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1、中考英語總復(fù)習(xí)句型轉(zhuǎn)換專項練習(xí) 根據(jù)所給提示,完成句型轉(zhuǎn)換。每空一詞,含縮略詞。1. The Beiji ng 2008 Olympic Games will be held in three years .對畫線部分提問)will the Beiji ng 2008 Olympic Games be held?2. Can you help me carry heavy box upstairs? ” Mr. White asks.(改為復(fù)合句)Mr. White askshelpcarry the heavy box upstairs.3. This dress cost her 90 y

2、uan.(改為一般疑問句)this dressher 90 yua n?4 The TV play is really wondeful.(改為感嘆句) the TV play is!5. The boy in blue is my brother.(就劃線部分提問)is your brother?6. Water the you ng tree often, or it will die.(改為同義句)you dont water the young tree ofte n, it will be.7. Tom won t visit the farm. He11 stay at home.

3、(改為同義句)Tom will stay at homevisit ing the farm.8. She is cleaning the bedroom.(改為否定句 )She the bedroom.9. She went to see her uncle last week.(改為一般疑問句) go to see her uncle last week?10. Linda often does shopping on Sundays.(對劃線部分提問)WhatLinda ofte non Sun days?11. Let shave a discussio n about it.(改為反

4、意疑問句 )Lets have a discussi on about it, ?12. Joh n family kept many sheep around the house.(改為被動語態(tài) )Many sheep by Joh ns family around the house.13. He became strong day by day as he took exercise.(改為同義句 )Theexercise he took, thehe became.14. We should finish our homework alone .(改為同義句)We should fin

5、ish our homework .15. I paid 320 yuan for the red dress .(改為同義句)The red dress 320 yuan .16. The old photo made it possible for me to find my birthplace .(改為同義句 )I could find my birthplace the old photo .17. The meet ing will be held in Chongqing in stead of Wuha n or Dalia n .(改為同義句 )The meet ing wi

6、ll be held inWuha nDalia n, but i n Chongqing in stead.18. This is a book . Its cover is blue .(合并成復(fù)合句)This is a book is blue .19. She doesn t know how she could pack them (改成同義句)She doesn t know pack them all .20. The water was so dirty that we couldn(改成簡單句)The water was dirty for us drink .21. His

7、 friends will give him some prese nts . (改為被動語態(tài))Some presents will him by his friends .22. Had he walked alo ng the river for ten days ? He wan ted to kn ow .(改為含有賓語從句的復(fù)合句)He wan ted to know he along the river for ten days ?23. I think . It won t get warmer tomoT并成復(fù)合句)I think it get warmer tomorrow

8、.24. Of all the stars the sun is the nearest to the earth .(改為同義句)The sun is to the earththe other stars .25. Jack did well in maths.(就劃線部分提問)Jackin maths?26. Do these students often sing the English song?(變成被支語態(tài))the En glish song ofte nby these stude nts?27. At the age of four , she began to learn

9、dancing.(改寫成復(fù)合句)She bega n to learn dancing.28. She was so weak that she did nt catch up with others.(改寫句子,句意不變 )She wasto catch up with others.29. Shall we go out for a walk after supper?( 改寫句子,句意不變 )a walk after supper?30. Neither of us has much time to write back to him.We both have too much work

10、 to do .( 改寫句子,句意不變 )Both of ushis letter.31. They had lunch at school yesterday .(改寫否定句 )Theylunch at school yesterday .32. Tom visits the Scienee Museum every year.(就劃線部分提問)Tomevery year?33. Are you goi ng to watch the football match next Sun day? Father asked me .(改為復(fù)合句)Father asked megoing to wa

11、tch the football match the n ext Sun day .34. They van hardly decide what they will do next .(改寫句子,句意不變)for them to decide whatnest .35 . The light in the room was so weak that the doctor wasn t ab(e改寫句eTate 句意不變 )The doctordo thesuch bad light in side the room .36. They will finish buildi ng the ho

12、use in two weeks.(就畫線部分提問)they finish buildi ng the house?37. It is great fun to have a pic nic on the hillside.(改為感嘆句)Whatitto have a picnic on the hillside!38. Hurry up, or you ll miss the earlyt改n為以if引導(dǎo)的條件狀語從句)If you, you ll miss the early train.39. Mother said to me,Don t go alone at night.” (改為

13、簡單句)Mother told mego alone at ni ght.40. The maths problem is too difficult for him to work out.(改為復(fù)合句)The maths problem isdifficulthe can t work it out.41. Both the father and the son have see n the film.(改為否定句)the fatherthe sonsee n the film.42. They have pai nted their new house.(改為被動語態(tài))Their new

14、 houseby them.43. My watch doesn t work well.(改為同義句)There ismy watch.44. Jack is too young to dress himself.(改為同義句)Jack is notto dress himself.45. We were surprised that the little girl could draw so well.(改為同義句), the little girl could draw so well.46. Jane doesn t go to work by bus any Ionge(改為同義句)

15、Janeto work by bus.47. The player fell behi nd others though he did what he could. (改為同義句)The playertowith others though he tried his best.48. They took the woun ded soldier to hospital as soon as they could. (改為同義句)The woun ded soldierto hospital as soon as.49. It took Mary two weeks to prepare for

16、 the exam.(改為同義句)Marytwo weeksfor the exam.50. It seems that they have known each other (改為同義句)They seem toeach other.51. Paul wan ted to take pictures of his trip.(改寫為否定句)Paulto take pictures of his trip.52. Jim goes roller skating on Sundays.(改寫為一般疑問句) Jim roller skati ng on Sun day?53. It s raini

17、ng very heavily.改寫感嘆句) it is raining!54. Lucy asked him to turn down the radio.(對劃線部分提問) Lucy ask him to do?55. The children ate up all the apples.(改為被動語態(tài))All the apples up by the children.56. She did very well in her English exam .(改為一般疑問句)shevery well in her En glish exam?57. He has some bread for

18、 breakfast every morning .(改為否定句)Hebread for breakfast every morning .58. I have been to Beijing twice .(就畫線部分提問)have you bee n to Beiji ng?59. Lin das just come back from America .(改為反意疑問句)Lin das just come back from America,?60. When I get there, Ill go to see him at once .(改為同義句)Ill go to see him

19、I get there .61. The box was so heavy that she could nt carry it .(改為簡單句)The box washeavyhercarry .62 . Is the earth round? The little boy asked .(改為賓語從句)The little boy askedthe earthround .63 . He likes the book . So does she.(改為簡單句,使句意不變)heshethe book .64 . Lets hurry, or well be last .(改為復(fù)合句)wehu

20、rry, welllate .65. There are some oranges in the basket. 改寫為否定句 )Thereoran ges in the basket.66. He visited his friend yesterday.(改寫為一般疑問句 )hehis friend yesterday?67. The girl can ride a bike.(改寫為反意問句)The girl can ride a bike,?68. Its cloudy today.(對劃線部分提問)the weathertoday?69. My aunt works in a fac

21、tory.(對劃線部分提問)your aunt work?7O.She was so weak that she couldn t take care of her baby.(改為同義句)She wasweaktake care of her baby.71. He didn make any mistake in the exam. She didn either.(改為同義句)he _she made any mistake in the exam.72. The motorbike cost him 7000 yua n last year.(改為同義句)He7000 yuan the

22、 motorbike last year.73. People use computers widely in the world.(改為同義句)Computerswidely in the world.74. Ja ne says scie nee isnso in terest ing as music to her.(改為同義句)Jane says scie nee is interesting music to her.75. Lily has some red and blue pencils.(改為一般疑問句 )Lily any red and blue pen cils9.76.

23、 There s no time to go shopping.(改為反意疑問句 )Theres no time to go shopping, ?77. Both of the twins like moon cakes with eggs in them.( 改為否定句 )of the twinsmoon cakes will eggs in them.78. New York is 14,800 kilometres away from Beijing.( 就劃線部分提問) is New York from Beijing?79. Do they want fried chicken?

24、He asked the boys .(連成一句含賓語從句的復(fù)合句)He asked the boystheyfried chicke n.80. He spent two days in mending this radio.( 改為同義句 )It him two days mend this radio.as Bill.81. Bill did better than Lin Tao.(改為同義句)Lin Tao so82. Jack did well in maths.(就劃線部分提問)Jackin maths?83. Do these students often sing the E

25、nglish song?(變成被支語態(tài))the En glish song ofte nby these stude nts?84. At the age of four , she began to learn dancing.(改寫成復(fù)合句)She bega n to learn dancing.85. She was so weak that she didntcatch up with others.(改寫句子,句意不變 )She wasto catch up with others.86. Shall we go out for a walk after supper?( 改寫句子,

26、句意不變 ) a walk after supper?87. When I was a child, I made up my mind to be an artist.( 改寫句子,句意不變 )a child, Ito be an artist.dropping litter almost88. In China, we often see people dropping litter on streets, in parks, in zoos, in fact almost everywhere. So many cities look dirty.( 改寫句子,句意不變 )In Chin

27、a, many cities look dirty because peopleeverywhere.89. The man made his baby laugh.(改寫句子,句意不變 )The baby waslaugh.90. The childre n played happily in the zoo yesterday.( 改寫句子,句意不變 )The childre n in the zoo yesterday.91. The problem is too difficult for me to work out.( 改寫句子,句意不變 )The problem isn tfor

28、 me to work out.92. Hurry up, and you ll be on time for the party.( 改寫句子,句意不變 )youhurry, you ll be late for the party.93.It is five years since he left his hometow n.( 改寫句子,句意不變改寫句子,句意不變)He hasfrom his hometow n for five years.94 .That lady is my new English teacher. She is wearing red clothes.(The

29、ladyis my new En glish teacher.型:95. Tom does his homework in the evening .(改為否定句)Tom his homework in the evening .96. Hes already finished his homework .(改為一般疑問句)he fini shed his homework97. Kate has little bread for breakfast .(改為反意疑問句)Kate has little bread for breakfast ,98. Bruce does everything

30、 very carefully .(改為感嘆句)Bruce does everything !99. The Smiths have been in Beijing since 2000 .(對劃線部分提問)have the Smithsin Beijing ?100. You cant write on the desk .(改為祈使句)on the desk.101. She never goes to school at six.(改為反意疑問句)She n ever goes to school at six,?102. The teacher is telling us a stor

31、y now .(用 at noon yesterday 替換 now)The teacherus a story at noon yesterday.103. Today is February 18 .(對劃線部分提問)thetoday?104. It will be rainy the day after tomorrow .(對劃線部分提問)the weather the day after tomorrow ?105. He goes to work by bike .(用 on foot 改為選擇疑問句)heto work by bike ?106. My sister has be

32、en to Canada, too.(改為否定句)My sister been to Canada, .107. How often does Tom write to his parents ? I want to know .(合并為含有賓語從句的復(fù)合句)I want to knowTom to his pare nts.108. Can you drive me to the office building? ” she asked me(改寫為含有賓語從句的復(fù)合句)She asked meIdriveto the office building .109. What are you i

33、nterested in ? Could you tell me ?(合并為含有賓語從句的復(fù)合句)Could you tell me in terested in ?110. The headmaster has been to New Zealand only once.(對劃線部分提問); has the headmaster bee n to New Zeala nd?111. She usually comes to see her grandma once a week.(對戈U線部分提問): she usually come to see her gran dma?112. We

34、call maths the Ianguage of scienee.(改為被動語態(tài))Mathsthe lan guage of scie nee.113. My teacher told me to try it again .(對劃線部分提問):your teacher tell you to?114 . She gave me some French stamps this morning.(改為被動語態(tài))Some French stampsme this morni ng.115. They were all saved by the clever cat.(改為主動語態(tài))The cl

35、ever catall.116. Both he and I are going to the concert tonight.(改為否定句)heIgoing to the concert toni ght.117. I dont believe she can work out the problem.(改為反意疑問句)I dont believe she can work out the problem ,?118. The students had a wonderful time in the park .(改為反意疑問句)The students had a wonderful ti

36、me in the park , ?119. The small co untry has a population of more than 56 , 980, 000.(對劃線部分提問)thethe small country ?120. She said to me,I will buy a used car because it is much cheaper ”(改寫為含有賓語從句的復(fù)合句)Sheme that shebuy a used car because itmuch cheaper.121. I think to work as a doctor is interestin

37、g .(用 it 改寫)I thi nk in teresti ngas a doctor.122. My mother always goes shopp ing on Sun days .(改為否定句)My mothershoppi ng on Sun days.123. He will come back in a week .(對劃線部分提問)he come back?124 . The trees are growing well . The teachers planted them two years ago .(合并為含有定語從句的復(fù)合句)The trees the teach

38、ers two years ago well .125 . My uncle gave me a bike and I like it .(改寫為含有定語從句的復(fù)合句)I like themy uncle.126 . There are few people in the hall.(改為反意疑問句)There are few people in the hall, ;?127 . She became ill because it was too cold .(改為簡單句)She became ill the cold weather .128 . She is a woman doctor

39、 .(改為復(fù)數(shù)句)doctors.129. Its about two kilometres from our school to the railway station .(對劃線部分提問)is it from your school to the railway stati on130. Miss Gao came into the classroom.(改為否定句)Miss Gao into the classroom.131. He has much to do.(改為完全否定)He has to .132. Davids mother works in a shop.(改為一般疑問句

40、) Davids mother in a shop ?133. The red lights changes every two minutes.(對劃線部分提問)the red lights cha nge ?134.She does nt work hard at her maths.(改為反意疑問句)She does nt work hard at her maths , ?135.It is an interesting story.(改為感嘆句)story it is !136. They build new houses over there.(改為被動語態(tài))New houses

41、over there.137. You may come on Sun day. You may come on Mon day.(改為簡單句 )You may come on Sundayon Mon day .138. Does he like drawing? Could you tell me?(改為復(fù)合句)Could you tell me he drawing?139. Mother went to bed after she finished the housework.(用 not.until 改寫為同義句)Mother go to bed she finished the h

42、ousework.140.I like swimming best .(改寫為同義句)Myis swimmi ng .141. More and more people prefer watching TV to reading .( 改寫為同義句 )More and more people enjoy watching TV reading.142. Dont read in bed! Its bad for your eyes. Mother said to me.(改寫為同義句)Mother told me _read in bed. Its bad for my eyes.143. W

43、e must do a lot of work to keep our environment clean and tidy.( 改寫為同義句 )A lot of work must to keep our environment clean and tidy.(改寫為同義句 )144. There are 82,000,000 people in Germany and 59,000,000 people in France.(改寫為同義句)The of Germa ny istha n that of France.145. The old man ofte n gets up at ha

44、lf past five in the morning.(改為一般疑問句) the old man often up at half past five in the morning?146. Lily and her classmates had a very good time yesterday evening.(改為否定句 )Lily and her classmates a very good time yesterday evening.147. He doesn t know much about that count(改為反義疑問句)He doesn t know much a

45、bout that count?148. I llpay a visit to my old friend on Sunday./on Monday.(改為選擇疑問句) you pay a visit to your old friend on Sun day on Mon day ?149. We go to watch a football game once a week.(對劃線部分提問) do you go to watch a football game ?150. There are on ly ten balls in the box.(對劃線部分提問) balls are t

46、here in the box ?151. Jane called her mother last week.(對劃線部分提問)Jane call last week152. My uncle taught maths at a high school two years ago.(對劃線部分提問) your uncle teach maths _two years ago ?153. The bike cost me $150 .(對劃線部分提問) did the bike cost you ?154. The movie is very in terest ing.(改為感嘆句)the m

47、ovie is !155. She has already finished writing her article.(改為疑問句) she finished writing her article156.lt is a fine day.(改為感嘆句) a day it is !157. You let him clean his room.(改為祈使句)Please him his room .158. He has bee n a policema n for more than 20 years.(對劃線部分提問) has he been a policeman ?159. We we

48、nt to see a film together last week.(對劃線部分提問) you go to see a film together ?160. Mary s sistertudies English at a university (對劃線部分提問) En glish at a un iversity ?161.She ofte n goes to work on foot.(對劃線部分提問) she often go to work ?162. You can t see any differences between the twin改為反義疑問句 )You can t

49、 see any differences between the tw,n ?163. I would like to go there by bus./by bike.(改為選擇疑問句)you like to go there by bus by bike ?164. Wang Mei is a nurse in the No 3 Hospital (對劃線部分提問) Wang Mei ?165. There are some dictionaries on the bookshelf.(改為疑問句)there dictionaries on the bookshelf ?166. My s

50、ister studied philosophy at Beijing Uni versity three years ago.(對劃線部分提問)your sister study at Beiji ng Un iversity three years ago?167. I like singing and dancing. She likes singing and dancing, too.( 改為否定句 ) I she likes singing and dancing .168. There is little time left.(改為反意疑問句)There is little ti

51、me left., ?169. They make an experime nt every two weeks(對劃線部分提問)do they make an experime nt ?170. The news is very excit ing (改為感嘆句) the news is !171. My gran dpare nts moved to this tow n about 20 years ago.(對劃線部分提問) .your grandparents move to this town ?172. You shouldn t let the children play in

52、 street.(改為祈使句)Please the children play in street .173. It took us three hours to finish the test.(對劃線部分提問) did it take you finish the test.?174. She is reading China Daily in the sitting-room now.(對戈U線部分提問) she in the sitti ng-room now ?175. They enjoyed themselves at the party very much.( 改為否定句 )T

53、hey.themselves at the party very much.176. We must work hard at English.(改為一般疑問句)work hard at En glish?177. May I go out and play?(做否定回答),you _.178. Go and bring me some food.(改為反意疑問句)Go and bring me some food,?179 . The monkey took the tiger to a big river.(對劃線部分提問)the mon key the tiger?180.Could y

54、ou tell me how I can get to the station ?(改為簡單句).Could you tell me get to the station181.1 found that it was difficult to do the maths problem.( 改為簡單句)I foundto do the maths problem.182. “ The sun rises in the east:” sa合并成一句Chpr.(The teacher us that the sun in the east.183. We must put the tree stra

55、ight in the hole .(變成被動語態(tài))The treeput straight in the hole.184. Mrs Brown can hardly walk any more, ?(改成反意疑問句)185. John plays the guitar very well.(改為感嘆句)Joh n plays the guitar !186. They have lived in Lanzhou for 5 years .(對劃線部分提問)have they lived in Lan zhou?187.1 think there is something wrong with the radio.( 改為否定句 )Ithi nk there iswrong with the radio.188. Tony often goes swimming in summer.(對戈U線部分提問 )WhatTony oft


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