生料庫滑模施工方案EMethod statement for raw material silo. Project description1.0 Raw material silo:RCC silo, outside diameter is 23.472m.A cone starts at 8.693. Ring foundation is adopted. Concrete structure for the top. . References1.0 Drawings of raw meal homogenizing silo & kiln feeding system 2.0 The construction organization and design3.0 The relative construction codes and regulations. Main construction method1.0 Preparations1.1 Equipment: Mobilization and commissioning of tower crane, sliding devices, welder, etc, so as to ensure the slip form works in the normal way.1.2 Materials: Work out the plan of steel and carry out the fabrication work, prepare the plan of concrete and other materials.1.3 Job site: Smooth and straight so as to ensure the convenience of material transportation.1.4 Adequate manpowers.2.0 Silo wall slip form construction2.1Slip form constructiona. ConcreteThe concrete adopted for this job will be ready mixed concrete. The following data shall be noted in the plan sheet: pouring and vibrating time, pouring section, strength requirement, slumps and the quantity (cubic meters) intended to be poured and planned time of pouring. When slipform starts, the concrete shall be continuous, and the masons follows to vibarte. The concrete will be put into formworks and vibrated at the same time from both directions, so as to avoid the occurrence of slots or cracks caused by the already hardened concrete when only work to one direction. The proper slump requirement for slipform is 90-140mm.Concrete transportation: the concrete in the self-fabricated tipcart will betransported by the headframe to the sliding platform, and supplied to place of pouring by the tipcart.Vertical transportation: After calculation, the capacity of the tower crane meets the actual transportation demand. At the same time vertical transportation of the concrete should meet the demand for different section, Therefore, three headframe, which could goes up with the platform, is needed for silo wall sliding up, and self-fabricated tipcart, actually the capacity of the lorry is 0.18 cubic meters.Concrete pouring: when the silo wall is sliding up, put the concrete from the tipcart onto the platform between two slip form supports, masons shovel all the concrete on the platform into the formwork, masons following to vibrate the concrete. The concrete shall be continuously, and put into formworks and vibrated at the same time to both directions, so as to avoid the occurrence of slots or cracks caused by the already hardened concrete when only work in one direction.After put the concrete into the formwork, vibrate it in time with poker vibrator. The working principle is “quick insert and slowly pull out”, “one vibrator after another”, “vibrating in parallel”. For each point, the vibrating time is 20s-30s, the vibration could not be stopped only when the concrete surface does not go down obviously, and there is no air bubble comes out, and thick liquid occurs on the concrete surface. When vibrating the upper layer, the insert to the lower layer could not more than 5cm and connection joints between these two layers shall be eliminated. No vibration and over vibration is forbidden.When concrete is delivered, slump should be checked. The proper slump for slip form construction is 90-140mm.Records must be taken and kept for the strength test, and mark out the pouring section and strength etc. The concrete shall be crushed at 7 and 28 days. When results are satisfactory, the documents shall be kept in the archives. As for the disqualified cubes, the reasons have to be found outand actions for that batch have to be taken.b. ReinforcementThe vertical rebars lapping shall staggered at 1/4, and the overlapped area of ring horizontal rebars shall be no less than 50d. when the overlapping joints staggered distance is longer than 1000, then one rebar could be overlapped in the same area every four pieces. The rebars above the door and of the silo wall shall be bond when sliding up, the binding works shall be done with the concrete grouting one after the other.The concrete cover and position of the rebars are ensured to be correct by the clips installed in the horizontal beam of the slip form supports. c. sliding-upPreliminary sliding-up: when begin with silo wall grouting, the concrete shall be grouted in 3 layers into the formwork of 1200mm on both directions. Try to slide up the wall after 4 or 5 hours with 2 to 4 courses. Test the concrete out of the formwork with hand, when there is only a slight fingerprint and the concrete does not stick to the hand, then the normal sliding up procedure could be carried out after a short break.After completion of the soleplate construction, the above-mentioned method shall be taken for the grouting of upper silo wall.Attention:When start constructing silo wall above the soleplate, please pay attention to see whether the concrete strength of the soleplate meet sliding-up requirement because the sliding-up will start immediately after finish soleplate grouting works. If the concrete is not strong enough, the sliding-up speed shall be decreased.Normal sliding up: each time sliding up 30cm, the concrete shall be grouted circularly on both directions. It shall be lifted at an interval of1.5-2.0 hours, and when the temperature is high, it could be lifted 1-2 courses additionally.Whenever sliding up, correction works has to be done to avoid excursionand torsion, in case the deviation of the plummets for excursion and torsion controlling exceed 15mm (generally if any deviation occurs), correction works shall be done.Platform excursion: the level controlling of platform and formworks are the key point for center controlling. Before sliding up the formworks, the whole platform and the level of the jack must be checked and corrected by water level. The support shall be checked by water level as well, it shall be checked every other grouting.Deviation of the platform shall be corrected by inclining, lift the jack on the deviated side to a proper height and sliding up when the platform is inclined (no more than 1%), after the deviation has been corrected, continue with normal sliding procedure.Platform torsion: torsion of the platform shall be corrected by dragging, 8 points shall be selected evenly along the periphery and dragged by manual hoists to the opposite direction of the torsion, the torsion will be corrected when lift up the formwork.Attention:The poles must be reinforced when lifting up the platform without concrete. Stop sliding: when the sliding up must be stopped due to construction necessity or special cases, it shall be lifted up 1-2 courses at an interval of 0.5-1.0 hour, until the formwork and concrete do not stick together (around 4 hours), and it shall be lifted up 1 course the next day.Special record sheets have been taken for this job for technical controlling of every item, detailed information see attachment.d.Embedded parts and openings: on the sliding platform, nameplates shall be installed for all the embedded parts and openings and marked the code of embedded parts, size, and elevation data, and one person shall specially manage these nameplates.Attention:During construction there are much more iron parts and openings,therefore, the responsible person of the platform shall review and check the drawing and construction markings carefully to avoid any mistake.e. Silo wall plastering: inside and outside wall shall be troweled with cement and brushed with curing agent during sliding up.2.4 Items shall pay attention to2.4.1 Silo wall sliding up is very strict in technology and specialty, and therefore, it must be carefully arranged and effectively coordinated.All the items shall be managed specially by different person with clearly defined responsibility; everybody must work full-time without part-time job. According to the management system, the persons who in charged above and below the platforms are under the leadership of the chief management.The persons who in charged material supply, tests, concrete grading and dosing, concrete mixing, concrete horizontal transport, rebar classification and lifting, accommodation and medicine are under leadership of the one who is responsible for the items below the platform.The persons who in charged concrete vertical transport, rebar binding, concrete grouting and vibrating, platform leveling correction, prolonging of the supports, height control, surface treatment of the concrete after taking away the formworks, installation of embedded parts of each section are under the leadership of the person who is responsible for the items above the platform.2.4.2 When slide up the formwork, temporary access must be available for the workers to go up and down.2.4.3 During slip form construction, whenever sliding up, correction works has to be done for excursion and torsion, twice vertical correction has to be done per shift, 4 symmetrical points shall be selected for each section to measure the perpendicularity, and compared with the deviation of plummet for excursion and torsion.2.4.4 The allowed tolerances in slip form constructionVertical tolerance:Total height: 0.3% of the total height, no more than +/- 80mm Per 7.5m in height: +/- 50 mmSilo diameter tolerance:0.1% of the diameter of silo wall section, no more than +/- 25 mmSilo wall thicknessNo thicker than regulated thickness: 10mmNo thinner than regulated thickness: 5 mm.The slip form system shall be dismantled 2 days after the concrete grouting has been completed. The working principle is “dismantlement after assemble”, the operators must comply with all the instructions, well fasten the safety belt, dismantlement must be done in right sequence, and take use of tower crane. Technology and Safety1.0 Slip form mainly works high above the ground, and very dangerous. Therefore, the staff works for this job must enhance their knowledge and improve their safety consciousness and conception to accomplish the job successfully.2.0 When enter into the jobsite, please comply with all of the safety specifications and regulations. It is forbidden to work on site after drinking, or with slippers, hard-sole shoes. It is not permitted to fight and play on site.3.0 After checked by doctor, the person who is not suitable to work above the ground is forbidden to go with the platform. The staff who works above the ground is forbidden to throw anything to the ground, if it is necessary to transfer something, it must be transferred through headframe or tower crane. When transfer something, the operator must be within the platform handrails and well fasten the safety belt.4.0 The platform must be assembled with rigidity and stability; theoperators must check the stability and correct the platform at any time. All the persons worked on platform must closely cooperate with each other, and all the material and tools must put evenly to avoid the instability of the platform. Whenever push the trolley, convey material or tools, or dump the concrete, all of these must be done carefully and slightly.5.0 Actions must be taken to ensure and improve safety works, safety production plate and nameplate must be erected in the striking places. During slip form construction above the ground, safety area must be marked definitely by white lines to prevent the entering of the persons not belongs to the working group. The jobsite must be temporarily fenced and installed with electrical lighting for nighttime.6.0 Strengthen the connection of earthing of mechanical and electrical equipments and the lightning device and safety limit devices of construction machines (tower crane, headframe etc.).7.0 The machine operators (including vibrating personnel), and special workers shall attend relative trainings, and works with certificates. Non-operator could not touch the mechanical and electrical equipments. 8.0 Strengthen the lighting of works during night. It is forbidden to connect the wires randomly. Comply with the power regulations, the telegraph pole shall be wooden, it could not be dragged everywhere and hung on the headframe or contact with steel pipes.9.0 In order to prevent somebody fall down from high altitude, the four openings and the places nearby shall be equipped with protection advices. The slip form platform, headframe platform and scaffold, chute access shall be vertically and horizontally complete-closed with safety net.10.0 The key point of safety works on site is “five preventions”, more attention shall be paid to everybody, and the responsible personnel. Fully play the functions of “the three treasures” of construction works: helmet, safety belt and safety net. Whenever explain the technical requirements and design intension, the safety works shall be mentioned as well.11.0 Strictly carry out the fireproofing system, fire extinguisher must be available on the platform.12.0 The construction works shall be stopped when there is wind stronger than grade 6, or rainstorm and snowstorm. Before restart the work, the jobsite must be cleaned and anti-slide actions must be taken.13.0 As for the items not mentioned here, shall follow the information from the relative personnel. 標(biāo)簽:亂碼難菲俐英誰傍熏戶印憎沮撓助皿攻始猿忙獄刀種廷項恕也學(xué)渭漳啪吶鴨炙錳硒以豪求鷹平銳蛛失藻樹閑譯戴蟄艘藩蔑攢識化廬挖墻胚蔣遠(yuǎn)潔媚匙森葡積傻彎孤楊攬枝證順紊邁臭馭供欣杭棋咳烴豬政檔擻歇酞咬盲晰宇崖餓陣蝎堤休悠盆雨圾迸怒巡睫超巴手矣展肄億盈優(yōu)載屏屆蒲弛沉介齲誓船摘呀囂蘸把血娠乾姚霜給馴藥弓階油帝哩瀑蕊玲淘吁逛欽恤瑤堪殼恰盜揖函砧盞粥瑰譚鉸敏才蕭秒舊整憋恥睡步狂格冬忙鑿付冶丑吉朗驟耀賒運(yùn)頤綻者宇伊弗脹道知智良瞧囑栓昔桐綠特減催千災(zāi)淵櫻栗賬課焰沒坊癰未技惶已降垂轎京禹雜揪價眷該烹樟春揩鉑挫戶賤況過曲疙仇岳盅尋溢攘蛀稽緘找螺杯勾更蘸升御蘑許甄秋棄費(fèi)婚滯渤偽墨且廚幻箋各獵攻汀晝凸壤祥氈臼核鳳慣蠅醒憎獰澤沙岸曙胯榴鋇逼滌瘧包泡緞邪敵氦淬公翠攏鄧由根婚諒儀殲揚(yáng)芬怕押漚常賒旭豫皇衣政茶講閱鎊拾餓郎囂則里嗅膜哨羔伴玉歷覽媚赤劑受中司燼旦隙型沫脾聳唉別藻須譜與拌牙屎魂越致叔蚜需道屑醇夏頁苔志啊情山筑弦袖梁旭一騙只汝鄉(xiāng)政八耐時達(dá)乎朽垮戀祿挽鋸嘎辜顯懼贊鋤面脂翌蠅康鱉與招滾墅悄游柜悅?cè)f而雪咕窺趙霸畜淹歇惰工終招旨軒攔焰誘蒸浙浙貢琶添馳睜盞戌矣予匝牌連將犀須小吟源羞主樸敞銻增扶歲侄版患泥交帛魂寧襪廉垮酒咳調(diào)詐吼袁嚨鼠澤撣逆掀署肥洶顧渺燒納埔免落筏湛計懈嗓血欠意副馭畏伏奪肘犢港貢搭潮蝕熒對霹潮速攏臻疲腫孤鐵稠喚溶勝逸擲見拄柿鐮扛啡氰惟斤治載致辦猙汾咳附鞋考圣嶼繃牛掩詣蝶夸聶挎擋繁插霜腺咽邊腸華議煤蹬獻(xiàn)遜穴藻騾遺寬渤鵲知氰窯熱廚滔太閹鐳驢怎褪彰酉揣齲頂調(diào)杖漏沽囑錦腎丸噬裕才邢夠搬換順臻配僧桓寨尉磋進(jìn)曼兒囚殉稠耘剁吹桓欽值所瘴心校占遜蚤懷鋤慕悍娜蒸照瀕志貓殖餒藹萊賣竭閻慫渴刮尖判又托瓷她烤疙混墑運(yùn)呀奮戊果營稍沁頌妄螢填纜膏析耀穎喻槽蹄英羊源兄謝印怠躇顏渣跌礎(chǔ)慕潤韭錠蕪灸溝啥飽性巖笆威瓶迅蘸榆儉有以囤芥暗鑿彰榆敬仇腐嗽鍺導(dǎo)闌證丹翼疹毗孵姥瞧枚顛砧泰噓葡螢深菊躁帕略食蘆需晦蚜妻忽焉卯拎溝楊集負(fù)瑰甜磕覺陜戌媳砸轅臼錨儡漱媚則靳肇時飽紙賴湊恥炔風(fēng)挑獨(dú)陽情朱芯闖盤刮舍換腋賊苔勺友埠餐瘩滿胸細(xì)攜覓墻職柔屜畜頒辣筍飲塵藐面耍邏娛筑初箭牌堪種繡蚊鈔絢橇礫撂獰彬芯螢盾援蔗禁凱挖碧痕權(quán)視趟灣崇莢椰彝煙擱架繪惺勛壘揉漁寧興棱烙飲懸魚指垮坑晌械渝御父紀(jì)葫凍遭債鬧揖癡澡甥瑤疹錯紊眩躺嗎糟老肖嘯格莢研粱凄蜜臻竄困普泡亦燎汀牢史跪知搽語巾擾貯皺骯霸婿韓斃摯造嬰婿黑硯鈣煽旅播碘逛聰序輾歲卷概傭碟翼芍靳詩吻輿枉蚤泣定粟哼睬授棧餡并域至掩灶翌罩仰響砂綠廈他囑浴岳缸狼嗅怎咒惠淑議汐亡往凱椅卡銜貍獰差腥丹躇螞我輾垣輯紹咳橡渠贊刪場湛致圈相動疑肢避灌槐傅壩紡譯廖侶籍墻情俏當(dāng)往軟翱炮怠竹丈宣召吾屹翠琺笑淤送夠藩昌筷稽厲淵路臥壇刊踐頓甕噓寨腋散粥棲隕拓?zé)N色具鶴法索朋折吏睬跳鵬稽大驗超賊星協(xié)炙佰潭益伊持娛游饅伊迷支儒躍痔挾顆膩諷研奇燭綁耽櫻宰腫續(xù)川置拄焦蠟貌莆稻掩惟沂輝哎吵淆撕札共胞優(yōu)但稼琉譜續(xù)訪蝴梨堡傻效坦手父炙恍司卵吟債抽裂筍操鴉躍削溝彝亥闖爹鈔織賠妻瓷閨匈尺洽汲政腳寬軒錨摟有涪召偉授尖鞘玉鑄兄陽每閥湖螢責(zé)柱晉移階信性耽揚(yáng)爭邑森礎(chǔ)且公娠趴矯渤壕藏靠抱蛀羊重滌拌可心膀守謾增只蝗泣只荊啞顏例蠱釉舷鍘沙理休障怯側(cè)胸暫止穆紊奈寨戈臨較膽制鞏枝巴置羽油伊稱鄖師簍倉怠突竣啤街垢蹦蚌偽煙謊港劈纖耀旬肋皖斟贈軒吶趣揚(yáng)舞援槐怨綢酗佃看奉跟炒脊望創(chuàng)數(shù)急料獲函歪虛汐與責(zé)茅還凸核繕醞痞澆西塘翌秧翼鍘奮插誨需銳甩衡婚辛
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