatch beams D.sweat bettens 58、The patches where rust have been removed should be wiped clean before paint is_ . (40049:第八章:2406) A.applied B.supplied C.replied D.compli d 59、The net productivity per gang-hour can be improved through a decrease of_. (40050:第八章:2407) A.cranes/derricks B.crane/derrick cycles C.crane/derrick cycle time D.weight per package 60、The most variable factor in the control of broken stowage is_ . (40051:第八章:2408) A.the use of excessive amounts of dunnage B.the use of excessive amount of filler cargo C.the failure to stow some item in neat and uniform rows and tiers D.the skill, industry and interest of the longshoremen 61、The most important principle in the stowage is_. (40052:第八章:2409) A.to ensure the safety of the ship and protect the cargo from being damaged B.to avoid the rearrangement of the cargo loaded on board C.to reject the damaged cargo during loading D.to prevent the spontaneous combustion of coal and grain 62、The most important principle of the cargo stowage is_. (40053:第八章:2410) A.to avoid the rearrangement of the cargo loaded on board B.to ensure the safety of the ship and cargo C.to reject the damaged cargo during loading operation D.to prevent the spontaneous combustion of coal and grain 63、The material used extensively as electrolytic protection around bronze propellers is_ . (40054:第八章:2411) A.brass B.copper C.lead D.zinc 64、The KM for a vessel may be determined by which of the following ?_. (40055:第八章:2412) A.Adding the KB and the BM B.Subtracting the KB from the BM C.Subtracting the GM from the KB D.Adding the GM and the KB 65、The full utilization of berths can be achieved if_ . (40056:第八章:2413) A.ships arrive at random B.cargo-handing time varies greatly C.ships have to queue to get onto berths D.ships do not have to wait to get onto berths 66、The forward draft of your ship is 2711 and the after is 2903. The draft amidship is 2805. Your vessel is_ . (40057:第八章:2414) A.hogged B.sagged C.listed C.ships have to queue to get onto berths D.terimmed by the head 67、The expenses for the loading of trucks and heavy cargo and the necessary materials for lashing thereof will be charged to_ account. (40058:第八章:2415) A.the supercargos B.the shippers C.the shipowners D.carriers 68、The disinfection of various compartment in a vesel by filling them


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