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1、JOIN IN英語(yǔ)五年級(jí)期下冊(cè) 課本知識(shí)點(diǎn)Start unit Join in again1、Wordshead 頭touch觸摸 enjoy享受的樂(lè)趣 everyone每個(gè)人 fun樂(lè)趣n ear 接近shake han ds 握手alphabet 字母2、Sentences1. Touch your n ose and shake your heac觸摸你的鼻子,搖搖你的頭。2. Welcome back now.歡迎回來(lái)。3. Lear ning can be lots of fun.學(xué)習(xí)充滿樂(lè)趣。4. Enjoy your time in class agai n很高興再次回至 U課堂

2、。5. Si ng and dance and rock with me 跟我來(lái)唱跳搖滾吧。6. Shake hands with your part ner 和你的同伴搖搖手。7. Turn around.轉(zhuǎn)圈。8. Dance with me. 跟我跳舞。Unit 1 A phone call1、Wordsask問(wèn)ill 病事across穿過(guò)橫過(guò)before在以前paint 顏料websit 網(wǎng)站like 喜歡call 通話program 節(jié)目work 運(yùn)轉(zhuǎn) ,工作read 讀get 收到 ,接到something 某物 ,某wrong 有問(wèn)題的collect 收集2、Phraseshav

3、e to 不得不phone call 電話see films看電影l(fā)isten to music 聽(tīng)音樂(lè)write emails 寫郵件make phone calls 打電話do shopping 購(gòu)物watch TV programsget messages收信息mobile phone 移動(dòng)電話看電視節(jié)目take photos 拍照over there 在那邊,在那兒play games玩游戲phone box 電話亭visit websites 訪問(wèn)網(wǎng)站3、Sentences1. Wait a moment. 稍等。2. Ive got a new CD-ROM.我有一張新的光盤。3.

4、 Can you come to my place ?你們可以來(lái)我家嗎?4. I have to ask my Mum first. 我不得不問(wèn)問(wèn)我的媽媽。5. Theres one over there. 那邊有一個(gè)。6. Pho ne your mum and your gra ndma.給你的奶奶和媽媽打電話。7. Hello, is that Mike? 您好,你是邁克嗎?8. Y es, this is Mike speaki ng是的,我是邁克。9. Its your granny. 我是你的奶奶。10. I have to do my homework.我不得不做我的作業(yè)。11.

5、 See you tomorrow. 明天見(jiàn)12. See you this evening 今晚見(jiàn)。13. My computer doesntwork. 我的電腦不能運(yùn)轉(zhuǎn)了。14. Mobile phones are very popular across the wo rld .移動(dòng)電話在全世界很流行。15. You can use a mobile phone to write emails, listen to music, watch TV programmes an -d play games. You can use it to visit your favourite web

6、sites and even do shopping.你可以用它寫郵件,聽(tīng)音樂(lè),看電視和玩游戲。你可以用它來(lái)訪問(wèn)你最喜歡的網(wǎng)站 甚至購(gòu)物。16. What can you do with a mobile phone? 用電話你可以做什么?17. I can send and get messages我可以發(fā)送和接受信息。18. Can you visit websites? 你能訪問(wèn)網(wǎng)站嗎?19. Of course I can, but I dontvisit websites often. 當(dāng)然我可以,但是我不經(jīng)常上網(wǎng)。20. My cousin Yanmei works hard at

7、 En glish我的表妹嚴(yán)梅在英語(yǔ)方面很努力。21. She likes En glish very much.她非常喜歡英語(yǔ)。22. She collects ma ny En glish storybooks.她收集許多英語(yǔ)故事書。23. She ofte n reads her storybooks 她經(jīng)常讀故事書。4、Story1. The red pai nt, please.請(qǐng)給我紅色的顏料。2. One week before Easter復(fù)活節(jié)的前一周3. One day before Easter復(fù)活節(jié)的前一天4. What can I do?我可以做什么?5. Can y

8、ou help me?你可以幫助我嗎?6. Y es, of course是的,當(dāng)然可以。7. Where are the eggs?彩 蛋在哪里?8. Here they are. 它們?cè)谶@兒。9. How many eggs can you find?爾能找到多少彩蛋?Unit 2 Life in the Arctic1、WordsArctic 北極的 early 早期的 earth 地球 fishing 釣魚 grandma 奶奶 grandpa 爺爺2、Phrasesjump in the water 跳進(jìn)水里swim across the lake游過(guò)湖面walk through t

9、he snow 走過(guò)雪地 run up the hill 跑上小山hare 野兔hill 小山 ice 冰 lake 湖North Pole 北極 polar bear 北極熊come to the top 到達(dá)山頂look around 環(huán)顧四周 go fishing/swimming 去釣魚 /去游泳 go to the playground 去操場(chǎng)pull 拉shopping mall 購(gòu)物中心snow 雪South Pole 南極will 將要seal 海豹go to the Great Wall去長(zhǎng)城go to the park去公園go to the zoo去動(dòng)物園3、Senten

10、ces1. What do you know about the Arctic? 關(guān)于北極,你了解多少?2. The Arctic is very cold 北極非常冷。3. There is ice everywhere in the Arctic 在北極到處都是冰。4. The sky is very blue 天空蔚藍(lán)。5. The Arctic is very beautiful.北極非常美麗。6. Whatover there?那兒是什么?7. What she doi ng over there?他在那兒做什么?8. He wants to catch a hare 他想要捉野兔。

11、9. Tomorrow is Saturday明 天是星期六。10. What will the children do? 孩子們將要做什么?11. Illgo swimming. 我將要去游泳4、Story1. Nicola comes to the Arctic.尼克拉來(lái)到了北極。2. She is goi ng to have her holiday她將要在這兒度過(guò)她的假期。3. This is our house.這是我們的房子。4. Do you like it here?你喜歡這兒?jiǎn)幔?. What can I do?我可以做什么?6. There are no shopping

12、malls, no playground and theresno TV. 這兒沒(méi)有購(gòu)物中心,沒(méi)有操場(chǎng)也沒(méi)有電視。7. Can we go fishing agai n tomorrow ?明天我們可以再來(lái)釣魚嗎?8. This is great fun!太有趣了!9. Can I come again next year?明年我能再來(lái)嗎?10. Do you know whatson his TV? 你知道在他的電視上有什么?11. Illshow you my TV. 我將要展示給你我的電視。12. Wasntit boring? 難道不無(wú)聊嗎?5、Grammar1. There be句型

13、及否定用法 There is單數(shù)There isnt a=There is noThere are +復(fù)數(shù)There arent any=There are nono =not a(單數(shù))/not any(復(fù)數(shù)或不可數(shù))2. will和be going to的用法 will+動(dòng)詞原形(將來(lái)時(shí)間則較遠(yuǎn)一些,而非最近期間的事)He will write a book one day. be going to +動(dòng)詞原形(近期眼下,即將要發(fā)生的事)He is going to write a letter this evening.Unit 4 In townUnit 3 Television1、W

14、ordscartoons 卡通片romantic filmswatch 觀看,注視nature programmes浪漫愛(ài)情電影begin 開(kāi)始自然生態(tài)節(jié)目always總是,始終switch on 打開(kāi)detective filmoften 常常,經(jīng)常television 電視機(jī)偵探電影sometimes 不時(shí),有時(shí)smile微笑sports programmesnever 絕不,從未thousands of 成千上萬(wàn)的體育節(jié)目interesting 有趣味的true 真實(shí)的science fiction filmsboring 無(wú)聊的科幻電影great 大的,巨大的2、Sentences1.

15、1 like./I don t like.我喜歡/我不喜歡.(電視節(jié)目)2. He / She likes.He / She doesn t like.他/她喜歡 他/她不喜歡(電視節(jié)目)3. Cartoons are interesting.動(dòng)畫片是有趣的.4. I always watch. 我總是看He / She always watches他/她總是看(電視節(jié)目)5. What do you watch? 你看什么節(jié)目?6. When do the programmes begi n?節(jié)目什么時(shí)候開(kāi)始?7. The begin at.在時(shí)候開(kāi)始.(復(fù)數(shù)名詞)8. The begins

16、 at.在時(shí)候開(kāi)始.(單數(shù)名詞)9. He doesnt like sweets like me and you.他像我和你一樣不喜歡糖果。1、Wordsmuseum 博物館bus stoplate 晚的opposite 對(duì)面park 公園公共汽車站police stationnext to 旁邊church 教堂left 左警察局best 最好的train stationtourist officehospital 醫(yī)院first 首先火車站旅行社post office 郵局beside在旁邊right 右town 城鎮(zhèn)2、Phrasesgo straight ahead 直走turn ri

17、ght/ left 向右轉(zhuǎn)/ 向左轉(zhuǎn)excuse me 打擾了3、Sentences1. First you go left 首先你向左走2. Then go straight ahead 然后直走3. Then you turn right 然后你向右轉(zhuǎn)4. See you there tonight 今晚在那里見(jiàn)面5. Excuse me. Wheresthe police station?6. Itsbehind the park. 它在公園后面the same side of the street 街道的同一邊go right/ left 向右走/ 向左走打擾了,請(qǐng)問(wèn)警察局在哪?7.

18、Wheresthe park? 公園在哪?8. The park? Thatseasy. Go straight ahead. Then turn left.公園?那很容易,直走,再左轉(zhuǎn)9. Thank you. 謝謝你10. Thats a OK. 不客氣11. Excuse me, wheres the train station? 打擾了。請(qǐng)問(wèn)火車站在哪里?12. Go straight ahead. 直走13. Thank you. 謝謝14. Thats OK. 不客氣15. Mr. Green lives next to the bus stop. 格林先生住在車站旁邊16. Mr

19、. Black lives opposite Mr. Green. 布萊克先生住在格林先生對(duì)面 (注意:人名前不加 the ,地點(diǎn)前加 the)17. Mr. Brown lives on Mr.Black sidse of the street. 布朗先生和布萊克先生住在同一條街道上。Unit 5 School life1、Wordsbeach 沙灘mask 面具blood 血island 島嶼weather 天氣tourist 游客hurt 受傷most 大多數(shù)cloudy 多云的flippersrock 巖石pass by經(jīng)過(guò)windy 多風(fēng)的鴨腳板,腳蹼boat 小船rain 下雨su

20、nny 晴朗的snorkellingtake 帶走sand 沙子 ,沙灘raining 下雨徒手潛水baby 幼獸sun 太陽(yáng)fine 好的jet-ski 噴氣式滑艇call 打電話too 太seal 海豹close 接近的city 城市2、Phrasesfly a kite 放風(fēng)箏ride horses 騎馬 listen to music 聽(tīng)音樂(lè) play football 踢足球collect shells 撿貝殼 swim in the sea 在海里游泳 fishing 釣魚 ride a jet-ski 騎噴氣式滑艇3、Sentences1. What is she/he doin

21、g? 她/ 他正在干什么?2. She is riding a horse. 她正在騎馬。3. He is collecting shells. 他正在撿貝殼。4. What are they doing? 他們正在干什么?5. They are swimming in the sea. 他們正在海里游泳。6. Whatsthe weather like? / Hows the weather? 天氣怎么樣?7. Itsfine/sunny/cloudy. 很好/晴朗的 /多云的。4、ConversationsP: Hi, Nancy. This is Peter.嗨,Nancy.我是 Pet

22、er.N: Oh, Peter. Where are you now?喔,Peter。你現(xiàn)在在哪里?P: On Hainan Island with my cousin. 和我的堂弟在海南島。N: In China? Super! Whats the weather like there? 在中國(guó)?那里天氣怎么樣啊?P: Itssunny. Howsthe weather in London? Is it cold? 晴朗的,倫敦的天氣呢?冷嗎?N: Oh yes, very cold! Itswindy today. 是的,很冷,今天刮風(fēng)了。P: Its warm here. Well go

23、 to the beach tomorrow. 這兒很暖和,我們明天將去沙灘上。N: Great. Have a good time! 太棒了,玩的開(kāi)心哦。P: Tha nk you. Bye 謝謝你,再見(jiàn)。5、TextHi, Im Mary. I live on an island in Canada. There are lots of beautiful starfish on the beach . You cannot swim there very often. Most of the time, the water is too cold.你好,我是 Mary, 我住在加拿大的一

24、個(gè)島嶼上。 這里有許多的海星在沙灘上。在這 里你不能經(jīng)常游泳,大多數(shù)時(shí)候,這里非常的冷。Hi, my name is Qionghua. I live in Sanya. Ist a beautiful city on Hainan Island in China. There are always many tourists on the beach. You can swim here most of the year. 你好,我的名字叫瓊花,我住在三亞,這是一個(gè)非常漂亮的城市在中國(guó)海南島。這 里總是有許多的游客在沙灘上。大多數(shù)時(shí)間在這里都可以游泳。6、Story1. Letgo sn o

25、rkelli ng.讓我們一起潛水。2. Illget my mask and f l i ppe rs .我將拿上面具和腳蹼。3. Letswim/get closer.讓我們游的更接近一些。4. Whats that in the water? 水里那是什么?5. I think itsblood. 我認(rèn)為那是血。6. Look, the seal is over there on the rock. I think its hurt. 看海豹在那邊的巖石上。我認(rèn)為它受傷了。7. There is a seal on the rock over there 有一只海豹在那邊的巖石上。8.

26、Get into the boat. Wellgo and get it.9. He knows a lot about seals 他對(duì)海豹了解很多。10. Where can we take it? 我們把它帶到哪里啊?11. Illtake it with me. 我將會(huì)把它帶走哦。7、Grammar現(xiàn)在進(jìn)行時(shí): (be + doing)What is she doi ng?她正在干什么?She is ridi ng a jet-sk i她正在騎噴氣式滑艇。Unit 6 Adventures1、Wordsthe dark 黑暗影big dogs 大狗the desert 沙漠the co

27、ld 寒冷sleeping alonespiders 蜘蛛 tthe mountain 大山hot food 辣的食物獨(dú)自睡覺(jué)he sea大海the jungle 叢林horror films 恐怖電rats 老鼠the moon 月球hero 英雄2、Phraseslook for 尋找well done 做得好hands up 舉手3、Sentences1. Im afraid of./Im not afraid of. (我害怕 ./我不害怕 .)2. Im not afraid of the dark. 我不害怕黑。3. Im not afraid of spiders. 我不害怕蜘蛛

28、。4. And Im not afraid of horror films. 我不害怕恐怖電影。5. But theres one thing Im afraid of: 但是有一個(gè)事情我害怕:6. Tomato soup for lunch. 午餐的西紅柿湯。4、Action storyPut on your boots and your cowboy hat. 穿上你的靴子,帶上你的牛仔帽。Get on your horse. 騎上你的馬。Go for a ride. 兜風(fēng)。Youre tired. 你感到累了。Stop your horse. 停下你的馬。Get off. 下馬。Sit dow n on the ground. 坐在地上。Ouch! 哎呀!Youve sat o


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