



1、精品試卷外研版小升初沖刺模擬測試英 語 試 卷學校_ 班級_ 姓名_ 成績_一、 單選題.( )1. 找出下列畫線部分的讀音不同于其他三個選項的單詞.a. read b. heavyc. easy d. speak( )2. 選出與所給單詞劃線部分發(fā)音相同的一項.play a. parent b. another c. same d. practise( )3. 找出劃線部分發(fā)音不同的單詞.a.umbrella b. supermarket c. museum d. student( )4. 選出與圖片對應的單詞.a. radio b. telephone c. computer ( )5.

2、librarya. b.( ) 6. i bought a gift _ you.a. to b. from c. for( ) 7. lets _ to work.a. getb. gets c. to get( ) 8. what did you do _ weekend?a. onb. next c. last( ) 9. it will be _ in tianjin.a. cloud b. snowc. sunny( )10. look, there _ two beautiful cats on the chair.a. is b. arec. be( ) 11. twenty y

3、ears ago, mr li _ a teacher. he _ chinese. a. was, taught b. were, taught c. was, teached( ) 12. the _ is too big for you. a. hatb. t-shirt c. bag( ) 13. -what do you want to eat? -i want a hot dog, please.a. b. ( ) 14.what does your father do?a. he goes to work on foot.b. he is a worker in a factor

4、y.c. my father goes to the park.( )15. yesterday xiaohai _ an ice cream and _ tv.a. buys, watched b. bought, watches c. bought, watched二、單詞拼寫.16. im going to v_ my cousin. what present can i take?17. its half past _ now. lets go to school. 18. she is having lunch. but the phone r_.19. people work to

5、gether to k_ the earth c_ and h_.20. will you take us to the _ tomorrow? supermarkets drinkspent windy late三、選詞填空.21. school starts at eight oclock. ill be _.22. i live in a big city. there are many_.23. jim went there on saturday. he _ three hours there.24. what do you want to _?25. will it be _ in

6、 new york?四、連詞成句.26. sing he going song a is to (.) _27. help me you will (?) _28. books are what big these (?) _29. in park picnic have lets a the (.) _30. four in there seasons year are a (.) _五、句型轉換.31. my favourite season is summer. (改為同義句) i _ summer _.32. i bought my mother a scarf. (改為同義句)i b

7、ought a scarf _my mother.33. there were some lakes in the village. (變一般疑問句并肯定回答)_34. its sunny and warm in kunming. (對畫線部分提問) _35. weve got some books for teachers. (變肯定句)we _ got _ books for teachers.六、情景交際.mike: hi, amy! _36_amy: i went to harbin with my parents. mike: its far from here._37_amy: w

8、e went there by train. mike: whats the weather like there?amy: _38_ i made a snowman outside.mike: thats cool. did you do anything else?amy: yes. _39_mike: _40_a. how did you go there?b. can i see your pictures?c. i took lots of pictures and ate delicious food.d. where did you go over the winter hol

9、iday?e. its snowy.amy: sure.k.com36. _ 37. _ 38._ 39. _ 40. _七、閱讀理解.amy and tom were very busy last week. in the morning, tom visited his grandparents and amy bought a cat in the pet shop. tom had lunch with his grandpa. after lunch, amy borrowed some magazines and comic books in the library. tom bo

10、ught a dictionary and a new cd in the bookstore. finally tom and amy bought some apples and went home by subway. ( )41. tom visited his _ last week. a. his friends b. grandparents c. aunt( )42. amy borrowed _ in the library. a. a cat b. storybooks c. comic books( )43.they went home by _. a. bus b. t

11、rain c. subway ( )44. tom bought a dictionary and a new cd in the _. a. bookstore b. library c. pet shop( )45. amy and tom were very _ last week. a. lazy b. busy c. happy八、書面表達.以“my favourite season”為題,寫一篇50詞左右的作文,介紹一下你最喜歡的季節(jié)什么樣.答案與解析一、1.b 2.c 3.a 4.c 5.a 6.c 7.a 8.c 9.c 10.b 11.a 12.b 13.a 14.b 15.

12、c二、16.visit 17.seven 18.rings 19.keep, clean, healthy 20.park三、21.late 22.supermarkets 23.spent 24.drink 25.windy四、26. he is going to sing a song. 27. will you help me? 28. what are these big books? 29. lets have a picnic in the park. 30. there are four seasons in a year.五、31.like, best 32.for 33.were there any lakes in the village? yes, there were.34.whats the weather like in kunming?35.havent, any六、36.d 37.a 38.e 39.c 40.b七、41.b 42.c 43.c 44.a 45.b八、my favourite seasonthere are four seasons in a year. they are spring, summer, autumn and win


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