



1、聘用合同 EMPLOYMENT CONTRACT 聘用方:受聘方: Employer:Employee: 受聘方(以下稱為外籍教師)自愿來到深圳市*文化發(fā)展有限公司擔(dān)任英語(yǔ)教師。聘用方 和外籍教師本著友好合作的精神,同意簽定合同并保證認(rèn)真履行合同中約定的各項(xiàng)義務(wù)。 The Employee (hereafter referred to as Foreign Teacher) willingly comes to Shenzhen to be a teacher at * Education. The Employer and the Foreign Teacher, in a spirit o

2、f friendly cooperation, agree to sign this contract and pledge to all the obligations stipulated in it. 一、外籍教師職責(zé) Foreign Teachers Duties and Responsibilities 1. 合同期間,外籍教師需遵守公司的工作時(shí)間與公司規(guī)定,并且不允許在合同期內(nèi)辭職。 The Foreign Teacher should comply with the schedule and regulations of * Education, and he/she must

3、not resign during the contract term. 2. 外籍教師必須提供真實(shí)有效的身份證件,如因證件原因產(chǎn)生的后果自行負(fù)責(zé)。 The Foreign Teacher must provide the real ID certificates, and be responsible for the consequences caused by the fake certificates 3. 外籍教師應(yīng)使用聘用方提供的教學(xué)材料,制定合適的教學(xué)計(jì)劃,保證教學(xué)質(zhì)量。 The Foreign Teacher will use the teaching materials pro

4、vided by the Employer and will develop an appropriate teaching plan. The Foreign Teacher should apply this teaching plan to ensure the delivery of high-quality lessons. 4. 外籍教師主要的工作內(nèi)容: The Foreign Teachers main working contents : a)講授語(yǔ)音課與口語(yǔ)課。 To teach Oral English Lesson. b)擔(dān)任口語(yǔ)大賽的評(píng)委。 To be a judge

5、in the Oral English Competition. c)組織備課和與家長(zhǎng)學(xué)生互動(dòng)活動(dòng)。 To prepare lessons before class and organize interaction activities with parents and students. d)若教學(xué)時(shí)間有變動(dòng),應(yīng)服從聘用方的安排,不得有異議。 If the schedule of the classes is changed, the Foreign Teacher should obey the employers arrangement with no objection. e)工作時(shí)間

6、:_年_月日至年_月_日,周一到周六,每天6-8課時(shí)。 Working time: from Monday to Saturday, from to , with 6-8 classes per day. 5. 外籍教師同意在杯文化發(fā)展有限公司三個(gè)分校任教(雁盟分校、桃源居分校、福永分校)。 The Foreign Teacher will teach in the three branch schools of * Education which are Yanmeng branch, Taoyuanju branch and Fuyong branch 6. 外藉教師在上課時(shí)間不得遲到,若

7、遲到5分鐘以上,毎次罰款50元。 The Foreign Teacher must not be late for school. If he/she is late for school over 5 minutes each time, it will be a penalty of 50RMB each time 二、聘用方職責(zé) Employers Duties and Responsibilities 1. 聘用方將對(duì)外籍教師的工作進(jìn)行指導(dǎo)和評(píng)價(jià)。 The Employer will provide guidance and evaluation of the Foreign Teac

8、hers work 2. 聘用方將安排一位中教協(xié)助外籍教師授課。 A Chinese teacher will be arranged to assist the Foreign Teacher in teaching. 3. 聘用方支付給外籍教師每個(gè)月人民幣元,以及課時(shí)費(fèi)每課時(shí)人民幣30元。 The Employer will provide a salary of RMBper month to the Foreign Teacher, and RMB 30 per class 4. 聘用方支付外籍教師交通補(bǔ)貼人民幣元/次。 The Employer will provide a traf

9、fic allowance of RMBeach time, at most RMB 10() per day. 5. 每月15號(hào)支付上個(gè)月的薪酬與交通補(bǔ)貼。 The salary and traffic allowance of this month will be paid by cash on the 15th day of next month. 三、合同的終止 Termination of Contract 1. 如外籍教師違反聘用方的工作制度或者合同的其他條款,聘用方冇權(quán)通知外籍教師終止合 同。此情況,當(dāng)月無任何薪酬與補(bǔ)貼。 If the Foreign Teacher fails

10、 to perform his/her duties and responsibilities as shown in the Employers working regulations and the contract, the contract will be terminated immediately. Inthis situation, the Foreign Teacher will not receive any salary and traffic allowance of this month. 2. 如聘用方認(rèn)為外籍教師表現(xiàn)不佳,聘用方有權(quán)立即終止合同,外籍教師只能得到已工

11、作的 薪酬。 If the Foreign Teacher fails to perform well in teaching at the discretion of the Employer, the contract will be terminated in 3 days, but the Foreign Teacher will only receive the salary of the days that he/she has worked 3. 如外籍教師在合同期內(nèi)辭職,聘用方有權(quán)不支付外籍教師任何薪酬與補(bǔ)貼。 If the Foreign Teacher resigns during the contract term, the Employ has the right not to pay any salary or traffic allowance of this month to him/he匚 四、合同期眼 Contract Te


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