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1、Unit 1 Module 3 H e r o e s She trained hard, so she became a great player later. Words and expressions including medal attend abroad once again doctor degree prep. 包含;包括包含;包括 n. 獎牌;獎?wù)陋勁疲华務(wù)?v. 上上(學(xué)學(xué));出席;出席; 參加參加(事件或活動事件或活動) adv. 在國外;到國外在國外;到國外 再一次再一次 n. 博士博士 n. 課程;學(xué)位課程;學(xué)位 Words and expressions whate

2、ver give up amazing will victory simply conj. 不管怎么樣不管怎么樣 放棄(努力)放棄(努力) adj. 驚人的;極好的驚人的;極好的 n. 意志;決心意志;決心 n. 成功;勝利成功;勝利 adv. 實在;的確實在;的確 a person who is admired for doing something extremely brave someone you admire very much for their intelligence, skill, etc 英雄;勇士英雄;勇士 hero 偶像偶像 Who is your hero? Why

3、 do you think he/she is a hero? HERO be brave with super power always help other people in need save someones life risk his life for others be an expert in an area Who is she? She is Deng Yaping. She is one of the greatest table tennis players in the world. She is also a successful woman in other ar

4、eas. She won her first world championship title with Qiao Hong in 1989. She won a gold medal in both the singles and doubles competitions at the 1992 Olympics in Barcelona, Spain. She received a doctors degree from Cambridge University in 2008. She was making a speech for the bid for the 2008 Olympi

5、c Games. Lets enjoy a piece of video about Deng Yaping. 1 P18 Work in pairs. Look at the picture and say who the person is and why she is famous. Deng Yaping February 5, 1973 Zhengzhou, Henan a table tennis player She won six world championships(冠軍冠軍) and four Olympic championships between 1989 and

6、1997 * * * * * Listen and choose the correct answer. 2 1 Who are the speakers? a) A student and a teacher. b) A person on the radio and a guest. c) Two students. 2 Where are the speakers? a) At a radio station. b) At home. c) In a classroom. 3 What are they talking about? a) A famous person. b) A fr

7、iend. c) A teacher. P18 Two persons are talking about hero. Listen and read. Finish the following exercises. Listen to a passage and answer the questions. 1. Who are the speakers? 2. Where are they? 3. What are they talking about? A teacher and a student called Daming. In a classroom. They are talki

8、ng about the students hero. Task 1 Read the passage and complete the table. Facts about Deng Yaping When she was five,she _ _ When she was twenty- four, she _ After she stopped playing, she began to _ _ in Beijing. After seven years study abroad, she _ _ started playing table tennis stopped playing

9、table tennis study at Tsinghua University completed her doctors degree at Cambridge University 3 P18 Task 2 4 P19 Complete the sentences so that they are true for Deng Yaping. 1. She says she is not _ _. 2. She has a very _. 3. She helped _ _. 4. Whatever she does, she _ _. cleverer than anyone else

10、 strong will make the Beijing Olympics a victory for world sport never gives up Task 3 5 P19 Complete the passage with the correct form of the words in the box. abroad attend clever victory will Deng Yaping is Damings hero. At first, she was a table tennis player. Later, she (1) _ Tsinghua Universit

11、y and then went to study (2) _. She says she is not (3) _ than anyone else, but she has a very strong (4) _. She also helped make the Beijing Olympics a(n) (5) _ for world sport. She is a true hero. attended abroad cleverer will victory Task 4 1. Shes won many world competitions, including four gold

12、 medals in the Olympics. 她在很多世界級比賽中獲勝,包括獲得四塊奧運會金牌。她在很多世界級比賽中獲勝,包括獲得四塊奧運會金牌。 本句中本句中including作作介詞介詞,和后面的名詞,和后面的名詞/代詞構(gòu)成介賓短語,意思是代詞構(gòu)成介賓短語,意思是 “包括包括在內(nèi)在內(nèi)”。 included用作用作形容詞形容詞,用在,用在名詞或代詞后名詞或代詞后,意思是,意思是“包括包括在在 內(nèi)內(nèi)” 。 Everyone laughed,me included 每個人都笑了,包括我在內(nèi)。每個人都笑了,包括我在內(nèi)。 【考查點1】 辨析stop.from doing sth, stop do

13、ing sth.與stop to do sth. 1)stop.from doing sth.“阻止.做某事”,與 prevent/keep.from doing sth.同義。 例如: She stopped the child from watching TV. 她不準(zhǔn)孩子看電視。 2)Stop doing sth.“停止做某事”,是指停下來正在做的事情。例 如: Stop doing that stupid thing! 停止做那件蠢事! 3)stop to do sth.停下來去做另一件事情,to do sth.表示停下來的 目的,作狀語。例: He stopped to read t

14、he text.他停下來去讀課 文 2. and then attended university abroad. 之后(她)去國外上大學(xué)。之后(她)去國外上大學(xué)。 Only 20 people attended the meeting yesterday. All children between the age of 5 and 16 must attend school. attend 動詞動詞,常用的意思:,常用的意思: (1) 出席、參加出席、參加 (2) 上上(學(xué)學(xué)) 3. Whatever she does, she never gives up! 無論做什么,她都不放棄!無論做

15、什么,她都不放棄! give up的意思是的意思是“放棄放棄”,可,可直接跟名詞、直接跟名詞、V-ing形式作賓語形式作賓語,后接,后接 代詞作賓語時,要代詞作賓語時,要將代詞放在將代詞放在give和和 up之間之間。 例如:例如:David has decided to give up football at the end of this year. 戴維已經(jīng)決定今年年底就不再踢足球了戴維已經(jīng)決定今年年底就不再踢足球了。 give up doing sth.表示表示“放棄做某事放棄做某事”。 Why dont you give up smoking? 你為什么不戒煙?你為什么不戒煙? 【考

16、查點考查點2】 4. I think shes a good student as well as a good player. 我覺得她不僅是一個出色的運動員,而且還是一個好學(xué)生。我覺得她不僅是一個出色的運動員,而且還是一個好學(xué)生。 as well as表示表示“不僅不僅而且而且”,強調(diào),強調(diào)as well as前面的內(nèi)容。前面的內(nèi)容。 例如:例如: On Sundays, the landlady provided him with dinner as well as breakfast. 每逢星期天女房東不僅為他提供早餐,還為他提供正餐。每逢星期天女房東不僅為他提供早餐,還為他提供正餐。

17、 Hero名詞,“英雄”。其復(fù)數(shù)形式是heroes,在詞尾加-es。 【拓展】以o結(jié)尾的名詞,其復(fù)數(shù)形式有時加“-es”,有時加“-s” 加-es的可串成為:黑人(negro)英雄(hero)愛吃西紅柿“tomato”和土豆“potato”。 加-s的可串成為:我聽廣播(radio),也看電視錄像(video),說動物園(zoo)里的袋鼠(kangaroo)彈著鋼琴(piano) 招攬游客來照相(photo) as 改寫同義句。改寫同義句。 I want to read newspapers and magazines. I want to read newspapers _ _ _ maga

18、zines. well as 分析分析:一些長的句子需要按照意思的群落(即一些長的句子需要按照意思的群落(即“意意 群群”)適當(dāng)斷開、稍加停頓(即)適當(dāng)斷開、稍加停頓(即“停頓停頓”),斷開的),斷開的 幾部分都具有相對完整的意思。按照一般語法結(jié)構(gòu),幾部分都具有相對完整的意思。按照一般語法結(jié)構(gòu), 可劃分為以下意群單位:可劃分為以下意群單位: (1)短句短句 (2) 名詞短語名詞短語 (3) 介詞介詞/不定式不定式/分詞短語分詞短語 (4) 動詞短語動詞短語 (5) 主謂結(jié)構(gòu)主謂結(jié)構(gòu) (6)動賓結(jié)構(gòu)動賓結(jié)構(gòu) (7) 系表結(jié)構(gòu)系表結(jié)構(gòu) (8) 動狀結(jié)構(gòu)動狀結(jié)構(gòu) (9)主句主句-從句。從句。 6 P

19、19 Listen and mark the pauses. 1. Shes my hero because shes one of the best table tennis player in the world. 2. She started playing table tennis when she was five. 3. Whatever she does, she never gives up! 4. Deng says that she isnt cleverer than anyone else, but she has a very strong will. Now lis

20、ten again and repeat. A: Whos your hero? B: Its Jackie Chan! A: Why? B: Because hes a great film star. I think all his films are fantastic! Work in pairs. Talk about your heroes.7 P19 Talk A: Whos your hero? B: Its Bruce Lee! A: Why? B: Because he made the whole world know the Chinese word “Kongfu”.

21、 A: Whos your hero? B: Its Lei Feng! A: Why? B: He was ready to help others and he did a lot of good things. A: Whos your hero? B: Its Nelson Mandela! A: Why? B: Because he spent his whole life in struggling for the freedom of his people. Now talk about your heroes with the whole class. My friend Ji

22、m likes Jackie Chan best. Jackie Chan is his hero because hes a great film star and his films are fantastic. 1用所給詞的適當(dāng)形式填空1.Yao Ming is one of the_ (famous) basketball players in the World. 2. The pianist started _(play)the piano when he was five years Old. 3. Tom is_(clever)than any other boy in his

23、 class. 4. The students in Class1 study very hard. They have strong_(will). 5. Its_(amaze)for him to see the alien get out of the UFO. II. 根據(jù)漢語提示完成下列句子。 1.They _ _ without a fight. 他們不戰(zhàn)而降。 2. Wed like as many people as possible to _. 我們希望出席的人越多越好。 3. They sell books _ _ _ magazines. 他們既賣報也賣書。 gave u

24、p attend as well as Listen and choose the correct answer. 2 1 Who are the speakers? a) A student and a teacher. b) A person on the radio and a guest. c) Two students. 2 Where are the speakers? a) At a radio station. b) At home. c) In a classroom. 3 What are they talking about? a) A famous person. b)

25、 A friend. c) A teacher. P18 Read the passage and complete the table. Facts about Deng Yaping When she was five,she _ _ When she was twenty- four, she _ After she stopped playing, she began to _ _ in Beijing. After seven years study abroad, she _ _ started playing table tennis stopped playing table tennis study at Tsinghua University completed her doctors degree at Cambridge University


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