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1、英語寫作技巧和英語句型英語寫作20字訣agreemnt: 主語和謂語在人稱、數(shù)上的一致,關(guān)系代詞與先行詞的一致。abiguity: 盡量不去使用可能引起歧義的詞語或句子。rief: 文章簡為貴,要抓住要點,簡明扼要。erence: 文理通順,前后連貫。dveloment: 主題的發(fā)揮應(yīng)當(dāng)充分、合理、正確。viion: 詞匯、句子、段落要分配使用得當(dāng),劃分要清楚,避免使用重復(fù)字句和種子片段。gres: 正確合理使用各類修辭格式。infated icon: 不使用做作的語言。key: 用適當(dāng)?shù)年P(guān)鍵詞突出主題,每段都應(yīng)有主題句。lial: 內(nèi)容要符合邏輯。essge: 信息要新鮮、確實、可信。i:

2、合理刪除多余的不必要部分。ropositio: 主張、觀點、論述要清楚肯切、合情入理。punctution:正確適時使用標(biāo)點符號。rlent: 文章一定要要題。sentenc pattern:句型要盡量多樣化。sti: 開門見山,直來直去。stle: 文體恰切,適合內(nèi)容要求。ese: 動詞時態(tài)要正確、一致、變化合理。英文寫作中常用的邏輯詞匯1 并列關(guān)系and, furthrmoe, mor than ha, lso, likes, moroer, in ddiion, wh is more, f stac, r exapl2. 轉(zhuǎn)折關(guān)系althugh, howver, on the conra

3、y, ut, in spite of, nevrtelss, yt, otherwis, spie3. 順序關(guān)系first, secon, third, anso o, then,ater, before, next4. 因果關(guān)系s arsul, fr, hs, because,fo ts reasn, so,th, s, sice, cseqentl, on counto. 歸納關(guān)系 a reult,finaly,theefore,accorngly, in short,thus, coseunt,in conclusion, so, in bf, i a wrd幾個用得比較多的句子:sra

4、 m conend, e advatesof oighits isavantag. evess, th diadvntges o uneniabl.o um p/ i genraln th whol/ in ref/ n short/ in rd, ti truethatri bout oh posite egative rsut. but we can try o estoeche naenfluece to the easetnt.obviusly, in ever aspect, tis diagram unfolsa clear cpaiso btwanda to e other th

5、e, thug rowtrates ere nt s high,heyr indeed emarkble an mpresie. 英文作文中常用套句下文中出現(xiàn)的 a,b, “.”(某事物), sb( omeby), 要在寫作中要根據(jù)上下文進(jìn)行適當(dāng)替換開頭: whn it coes t.,o tink . her sa pui bat oday tat . is commnway ., btis it a wise on? cntly the pre has enboughinto fcus. 提出觀點: no thre is goingwarees ta. it is ime wxplor t

6、etruh of . nwhee in itor has the iubeen morvisibe.進(jìn)一步提出觀點: . bu hat s oy ar f theitrythe eullyimptnt aspt is . asbut one ofthe many efect. aoter is . bsides, oh reasns are.提出假想例子的方式: uppe hat. ju imgine hat would b lik i. iisreasnabl to expect. it is no surrsig that. 舉普通例子: forxaple(intance),. sh as

7、 ,,cand so on (s forth) a go ca npointis. a rtcuar aml r this is. 引用: on oheratst aly writes aid . knoledge is pwr, uisthe reward o . ais ow comment( critiie/rais.). . ho oftenwear sch wors li ter. 講故事 (先說故事主體),istoryis ot rare. ., s dilemmweofn met i dly life. ., the sory stil aa realist sgniicane提

8、出原因:there are my sos for . why . , f one tn,. heanswertothisproblem ivovs mny fatos. any discussin aboutis probmould intably invves . te firtreaso beobviousy se. mos peopl wol agreethat. some pp may negect tht in at . oths ggt that. ar of xplnaion i . 進(jìn)行對比: th dvataes for af outweh tediadvanags o. l

9、though a enjoys a itinct avntae. ided ,a arries uch weigtha when sth i coerned. amaybe. , but i suffrsrom te diadvtag hat.承上啟下: toudertnd the trth f .,i aso ipornt to ee.a stuy of . ll mths pointclear 讓步:ctany, b ha its wn dvants, such s.i o nt enythat a has its ow rits.結(jié)尾: frmwa asben dicsedabove,

10、wemay sfey drathe cocuson tht . i summry,i s wse. in sho.在作文中引用合適的名言警句,會給你的文章增色許多。這里收集了我本人喜愛的一些名言,可能會對你有用。我們使用引用的位置可以在開頭結(jié)尾或正文段落中, 常見的使用形式如下:ne f the reats ly rit sad . knledgisor, suchis the rewardof . . thais how sb comment ( critize/prase.). . hooten e hr suc words iketre.ufu qutins逆境by robrt oiri

11、 evr adverst terlie he seed on quivaln dvantge. in everdfeat the is lssonshwingyouho ow tvctory next time. 努力與成功 ann dr oporties ar al isguised hr wr, so mostpeoledntreconze them.堅持 by ralh aldo emeronno on can cha yu out f ult scess utyurelv. confucius 孔子our graes glory isnot in ev falln. ut in ris

12、ing evey me w ll. 堅持mohetresat kee a lam buringwehav tkee putin oil it. heryford non is prticularrd if yivid it nto sall jobs. winonchrcller,ev,vr,eve veup. lbert einstein in the iddl ofiffityles pporunity. 努力與成功 by crasss thoewho ia greatdedsmust uffer grtly. thoms eison er no subsitutefr ardwor.le

13、o stote stronget fall warior e hese o-tiea paienc. thomjeferson m a gret blir in lck, ad fn the harder work. he moe i have ofit. robert cller succs is esum ofsmall efforts, epatedda inand da. ra a. rc luck s a dividend ofsw.the mreyou swea,he uieryou ge 實際經(jīng)驗與間接經(jīng)驗 youll lern moe abouta roadby traveln

14、it. thn by consltn alth man t rld. 動機與結(jié)果vnce lomard wining st eyhing. but watng t win s. thucyides tstrng o whathey wil. te eak d what te mst. 為人態(tài)度: john wooen talenisg give- humbe.fmei man gen- b thanul cneit is sf given -be carefl行動: theodore roosvelt whatyo cn ,wth what youv, wit he u ae. puiluss

15、yrusm no one nows ht e can dill e ries. trn tere nting soasy buthatitbecomeificut hen yo ieuctantly thoms fllr a wise manturns chance ito goforune. iliam haltt prperity is a great techr;aversity is a geer. williampen npains, o plm; no thorn, n thn; no gal, no gory;o cross, ocrown. will ogers even if

16、 yor o theight trc, oulgetrun over. iou jstsit the.opportunityraly kokso you o. knock ther on ortnitys or if you renty wisht ee. 成功與失敗 vnceloai its not wtheyou getkoked dow. .is htheryu etuagn. wnstchuhilanoptimist ees an opportunity inevery lait; a pessims eesacaliyin every optity 熱情(年輕年老)rph wado

17、erson nohingreat s vr chievedithou nhusiasm. 信心ms allen the will to dspringsfrm koledg that wecn do. sam johon fw tngsareimpssie o dilience and skill ghyosttie s nve oun gain. voar noobm canstan the ssaultof sustaned thinking. noleo vctoybongs to emost ereverin 細(xì)心 uipleave n sne unturne.計劃與工作 nomn i

18、ncnpealepl our work f tody and eery day; henwor our plan. hnry ford failures oly he uiy tomor intelligently bein again.thomasisn i start here the lt a leftoff. 理想與現(xiàn)實 wht te ind f man can coneive andbeiee,he mindof a macan aie. 勤奮 benjaminfranklin ploughdep whil sluggrd slee 目標(biāo) eny davi reau the loer

19、un menholy wat they aat. 幸運 emiydckinson lus ot han.its tol. fortnes expesive smieis ared. 勤奮 tomas edi genius i one perce pirato andninety-nie ercent perspito. seful quotatons 想象力albe inseinimgination mre morant than knoledge. 挑戰(zhàn): ate egh th reatleasuin lf is doigwhat eople say youannotd. 機會與準(zhǔn)備abrh

20、amlinco iwi prp and smeda mycance ilcome 信心與事實henrd whher you think yu ca othink ou cant - u re rght. enish verb whrethres wlees a wa.there is ailure exping no longer ryng c is whathpenswhen reparatin mes opportunit.能為四六級寫作加分的精彩好句一、用于駁性和比較性論文. in gnerl, dn are wi2 n y inin, this ointof ew doesnhol w

21、ter.3.the chief eason wyisthat4.there s no rue that. t s not ue tht. it be eay de than7. we ve n reason t eliev tha8. hat is moreseros is at butit s pitytat0. beides,weshoul o nege hat1. buheproblem s ntsiple. refore2.othermy nd his tbe tre, bu belev thaperhaps i was uestion wy14. hre i certain aun

22、of tuth in this,but e sil av a prolmw egar t. thoug warein sicageement with,bt16. tsems to be te tobeis17. yt dfferences wl be foud, thats whi feel tht8. it would be reasnble to ae the viewtha , buti would b foolish o cimha9. ee isin fact rason fo so beeve that20. what tee peole fail t cnsier s that

23、21. itis onethng to insist that ,it isqie nother o so that 22 wnderul as as , howeer, i has its owndvanagestoo2 the vantasofb reuch grtr than a4. as adantae sounds idcuous h bs dvantage are ake nto onsideratin.二、用于描寫圖表和數(shù)據(jù). t has increas byee ime as compard wthhat of . teres an incres of20%in total t

24、his ye.3. i hsee ncreaed ba factr f sin 195. it wold beexpecednrease 5 ties.5.th tabe shw a thetimes icresevr th of lat yar.6.itw dresed twice ha that of te year 1996.7 te totl number as lwereby 0%.8. i rose from 10-5perent of the otlthi year. compard wit1997, tfl from 5 to 10rcnt.1the mbe is5 tmesa

25、 uc as thatof 199.11 t has decreasd almos two nd alftime, compareh三、用于解釋性和闡述性論說文1.erybody knws tht2.i can beesily prodhat3 it s tuethat4.n one an de ha5 oe hing which i quly imprantto te bove entined is. the chefeaon is th. e must recogie that. thee isdoutha i amoeopinion hat. thsnb xpresed follow;1

26、1.to take forn example12. we have reaon o eeve tht3. o at w that14 amng the mt covnn reaons gve, should meoe15 the hange i larey results fro thefact that16. the ar evlcuses frthis signifiant growthin,fit,son,fally17. a numberof factors culd acount for the dvelpmn in18. perhap he primrreson is19 itis

27、 chfy resonsible of. e rasos forarecompicate, and probably tey arefoundin te fact21.hraresevrlpossibl rasons, cerpttat2.someoy blves/rges/hldinsists/hks t23. it isnt simeto givetereaso forsccatedpheomenon2.ifretpeole obsevs it in diferen wys.四、用于文章的開頭1. a he overbsays2 i gs tho aingan3. geneally sea

28、ing4. itis qite clear than beuse.it isoften sid at 6 manyeopleoten sk suchquion:“?”7 more amre peple e cme o realize8th is n obt hat. soe ppe lee that0. these ays w arnold that, u is this really thecase?1 one ret anad that1 rently te issue f haseen brgt to pubic atenti. 13. n th passeeral eas threha

29、sen14. ow tscmmony hd hat bt i doub weter1currtly the s idesreacoernthat16. no peple in rin number ar coig oaie tha17 tere is aeeral dcssn tdaoutthe issue of8 aced t, quit a few peol argue tat,but otherpeopl cnivedifferent.五、用于文章的結(jié)尾1. fro this point ofview2. ina or3.inonclusn4. n acouno thiswe can i

30、ndhat. the resut is dependent o6. herefore, h finings rval th folong nomtin:7tus, thisis the reason wy we must. to sm up 9. as frase oncerned, elee tat10. its obviou hat1. here is littldoubt tht2. tee is no immeiate olution othe proble , ut mighte helpful1.nne of he oluions squie ssfactoy te pble sh

31、ul b examind in ane way.14. t is hig tietht eut consieable emphais . takig inoacout allheector, e m ely reach the cclusinth六、用于論證和說明1 a t is escibed that2. itha en illustated tat3 t prodes a godxample 4. we may citeaotheinstance .hisory manpovide us with te aple of. a nuber of furthe famay badded. t

32、he tt is not unque, iis typical ofdozeihavehearda ecet intiatio indct that9. acrdingto the statisticrodd 10. codig to a ateststud,it cane prei11. ee is osufcient nce o htha. all avlable evicoits to te fact ha1. exmpesgven leads me to coclude tht4. it rvealste nquestionle acthat5. e idea y e prod by

33、facts16. al thefacts sust that1. n one deny thefct tha18. e y ace th uniale fact tht表示比較和對照關(guān)系的句型:1) a i b what/asc iso d(之于b猶如c之于d).2) jus s., so.) a a b he sioon4) a s simrto b.5) the sme s rue o, th sme cn e aid of(也是如此).6) teadvates of a re much geaterhan b.7) mpredwth , asmayadvant.8) t advanags

34、outighte disadvantags(利大于弊).) wondrful s a ,howev, iths s own dsadvanages o10) althouh a njoy considable avang ver., i can not copete with b in.11) contrarto wl accetedvews, i beleve that.12)wha opl al t consderis hat.1) it is nethig o nsis hat., it quie anothertoshow a.) nothig anril(是無與倫比的)15)adra

35、wacks as we as merits.16) i superio(ieri) o .7).varies om persontopern(是因人而異的) ais jus te oposit (t b) 19) diffrm b i tat(a不同于在于)0) is not the sam (a)過渡性句型:1) i is tretat.2) hi istrue,nodoubt, ut.3).als.4)it i ne thing to.; i is another to.描寫圖表和數(shù)據(jù)的句型1) . rank irst (bth) in.) . in poportion to.3) a i

36、s b frthelarst.4) s mny as.5) the numbe i.tm asmch as tha of.6) the ire has nearlydubed/tred, as agantth of last yar7) it accouts for%o.) by corisowt ., dcreasedincresedfell frm.to.9) .rise rpidly(sowly)1) .remainlel1) .ea .1) thereis tead/lo/i ris or increase emnd/icome/ouao./prices./oductio.decres

37、e/delireucofall/dropin1) b oneeaseecreaeise/dcline (在不斷的增加,減少,上升,下降)圖表作文中的過渡、概括句型:1) as can einicate inte ble,.) a ecould find ot later, .3) as isreveale inth tabl,4) s thesrveyrsut show,.5)ths tble rves seel mprant ois o comaisonwen,.6) th two rapepcheamething .7) t ke fnding take from the res reas

38、 folows:) cording te uresgiven e ble, .9) tis chart shows th .10) a i hon by he graph, .11)t can b senrom the saistics that.12) i i geel belived /aptd/thogh/held .說明原因的句型:1)thee are ome/tw/mgood ra for./do.)w have two goodrons for.)tereson fr. sthat 從句4) amog the most covncin asonien bpeopl for., ne

39、should be meniod.5) oe may think ofthe trnd as a result of.) th change in. largely ests from te acttht.7)teare sveral causes othi igificant goh in. ist.8) anumr of ators ould acoun or the .9) it isnosmle tasto gie theeasnfor.10)th cau of /raso fr hiheprices was an ince in demad.11) ecau/snow tat/ie

40、theemnd a inease, he prices a higher.12) an inreas indemand ases/rsults in/lads o/prouces ighr prces.13)h demand ha incrased.14) herefre,/a a resl,/fr hs esn,/bcae of is,/onsequnl,hepric are he5) if thes an nras in eman, ten rce rise./goup. /bos./ahigh16) iffrent popl look at. dffrent was.表示不同看法的句型:

41、) diffent people h/hold differe opinions/viewsn te ueson/prbematter. soe elivetha .; others aretha. :stillother maiain that) the e ite diffeentromahtherin terpnis.3) some eolholdh opinn that it is god t .4) they thkqite ifferlyo his uestin5) pinions ay fo indiviual toindiidul, fomclte tcutre.表示必須,緊急

42、,有困難做某事的句型:1) i is iornt (neessry, ugn, difficut,sy, convenien,omfortable,exesie, deirable,dvisable)forb. to do sth.2).hve roule/dficulta had tme/a difcl time (in) din h.(有困難做某事) theme: 選題得當(dāng),主題突出。1.開門見山,揭示主題文章一開頭,就交待清楚文章的主題是什么。如“howi spent myvacion”(我怎樣度假)的開頭是:i sentyast acnhppily.下面是題為honesty(談?wù)\實)一文中的開頭:hosty ion of the best vrtes. a honest man is alwaystrustd and respected on the contrary, oewo tells lie is rgarded as a lir,and is loke upo b hoest pele.2.交代人物、事情、時間或環(huán)境開頭在文章的開頭,先把人物、事件和環(huán)境交待清楚。例如a trpto jinhan (去金山旅游)的開頭:the da e srday mclass went nabstrp jinsha. th bs rie there tok thr


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