



1、賓語從句的用法真題再現(xiàn)】1. Jack, could you tell me for traveling this summer? (2014 連云港 ) We plan to go and see the beautiful sea in Hainan.A. where your family will goB. how will your family goC. how your family will goD. where will your family go2. Could you tell me ? (2014 揚州 ) In August, 2014.A. where will

2、the Youth Olympic Games take placeB. when will the Youth Olympic Games take placeC. where the Youth Olympic Games will take placeD. when the Youth Olympic Games will take place3. Could you please tell me ? (2014 十堰 ) Of course. Many people in Shiyan know it.A. where is Mount WudangB. how can I get t

3、o Wulong RiverC. what is Shenlongjia famous forD. if there will be a new airport in Shiyan4. Do you know ? (2014 重慶 ) This afternoon.A. when will the policeman give us a talkB. where will the policeman give us a talkC. when the policeman will give us a talkD. where the policeman will give us a talk5

4、. I have some tickets for the basketball match. I wonder . (2014 河北 )A. where you buy the ticketsB. why you like to go thereC. if youd like to come alongD. when you watch the match6She got a nice skirt as a present on her birthday Do you know ? (2014 呼和浩特 )A what was it made of B how much did it cos

5、tCwho buys it for her D where she bought it7. Do you know the meeting? (2014 北京 ) Tomorrow morning.A. when they hadB. when they are going to haveC. when did they haveD. when are they going to have8. I didnt know . (2014 武漢 )A. when would the train arriveB. where could I get the bookC. what has been

6、doneD. who left the message9. Could you tell me yuanxiao in China? (2014 天津 )B. how do people eatD. how people eat such a silly question in class yesterday. (2014 廣州 ) B. why John asked Usually at Lantern Festival.A. when do people eatC. when people eatA. why did John ask10. I dont understandC. why

7、is Joh n ask ingD. why Joh n asks11. Mum, can you tell me ? I dreamed of him last night. (2015 陜西)Next week.12.B. where my dad goesD. where my dad will go ? (2015 南通)A.B.C.D.13.A.C.14.A. whe n my dad comes backC. whe n my dad will come back Could you p lease tell me By taking an online tour .in whic

8、h way can I improve my writ ing skills how I can travel around the world in eight hours what p laces of in terest we can visit at a time how should I get some more useful in formatio n Could you please tell me?(2015 呼和浩特)About twenty minu tes ago.when did you see this kid whe n you saw this kid Li M

9、ing, do you knowB. where did you see this kidD. where you saw this kid this year? (2015 蘭州)It on June 20th.A. whe n is the Drago n Boat FestivalC. whe n the Mid-autu mn Festival is15. I wonder . (2015 青島)A. how will you celebrate Than ksgiv ingB. that the Water Festival is really fun.C. what do peop

10、le eat on the Mid-Autu mn FestivalD. whether you will make resoluti on on New Year16. Ms. P etty, can you tell me? (2015Africa.A. what the baby giraffe likes eat ingB. why the baby giraffe looks unhappyC. whe n the baby giraffe was bornD. where the baby giraffe came from17. Do you know? (2015 天津) Fo

11、r a mon th.A. how long will she be awayC. how ofte n will she go there18.B. whe n is the Mid-autu mn Festival D. whe n the Drag on Boat Festival isDay溫州) Could you tell meTalking about festivals .how they are p lay ingB.B. how long she will be awayD. how ofte n she will go there (2015河北)what they ar

12、e doingwhere they are goingD.19. Franklin told them all to be in Britain again.(2015 杭州 )A. how happy was heB. how happy he wasC. how was he happyD. how he happy was20. Excuse me, Miss Chen, could you tell me? (2015 福州)It is short for the Silk Road Econ omic Belt and 21st Cen tury Maritime Silk Road

13、. A. what the Belt and Road mea ntC.why they are p ractic ingB. what does the Belt and Road meanC. what the Belt and Road mea ns【答案與解析】1. A o句意:一一Jack,你能告訴我今天夏天你和家人將去哪里旅游嗎?一一我們計劃去海南看美麗的大海。本題考查賓語從句。根據(jù)題干中的回答“去海南看?!笨膳懦鼵、D兩項;又因為賓語從句應用陳述句語序,故選A項。2. D。句意:一一你能告訴我青奧會什么時候舉行嗎?一一 2014年8月。根據(jù)問句Couldyou tell me ?

14、可知,后面的特殊疑問句作tell的賓語,賓語從句應用陳述句語序,排除A、 B兩項;根據(jù)答語可知,問的是時間,排除C項,故選D項。3. D。本句意為:一一你能告訴我十堰是否有一個新的飛機場嗎?一一當然,許多十堰的人們都知道。從句的語序是陳述句語序引導詞+主語+謂語+ ”,故答案選Do4. Co句意:一一你知道這個警察什么時候來給我們作報告嗎?一一今天下午。賓語從句用陳述句語序,排除A和B;又根據(jù)答語可知是對時間進行提問,故答案為C項。5. Co我有幾張籃球賽的票。我想知道你是否愿意和我一起去。本題考查賓語從句。B、 D項均不符合題干中前后句的邏輯關(guān)系,故答案為C項。6. D。句意:她過生日的時候

15、買了一條漂亮的裙子作為禮物。你知道她在哪買的嗎?賓語從句用陳述句語序,排除A、B兩項。由第一句可知,買裙子是過去發(fā)生的事情,故賓語從句須用一般過去時,排除C項。故答案為 D項。7. B。句意: 你知道他們什么時候開會嗎? 明天上午。tomorrow morning為一般將來時的標志詞,故可排除 A、C兩項。賓語從句的語序為陳述句語序,排除D項,故選B o8. D。句意:我不知道是誰留下的信息。賓語從句應該使用陳述句語序,而A、B兩個選項都是疑問句語序,故排除;C選項時態(tài)不對,主句是過去時,從句也應用相應的過去時,故選Do9. Co根據(jù)答句我們發(fā)現(xiàn)問句應該提問何時吃元宵,那么排除B、D選項;A、

16、C的區(qū)別在于語序不同,賓語從句一大考點就是語序,從句部分應為主謂正常語序,所以A錯了。10. B。根據(jù)賓語從句的陳述語序,排除A、C,再根據(jù)賓語從句的時態(tài)規(guī)律,可見主句是一般現(xiàn)在時understand,從句中出現(xiàn) yesterday,則從句用一般過去時。11. Co句意:一一媽媽,你能告訴我,爸爸什么時候回來嗎?我昨晚上夢到他了。下周。next week為一般將來時的標志詞,故時態(tài)為將來時,可排除 A、B兩項。根據(jù)回 答,可知詢問的是時間,排除D項。故選Co12. B。賓語從句應用陳述句語序,排除A、D兩項;由答語“ By taking an online tour . ”可知,問句詢問的是“

17、怎樣”。how意為“怎樣,如何”,符合題意,故選 BoCo13. C。賓語從句使用陳述語序,由此可排除A、B兩項;由答語“About twenty minutes ago. ” 可知,詢問的是時間,故選6 月 20 日 o the Dragon所14. D。句意:一一李明,你知道今年端午節(jié)是什么時候嗎?一一在Boat Festival端午節(jié);the Mid-autumn Festival中秋節(jié)。根據(jù)回答可以推測是問的端午節(jié), 以排除B、Co賓語從句要用陳述句語序,所以A錯誤。故選D。15. D。句意:我想知道你是否將在新年做決定。wonder后面可以連接if(whether) +語從句或者疑問

18、詞 (how, when, why , what) +賓語從句。賓語從句要用陳述語序,故選16. D。句意:一一佩蒂女士,你能告訴我那個小長頸鹿來自哪里嗎?一一非洲。 what thebaby giraffe likes eating 小長頸鹿喜歡吃什么;why the baby giraffe looks unhappy 為什么小長頸鹿看起來不高興; when the baby giraffe was born小長頸鹿什么時間出生的;where the babygiraffe came from 小長頸鹿來自哪里。根據(jù)回答,可知問地點,故選D。17. B。根據(jù)賓語從句需要用陳述語序這一原則,

19、排除答案A和C,根據(jù)答語可排除答案D,故答案為B。18. B 。由答語“ 題意,故選 B。19. B 。此題考查20. C 。本題考查 一般現(xiàn)在時陳述語序。Taiking about festivals . ”可知,詢問的是他們正在做什么”。B項符合tell 后接 how 引導的賓語從句,從句要用陳述語序,故選 tell 后接賓語從句,根據(jù)句意問“一路一帶是什么意思”B。,賓語從句應為用法講解】考試要求: 賓語從句在中考中是重點考查內(nèi)容,主要考查知識包括賓語從句的引導詞、賓語從句的 語序及賓語從句時態(tài)對應及否定遷移等。1. 賓語從句的引導詞 在復合句子中,作賓語的從句叫賓語從句。例如:I wa

20、nt to know whose book this is.我想知道這是誰的書。賓語從句的引導詞有三種:1) that; 2) whether/ if; 3)特殊疑問詞 what/ when/ where/ who等。例如:He said that he could help me. 他說他能夠幫助我。Your mother asked if you could finish your work this week.你媽媽問這個星期你能否完成工作。Can you tell me when the sports meeting will begin ? 你能告訴我運動會將在什么時候開始嗎?(1)

21、 以that引導的賓語從句:that引導的賓語從句一般都是由陳述句充當,引導詞that沒有實際意義,不在從句中作任何成分,that可以省略,而且從句成分齊全,句意完整。Do you think (that) it will rain? 你認為天會下雨嗎?He said (that) he could come on time. 他說他會準時來的。(2) 以 whether 或 if 引導的賓語從句:從屬連詞 if, whether 引導的名詞從句是由一般疑問句或選擇疑問句轉(zhuǎn)化而來的,變成從句 后,語序由原來的倒裝語序變成陳述語序。whether和if意為 是否”。Let us know whe

22、ther / if you can finish the work before Friday. 請讓我們知道你是否能在星期五以前把工作做完。I don t care whether you like the story or not. 我不在乎你是否喜歡這個故事。注意:以下情況一般只用 whether不用if。1) 接帶 to 的動詞不定式。She doesn t know whether to go to the zoo. 她不知道是不是去動物園。2) 與 or not 連用時。I m ntosure whether or not he will come on time. 他能否準時來,

23、我說不準。(3) 特殊疑問詞 what/ when/ where/ who 等引導的賓語從句:此類賓語從句原來是特殊疑問句, 變成賓語從句后要用陳述語序, 由wh-開頭的疑問詞引導。 包括 who, whom, whose, what, which 等連接代詞和 where, when, how, why 等連接副詞,這些 引導詞有各自的意思,在從句中要作相應的成分,不能省略。例如:Could you tell me which gate we have to go to? 請問我們得走哪個門?He didn t tell me how long he would stay here. 他沒有告訴我他要在這里呆多長時間。2. 賓語從句的語序由 whether/ if 和特殊疑問詞引導的賓語從句要用陳述語序, 原來的倒裝語序改成陳述語序時 注意相應的助動詞和動詞的變化等。Where does your father work? Can you tell us?Can you tell us where your father works?你能告訴我們你爸爸在哪里工作嗎?Did you get home very late? He asked me.He a


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