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1、冠 詞,冠詞分為不定冠詞(a, an)和定冠詞(the)兩種,一、不定冠詞的用法,不定冠詞用于名詞之前,表示“一個(gè)”或“一”。不定冠詞 a 用于一般名詞之前,an 用于在發(fā)音上以元音音素開頭的詞之前(不是以元音字母開頭的詞)。例如: a book, a chair, an apple, an ink bottle, an hour.(以字母 u 開頭的詞, 發(fā)音為ju:時(shí),前面要用冠詞a.例如:a university.,一)、第一次提到某人或某物時(shí),用不定冠詞 a起介紹作用。例如,1)、What is he?-He is a teacher. 他是干什么的?-他是教師。(冠詞 a起介紹作用,

2、此處表示某人的身份。,2)、There is a new book on the desk.桌子上有一本新書。(向別人介紹桌子上有什么東西。,3)、A Wang is looking for you. 一位姓王的同志正在找您。(告訴對(duì)方是誰在找您。,4)、I saw an Indian elephant in the zoo yesterday. 我昨天在動(dòng)物園里看到了一頭印度象。(告訴別人我在動(dòng)物園里看到了什么。,二)、不定冠詞 a 與名詞連用時(shí),通常概括人或事物的整體,表示一類,既以其中的一個(gè)代表一類。如,1)、A spade is a tool. 鐵楸是一種農(nóng)具。(不能譯為一把鐵楸是一種

3、農(nóng)具。冠詞a代表一類東西。,2)、A bike is very useful in the countryside. 自行車在農(nóng)村里很有用。(不能譯為:一輛自行車。冠詞a表示自行車這類西。,3)、An elephant is stronger than a horse. 大象比馬力氣大。(不能譯為一頭大象比一匹 馬力氣大。,4)、A post office is a place where people can post letters, parcels and so on. 郵局是人們寄信、寄包裹和寄其他東西的地方,三)、不定冠詞 a 可用于某些詞組,它是該詞組不可缺少的組成部分。例如,go

4、 out for a walk 出去散步 a long time 很長(zhǎng)時(shí)間 a few 有幾個(gè),少數(shù)(表肯定) a little 有一點(diǎn),少量 at a mouthful一口,四)、不定冠詞可用于表時(shí)間、速度、價(jià)格等意義的名詞之前,有“ 每一”之義例如,1、three times a day 每天三次 2、We have an English dictation once a week. 我們沒周進(jìn)行一次英語聽寫,五)、不定冠詞 用于抽象名詞之前表具體介紹:是什么樣的人,是什么樣的事物?!癮 + 抽象名詞”起具體化的作用,1)This little girl is a joy to her p

5、arents (=a girl giving joy) . 這個(gè)小女孩給她父母帶來樂趣,例如,2)Its an honor to me to attend the meeting (= a occasion reflecting honor). 這個(gè)會(huì)對(duì)我來說是一種榮譽(yù)。(我參加這個(gè)會(huì)感到很榮幸。,二、定冠詞的用法,不用定冠詞的地方,1、復(fù)數(shù)可數(shù)名詞或不可數(shù)名詞表示一般意義而不特指具體的人或事物時(shí),不用定冠詞,1)、Horses are animals. 馬是動(dòng)物 2)、I like flowers. 我喜愛花 3)、Children will be children. 孩子總是孩子。 4)、

6、Mr. Smith likes to have rice for supper. 史密斯先生晚餐喜歡吃米飯,例如,2、國(guó)名,人名前不加定冠詞。例如,China ,Japan, England, Mary, Henry, Wang Hong etc,3、專有名稱可以加定冠詞或不定冠詞來指出一時(shí)的或新的一種概念。 例如,The China ruled by the “gang of four ”is gone. A modern china will be born.“四人幫”統(tǒng)治時(shí)期的中國(guó)已過去了,4、在表示稱呼的名詞(與人名、專有名詞連用)之前一般不用定冠詞。 例如,Mr. Brown 布朗先

7、生 Miss Green 格林小姐,5、在表示“公園”的名詞之前不用定冠詞。 例如,Beihai Park 北海公園 Zhongshan Park 中山公園,6、在表示“火車站”的名詞之前,不用定冠詞。 例如,Beijing Railway Station 北京站 Huaihua Railway Station 懷化站,7、在表示“早、中、晚”三餐的名詞之前不用定冠詞。例如,1、I like rice for supper. 2、My mother often goes to work without breakfast. 3、Lets go out to dinner,8、在表示“官銜”、“

8、職位”的名詞之前不用定冠詞。 例如,The guards took the American to General Howe, commander of the British forces. 衛(wèi)兵們把這個(gè)美國(guó)人送到英軍司令豪將軍那里去,9、在某些習(xí)慣用語中的名詞之前不用定冠詞,以具體名詞表示抽象概念。例如,1、School begins in September. 2、The thief was thrown into prison. 3 、Before I go to bed, Id like to have a cup of tea,4、The teacher asked us not

9、to talk to each other in class. 5、Shall we go by plane or by train,10、在表示“體育運(yùn)動(dòng)”、“娛樂活動(dòng)”的名詞之前,不用定冠詞。例如,1)、play basketball, play volleyball, play football 2)、play chess, play cards,11、在表示“星期”、”月份“、”季節(jié)“等時(shí)間的名詞之前,一般不用定冠詞。例如,1)、We have classes from Monday to Saturday 2)、Does your brother like skating in wi

10、nter? 3)、March is the third month of a year,二)哪些地方要用定冠詞,1、在表示“前面已說過的人或事物”的名詞之前加定冠詞。 例如,1)、There is a girl and an old man sitting in the corner of the room, I think the man must be the girls father,2). I bought a dictionary yesterday. The dictionary is now on the bookshelf,3). I got a letter yesterda

11、y morning. The letter was sent by my father from the U.S,2、 在表示“說話人與聽話人都知道的共同所指的東西”的名詞之前加定冠詞。例如,1). Xiao Hong ,take the chair to that room. 2). Shut the door, please. 3). Look at the blackboard, pupils,3、在表示一般意義的名詞前加定冠詞表示特定的意義。例如,1). Flowers are sweet. The flowers in Marys garden seem especially swe

12、et. 2). She drinks milk every day. The milk on the table is hers. 3). She likes to have butter and the butter sold in this shop is very well made,4、在序數(shù)詞之前加定冠詞。 例如,1). He is always the last one to come and the first one to leave. 2). Where do you live? -I live on the second floor (of this building).

13、3). This exciting story is on the fifth page (of this book,5、在表示樂器名稱的名詞之前用定冠詞。 例如,play the piano play the violin,6、在形容詞和副詞最高級(jí)之前加定冠詞,但副詞最高級(jí)之前的the可省略。 例如,1). Who does the homework (the) most carefully in your class? 2). Li Ming is the tallest of us three,7、在表示江河、山脈的專有名詞之前加定冠詞。 例如,the yellow river the

14、Yangtze river the Mississippi the Himalayas,8、表示獨(dú)一無二的東西的名詞之前,用定冠詞。 例如,the sun, the sky, the moon, the earth , the world, etc,9、在報(bào)刊、雜志的名稱的名詞前,用定冠詞。 例如,1). I take the Peoples Daily. 2). Pass me the Evening Paper, please. 3). The Times is read all over the world,11、在專有名詞前加定冠詞。例如,1). The Summer Palace l

15、ooks especially beautiful today in the rain. 2).The Browns are at home to visitors today,12、定冠詞與形容詞連用表示某一類人。 例如,the wounded 受傷者, the rich 富人 , the poor 窮人, the deaf 聾子 the exploited被剝削者, the oppressed 被壓迫者 etc,Practice,apple, university, old woman, hour, school, useful dictionary, American friend, h

16、istory book, ink-bottle, mistake, English song,exercise book, great honor, one-eyed elephant, announcement, honest man, island, yellow shirt, honest boy, army, egg, umbrella, oilfield, interesting book,在下面的名詞前加不定冠詞,用適當(dāng)?shù)墓谠~填空,There is _ bed and _ table in my bedroom. _ bed is brown, and _ table is yel

17、low. There is _ notebook on my desk. I use _ notebook to keep a diary. Its raining now. Take _ raincoat with you. _ raincoat is in my bag. There is _ ink-bottle on the desk. _ ink in _ bottle is red,5. _ sun rises in _ east and sets in _ west. 6. Wangs mother is _ English teacher. She teaches in _ p

18、rimary school. 7. Xiao Ming is _ youngest pupil in my class. 8. We have three meals _ day. We have breakfast at seven in _ morning every day,9. She is _ great comfort to her mother. 10. China is _ ancient country with _ long history. 11. How many lessons had you learned by _ end of last term. 12. I am neither _ American, nor _ Asian. I am _ Canadian. 13. It will take me _ hour and _ half to read this short story,14. This old man is always kind to _ poor. 15


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