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1、private,conversation,play,loudly,attention,rude,bear,angrily,business,rudely,theatre,seat,loud,angry,Words of lesson 1,go to the theatre,have a very good seat,talk loudly,get very angry,turn round,sit behind me,Phrases of lesson 1,pay no attention to,in the end=at last=finally,say rudely,Its none of

2、 your business,a private conversation,say angrily,Phrases of lesson 1,早餐還是午餐,Lesson2 Breakfast or lunch,a story about a man who doesnt like getting up early on Sundays,Discussion,1.Do you like day or night? 2.What do you usually do in the daytime and in the night? 3.Do you get up early every day? 4.

3、When do you usually get up / have breakfast? 5.Do you find it easy or difficult to get up? 6. What do you usually have for breakfast,What do people in England usually have for breakfast,or,Remember in your heart 請(qǐng)記住哦,Breakfast is the most important in the three meals,Guess the proverb,The early bird

4、 catches the worm,捷足者先登,until,outside,ring,mum,aunt,repeat,words of lesson 2,until,outside,ring,aunt,repeat,1 What day was it? 2. When did you get up last Sunday? 3. What was it like outside? 4. Did you think it was a nice day? 5. What happened just then? 6. Who was on the phone,Listen and read the

5、text to find out the answers to the following questions,1. What day was it? It was Sunday. 2. When did you get up last Sunday? I got up very late. 3. What was it like outside? It was dark outside. 4. Did you think it was a nice day? No, I didnt . 5. What happened just then? The telephone rang. 6. Wh

6、o was on the phone? It was my aunt Lucy,Language points,1. I never get up early on Sundays. On Sundays :指每個(gè)星期。 They will be here on Tuesday. I was born on July 1st. Well see you on Christmas Eve. 星期幾、具體的某一天都用on,stay in bed: 待在床上 until 用于表示動(dòng)作,狀態(tài)等的持續(xù),后面加(時(shí)間狀語)從句 一直到. .為止 , 在. .以前,在肯定句中: 表示持續(xù)性狀態(tài)的動(dòng)詞連用,表

7、示持續(xù)到某一時(shí)刻,eg. Ill wait here until 5,在否定句中(not until): 通常與描述短暫動(dòng)作的動(dòng)詞詞組連用 直到. . 才,eg. She cannot arrive until 6. I didnt go to sleep until 11o clock last night,2. I sometimes stay in bed until lunchtime,last Sunday : 上周末 last night: 昨晚 last week:上周 last month: 上個(gè)月 last+時(shí)間:上個(gè),4. I looked out of the windo

8、w. look out of :往外看,3. Last Sunday I got up very late,5. It was dark outside outside : adv. 外面 作狀語 He is waiting for me outside. It is warm outside,6. What a day?。╥t is) 省略感嘆句 (以what引導(dǎo)感嘆句表示憤怒,喜悅,驚奇,贊賞等感情) What + (a / an) + 形容詞 + 名詞 + (主語 + 謂語) eg. What a great pity you missed the lecture again! What

9、 + 形容詞 + 可數(shù)名詞復(fù)數(shù) + 其他 eg. What interesting books you have . What + 形容詞 + 不可數(shù)名詞 + 其他 eg. What great fun surfing on the Internet,How cold it is! What a cold day it is,What beautiful flowers they are,How beautiful the flowers are,2. _ _ busy man he is ! _ _ the man is ! 3. _ _ happy baby it is ! _ _ the

10、 baby is,What,a,How,busy,What,a,How,happy,4. What a high mountain _ _ ! How high the _ _ ! 5. What a hungry boy _ _ ! How hungry the _ _,it,is,mountain,is,he,is,boy,is,7. Just then, the telephone rang. ring(rang.rung) v.(鈴、電話等)響 (刺耳的) 注這種響是刺耳的, 往往是提醒人做某事 The telephone(door bell) is ringing. 給某人打電話 :

11、 ring sb. Tomorrow Ill ring you. 打電話(名) : give sb. a ring Remember to ring me/remember to give me a ring,8. It was my aunt Lucy,aunt n.姑,姨,嬸,舅媽(所有長一輩的女性都用這個(gè)稱呼) 與此相同, 男性則是uncle: 叔叔 他們的孩子 : cousin : 堂兄妹(不分男女) cousin的孩子 : nephew : 外甥, niece : 外甥女,9. Ive just arrived by train. arrive vi. 到達(dá),抵達(dá),arrive at

12、 到達(dá)(較小的地方) eg. He arrived at the station at six this morning. (經(jīng)過努力)達(dá)成,做出 eg. After many hours talk, the committee arrived at a decision,arrive in 到達(dá)(較大的地方) eg. She arrived in Paris on Friday. 10. But Im still having breakfast, I said. have breakfast/lunch/supper have a great breakfast,Grammar,一般現(xiàn)在時(shí)

13、的適用范圍 (1)表現(xiàn)在的事實(shí)、狀態(tài)或動(dòng)作 eg. Birds fly. She loves music. Marys parents get up very early. (2)表習(xí)慣性動(dòng)作或職業(yè),常與時(shí)間副詞連用 eg. I always take a walk after supper. She writes to me very often. (3)表客觀真理,格言警句或事實(shí) eg. The earth moves round the sun. The sun rises in the east and sets in the west,現(xiàn)在進(jìn)行時(shí): 正在發(fā)生的動(dòng)作 主語+be+doing,He is eating,She is crying,He is running,He is swimming,The


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