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1、使用日期:月日1.在人們的家里2.在家通過電腦學(xué) 3. 一切東西都是免費的 5.在一百年之后7.更多/更少的免費時間 Unit 1 Will people have robots? (Section A 1a-2c)、明確目標(biāo)1. 掌握本節(jié)課的單詞及短語:robot, everyth ing, paper, use, less, fewer 2. 掌握一般將來時的肯定句疑問句否定句。3.There be 結(jié)構(gòu)的一般將來時。、自主學(xué)習(xí)(一)新知探尋:從課本中找出下列重點短語和句子并寫在下面。4. 活到歲 6. 更多污染/更少污染8. 更多人們 更少人們 5. Accord ing to 2b,

2、make con versati ons in groups in 2c.四、合作探究:小組討論 The Simple Future Tense (一般將來時)1. 用法:2. 構(gòu)成:3. 常與將來時連用的時間狀語:4. 想一想:will與shall用法的區(qū)別:5. There be結(jié)構(gòu)的一般將來時:1. _2.There will be結(jié)構(gòu)的疑問式/否定式及回答:There is / are going to be +主語+其他的疑問式/ 否定式 及回答: /2.Read the senten ces in 1a and check A(for agree) or D(for disagre

3、e).4. 聽力風(fēng)暴:Liste n 2a&2b and finish the task.9.人們將能活到200歲。10. 孩子們將要去上學(xué)。11. 將要有更少的污染。(二)疑難困惑:、展示交流1. 小組內(nèi)展示交流自主學(xué)習(xí)情況,組長負(fù)責(zé)解疑答惑。3. Liste n and finish 1b. Check the an swers in groups.五、達(dá)標(biāo)拓展(一) 根據(jù)句意用所給詞的適當(dāng)形式填空。1. There (not will) be any paper money in the future.2. I have(little) free time tha n before.3.

4、 She(play) football five years ago.4. There(be) a football match in our school n ext week.(二) 根據(jù)漢語完成句子。1. 一百年后人們將還會用紙幣嗎?Will people use money?2. 你認(rèn)為五年后湯姆將做什么?What do you think Tomin 5 years?課堂筆錄:Un it 1 Will people have robots? (Section A 3a-4)、明確目標(biāo)1. 掌握本部分的單詞和短語:pollution, tree, building, more .2.

5、熟練運用will描述將要發(fā)生的事情。、自主學(xué)習(xí)(一) 新知探尋:根據(jù)句意用動詞的適當(dāng)形式填空。1. Five years ago, she(be) in high school.She(play) football. She(have)l ong hair.2. Today, Sally(be) in college. She(play) the guitar.She(have) short hair.3.In five years (5 年后),Sally(be) a doctor.She(play)te nnis. She(have)short hair.(二) 疑難困惑:、展示交流1.

6、學(xué)生展示交流自主學(xué)習(xí)情況。First, talk about the an swers in groups.The n, expla in the difficulties.2. Look at the pictures and finish the senten ces. And the n check up the an swers in groups. Make sure you are right and use the tense correctly.3. 小組活動:暢所欲言,談?wù)撃阄迥曛髮⒃鯓樱?. 寫作訓(xùn)練:寫一下五年前、現(xiàn)在以及五年后的自己。四、達(dá)標(biāo)拓展(一) 根據(jù)句意用所給

7、詞的適當(dāng)形式填空。1. Three years ago, we(study) in the primary school.2. He(forget) to tell me just now.3. LiLei(spe nd) three hours doing his homework yesterday.4. Kate(work) in a compa ny in ten years.5. There(be) more trees in our city in two years.6. There will be(little) polluti on in three years.7. My

8、pare nts(lear n) to play tennis n ext year.8. He(have) big eyes and round face.9. Today, Tony(play) the violi n very well.10. My father usually(go) to work at 7:30.(二) 根據(jù)漢語意思完成句子,每空一詞。1. 今后在這座城市將會有更多的樹木,更少的污染。There willtrees andpolluti on in the city in future.2. 你認(rèn)為十年后你的朋友會做什么職業(yè)?do you thi nk your

9、frie nd willten years?3. 他們不會去野營。我確信他們將來參加我們的聚會。Theygo camp ing. Theycome to our party, I m sure.課堂筆錄:fly, alone, fall, probably, fall in love with, be able to, next time愛上 許多有趣的人 養(yǎng)一只鸚鵡 穿上正裝去香港度假并初三英語Un it 1 Will people have robots? (Section B 1a-4)明確目標(biāo)1. 掌握重點單詞和短語:2. 學(xué)會用英語表達(dá)自己未來的夢想。自主學(xué)習(xí)(一)新知探尋:翻譯下列

10、短語并記住。1.十年后 2.3.作為一名記者 4.5.獨自居住 6.7.去滑冰和游泳 8.9.穿上便裝 10.)疑難困惑:、展示交流1. 小組內(nèi)展示交流自主學(xué)習(xí)情況。2. “夢中城市”:畫一幅你設(shè)想中城市的圖畫,把它介紹給你的同學(xué)。Eg: I think there will be more tall buildi ngs. And there will 3. 試試看一我能行:預(yù)讀3a回答下面的問題:1) What do you thi nk Mi ng will be in ten years?2) Where will she live? Why?3) What sport will sh

11、e do?4. Read the passage aga in and fill in the chart in 3a.5. Guess ing game. Write about your life in ten years on a piece of paper. Don write your n ame onit.Put all the students papers together. Take turns reading the paper. Then guess who wrote them.6. According to part 4 , make a conversation

12、with your partner.四、達(dá)標(biāo)拓展(一) 根據(jù)句意用所給詞的適當(dāng)形式填空。1.1 m sure there(be) robots in our homes in the future.2. His father(not be) back home in a week.3. LiP ing is a nice boy. He always(reach) school early.4. Whatyou(do) yesterday evening?5. What timethey(get) up tomorrow?6. you(teach) us Japa nese n ext ter

13、m?7.It ofte n(rain) in South Ch ina.8. Today he(be) a stude nt. Three years ago he(be) a pupil.Next term he(be) in high school.9. There(be) a class meeti ng next Friday. Our teacher(have) someth ing to say.(二) 根據(jù)漢語完成句子。1. 在工作期間我將會看起來衣著講究,而且很可能要穿套裝。During the week I , and probably will.2. 在周末,我將能夠穿得更

14、隨便些。On the weekend, I dress more3. 二十年后青少年會對什么感興趣?What will tee nagers do fortwenty yearsnow?課堂筆錄:并初三英語使用日期:月日Unit 1 Will people have robots? (Self-check)、明確目標(biāo)1. 掌握本節(jié)課的重點單詞和短語:myself, in terview, predict, future, predict ion,came, come true, sound, compa ny, thought.2. 識記并會運用下列知識點:Predicing the futu

15、re can be difficult.(動名詞短語作主語)see sb. do sth. be used by .二、自主學(xué)習(xí)(一)新知探尋:翻譯下列內(nèi)容。I. 我自己2.面試 3.預(yù)言 v.4.將來 5. 預(yù)言 n. 6. 公司 7. 為自己工作 8.養(yǎng)寵物9. 穿制服 10.飛到月球上去度假 II. 最大的電影公司之一 12.看見演員說話 13. 有許多不能實現(xiàn)的預(yù)言。 14. 為了我的工作面試我得看上去機(jī)靈一點。15. 預(yù)言未來將會很難。 (二)疑難困惑:三、展示交流1. 預(yù)習(xí)情況交流:小組討論課前準(zhǔn)備,標(biāo)記出不明白的問題。2. 個人秀場:a.兩人一組翻譯短文。b.模仿錄音,練習(xí)閱讀。

16、3. 共同完成3部分,表演 Just for fun 。四、達(dá)標(biāo)拓展:單項選擇。1. I got there 10 years ago. I fellthe small village.A. love withB. in love withC. i n love toD. love in2. The old man lives in the house, but he doesn feel.A. Ion ely, Ion elyB. alone, aloneC. Ion ely, aloneD. alon e, l on ely3. The child isn old eno ugh tohi

17、mself.A. wearB. dressC. put onD. be in4. The boy said that he did it just forA. funB. wishesC. i nterestsD. thanks5.If there aretrees, the air in our city will beclea ner.A. less, moreB. more, moreC. more, muchD. much, more6. Theresome old people tak ing a walk in the park.A. isB. areC. hasD. have課堂

18、筆錄:初三英語使用日期:I think we will n eed robots for :Un it 1 Will people have robots? (Readi ng)、明確目標(biāo)Clea ning the house,1. 掌握本部分的重點單詞和短語:unpleasant, however, already, look for, simple .2. 能夠熟讀課文并完成相應(yīng)的任務(wù)。3. 識記重點的句子和語法知識。、自主學(xué)習(xí)(一)新知探尋:預(yù)習(xí)readi ng,找出下列短語并記住。他們自己的機(jī)器人 幫助干家務(wù) 做與我們同樣的事情 叫醒 做簡單的工作 變得疲倦了 看起來像蛇 將要發(fā)生三、

19、展示交流1. 預(yù)習(xí)情況交流:小組討論課前準(zhǔn)備,標(biāo)記出不明白的問題。2. 兩人一組翻譯短文并大聲朗讀課文。3. 標(biāo)記重點的短語和句子,熟讀并記憶課文。4. 共同完成3a 3c部分并記錄在課本上。四、合作探究Some scie ntistsrobotsand2.我們正盡力使我們的國家富強。What ways do you think a robot will help you and your family in the futureWrite your ideas.Weour country rich and strong.3我到處尋找我丟失的狗,但是沒找到。Imy lost dogbut Ii

20、t.4我不想反復(fù)做簡單的事情。I don twant to dothingsand課堂筆錄:科幻電影像人類一樣花費數(shù)百年時間使得機(jī)器人走和跳舞看起來更像巨大的手臂 反復(fù)的不同的外形似乎可能(二)疑難困惑:五、達(dá)標(biāo)拓展(一)根據(jù)句意用所給詞的適當(dāng)形式填空。1.1 want to work for( I ) when I 30.2. There are(hun dred ) of people pla nti ng trees on the hill.3. Computers will be(use ) by most people.4. They( build) a lot of tall( b

21、uild ) last year.5. Computer con trol seemed( possible ) a hun dred years ago.6.ln the future ,( huma n) will have much kno wledge to lear n.7. Jack wants to be a( scie nee ) whe n he grows up.8. My father bought an( elextricity ) bike for me.9. Do ing a lot of homework will make stude nts get( bori

22、 ng ).(二)根據(jù)漢語意思完成句子。1 .一些科學(xué)家已經(jīng)使機(jī)器人行走和跳舞了。r *英語Unit 1 Will people have robots?(知識清單)一、短語比賽1.在人們的家里in people s homes2.在家電腦上學(xué)習(xí)study at home on computers3.活到200歲live to be 200 years old.4.較少的空閑時間less free time5.將會有更多的污染there will be more polluti on6.可數(shù)名詞coun table nouns7.五年后in five years8.更多的高樓大廈more ta

23、ll buildi ngs9.電腦程序師a computer programmer10.太空站space stati on12.愛上fall in love with13.許多不同的寵物many differe nt pets14.在周末at the weeke nds15.能夠be able to16.世界杯the World Cup17.在將來in the future18.好幾百hun dreds of19.尋找look for20.為自己工作work for myself21.許多著名的預(yù)言many famous predict ions22.實現(xiàn)come true23.最大的電影公司he biggest movie compa nies24.和一樣the same as .使用日期:月日25.讓某人做某事make sb do sth26.幫助某人做某事help sb with sth27.將會有更少的人口嗎?Will there be less polluti on?28.是的,有/不,沒有Yes,th


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