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1、牛津譯林版八年級下英語期末考試專題練習一書面表達(1)在八年級即將結束之際,八(1 )班將舉行一次主題班會,要求同學們談談一年來自己的收獲與變化。請為 Sim on準備一份100字左右的演講稿,具體內容如下:過去現在業(yè)余生活大部分業(yè)余時間聽音樂, 看電視,上 網玩游戲在老師的幫助下,意識到,閱讀,鍛煉禮儀舉止不文明,亂扔垃圾,在公共場所大聲喧嘩舉止文明,力行環(huán)保,受到表揚(praise)愛心不關心他人,零用錢用來了解到貧困地區(qū)的孩子上不起學,把零用錢捐給希望工程展望未來自我發(fā)揮(至少兩點)Hello, every on e. I m Simo n. Back to the life in th

2、e last year, I thi nk I have cha nged a lot andmade great progress(進步)in some ways.Thank you for liste ning !(3)為了配合 足球進校園”的活動,學校英語俱樂部開展了一次主題活動。請你以足球迷的身份,根據下列表格中的要點提示寫一篇發(fā)言稿,用英語向同學們介紹足球這項運動,并談談自己的夢想。概況歷史悠久;世界各地深受喜愛世界杯(The World Cup )四年舉仃一次;2014年在巴西(Brazil)舉行優(yōu)勢男生女生皆可參加;有利于團隊協(xié)作偶像梅西(Messi),球踢得很好夢想注意:1.發(fā)

3、言稿必須包括上述所有要點,要求語句通順、意思連貫;2. 要點夢想一欄”省略號處請用1-2句話展開合理想象,作適當發(fā)揮;3詞數80個左右。發(fā)言稿的開頭和結尾已給出,不計入總詞數。Dear classmates,I m very excited to hear that China will build 20,000 football -themed schools by 2020.Thank you for your atte nti on.區(qū)政府提出 保護環(huán)境,打造綠色通州”的號召。請你根據下面表格中的內容提示,寫篇短文擬發(fā)表在校刊 英語角”版面,向同學們介紹如何在日常生活中做到綠色環(huán)保。如何

4、節(jié)水1.刷牙時關掉水龍頭;2.(自擬一點)如何節(jié)電 (power)1 .離開房間時關燈;2.(自擬一點)如何減少污染1 .垃圾分類;2.(自擬一點)過綠色?;畹慕ㄗh(自擬至少一條建議)1. 文中不得出現真實姓名和學校名稱;2 語言通順,意思連貫,條理清楚,書寫規(guī)范;3詞數80左右,文章的開頭已經給出,不計入總詞數。The government calls on us to protect our environment. People are working hard to make ourTon gzhou a gree ner city.(7)(4)社會不斷在發(fā)展進步, 成績好已經不再是衡

5、量一個好學生的唯一標準。某校正在開展 走進新時代,爭當合格中學生的大討論,以“Weact, we improve 為主題,寫一篇演講稿,談談你覺得除了學習課本知識之外,我們還應該做些什么?提示如下:平時1. 學會照顧自己,高標準工作,謙虛,易于合作;2. 有好的閱讀習慣,提高自己;3. 注意保護環(huán)境,不亂丟垃圾,步行或騎自行車上學;4. 懂餐桌禮儀,舉止文明.(自由發(fā)揮1-2句)空余時間1. 關注殘疾人,給他們向公眾展示技能的機會;2. 欣賞大自然的美,理解保護大自然的重要性??偨Y(1-2句)要求:1.注意人稱和時態(tài)。2. 要點齊全,可適當增加細節(jié)使句子通順、連貫。3. 不要逐字翻譯,詞數 1

6、00左右,開頭已給出,不計入總詞數。With the developme nt of the society, to lear n well is not the only thi ng a stude nt should do.To be a qualified(合格的)middle school student, I think we have a lot of things to do.我校決定組織以I want to be a volunteer of protecting animals 為題的英語演講比賽。請你以Amy的名義寫一篇英語演講稿推薦自己,內容如下:品質善良,照看無家可歸

7、的貓和狗 大方,常捐款給當地慈善機構事跡組織慈善義演,為 WWF籌款 分發(fā)傳單呼吁人們保護動物感悟我們應該和動物交朋友 保護動物很重要打算(至少兩點)要求:1. 詞數90個左右,演講稿的開頭和結尾已給出,不計入總詞數。2. 所寫短文必須包括以上內容,自由發(fā)揮的內容必須圍繞主題。I Want to Be a Volun teer of Protecti ng An imalsHello every one. rm Amy. I want to be a volun teer of protect ing ani mals. rm glad to make aspeech here.Thanks

8、for liste ning!(6)假如上周日你參加了長江社區(qū)的庭院售物活動。請根據以下提示, 給你們學校??系腅nglish Club 欄目寫一篇關于此次活動的介紹。詞數80 左右。1 有 200 多人參加了此次活動;2 有的人出售舊物,如:衣服、玩具、自行車等;3 有的人出售自制的蛋糕、卡片、書簽等;4 還有的人交換舊書;5 請寫一至兩點你對此次活動的看法。參考詞匯:長江社區(qū) Chan jiang Community ;庭院售物 Yard Sale;交換exchange為配合我市開展創(chuàng)建文明城市活動,學校舉辦以How to behave in public.為主題的英語征文比賽,請根據表

9、格內容應英語寫一篇80詞左右參賽短文,倡議同學們在校內外遵守公共秩序,共創(chuàng)文明城市文明行為,校內,1圖書館保持安靜,按時還書,2餐廳排隊等候,不浪費食物,3教室,保持干凈整潔不大聲喧嘩,校外,1馬路上,2.公園里,3對待他人,要求:1文章必須保包含以上全部要點,不要鐲子翻譯,可適當發(fā)揮,2詞數80詞左右開頭與結尾已給出,不計入總詞數,3文中不能出現考生的真實姓名,校名的(8)今天是星期天, 你以 “環(huán)境保護 ”為主題,與老師和同學們一起展開了一系列的活動, 請 你根據此活動,寫一篇 70 詞左右的日記。要點包括:1.出發(fā)時間和地點: 8 00 am校門口;2目的地:蘇州市附近的一個小鎮(zhèn);3.

10、交通工具:校車;4. 活動內容:撿垃圾、塑料袋,打掃街道,種樹、種花;5. 返回時間:下午 6 點。 注:日記開頭已給出,不計入總詞數。參考答案1)Hello, everyone. I m Simon. Back to the life in the last year, I think I have changed a lot andmade great progress(進步)in some ways.First, I spent most of my free time listening to music, watching TV and playing computer games.

11、 Luckily, with my teachers help, I have realized that its meaningless to do so. And nowtry to spend my free time reading and doing exercise.Second, I was an impolite boy before. I often dropped litter everywhere and shouted loudly in the public place. Now, I can behave politely. I always try to go g

12、reen and I am praised by my teacher and parents.Third , I cared little about others in the past. I always spent my pocket money on things like snacks, CDs and so on. But now I donate my pocket money to Project Hope because I have learnt that children in poor areas cant afford to go to school. I want

13、 to give them a helping hand.Im sure I can be better and bettenr iGrade 9.Thanks for your listening!(2)Dear classmates,Im very excited to hear that China will build 20,000 football -themed schools by 2020.Football has a very long history. It is popular all over the world. The World Cup takes place e

14、very four years. In 2014, it was held in Brazil.Both boys and girls can take part in the game. And it helps us work as a team. I m a fofan and Messi is my hero. He is an excellent player. My dream is to become a famous football player like Messi. I hope the World Cup will be held in China some day.T

15、hank you for your attention.(3)The government calls on us to protect our environment. People are working hard to make our Tongzhou a greener city.As students, we should turn off the tap while brushing our teeth. We can also save water by taking shorter showers. We should turn off the lights when we

16、leave the room. We should turn off the power when our TV or computers are not in use. To reduce pollution, we should separate waste into different groups. We can use our own bags instead of plastic bags when doing some shopping.We should plant more trees, grass and flowers. If we follow these small

17、steps, we can make a big difference to our nature.4)With the development of the society, to learn well is not the only thing a student should do. To be a qualified( 合格的 ) middle school student, I think we have a lot of things to do.First, we usually learn to look after ourselves. We should work to h

18、igh standards and we are modest and easy to work with. Second, we should have good reading habits to improve ourselves. Third,we should pay attention to protecting the environment. We must not drop litter carelessly. We had better go to school on foot or by bicycle. Fourth, we should learn about goo

19、d table manners and behave politely. We should wait for everyone to finish before you leave the table. We should queue, we must not push in before others.Moreover,in our spare time,we should care about the disabled and give them a chance to show their skills to the public.Also,we should go out to en

20、joy the beauty of nature in order to understand the importance of protecting nature.In a word,if we follow the advice,we will make a big difference to ourselves.The more we act,the better we will improve.(5)I want to be a volunteer of protecting animalsHello everyone. Im Amy. I want to be a voluntee

21、r of protecting animals. Im glad to make a speech here. I am kind to others. I like looking after homeless animals. I am generous and often donate my money to the local charities. I have ever organized a charity show to raise money for WWF. What s more, I hand out leaflets to ask people to protect a

22、nimals.We should make friends with animals. I think protecting animals is protecting ourselves, so it is important for everyone to protect them.If I can be a volunteer, I will work harder and do more meaningful things to protect animals. I will call on more people to love animals like me. I must try

23、 my best to make the world more beautiful.Thanks for listening!(6)It was fine last Sunday. I went to the Yard Sale in Changjiang Community. More than 200 people took part in the activity. Some people sold used things such as bikes, toys and clothes.Others sold cakes, cards and bookmarks made by them

24、selves. Used books could be exchanged in the yard, too. I enjoyed myself there. In my opinion, it was a very good activity. We can not only make full use of used things, but also protect our environment in this way.(7)In order to build a civilized city, we stude nts should try our best to behave pro

25、perly in public. We should keep quiet in the library. Dont write or draw in the books. Remember to return the books on time. In the dining hall, we should queue for our meals. Its a shame to waste food. Every one should keep the classroom clea n and tidy. We are not allowed to shout or laugh loudly. |We need to obey the rules outside the sch


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