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1、2016大學(xué)英語(yǔ)a級(jí)真題directis:ts part is to test yr liteig ality it osists of 4sctionssecinaition:thi section is t test yorability to nerstand hort dilogs. ere are rerded dialogueiit.afte ch dlogue,ther is acordedqetion. boththe daloues an questns wl bspen onlyonce. hn you heara qusin, yoshould dcid on the c

2、orrecswer ft4chic maked ), b),) and d) giveni youtest paer.then ou sou mr the correpdng lettr o the nswer het iha sglelie hroug e cnter.1 a) the pre f he product.c)he deliv of his odr.) the harge of the evie d) the pakn ohe gos. a) iinga lectre. c)peping a part.b) taking a interve d) having n xa.3 a

3、) isfd is ecious. c) it close to his office.b) is prie is reasonable. )it prods g service4. a) byea c) b tri.) by i.d) by tuk.5. a) asking theway.c)buinair ticetsb) entg a car. d) bokinghotel oms.sectionbirectio: issetin is totest our alt toundrstand shortonvesations. thee are recorded conerios init

4、. afte eachconvesatn,there re some ecored estion.both th conversatiosand quetins wil be poken twotimes. whn you hear queson, o sul dcieon he crr answer frmthe4 choicearked ),b),c) add)v in yurst pae. he yo shuld mt crsondig ltr on th answer heetwith sinl lin thoughe enter.ow iten tohe oersationovrsa

5、tion 16. a)open new shore.c) ine te woman o hi ompayb)prticae i a rade far) pace a order with thewman7. )aadvetisingbrocr.c) an invtati lettr)a pr lisd) fe samps.versatn 2. ) t a hotl. c)ina resturnt.b) at th irport.d) in bnk.9. ) to buy a icetc)tlacean oer) boka tx. d) to make n ppintment.10.a)y7:0

6、c)by9:00.b)8:00. d)b10:00secton ciections: in this ection you wil her ecodesht passge.the pssage is prntdinthetest paer, ut ih se ods or phraseissi. the psagewl be read wo tie yo re requredo putthemiingwords ophraseson te ner sheet i ode of h nueedblanks accordino what u hear. now the assae will beg

7、i n interiewe smtmes rt wit an oende questio lke culd ou telmeoehng about yoursel? it is aay tobrek th ice and mak you fel 1 dring theinteriew. iisalsoy r te trieer to knowmore abotyur persoalit to elp him orh to 12 ifyou r good ft for th b.t io a goo idato tatoo much aboutyousel becaus he interiewe

8、r doesnt wn toknow eerythngaboutyo. but n th other hand, tling 13 ca makehim rer onerhy you art more penso ts ago idea to sae om 14 . thee interestsmay not 15 or worksection ddircton: this section s to testyoabiityocmpeen shortpsag. yowil er recored passage.ftr thatyowill heariquestions. h thpssge n

9、d thequestons wl e ed ttie. wheyuhear a quesion,o should cmplete th answer oit wth wordor shorre(in no mre tan wds ) th questions adcomet aswes are printedin yrestapr. yuhou wrie yor answrs the ansr sheecspndigly no lsen o the passae6. what desthespeaker talk about fi in hi spech? seakr first gives

10、abou hi cmpny17. wha arthe a producof te compan?cltn, nd ousehod products18. how long hs theompay beenibusines?over .1. whee can ople fid j pengs afamy dor?n s 20 how n pele aply for the jobs?the canmae thei appiation .part truue (1mint)rections:hisp is to styou ility o construtgrmmaticalyrrct sentn

11、. it consists o sctionssetion adrtions: thisseci, thre r 1 ioplete sentences yu arereqired o coplete coneby iding themot propiate wrd or or from th 4 choicesmaked a)b), c) andd).hen you huld markthe corepning lter on thansweshee with sigle line though he entr 21. the nvetiation, hemitte publishdteep

12、ort on th case ftheccidna) pletedc)havingmpleteb)mplngd) to hae complte22. the reporthows that oer haf ofthe wmn are suffeing secnd-andsoke ate rkplae.a) n b) for c) o d) from23. ougoal s to fufillthe needs o orclents, calln theaea) weve b) heneve ) wrever d) whatvr24. onlyafterhsecretry saw the tra

13、in disapper in sight he alay tion,a)he leaves ) has eft c) he let d) id h ave25.ifhehad worked dr, hey the project aea oea) lfinih ) have finsdb) would have finishe d) ha finhd26. the company has ecided to sposr th ehibition, helps to rot it ige.) ha ) whoc) what) hich7.the newly appointed mnager sa

14、idto e eithe lxible easy oge aog with.) b)nd c) ord) bu2. enitsalares mayno be hih, workin as a usig ssitandeshvesom other.)unlesb) wilec)as)since9. howe achepoducshas a signficant mact h ost of logiscs.a) b)on c) tod) wth. imprssed me mot bo the shool is ho itasdegned t upport bh thtudent and the c

15、omniy.) what b) tht ) tis d) whichsectiobdirecions: thr re5ncomlte staemntshre. you shouldfiln achlank with e pope fm of e ord give inrkets.ri th word or wor in the oesdingsce on he answer heet31.forthe sake f our log-tem(coopeat) , we may consderreducin the pricy 0 perent.32. he you ll fin som(vle)

16、 resources to helou evlocmunicion ki.33. drivng s ong been thougt f (eficin) hanflyin,btcodingtonewresea,tht is lger the cs.3.qutatinsand aples will (send) to yu s as we receve yur speificinuiries35 aftr(reev) u lan from us, ifyouare not pleely satisfed with yor expience, leascntat s.pr radng comprh

17、enion (40 minute)directions: thpart is to tet yourreadig ail.her are 5 fr you o fufil yu sold re the readng atisarely nddothe tsksas you are tructeadirection:af eading he folowing psage, you will fid 5 qustios o ufihesaeent, numbered 86o 40. forea quesion orsttement, ther ar4 chices mrked a),b),c) d

18、 )。 yousoul mke correct hoieand mark the correspnding letter n the ansr heet with a singe inthrugh he center. gvg busness presenttion, ayspakrs tn hat fthre s stron, heiudiene wil gtit redily tey fel discourgd when te uiece is unable to netand their reentatins. ha appns a lot especally whn tecnial e

19、xpers r invitedtokea prducpreeton a groupofusswht can we to mak a sisprentonease to uetnd? y ie,goorsentaions havelwasnsple and vsul. i n efective buiess pesento, te fr th pons,the ete emesa get pssed n. you focu onthe eth of coverag inteadof e wth (廣度) of vragdditonally, yu ake your das visa and re

20、levant, so te ssag is unerstd btrandmmbereloer.get bunss esnters relte hrid an concpts to their audienceby sing mpe, powefuldiarms insea oelying on text-bse slide in f,rawing igras forces a resetr t mae the ia cear even a tepara stge. it s imossible to draw dagram whn youar nt clear about ie whe you

21、r ideis clr, is easer to tnsf itmost audienesuetad a iarafaste n remebr itnger. hisosiblyplains why mosf h memorable psnaons have been vsu inntue36. any speaers believethat thestronger hir ide, .a) th morpoerful heispecill be) th mrmenngul thir spech will be) te moeeasily teaudice wl understand itd)

22、 thehardrth aude willfindit o follo3 wyare you advised gi fewr points inour presetati?a) o pass themesages btter. )to llw audience t tents.b) to avod watin toomuh tied) to laveoretim foruestins.38. the seakr can elp t adence remmber the mesag longerby ). displaying ext-based slides.c)fcusi o te widt

23、h of of corageb) avoidiglg tehncal terms.d)uing simpe ad powful iga39. th unline ord transfe in this ssaeos roably mans ” “a) crate ) s on c) te of )desie40. s pasge is mainly aot a)hw to mke an effective usiess presentationb) o to pesent srongidea in esetionc)hw o focs onthe dth of rge) ow o prepar

24、 werfuldigratask 2drctns: thistk ishesme as task 1 th 5 questionsor ufnished tatementsaenumbrd 41 to 5nwthe copy has growntohv its on olin se, relatonhps ith supliers i aa, anda fatres. th coma has a s revnues doubl ve tomonths.for ou ay-t-day opertos,blue jeansompnyhas estihd seal ey latonshps ad w

25、 nesily expan ourproducin when the ead for ourgoods incaes.we obtain the st organic oton fr uppiers,one loated tukey andteoter jap, whh mans that eirupplis arpducd wout e useofanyhemcal.ocethe hipment ariesin heus,il berout (發(fā)送) ourpodcion and sng patn in os angelewe work oslywit ur parne to ensure

26、quty thouh glar cecks. is als wr therdcsil sip ut.or offce ilocatn202centy prk es wre all staf rk tgehr, halingal onine oder proesng and ensuring th puhase adeliveryof h prducts usmoohly italso erll requtsorrunds ae handled i addii t the re launh of th j-reccin program4. bluejs comany first stes bus

27、inss ya)selligits produtofiedsc) expoting jeans o asnountries) dn busies inan onlie stoe d)uplig raw mars o loal ctoie42.“ oric otton” in lin,ara3, proly meas“ cotona) maufcturd atomtily c) proucedwithut usgcealb) grown loca regionsd) mpotedfro foreign countri4. toesur oduct ulity, the companya) use

28、s man-ad materialsc) checs i pructsrurlyb) erves stit reuation d)ofen s forcltsopnons44. the ompnys pods wil hiput from) new or b)l ngelesc) turke )jp45 hat wil he ompany dointeutue?a) sll itspouts worldwidc) establish anewoffice in nw yorkb) handleallts es online d) cr o an-yclingprgmts drectons:re

29、ad h flong pssge aftr reading it, yoar requed tcolte eutline below it (n.46tono.5). y shoul wre your awer briefly ( oretnthree wors)n the anwer shet cspondinglyfineartameica. co i n onlne maket lac designeo epyournso you diaimagesino a fluihng olnbusiss.simy opn fre accoun, upload (上傳) your imags, s

30、etur ices r e aailabl rt sizes, and youre n businssstnly.yu can immditel sart selli ne artris adgetig cadt a wdidude ofar ecors.eh month,me thn 5 illin vsitorssto by o rowsan prchase twork.whenone thee vsior uchs our prins rgreting card, wetake care ofvyh for yu! i orderto help o eertsales, a advert

31、ies ouarwrk for you one,and w lo proie yo wit powerful and unquemarketig features.in adtion,fa haan onlin commuity of 0 000 ats w artipate in dil dcusions, lie cht, groups,cotest, a uc more. if youre nteresedin newrin wit ohe aists, dicsng rt-rela topcs, an aig busnesies. youe come the ghtpace.級(jí)2015

32、-12-5addiion, faa hasn nliecmmunty of 40 000+tisto aricipaenlydiscsins,live chats, grus, cotests,and much more, ifyur testin neworingwit othe artt, discussing atrelt oics, d haring uiness ids. youve ceo te riht plafineartamerica. coman online market placegoal: help you transform your digital images

33、into a flourishing online businesssteps to start your business: 1) open 46 ;2) upload your images;3) set 47 ;4)sell your fine art prints and 48number of visitors: over 49 monthlyways to generate sales:1) advertise your artwork2) provide powerful and unique 50 additional feature: an online community

34、with 40 000+ artistsaskdections: the foloig is a list terms rlat to ocks andsrs,atr rediit, youare required to fin theitem eqvlnt to thos givenn hnee iteablebelw. he yousouldmr the corresonding letr with ingle lter tough the centern order the umbredblnks, trouh 55, on answer staberakt jearinsper sha

35、rbbul market kprce per harelsin rc lmrke vauedopngprice mvlmof tadgepimaymarket nordnarysarefscndary maet ocopite ndexgndivdul ivst paccot balacehannual ept qanua returnich fowamls: ( o )綜合指數(shù) ( e )一級(jí)市場(chǎng)51.( )每股股價(jià) ( )年回報(bào)5.( )開盤價(jià)( )熊市53.( )二級(jí)市場(chǎng) ( )交易量5( )資金流( )普通股5.( )每股收益 ( )市場(chǎng)價(jià)值task 5dietions: rad he

36、follog psage. aftr eading it, you sodgiverief ae o the questins( .56 to o 0)tha low. he answer (innomorethanwd)shoue written ftrthe corresondg nubers on theawer he.yousarcig he intntofind th estpace to bok romfor ourfamily acation? ee aeome ofourips f yua級(jí)20-6geintaeeaso searhing or hotel rired a lo

37、 of pne cal to hoelhain. today, teres no sortge of qutyonlieotl ooi wte, u cat our favite nne htel okngsite, er u taveldestintion, h dat f yur trip, nd the nmbeof oelguest.nrowing h hel serho no wh? ou v fund ali f hotel room onin orered y hottar rang (等級(jí)),gue res,or pric. hats mosmprtant toou? i tp

38、ce, sort e lis by owstprice fit.fis te starraing f hehot,n clic t sotby rtng.ead uestcoean rvewsalwasreadhe uet soe. eep in mindtha hoel with a h nu o hil rate guestscoe ad written uetreiews wll irease yur onfidee that yoll havea goepeience ttat htel. always cosiderth get scores when youk a om onle

39、ina hte. yourrience i likl beimilar56. wat di popehave to dtosechfor a otl n he ps?they ad to ke a lot 7. what shupeopl do afr they hav fon ther fvorit hoel bookingste?myeter their , the datof their trip nd te nmbeo uests.58. h are hot room rderen a list onine?he arerdee by tar ating, , r rce.5. wha

40、thoud peoploif tey thinkthe st atg s st importan?hy just ot by .60.whsould peope ake the gue ores into cderation?becuse ther eperince isliky to be .a translato- english nt hnese (2mnuts)dretins: this pr, nue 6 tuh 6, is ttestu ablityto anslte glisito iese. aft e o the sntnes nmbere61to 4, ou wil rad

41、 three choices uggesdraslatinmae a),b)ad c). ouho coe the bes translt ad ak tecoresnding letter on yourane sheet with siglelne troughhecent nd for te aragrah numbered 5, wrteou raslationin cresoning paceo hetnsltion cmposition seet. t h benfound tht omepeople devot hmelvs uy to teir busiess successthat ty deelp unalthy eain hbitsa) 人們發(fā)現(xiàn)有些人的事業(yè)之所以能成功,是與他們的生活習(xí)慣密不可分的。) 人們發(fā)現(xiàn)有些人只注重自己事業(yè)的發(fā)展,而忽略了健康飲食習(xí)慣的養(yǎng)成。) 人們發(fā)現(xiàn)有些人全身心傾注于事業(yè)的成功,以至養(yǎng)成不健康的飲食習(xí)慣. its n how uh daa u collect, but alue of t


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