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1、 Good painting is like good cooking: it can be tasted, but not explained. 好畫猶如佳肴,只可意會(huì),不可言傳。 Art is like the candlelight in the dark. It Art is like the candlelight in the dark. It lights up your mind, enriches your life, and lights up your mind, enriches your life, and calms your soul. calms your so

2、ul. In the fantastic world of art, we will learn In the fantastic world of art, we will learn how to appreciate it and find out the truth of how to appreciate it and find out the truth of life life Chinese painting watercolor landscape cartoon oil painting drawing portrait Leonardo da Vinci Mona Lis

3、a 達(dá)芬奇達(dá)芬奇 蒙娜麗莎蒙娜麗莎 梵高梵高 向日葵向日葵 Vincent Van Gogh Sunflowers Chen Yifei Remain style of Xunyang 陳逸飛陳逸飛 潯陽(yáng)遺韻潯陽(yáng)遺韻 a quiet girl a thoughtful girl a sad girl a girl hugging knees a good place for relaxing the beautiful countryside the peaceful countryside the quiet countryside cold winter withered willow t

4、rees water oxen a sad scene become dry empty and looking sad Read these new words in the box alive aspect imitate (art) movement observe ordinary reality style Match these words with the definitions 1. the way in which something is done 2. to watch carefully 3. a style of painting adopted by a group

5、 of artists 4. to copy 5. living or full of life 6. not special or unusual 7. one of the separate parts of something 8. the way something really is style observe movement imitate alive ordinary aspect reality 1913 Pablo Picasso (Cubism) 畢加索(18811973)出生在西班牙,是當(dāng)代西方最有創(chuàng)造性和影 響最深遠(yuǎn)的藝術(shù)家,他和他的畫在世界藝術(shù)史上占據(jù)了不朽的地位。

6、 畢加索是位多產(chǎn)畫家,據(jù)統(tǒng)計(jì),他的作品總計(jì)近 37000 件,包括: 油畫 1885 幅,素描 7089 幅,版畫 20000 幅,平版畫 6121幅。 1921 Pablo Picasso (Cubism) Guernica by Picasso in 1937.It showed his feelings about what happened to the town. drawn by Roy Lichtenstein In the car (Pop art) 1923年出生于美國(guó)紐約的 Roy Lichtenstein,享有美國(guó)普 普藝術(shù)之父的美譽(yù)。在1938年之前,他專為爵士音樂家繪

7、畫 肖像。之后,他參加由“藝術(shù)學(xué)生聯(lián)盟”(Art Student League) 舉辦的課程,并前往美國(guó)俄亥俄州研讀藝術(shù)。他稍 晚的作品橫跨立體派與表現(xiàn)主義兩種風(fēng)格。50年代后期, Lichtenstein開始以漫畫與廣告等通俗文化作為創(chuàng)作媒介, 他的第一個(gè)普普藝術(shù)畫出現(xiàn)于1961年,并藉此向世人宣告嶄 新的藝術(shù)風(fēng)格正式來臨。 在他運(yùn)用漫畫的手法表現(xiàn)“美國(guó)人的 生活哲學(xué)” (American Way of Life), 并且結(jié)合著名的藝術(shù)創(chuàng)作、雕塑作品 與電影創(chuàng)造出多樣實(shí)驗(yàn)性作品后,紐 約現(xiàn)代藝術(shù)博物館( Museum of Modern Art) 在1987年替他舉辦了完 整的作品展,他于1

8、997年在紐約與 世長(zhǎng)辭。 Chinese painting is known for its _ in _ and _. brush drawings black inks natural colors The painting showed that shrimps were swimming in the water and they looked very _.A lively B freely C happily D dull (無趣的, 呆滯的) It was painted by_.QiBaishi Qi Baishi (1863-1957), one of Chinas gre

9、atest painters, followed the traditional Chinese style of painting. 齊白石,原名純芝,字謂清、蘭亭,湖南湘潭人,長(zhǎng)期僑居北京。 曾擔(dān)任中央美術(shù)學(xué)院名譽(yù)教授、中國(guó)美術(shù)家協(xié)會(huì)主席、中央文史館 研究館員、北京中國(guó)畫研究會(huì)主席、北京中國(guó)畫院名譽(yù)院長(zhǎng),第一 屆全國(guó)人大代表。1953年中央文化部授予“人民藝 術(shù)家”稱號(hào)。 1955年德意志民主共和國(guó)藝術(shù)科學(xué)院授予“通訊院士”榮譽(yù)狀。 1956年獲世界和平理事會(huì)1955年度國(guó)際和平獎(jiǎng)金。1957年,擔(dān)任 北京中國(guó)畫院名譽(yù)院長(zhǎng)。1963年被世界和平理事會(huì)推舉為世界文化 名人之一。有白石詩(shī)草、白

10、石印草、齊白石作品選集、 齊白石作品集、齊白石山水畫選等問世。 Artist: Name: Xu Beihong A Five running horses B Five lovely horses C Six running horses D Six crazy horses 六駿圖六駿圖 成名作;田橫五百士成名作;田橫五百士 Xu Beihong(1895-1953) was one of Chinas bestknown twentieth-century artists. He believed that artists should show reality, but not jus

11、t imitate it. He is famous for his lively paintings of horses. 徐悲鴻(18951953),是兼采中西藝術(shù)之長(zhǎng)的現(xiàn)代繪畫大師,美術(shù)教育家。 徐悲鴻擅長(zhǎng)中國(guó)畫,油畫,尤精素描。他的畫作滿含激情,技巧極高。著名 油畫有溪我后,田橫五百士,國(guó)畫有九方皋,愚公移山, 會(huì)師東京等。最能反映徐悲鴻個(gè)性,表達(dá)他思想感情的莫過於他寫馬的 畫卷。他創(chuàng)作堅(jiān)持“師法造化,尋求真理”的原則。 對(duì)馬的肌肉,骨骼以及神情動(dòng)態(tài),作過長(zhǎng)期的觀察研究,畫了數(shù)以千計(jì)的速 寫。所以他畫的馬圖筆墨酣暢,奔放處不狂狷,精微處不瑣屑,筋強(qiáng)骨壯, 氣勢(shì)磅礴,形神俱足。另有一些人

12、物,獅,貓等題材作品,也是質(zhì)優(yōu)量大。 他的繪畫 Match paintings 1-4 with descriptions in paragraphs A-D Read paragraphs A-F again and choose the correct answer 1. The Cubist art movement_. (a) showed different sides of an object in the same picture (b) is considered to be the greatest art movement of the twentieth century

13、2. Pop art _. (a) advertised the twentieth-century life (b) tried to show ordinary life in the modern world 3. Qi Baishi _. (a) painted in a very unusual way (b) was a very traditional Chinese artist 4. Xu Beihong _. (a) wanted to do more than imitate reality (b) tried to paint horses 5. Wu Hang _ t

14、he picture of a golden-haired girl. (a) loves (b) dislikes 6. Sarah Hardwick thinks that _. (a) a Chinese artist painted picture 3 (b) Pablo Picasso painted picture 3 Any questions? Detailed Reading NameNationa- lity AchievementsCharacteristics Pablo Picasso Roy Lichten- stein Qi Baishi Xu Beihong S

15、pain greatest western artist started Cubism different aspects of the object or person show-ing at the same time America world famous Pop arts showing ordinary 20th century city life China greatest tradi-tional painter brush drawing in black inks and natural colors China best-known 20th century artis

16、t A beautiful brush line, reality, lively horses This is a _ by the Spanish _, Pablo Picasso, considered to be the _ western artist of the twentieth _. Picasso and another _, George Braque, started _, one of the most important of all modern _. Cubist artists painted _ &_, with different _ of the obj

17、ect or person _ at the same time. This painting is by _ American _ Roy Lichtenstein who is a world_ example of _. Pop art was an important _ that aimed to show _ twentieth-century _. For example, it _ things _ soup cans and advertisements. Qi Baishi , one of Chinas _, followed the _ Chinese style of

18、 painting. Chinese painting is _ for its brush _ in black _ and nature _. Qi Baishi _ the world of nature very _, and his paintings are _ because of this. Xue Beihong was one of Chinas _ twentieth-century _ . Like Qi Baishi , Xu painted in the _ Chinese _. Both painters have a beautiful _. Xu believ

19、ed that _ should show _, but not just _ it. Instead, a picture should try to show the _ of its subject. He is most _ for his lively paintings of_. Find out the difficult phrases or sentences which you dont understand in the passage. Try to get the answers yourself. If not, then ask the teacher or cl

20、assmates in tomorrows lesson. drawing portrait a good place for relaxing the beautiful countryside the peaceful countryside the quiet countryside Read these new words in the box alive aspect imitate (art) movement observe ordinary reality style 1913 Pablo Picasso (Cubism) 在他運(yùn)用漫畫的手法表現(xiàn)“美國(guó)人的 生活哲學(xué)” (American Way of Life), 并且結(jié)合著名的藝術(shù)創(chuàng)作、雕塑作品 與電影創(chuàng)造出多樣實(shí)驗(yàn)性作品后,紐 約現(xiàn)代藝術(shù)博物館( Museum of Modern Art) 在1987年替他舉辦了完 整的作品展,他于1997年在紐約與 世長(zhǎng)辭。 Match paintings 1-4 with descriptions in paragraphs A-D Read paragraph


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