1、do you know what these things are,chinese cultural relics,1,what is a cultural relic,a cultural relic is something that has survived for a long time, often a part of something old that has remained when the rest of it has been destroyed; it tells people about the past,2,ming dynasty vase its very ol
2、d and it is very special to the ming dynasty period,look at the pictures below and discuss what they are and whether they are cultural relics or not,3,ming dynasty vase,明朝花瓶 this vase is a kind of china which was made in china,4,taj mahal(泰姬陵,it is located in india. it is the grave a king built for
3、his wife. it showed the deep love of the king and queen,5,ivory dragon boat,special material and fine design,6,mogao caves (in china,its part of the cliffs,莫高窟 ( 千佛洞,7,mogao caves,there are man-made buddhist (佛教)paintings in those caves.it represents the period when people felt strongly enough about
4、 buddhism,8,pre-reading,have you ever seen a piece of amber? what do you know about it,9,color yellow- brown feel like amber is the fossil(化石)form of resin(樹脂) from trees. it takes millions of years to form,feel as hard as stone,what is amber,pre-reading,10,what is this,raw amber with inclusions,wha
5、t is amber,琥珀是史前松樹脂的化石。琥珀是由千萬年前植物所分泌出來的樹脂,經過地殼變動而深埋地下,逐漸演化而成的一種天然化石。形成于4000萬年至6000萬年前,琥珀的主要成分是碳、氫、氧以及少量的硫,硬度2-3,比重1.05-1.10,熔點150c-180c,燃點250c-375c。琥珀是很“澀”的物質,沒有兩塊琥珀是完全相同的。品種有金珀、蟲珀、香珀、靈珀、石珀、花珀、水珀、明珀、蠟珀等,尤以含有完整昆蟲或植物的琥珀為珍貴,11,12,what do you think amber can be made into,13,necklace,14,ring,15,bracelet手
6、鏈,16,barrette發(fā)夾,17,perfume bottle,18,glass,19,can you imagine a house made of amber ,20,in search of the amber room,21,22,the amber room was first built in 1709,the amber room was first built in 1709,23,the amber room (虎珀屋,24,read the text quickly, trying to get the main idea about the text. (5m.,it
7、 tells us the strange history of the_ _, a cultural relic of two countries: _ and _,amber room,germany,russia,25,read the passage quickly and find out characters , years ,and places in the passage. ( clues 線索)(3 m.,characters,years,places,1,2,3,26,2.frederick william,3.peter the great,4.catherine,ch
8、aracters,1.frederick,27,frederick i: frederick william i: peter the great : catherine,background information,the first king of prussia,the next king of prussia,the czar of russia,the female czar of russia,28,1716,1770,1941,2003,years,29,prussia,russia,germany,places,30,1. what did these four people
9、do to the amber room? 2.what happened in these four years (1716; 1770; 1941; 2003),2.frederick william,3.peter the great,4.catherine,1.frederick,31,paragraph 1: the amber room and its_ paragraph 2-3: _ of the amber room paragraph 4: _ of the amber room paragraph 5: _of the amber room,design,the hist
10、ory,the missing,the rebuilding,32,1. what was the amber room made of ? several tons of amber were used to make it. it was also decorated with gold and jewels. 2. how many years did the artists take to make the amber room,it took the countrys best artists about ten years to make the amber room,carefu
11、l reading,33,an introduction of the amber room,the best and biggest work of amber art ever made.有史以來所制作的最大最好的琥珀藝術作品,yellow-brown,of the fancy style popular in those days,10years for a team of the countrys best artists,34,what did peter the great give in return,the czar gave the king of prussia a tro
12、op of his best soldiers,what was the amber room used for when it belonged to peter the great,it served as a small reception hall for important visitors,para 2,for what reason was the amber room first designed,it was first designed for the palace of frederick i,35,what did catherine ii use the amber
13、room for,she spent her summers in the amber room,what could you see in the amber room after it was completed,almost six hundred candles lit the room, and its mirrors and pictures shone like gold,para 3,36,37,38,) germany and russia are at war in 1941 ( ) all things in the amber room were stolen. the
14、 russians were only able to remove the furniture and small art objects from the amber room. ( ) the nazis stole the amber room within two days,f,t,true or false,t,para. 4: the missing of the amber room,39,para. 4: the missing of the amber room,time,event,1941,russia (the russians,nazi germany (the n
15、azis,at war,stole,the nazis arrived,sent it to konigsberg,after that ,what happened to the amber room was,were only able to remove,furniture and small art objects,the amber room,a mystery,40,) which of the following is wrong about the amber room? people continue to search for the old room. people fi
16、nd the room finally. the russians and germans have built a new one. the new one is much like the old one,b,para.5: a new amber room,41,para.5 the rebuilding of amber room,the russians and germans,by studying old photos of the former one,celebrate the 300th birthday of their city,who,why,2003,when,ho
17、w,42,only original colour picture of the amber room,43,frederick,frederick william,peter the great czar,catherine,nazi,the clue of the story,pass down,given as a gift,pass down,stolen,44,1716,1770,1941,2003,frederick williamgave the amber room to peter the great_,catherine _ more details to the ambe
18、r room,the nazi german army _ the amber room,the _of the amber room was completed,years,as a gift,stole,rebuilding,added,45,retell the story and write it in your exercise book the history of amber room. builtlostrebuilt,built,lost,rebuilt,added more details,gave to sb. as a gift,stolen,46,the charac
19、teristics(特點)of the text,1.it tells the history of the amber room in the order of_,2. it uses the _tense,summing up,time,past,47,1709年,生性豪奢的普魯士國王腓特烈一世命令當時普魯士最有名的建筑師安休魯達和戈德恩著手興建“琥珀屋”(amber room)。完成后的琥珀屋面積約55平方米,共有全由琥珀制成的12塊護壁鑲板和12個柱腳,其上飾有銀箔,可任意拼裝成各種形狀。在當時,琥珀的價值為黃金的13倍,因此“琥珀屋”無論從材料的貴重程度還是工藝水平來說都堪稱稀世奇珍
20、,曾有“世界第八奇跡”之譽。 為了向俄國示好,加強兩國間的軍事同盟關系,腓特烈一世在1716年決定將琥珀屋贈予俄國的彼得大帝。1717年,琥珀屋被運抵俄國的圣彼得堡。后來,這座估計價值1億5千萬英鎊的藝術珍品又被運到了圣彼得堡郊外沙皇村(后更名為普希金城)的凱瑟琳宮。 德國入侵前蘇聯后,凱瑟琳宮的工匠曾打算用紗和假墻紙把琥珀屋遮蓋起來。不過,攻占皇宮的德軍識破了偽裝,將琥珀屋拆開運到了德國。人們知道德國人曾把琥珀屋收藏在東普魯士的哥尼斯堡,但自那以后就再也沒有人清楚它的下落。60年來,人們有過各種各樣的揣測,尋找,卻始終不見其蹤影。充滿傳奇色彩的琥珀屋成了全世界最重要的失蹤藝術品之一,cath
21、erine palace,琥 珀 屋,48,it is said that the amber room is worth_ dollars,100-250 million (1億-2.5億,guess,how much does it cost,49,1709年,生性豪奢的普魯士國王腓特烈一世命令當時普魯士最有名的建筑師安休魯達和戈德恩著手興建“琥珀屋”(amber room)。完成后的琥珀屋面積約55平方米,共有全由琥珀制成的12塊護壁鑲板和12個柱腳,其上飾有銀箔,可任意拼裝成各種形狀。在當時,琥珀的價值為黃金的13倍,因此“琥珀屋”無論從材料的貴重程度還是工藝水平來說都堪稱稀世奇珍,曾有“世界第八奇跡”之譽。 為了向俄國示好,加強兩國間的軍事同盟關系,腓特烈一世在1716年決定將琥珀屋贈予俄國的彼得大帝。1717年,琥珀屋被運抵俄國的圣彼得堡。后來,這座估計價值1億5千萬英鎊的藝術珍品又被運到了圣彼得堡郊外沙皇村(后更名為普希金城)的凱瑟琳宮。 德國入侵前蘇聯后,凱瑟琳宮的工匠曾打算用紗和假墻紙把琥珀屋遮蓋起來。不過,攻占皇宮的德軍識破了偽裝,將琥珀屋拆開運到了德國。人們知道德國人曾把琥珀屋收藏在東普魯士的哥尼斯堡,但自那以后就再也沒有人清楚它的下落。
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