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1、(??疲┯⒄Z報(bào)刊選讀模擬題1translate the following into chinese. write your answer on the answer sheet.(30%)1. the house of lords 2. social security 3. capitol aill 4. speaker 5. fundraising party 6. senior citizen 7. westinghouse science talent search 8. asiapacific summit 9. sovereignty 10. british foreign sec

2、retary 11. christian 12. economic recession 13. royal family 14. the commonwealth 15. spokesman translate the following into english .write your answer on the answer sheet.(10 points )21貴族院,上院 22共和黨人 23 大蕭條 24 鴿派 25 星球大戰(zhàn)26 利率 27 亞裔美國人 28 內(nèi)戰(zhàn) 29 國民生產(chǎn)總值 30 冷戰(zhàn).write out the full name of the following it

3、ems. write your answer on the answer sheet .(20 points) 31 un 32 plo 33. nato 34. i.q. 35.nafta. read the following passage and choose the best answer. write your answer on the answer sheet(20%)blacks history in america (16601860)american blacks are without doubt all of african origin. the first gro

4、up of 20 blacks sold to english settlers of virginia in 1619 were brought in by a dutch ship. from that time to the mid19th century, some 14 million blacks were transported from west africa to virginia and other southern colonies of the new world. almost all of them were sold into slavery and subjec

5、ted to white rule. not only would they work for their masters as slaves for life but also their descendants would be slaves the moment they were born.of course no person would have voluntarily chosen to be sold away from his native country. he was either sold by his own rulers or captured by white s

6、lave traders as portrayed in alex haleys novel roots. some of the details in haleys story were similar to those in other books. the kidnapping of slaves and their miserable life under the supervision of slave owners and overseers existed and the conditions on the voyage from africa to america were h

7、orrible. the slaves bodies were bound together and their limbs either tied or chained with shackles like kunta, an important character in roots. the air in the holds was filthy with the smell of sweat, vormit and body waste. when they caught infections diseases, many slaves died on the voyage. some

8、even died of flogging or starvation. it was said that only about half slaves could survive the voyage. though some survived, the fate of those survivors was no better than being sold at auction like animals.after 1700, a large number of africans arrived in america. in the first half of the century,

9、they made up 20 percent of the colonial population. many of them were in the southern colonies. they worked either on plantations or in houses. then in 1793, the invention of the cotton gin by eli whitney resulted in a new demand for more slaves as it provided an inexpensive method of separating cot

10、ton seeds from fibres. with the increase in cotton acreage, slavery persisted in the south and became the foundation of its economy.slavery was anyhow a moral evil. it was inhuman and was also an institution restricting the development of industry. many people, mostly people in the north desired an

11、immediate end to the evil institution so that they would be able to develop industry. some assumed that the only way to solve the problem was to ship all blacks back to africa. with the aid of such leading figures as james monroe (president), john marshall (supreme court justice), henry clay and dan

12、iel webster (senators), they established the american colonization society in the 1820s. this organization was finally successful in getting some land in west africa for those willing to go back home, thus forming the new nation: the republic of liberia, the place of freedom. they named its capital

13、monrovia after the u. s. president at the time. however, the resettlement policy did little to solve the dilemma. no more than 15,000 blacks returned to africa between 1821 an d1860; most of the others preferred to stay in the places they had been born. those rejecting the policy of being sent home

14、claimed american citizenship on the ground that they were americans by birth so that they were entitled to the rights set forth in the declaration of independence.36.how did the first group of blacks arrive in america?37. describe the voyage to america for the slaves on the ship.38where did many of

15、the slaves settle? why ?39what solution did president monroe propose to solve the problem of slavery?40what does the republic of liberia mean?read the following passage and then answer the questions. write your answer on the answer sheet (30%)gambling linked to good health in elderly? older recreati

16、onal gamblers are even healthier than non-gamblers, according to a surprising yale university study. the results are the opposite of what researchers expected, though the findings are not rock-solid. they are based only on telephone reviews. the survey showed that recreational gamblers 65 and older

17、reported being in better health than their peers who dont gamble. the older gamblers also reported less alcoholism, depression, bankruptcy and imprisonment than younger recreational gamblers. but the social aspects of gambling whether its slot machines(賭具)at a casino, poker games with friends or bin

18、go at a church hall may be an explanation for how the study turned out, yale epidemiologist rani desai said. theres this whole concept of healthy aging that folks who continue to remain engaged in activity, especially in the community and in social activities, stay healthier longer, so i think this

19、is a reflection of that. its not that gambling makes you healthy, its that gamblers are healthier, desai said.41. what are the finding are based on? 42. do the findings have strong evidence(證據(jù))?43. who is in better health according to this passage?44. do the older gamblers like drinking alcohol comp

20、ared with the young gamblers?45. does desai think gambling makes people healthy according to this passage ?英語報(bào)刊選讀模擬題2translate the following into chinese. write your answer on the anwer sheet .(20%)1 lobbyist 11 star wars 2 special interest 12 the labour party3 the white house 13 income tax4 majorit

21、y whip 14 protestant5 prince 15 bond issue 6 hearing 16 the house of windsor7 head start 17 new deal 8 west point 18 democrats9 two-way trade 19 interest rate10 national assembly 20 chinese americans translate the following into english 。write your answer on the anwer sheet .(10%) 21眾議院,下院 26便攜式計(jì)算機(jī)

22、22 王妃 27愛國者導(dǎo)彈 23鷹派 28債券市場24國民議會(huì) 29 立法機(jī)關(guān) 25先發(fā)制人的打擊 30 封面文章 .write out the full name of the following items. write your answer on the anwer sheet .(20%) 31. eec 32.imf 33 cia 34 gop 35 opec. match the items with its corresponding chinese meaning. write your answer on the anwer sheet .(20%)36. acting p

23、resident a 流動(dòng)資本37. accumulated deficit b執(zhí)政黨38. administration party c放射性物質(zhì)39. active capital d代總統(tǒng) 40. active substance e累計(jì)赤字.read the following passage and then answer the questions. write your answer on the answer sheet (30%)i. the presidenta. the powers of the president the president of the united

24、 states is the chief executive of the government. he has definite and important powers over both international and national affairs. his chief powers can be seen in the following six aspects. 1.as head of the national and its administration: he has authority to appoint all the heads(secretaries) of

25、the federal departments and other principal federal officials with the approval of the senate. all the heads of the executive departments are members of the presidents cabinet assisting the president in dealing with all sorts of problems of the country. they must act both as the presidents advisers

26、and as the heads of the department to which they are appointed.as chief executive of the nation, the president must see to it that the federal laws and treaties are properly enforced he thus has authority to issue necessary orders and instructions and even to proclaim a state of emergency throughout

27、 the country. 2.as foreign policy leader: he has authority to carry on official business with foreign countries such as recognizing or refusing to recognize a nation ; to negotiate and enter into treaties with other nations with the approval of the senate. however, he can make executive agreements w

28、ith foreign countries without senate approval. it is who has the right to appoint ambassadors and other diplomats to foreign countries with the approval of the senate. he can also send his personal representatives and special envoys on diplomatic missions without its approval. 3. as a law maker: he

29、has the right to veto or sign any bills passed by congress. he may call congress into a special and recommend some legislation to solve a particular problem. if it does not respond to him, he may call upon people directly for support through the press , radio and television. his annual “ state of th

30、e union message ” and other special messages to congress have often become the basis of the legislative activities. 4. as a person with some judicial authority: he appoints judges of the supreme court and other federal courts with the approval of the senate. he can grant reprieves to persons, except

31、 governmental officials who have been convicted in federal courts, but not in state courts. 5. as commander-in-chief: he can call into federal service the state units of the national guard and he may send the us armed forces to any part of the world. he has the right to appoint and dismiss all the t

32、op-ranking military officers. he may make undeclared wars for a period of 60 days without congressional approval. further more he is the only person who has the authority to order the use of nuclear weapons. 6. as the party leader: being a leader of his party, he may use his personal influence and p

33、restige with his party members in elections.b. to be elected a presidentover the years, the presidency has grown in power and gained prestige. thus the executive has become the paramount branch of government. many people desire to become presidents, but those who can be elected? the constitution sta

34、tes the qualifications. a person running for president should first of all be a natural born citizen of the u.s , at least 35 years of age, and a resident of the u.s. for at least 14 years. the matter is of course not as easy as these qualifications suggest. actually he must usually be able to serve

35、 the interests of the party, the moneyed classes; he must also have money to run the campaign which is astonishingly expensive. c. the electoral systemthe constitution also declares that the president should be elected by electors through the electoral college. this is quite peculiar to the united s

36、tates.the citizens of a state vote for president and vice president on the first tuesday after the first monday in november , known as the election day. in effect, they do not vote directly for them. instead, they select a slate of electors, equal to the number of senators and representatives each s

37、tate has in congress. each state can either list the names of the electors on the ballot or print the names of the candidate for president or vice president at the top of it. the ballots are for the selection of electors who are not congressmen nor people holding federal office. with the presidentia

38、l candidates names in mind, the voters arte hardly aware that they are choosing a group of electors only. as the nation has practiced a two-party system, the electors of either party wins all the electoral votes of the state. therefore the result is known throughout the country on the night of the e

39、lection day after the popular votes are counted in all the states. technically, the president and vice-president are elected by the electors of each state. the electors chosen then meet in their state capitals on the first monday after the second wednesday in december to vote for president and vice-

40、president. the results must be certified and then sent to the senate to be counted in the presence of both houses on january 6. the chairman on that day is the president of the senate. if no candidate receives a majority of the votes, the house of representatives chooses the president from among the

41、 top three candidates. in this case, each state and the district of columbia has only one vote each. . the present two-party systemboth the republican and the democratic parties are supported by moneyed classes. their views on the economy and politics are sometimes considerably different and at othe

42、r times only slightly different.like its federalist ancestors, the republican party has continued to have strong support from big industrial capitalists and well-to-do middle and upper middle class people, including some most famous learned people and very wealthy farmers. however, todays republican

43、 party does not favor federal involvement in the nations economy. it elects to have a more powerful central government , giving more rights to the states.similarly, the present day democratic party has had much support from minor ethnic groups, workers, and poor farmers like its predecessors, the de

44、mocratic-republican party.still, the present party has veered toward greater federal involvement in the nations economic issues. it insists on a more powerful central government and less states rights. however different, both parties members hold divergent views on social , economic, and political i

45、ssues. they are usually liberal, moderate or conservative. to gain the widest possible support, each party tends to adopt moderate positions and make compromises. inevitably, different views often lead to bitter factional strife between liberals and conservatives. these differences become very sharp

46、 especially during the presidential election years as each faction ants its own members to be nominated as candidates. as son as the candidate is nominated, the different factions may unite as the party appeals to them or may just sit on their hands giving little assistance to the candidate. they ma

47、y even form a third party to oppose their own party.questions:41.who are the members of the presidents cabinet in the u.s. ?42.who has the right to order the use of nuclear weapons in the u.s.? 43. when is the presidential election held in the u.s.?44. what are the original names of both parties ?45

48、. what groups of people do these political parties represent today?英語報(bào)刊選讀模擬題 3part one: translate the following into chinese (30%)1. social security2. princess3. house of windsor4. recession5. political asylum6. scud missile7. nato8. cover story9. capitol hill10. house speaker11. lobbyist12. the hou

49、se of lord13. the house of commons14. senate15. secretary of statepart two: read the following passage and then choose the right answer to each question (10 points).tuition reform for higher educationchinese institutions of higher learning have quickened their pace of reform in recent years. changin

50、g enrollment practices and higher tuition fees constitute and important part of the reform. schools which once admitted students almost exclusively according to state plans are becoming more accepting of students sent by work groups for further training and those who pay their own fees.regular unive

51、rsities and colleges plan to enroll about 786 200 students this year, up 158 200 or 25 percent over last years figure. of these, 216 000, or 27.4 percent, will be sent by their work groups or will pay their own way.in the past, the state paid all tuition and school fees for university students, a ma

52、tter of policy since new china was established in 1949. although this practice guaranteed the supply of qualified personnel, it brought a heavy burden to the sate, hindering further development of higher education. since higher education is noncompulsory education in china, to charge appropriate fee

53、s will help improve school facilities and expedite the development of education in this stage. as an added benefit, paying their own way will encourage students to study harder.the reform will take effect in two directions. statefinanced students will begin paying part of the costs of their educatio

54、n, and more selfpaying students will be accepted.in august 1989, under the direction of the state council, the state education commission, the ministry of finance and the sate price bureau drew up stipulations concerning the amount of charges on tuition, accommodation and other expenses for students

55、 of institutions of higher learning. beginning from that year, freshmen at regular universities and colleges and professional schools (including cadres taking special training courses and students working on a second degree) were charged 100 yuan (about us $17) each for their tuition fee, and this l

56、ow charge is expected to be raised gradually. the figure was higher in special economic zones and economically developed regions such as guangdong province and shanghai, but was capped at 300 yuan. students living on campus paid about 20 yuan per year for accommodation and the charge was slightly higher for better furnishing. normal school students and those admitted on scholarships need only pay f


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