現(xiàn)代大學英語精讀4unit6 groundless beliefs課件_第1頁
現(xiàn)代大學英語精讀4unit6 groundless beliefs課件_第2頁




1、 Groundless Beliefs ground: (usu. pl.) the foundation / underlying condition for an argument, a belief, or an action; a cause or good reason for sth. What were his grounds for wanting a divorce? Neither statement can be faulted on the grounds that it is inaccurate. (Lesson 3) On the grounds of sth.:

2、 根據(jù)。、以。 為理由 He resigned on the grounds of ill-health. groundless: not based on reason or evidence groundless optimism Our fears proved groundless. Proposition: view, idea, assertion Their theory is founded on two of their propositions. In future we are going to follow the practiceuntil it becomes a

3、habitof classifying propositions according to their grounds. Classifying propositions according to their grounds is important because people very often base their judgment of propositions according to their popularity, usefulness, source of authority as well as to their personal taste. They do not a

4、lways accept beliefs because they are true. Often they accept them because their beliefs serve their immediate purpose, or because they sound nice, or because it is easier or safer to accept them. take this practice as a guide a base for an argument Come across: to meet , to discover sth. or sb. by

5、chance 偶然遇到、發(fā) 現(xiàn)。 be astonished at: be very surprised at met with: encountered; experienced class as: classify as similar usage to be astonished at; to be surprised at; to be alarmed at; to be amazed at; to be astounded at to class as; to regard as; to describe as; to accept as; to view as; to concei

6、ve as; to recognize as They rest upon mere tradition, or on sb.s bare assertion unsupported by even a shadow of proof They are only based on tradition, or on somebodys assertion, but are not supported even by the least amount of proof. 這些說法僅僅是基于傳統(tǒng)或者是一些人毫無證據(jù)這些說法僅僅是基于傳統(tǒng)或者是一些人毫無證據(jù) 的斷言。的斷言。 strong state

7、ments without the support of proof the slightest trace of to be based on 基于基于 bare assertion: strong statements without the support of proof bare: a. naked; not covered with or protected by anything; empty; just efficient, mere e.g. bare arm/feet walls 沒有任何裝飾的墻 necessities 最基本的必需品 facts 純粹的事實 the ba

8、re branches of winter trees The fridge was completely bare. 冰箱里一點吃的也沒有。 Phrases: with your bare hands: without weapons or tools bare your soul: to tell your deepest and most private feelings bare your teeth: to show your teeth in a fierce and threatening way barefaced: showing that you do not care a

9、bout offending sb. or about behaving badly 厚顏無恥的、露骨的 e.g. a barefaced lie a shadow of: the slightest trace of 少許、殘余、痕跡 e.g. A shadow of a smile touched his mouth. There is not a shadow of justification for your behavior. She knew beyond a shadow of doubt that he was lying. It may be a belief whichev

10、er since: 情況很可能是這樣的:我們最初僅僅因為 別人的建議而接受了一個觀點,而在那以 后就一直持有(堅持)這種觀點。 Way: far 遠遠地、大大地、非常地 Way up north 老遠的北方 Way ahead (behind) 遠遠在前、遠遠在后 Many of our strongest convictions were established then. Conviction: could also mean the judgment of a jury or judge that a person is guilty of a crime as charged定罪定罪

11、e.g. He has six previous convictions for theft. They are strong because they have been in our mind for such a long time. They are strong because they were imprinted on our mind when we were little children, before we were able to judge for ourselves. They are strong because they were passed on to us

12、 during our most formative years and often by people we trusted and loved. firm belief or opinion堅定的堅定的 信仰、信仰、 But if the staunchest Roman Catholic and the staunchest Presbyterian had been exchanged when infants, and if they had been brought up with home and all other influences reserved, we can hav

13、e little doubt what the result would have been. But if they were exchanged when they were infants and brought up in different homes and under different influences, then the staunchest Roman Catholic would be the staunchest Presbyterian, and vice versa. This shows that our beliefs are largely influen

14、ced by our surroundings. by exchanging all kinds of influence theyve got from home or other sources Reverse: to change to the opposite 使反向、使倒轉(zhuǎn)、倒轉(zhuǎn)調(diào)換 Her father would be thinking exactly the same way were their positions reversed. 如果他父親與她把位置倒置過來,他 父親也會與她的想法完全一樣。 It is consistent with all our knowledge

15、 of psychology to conclude that each would have grown up holding exactly the opposite beliefs to those he holds now We can conclude, based on all our knowledge of psychology, that each would have grown up having exactly the opposite beliefs to what they have now. 根據(jù)我們所掌握的心理學知識,我們可以得出結(jié)論,根據(jù)我們所掌握的心理學知識

16、,我們可以得出結(jié)論, 兩人長大后會持有與現(xiàn)在完全相反的信仰。兩人長大后會持有與現(xiàn)在完全相反的信仰。 to be consistent: be in agreement with 與。相一致 The news report is consistent with the facts. And each would then have feltof the truth of the opposite opinion: 而且,每個人就像他現(xiàn)在一樣,對自己的信仰 的正確性很有把握-其實那是與他相反的信仰。 be true of: can apply to e.g. The proverb it is n

17、ever too old to learn is true of everyone. Possibly the same is true of social work? 社會福利工作可能也是這樣的吧? Other than: usually mean except, but here it means apart from. This usage is not considered standard by many people. If we had grown up in a community where polygamy or head-hunting, or infanticide,

18、or gladiatorial fighting, or dueling, was regarded as the normal and natural thingthen we should have grown up to regard it as “obviously” natural and perfectly moral and proper. Polygamy, head-hunting, infanticide, gladiatorial fighting and dueling are practiced only in some communities or practice

19、d in certain historical times. They are considered immoral, improper and abnormal elsewhere or in modern times. Knowledge: awareness The matter was never brought to the knowledge of the minister. They did it without my knowledge. To sbs knowledge: 據(jù)某人所知 He has been there several times to my knowledg

20、e. Sentiment: an opinion or feeling you have about sth. 意見、觀點、情緒 What are your sentiments on this matter? Public sentiment: 公眾情緒 Of course we do not cease, when we cease to be children, to adopt new beliefs on mere suggestions. Of course when we are no longer children, we do not stop adopting new be

21、liefs on mere suggestion. 當然,當我們長大以后,會繼續(xù)憑著別人的建議來接受當然,當我們長大以后,會繼續(xù)憑著別人的建議來接受 新的觀點。新的觀點。 on: 憑。,憑。, 靠???。 ,根據(jù)。,根據(jù)。 They made their own judgment on his report. 他們根據(jù)他的報告做出自己的判斷。他們根據(jù)他的報告做出自己的判斷。 We continue doing it: We still adopt new beliefs on mere suggestion. to take only the most striking examples, th

22、e enormous influence of newspapers and the effectiveness of skilful advertising. Striking: A striking change顯著的變化顯著的變化 A striking instance 突出的例子突出的例子 The girl is striking in face and figure. For example, we are still easy and often willing victims of newspapers and advertising. Much of what passes a

23、s such is not, strictly, thinking at all. what people take as thinking As such: 1.如所指的人或事那樣如所指的人或事那樣 A leader as such deserves obedience. He is the author of the article, but he does not want to be known as such. 2. 就其本身而言就其本身而言 Mere good looks, as such, will not take you far. A name as such means n

24、othing. Pass: 被接受被接受 嚴格說來,許多類似被人們接受的東西完全不是思想。嚴格說來,許多類似被人們接受的東西完全不是思想。 To fit in with: to say the same thing or follow the same principle; to agree with 適合、符合、與。相配 To fit in with sbs view 與某人的觀點相符 Suchas:像。這樣的 (as 做關(guān)系代詞,引導(dǎo)定語從句) I never heard such stories as he tells. (as 在從句中作賓語) He returned to us la

25、ter in the day with tobacco, matches, and such provisions as were needed. (as 在從句中做主語) The dogma may not be that that of any particular individual: it may be a dogmatic statement which has been passed from one person to another, from generation to generation. 這種信條可能不是某個特定個人的觀 點,可能是一個人傳給另一個人,一 代一代傳下來

26、的教條性的的觀點。 It may be part of the traditional belief of the people or the race. A persons racial, cultural, national, political, class, gender, generation identity, while enabling him/her to see the world in a unique approach, also tends to limit his/her vision. But we should fully face the fact that

27、beliefs which are merely inherited from the past must have originated at a time when men knew much less than they know today. So the fact that a belief is “old” is no argument in its favor. 不過我們應(yīng)該面對這樣一個事實:那些僅僅是從過去傳不過我們應(yīng)該面對這樣一個事實:那些僅僅是從過去傳 承下來的觀點在其起源的時侯,人類對世界的認識遠少承下來的觀點在其起源的時侯,人類對世界的認識遠少 于今天。因此,一個觀點于

28、今天。因此,一個觀點“由來已久由來已久”(因而我們因該(因而我們因該 接受它)并不是站得住腳的論點。接受它)并不是站得住腳的論點。 The implication: one of our common mistakes is to accept beliefs simply on the merit of their long history. Inherit a. to receive (property or a title) from an ancestor by legal succession or will b. to receive or take over from a pre

29、decessor c. to receive (a characteristic) from ones parents or grandparents by genetic transmission The eldest son will inherit the title. The new administration inherited the economic problems from the previous one. inherit the tradition She inherited her mothers good looks and her fathers bad temp

30、er. Originate: Many Christmas traditions originated in Germany. in sbs favor: in sbs support; to sbs advantage, to sbs benefit 受其支持;對某受其支持;對某 人有利人有利 All the comments were in your favor. find oneself doing sth.: to realize that one is unconsciously doing sth. 發(fā)現(xiàn)自己在無發(fā)現(xiàn)自己在無 意識地做某事意識地做某事 Dick found hims

31、elf walking in the direction of Mikes place. Entertain: to consider an idea, etc. or allow yourself to think that sth. Might happen or be true 考慮、考慮、 接受思想、觀點等接受思想、觀點等 She has never entertained the idea of living in the countryside. enquire (or: inquire) into: to find out more information about; to i

32、nvestigate調(diào)查調(diào)查 The police inquired into her background. Undesirable: 不合意的、令人不快的不合意的、令人不快的 The drug has undesirable side effects. 該藥又不良的副作用。該藥又不良的副作用。 He called at the most undesirable moment. 他在最不該來的時候來了。他在最不該來的時候來了。 wicked: morally bad; evil; in Spoken English it can mean mischievous Tempt: to pers

33、uade or attract (someone ) to do sth.; make (someone) want to do sth. I feel tempted to say: 我想要說。 Their unfriendliness tempted me to leave the party. 他們不友好的態(tài)度使我很想離開這次 聚會。 break down: to cease to be useful; to fail to function; to stop being acceptable失敗、失效 His health has broken down. Negotiations b

34、roke down after only two days. (破裂) in the light of: in consideration of; as a result of 鑒于、由于、考慮到 He made his decision in the light of what he had heard. Examples of such cases (in par 8): We used to regard the following as obvious truth: that the sun moves round the earth; the earth is flat; the a

35、ir is weightless; there is always a king; men are always stronger than women; etc Conceive: to imagine a particular situation or to think about sth. in a particular way 構(gòu)想出、想象、設(shè)想、以為 To conceive an idea I cant conceive why you did so. Shake off: to get rid off I wish I could shake off this disease. M

36、any modern persons find it very difficult to credit the fact that men can ever have supposed otherwise. Yetthey did. credit the fact: believe the fact otherwise: differently Paraphrase: Many modern people are hard to believe that for some time men had ever thought they were thinking with their heart

37、s. Yet it is true that the ancient people really thought in that way. Credit: (fml.) to believe that sth. is true 相信 I can credit all that you are telling me. We found his story hard to credit. Otherwise: differently 不同地、以不同方式 The government claims that the economy is improving, but this survey sugg

38、ests otherwise. Reference: 引文;提到、論及 His book on history contains many references to George Washington. 他的那部歷史論著有很多處論及。 Beyond possibility: impossible Beyond doubt: completely certain Demonstrate the contrary: to prove that the contrary is true by means of a demonstration 在伽利略通過事實證明其完全相反之前,沒有那 個觀點看起來

39、比這個更不可能或更毋容置疑。 Until Galileo actually demonstrated the contrary, nothing could have seemed more beyond possibility or doubt. It would never be questioned or doubted if there was no Galileo who proved that the contrary was true by means of a demonstration. on the ground of根據(jù)。、以。為理由根據(jù)。、以。為理由 on the gr

40、ound that ground: the foundation for an argument, a belief, or an action; a basis理由、根據(jù)理由、根據(jù) Jane was late on the ground of the heavy traffic. Tom left on the ground that he was ill. Consist in: to be based on or depend on 主要是、在于 Happiness does not consist in how many possessions you have; it consist

41、s in appreciating what you have. Wisdom consists in learning from our own mistakes. leave no room for doubt: to make it impossible for people to doubt cling to: to be unwilling to get rid of sth., or stop doing sth. e.g. Throughout the trial she had clung to the belief that he was innocent. He had o

42、ne last hope to cling on to. pay sb to do sth: to bring benefit or advantage to sb to do sth e.g. It pays to tell people the truth. It pays to forgive others. It doesnt pay to work too hard at the expense of your health. Concerned: involved in sth. or affected by it 有關(guān)的 He urged all the employees co

43、ncerned to take an active part in the drive. 他敦促所有有關(guān)的職工積極參與這項活動。 is about the last person to do sth: is the least possible person to do sth Indeed, he would probably be highly indignant if told of what anyone familiar with modern psychology can recognize so plainly. He would surely feel furious if s

44、omeone told him a plain fact that he had held some beliefs through self-interest, which anyone who is familiar with modern psychology can recognize very easily. Attribute (to): to relate to a particular cause or source; attribute sth. to 把。歸因于把。歸因于 David attributed his companys success to the unity

45、of all the staff and their persevering hard work. Potent: effective and powerful 有效地、強有效地、強 有力的、有說服力的有力的、有說服力的 Potent arguments 有說服力的論據(jù)有說服力的論據(jù) Livelihood: Earn / gain / get / make ones livelihood by But the meaning of this term might be understood in a broader sense. It may include his concern for p

46、osition, popularity, fame, respect, love, etc. 這個詞的意義還可以引申到包括一個人的社會地位、在同這個詞的意義還可以引申到包括一個人的社會地位、在同 事中的聲望以及來自他所重視的人的尊重和友善。事中的聲望以及來自他所重視的人的尊重和友善。 (interest not only in the material sense But we may extend the term to cover also his interest in social position; popularity with his fellows; the respect a

47、nd goodwill of those whose respect and goodwill he values. extend the meaning of the word 延伸該詞的意義,以涵蓋延伸該詞的意義,以涵蓋 Many people are forced to hold a belief because he has become an important person in his group. If he gave up that belief, he would turn insignificant at once. There is many a man who is

48、unconsciously compelled to cling to a belief because he is a “somebody” in some circleand if he were to abandon that belief, he would find himself nobody at all. There are many people an important person in a certain group of people who know each other Putting it broadly, we should always suspect an

49、y of our opinions when we recognize that our happiness depends, directly or indirectly, upon our continuing to hold themwhen we might lose anything, material or otherwise by changing our opinion. If by changing our opinions we might lose something and therefore be unhappy, we must be suspicious abou

50、t these opinions and try to find out whether we are not being blinded by our self-interest. Somewhat similar is the acceptance of an opinion through the desireprobably not recognized by the person concernedto justify his own nature, his own position, or his own behaviour. Accepting an opinion throug

51、h the desire is also the same case. The desire of defending our weaknesses, mistakes, vulnerable positions or wrongdoings becomes another factor to accept a groundless opinion easily. Here it is no longer the interest to gain but the interest to avoid losing certain things. justify a. to prove to be

52、 just, right or valid b. to be a good reason for sth. 證明。是著正當?shù)?、有道理的證明。是著正當?shù)?、有道理?為。辯護為。辯護 The course of events fully justifies our views. The fine quality of the cloth justifies its high price. I cannot really justify taking another day off work. The lazy and stupid person can readily a d o p t a s

53、e t o f o p i n i o n s w i t h o u t questioning why, since they clearly know that these opinions are unobtainable to them, only people who have energy and ability can be rewarded with these opinions. The lazy and bungling person can adopt a set of opinions which prove to his satisfaction that “the

54、 grapes are sour”the “grape” being the rewards that more energetic and competent men can win. an idiom describing those people who pretend to dislike what one really desires, because it is unobtainable Many groundless opinions are held through sentimental associations. The thought is associated with

55、 memoriespleasant or unpleasant as the case may beof particular persons who held similar opinions. Very often we like or dislike an opinion because it is held by somebody we like or dislike. 許多毫無根據(jù)的觀點僅僅是因為情感方面的聯(lián)系而被人們許多毫無根據(jù)的觀點僅僅是因為情感方面的聯(lián)系而被人們 堅持堅持 (許多毫無根據(jù)的觀點起因于與情感的聯(lián)系)。思想許多毫無根據(jù)的觀點起因于與情感的聯(lián)系)。思想 與記憶與記憶或

56、美好或痛苦或美好或痛苦相連,這些記憶涉及某些特相連,這些記憶涉及某些特 定的人,他們持有類似的觀點。定的人,他們持有類似的觀點。 Be prejudiced against: to have an unreasonable dislike of 對。有 偏見 Conversely: Chinese consumers prefer chicken wings. Conversely, British consumers prefer chicken breast. recollection: memory; a thing that you remember from the past e.g

57、. have a vivid/vague recollection of sth. I have no recollection of meeting her before. To the best of my recollection I was not present at that meeting. recollect: v. to remember sth., esp. by making an effort to remember it e.g. I dont recollect what she said then. Bitter: 1. 充滿怨恨、仇恨、不滿情緒的 Bitter

58、foe 仇敵 2. (爭論、斗爭等)激烈的;仇恨等強烈的 A bitter dispute 激烈的爭執(zhí) Bitter hatred 刻骨的仇恨 3. 流露心頭痛苦、悔恨等的 Bitter smile Bitter tears悔恨的眼淚 If we dislike or envy a person, we will tend to disregard or attack his opinions, from which we may acquire a strong satisfaction. What keen satisfaction we find in belittling the op

59、inions, or attacking the opinions, of somebody of whom we are jealous, or of somebody against whom we bear a grudge! strong satisfaction keen: eager; enthusiastic about; e.g. He is very keen to help. She is one of the keenest supporters of that team. keen is also often used before noun, it could mea

60、n quick to understand, strong or deep, or very sensitive or sharp a keen mind/intellect keen interest/satisfaction keen sense of smell My friend has a keen eye for a bargain. Dispose: to put in a place; arrange 布置、安排、處理;使愿意,布置、安排、處理;使愿意, dispose sb to do sth: to make sb more likely to fell or think


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