The three little pigs劇本_第1頁
The three little pigs劇本_第2頁
The three little pigs劇本_第3頁
The three little pigs劇本_第4頁
The three little pigs劇本_第5頁
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1、The three little pigs三只小豬英語話劇劇本幕起 The First Encounter背景音樂(鳥叫聲)第一段情景:旁白:1、 樹A: Hello!2、 樹B: Hi! 3、 Narrator(旁白): It is a beautiful morning! The sun comes out.4、 Sun:(老人的聲音): Hello, everyone. I am coming. Good morning! What a nice day, isnt it? (說完哈哈笑了幾聲)5.5、鳥A&B: Yes, its a nice day. Thank you, our g

2、reat sun! Goodbye! 6、 Sun:Bye!7、 鳥A:Lets fly to the trees.8、 鳥B: OK!(一起做飛的動作)9.9、 鳥A&B: Hi! Nice to see you again!10.10、 樹A&B: Nice to meet you ,too. It is a beautiful morning! You are very happy!11.11、 鳥A&B: Yes! The air is fresh. Thank you, trees.12.12、 樹A&B: Its our duty(責(zé)任).(笑著說)(太陽、鳥和樹先下臺去)第二段情

3、景:旁 白:從前,有三個豬寶寶,它們名字分別是 Pete、Pat 和 Paul。它們是三兄弟。13、 Narrator: Once upon a time, there were three little pigs ,named Pete, Pat and Paul. They were brothers. 豬大哥:我是Pete。我是家里的老大,我就喜歡吃了玩,玩了睡。14、 Pete: (一蹦一跳地上場) I am Pete. I am the oldest brother in my family. I like eating after playing and playing after

4、 sleeping.(邊說邊做吃和睡的動作,說完蹲在房子前假裝睡覺)豬二哥:我是豬二哥,我是家里的老二,瞧我的皮膚多好,這都是睡出來的。15、 Pat:(一蹦一跳地上場)I am Pat. I am the second brother in my family. Look at my skin. (伸出手臂,炫耀自己光滑的皮膚)It is very good because I have enough sleeping.(蹲在房子前假裝睡覺)豬小弟:我是豬小弟。我是家里的老小。我最喜歡幫媽媽做事。16、 Paul:(一蹦一跳地上場)I am Paul. I am the youngest i

5、n my family. I love to help my mother do housework.(站在房子做拖地、洗衣服、做飯等動作)第三段情景:旁 白:小豬們在媽媽的照顧下一天天長大。17、 Narrator: Pigs grew up every day in the mothers Care.18、 Pig brother: Pete,Pat ,Paul! Lets do exercise.19、 Pete,Pat ,Paul: OK! Mum!歌曲: Head, shoulders, knees and toes (唱完,三只小豬圍到媽媽的身邊)旁 白:到了該離開家獨自去生活的時

6、候了。在它們的離開時候,豬媽媽對它們說:無論做什么事情,都要盡力做到最好。因為那是我們在這個世界上的生存之道。20、 Narrator: Now the time came for them to leave home and live alone. Before they left, their mother talked to them.21、 Pig brother: You have grown up. You have to leave home and build your own house. Whatever you do, do it the best that you ca

7、n because thats the way to get along in the world.22、 Pete, Pat and Paul: OK! Goodbye, Mum!(揮手再見)背景音樂(風(fēng)吹聲)第四段情景:旁 白:它們離開了它們媽媽的家。冬天來了。它們都想自己建一座新房子。有一天,Pete遇到了一個賣稻草的人。23、 Narrator: They left their mother. The winter was coming. They wanted to build a new house. One day, Pete met a man. He had straw to

8、 sell. (賣稻草的人推著車上場)24、 Pete: Can I please buy your straw?25、 Straw-seller: Sure. What for?26、 Pete: I am going to build a house with it.27、 Straw-seller: Straw is not strong.28、 Pete: Thats OK. I need a house before winter.29、 Brick-seller: OK! Here you are.30、 Paul: Thank you.旁 白:31、 Narrator: So P

9、ete build his house of straw.(小豬接過稻草,拉著稻草房子向舞臺中間走,繞房子做蓋房子的動作)32、 Pete: I have finished my house. It is good. I am tired. I have to sleep now.(哈欠連天蹲在地做睡覺的樣子)旁 白:第二天,Pat遇到了一個賣木頭的人。33、 Narrator: The next day, Pat met a man. He sold sticks. (賣木頭的人推著車上場)34、 Pat: Can I please buy your sticks?35、 Stick-sel

10、ler: Sure. What for?36、 Pete: I am going to build a house with them.37、 Stick-seller: Sticks are not strong.38、 Pete: Thats OK. I need a house before winter.39、 Brick-seller: OK! Here you are.40、 Paul: Thank you.41、 Narrator: So Pete build his house of sticks.(小豬接過木頭,拉著木頭房子向舞臺中間走,繞房子做蓋房子的動作)42、 Pat:

11、(伸個懶腰)I have finished my wooden house. It is good. I am tired. I have to sleep now.(哈欠連天去睡覺)43、 Paul: Pete, Pat! Come on. I am going to build a house with bricks.44、 Pete: It is hard to build a house of bricks.45、 Pat: Bricks are very heavy.46、 Paul: Yes, youre right. Bricks are heavier than straw a

12、nd sticks. But brick houses are stronger than straw houses and stick houses.47、 Pete & Pat: OK! Good luck! (說完,回到各自的小屋) (賣磚頭的人推著車上場)旁 白:隨后,小豬Paul遇到了一個賣磚頭的人。48、 Narrator: Then Pat met a man. He sold bricks.49、 Paul: Can I please buy your bricks?50、 Brick-seller: Sure. What for?51、 Paul: I am going to

13、 build a house with bricks.52、 Brick-seller: Great! Bricks are very strong. Here you are.53、 Paul: Thank you.54、 Narrator : The man sold Paul the bricks. Pete built his house of straw.(小豬接過磚頭,拉著磚頭房子向舞臺中間走,繞房子做蓋房子的動作,然后做睡覺的動作。)旁 白:三只小豬的房子都蓋好了,他們都在自己的家里睡覺。有一天,一只大灰狼來了。它朝豬大哥家走去。55、 Narrator : One day, t

14、he three little pigs were sleeping in their own home. A hungry wolf came out of the woods. He went to the first house. It was Petes house, made of straw.背景音樂(恐怖聲)第五段情景:(三只豬扮睡覺,狼從兩棵樹中鉆出來)56、 Wolf: (邊走邊用鼻子四周嗅,來到草屋前,露出驚喜狀)I can smell a pig taste. Oh! It must be in the house.(邊敲門邊跺腳聲音粗粗地)Little Pig, Lit

15、tle Pig, let me in!57、 Pete: (驚恐狀)No way! No way! Not by the hair on my skin.58、 Wolf: Then I will blow your house down.(大灰狼吸氣,吹氣)旁 白:大灰狼一口氣就把草房子吹倒了。59、 Narrator :The wolf took a breath and blew the straw house down. Pete ran to Pats house. 60、 Pete: Pat! Help! Help! (慌張地向豬二哥家跑去)背景音樂(危急聲)旁 白:大灰狼緊跟著豬

16、大哥追了過去,來到Pat的木頭房子前。61、 Narrator:The wolf chased to the second house. It was the house made of sticks. 62、 Wolf: (邊敲門邊跺腳聲音粗粗地)Little Pig, Little Pig, let me in!63、 Pete & Pat:(驚恐狀)No way! No way! Not by the hair on my skin.64、 Wolf: Then I will push your house down.(大灰狼輕輕一推)旁 白:大灰狼幾下就把木房子推倒了。65、Narra

17、tor:The wolf push the stick house down.Pete and Pat ran to Pauls house. 背景音樂(危急聲)66、 Pete & Pat: Paul! Help! Help!(Pete & Pat慌張地向Paul磚頭房子跑去)旁 白:大灰狼緊跟著豬大哥、豬二哥追了過去,來到Paul磚頭房子前。67、 Narrator:The wolf chased to the third house. It was the house made of bricks. 68、 Paul:(對著Pete & Pat鎮(zhèn)定地說)Dont be afraid. M

18、y house is strong enough.(說)69、 Wolf:(邊敲門邊跺腳聲音粗粗地)Little Pig, Little Pig, let me in!70、 Pete, Pat & Paul:(驚恐狀)No way! No way! Not by the hair on my skin.71、 Wolf: Then I will push your house down.(大灰狼做用胳膊撞的動作)旁 白:大灰狼撞了很多次,累得直喘氣,房子安然無恙。72、 Narrator: The wolf kept hitting. But the house did not move.73、 Wolf: Well. The house is too strong. Let me see.(雙手叉腰圍著房子轉(zhuǎn),做想辦法的動作)74、 Wolf: (指著煙囪,做爬的動作)Oh, yes! I can crawl through the chimney to catch them!旁 白:大灰狼從煙囪爬進(jìn)去,跌倒在火上。75、 Narrator: The wolf climbed on the top of the house. He climbed down the chimney. The t


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