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1、中考英語短文填空解題技巧 短文填空解題技巧 一、解題基本步驟 (一)判斷所給詞性,進行歸類。 (二)復(fù)讀短文,判斷此空所填詞性。 (三)確定所填詞位置的句子語義,選擇最恰當(dāng)?shù)募纯?內(nèi)容:上、下文內(nèi)容是否協(xié)調(diào)一致、順理成章。 語法:語法結(jié)構(gòu)是否正確無誤。 二、句子的類型 1、句子按其結(jié)構(gòu)可分為以下幾種類型。 (一)簡單句,由一個主語(并列主語)和一個謂語(并列謂語)構(gòu)成的句子。 (一)并列句,由并列連詞(and,so,but,or等)把兩個以上的簡單句連一起而構(gòu)成的句子。 (一)復(fù)合句,由一個主句和一個或一個以上的從句構(gòu)成的句子。 2、簡單句的五種基本類型。 (一)主語+謂語(S+V),eg:W

2、e exercise(不及物動詞)。 (二)主語+謂語+賓語(S+V+O),eg:I like bananas。 (三)主語+系動詞+表語(S+V+P),eg:They are students。 (四)主語+謂語+雙賓(S+V+IO+DO),eg:She give me a pen。 (五)主語+謂語+賓+賓補(S+V+O+OC),eg:He made the boy laugh。 3、判斷一個句子的成分 (一)主干先行,廢話后置(比較復(fù)雜的定語和狀語)。 (二)主語為從句子開頭的第一個名詞或者代詞,謂語為主句中的動詞,賓語為動詞后的名詞或者代詞。 三、考察知識點 (一)形容詞:考察比較級,

3、形容詞和副詞相互轉(zhuǎn)化。中考英語短文填空解題技巧 1.比較從句 than, as 形容詞、副詞比較級的規(guī)則變化如下: (1)一般直接+er。如:tall - taller, fast - faster 單音節(jié)詞如果以-e結(jié)尾,只加-r。如:late - later (2)重讀閉音節(jié)詞如末尾只有一個輔音字母,須雙寫這個字母,再加-er。如:big - bigger, fat - fatter (3)以輔音字母加-y結(jié)尾的詞,變y為i,再加-er。如:heavy - heavier, early - earlier (4)雙音節(jié)和多音節(jié)詞的比較級應(yīng)在原級前加more構(gòu)成。如:beautiful -

4、more beautiful, careful - more careful, quietly - more quietly, interesting - more interesting (5)有些不規(guī)則變化的,須逐一加以記憶。如:good/well better, bad/ill worse, many/much more, far farther/further, old older/elder 2.形容詞和副詞相互轉(zhuǎn)化 +ly: 普通的.)1(中考英語短文填空解題技巧 如quickquickly; slow-slowly; quick-quickly; quiet-quietly (2

5、)以輔音字母+y結(jié)尾的變y為i后再加ly: easy-easily, happy-happily, busy-busily; angry-angrily; easy-easily; heavy-heavily; (3) 一個l結(jié)尾的還加ly: careful-carefully ;beautiful-beatifully, ;real-really; helpful-helpfully; careful-carefully; hopeful-hopefully (4) 兩個l結(jié)尾的只加y:full-fully (5) 普通以e結(jié)尾的+ly: late-lately;accurateaccura

6、tely ,grave-gravely; polite-politely; immediate-immediately, extreme-extremely; nice-nicely; wide-widely; closeclosely ;unfortunateunfortunately; wise-wisely; rarely ; relatively; absolutely; completely; rude-rudely (6). 以le結(jié)尾的去e加y: 如possible-possibly; probable-probably, terrible-terribly, gentle-ge

7、ntly, sensible-sensibly; ;terrible-terriblyconsiderable-considerably; simple-simply; 中考英語短文填空解題技巧 comfortable-comfortably; gentle-gently; possible-possibly; probable-probably; incredible-incredibly (7). 以元音字母+e結(jié)尾的去e+ly : true-truly, (8). 以ic 結(jié)尾的詞,加ally,如: economic-economically; basic-basically; scie

8、ntific-scientifically; automatic-automatically; energetic-energetically 需注意: friendly; motherly; lovely,likely,等詞是形容詞而非副詞。 (二)名詞:考察單復(fù)數(shù),所有格。 表示某一事物,有具體的和抽象的之分。分為可數(shù)名詞和不可數(shù)名詞。 強調(diào):不可數(shù)名詞都默認為單數(shù),所以總是用is或者was;最好不要根據(jù)some、any、a lot of等詞去作判斷,以免受誤導(dǎo)。 1)可數(shù)名詞如何變“復(fù)數(shù)形式”: a一般情況下,直接加-s,如:book-books, bag-bags, cat-cats,

9、 。bed-beds 中考英語短文填空解題技巧 b以s. x. sh. ch結(jié)尾,加-es,如:bus-buses, box-boxes, brush-brushes, watch-watches 。 c以“輔音字母+y”結(jié)尾,變y為i, 再加-es,如:family-families, strawberry-strawberries。 d以“f或fe”結(jié)尾,變f或fe為v, 再加-es,如:knife-knives ,thief-thieves。 e以“o”結(jié)尾的詞,一般直接加s,mango除外:mango-mangoes。 F.不規(guī)則名詞復(fù)數(shù):man-men, woman-women, p

10、oliceman-policemen, policewoman-policewomen, snowman-snowmen, mouse-mice, child-children, foot-feet, tooth-teeth, fish-fish, people-people, Chinese-Chinese, Japanese-Japanese 2)不可數(shù)名詞沒有復(fù)數(shù)。如果要計算不可數(shù)名詞所表達的數(shù)量,就得在數(shù)詞和不可數(shù)名詞之間加上“量詞+of”。例如:a glass of water, a piece of paper, a bottle of juice 3)名詞變形容詞的方法 1. 在

11、名詞后面加-y (尤其是一些與天氣有關(guān)的名詞)。 rainrainy, cloudcloudy, windwindy, snowsnowy, lucky healthy, luckhealth中考英語短文填空解題技巧 2.一些抽象名詞在詞尾加-ful。 carecareful, thankthankful, helphelpful, useuseful, beautybeautiful 3. 一些表示國家的名詞可以在詞尾加-ese, -ish或-n構(gòu)成表示國籍、語言的形容詞。例如:ChinaChinese, JapanJapanese, EnglandEnglish, AmericaAmeri

12、can, IndiaIndian, Australia Australian(注意CanadaCanadian)。 4.在名詞后加-ous變?yōu)樾稳菰~。例如:dangerdangerous等。 5. 在名詞后加-ly變?yōu)樾稳菰~。例如:friendfriendly, lovelovely 6.在名詞后加-less構(gòu)成含有否定意義的形容詞。 carecareless,useuseless,hopehopeless,homehomeless 7. 一些以-ence結(jié)尾的名詞,把ence改為ent變成形容詞。例如:differencedifferent, silencesilent等。 4)名詞所有格,

13、定義:名詞所有格,用來表示人或物的所有,以及領(lǐng)屬關(guān)系的一種形式,名詞所有格的構(gòu)成包括s所有格、of 所 有格和雙重所有格。中考英語短文填空解題技巧 (1)-s所有格的構(gòu)成方法 一般情況(包括單數(shù)名詞和不帶詞尾s的復(fù)數(shù)名詞)加 -s: childrens books 兒童圖書 todays paper 今天的報紙 帶詞尾s的復(fù)數(shù)名詞只加省字撇(): girls school 女子學(xué)校 the Smiths car 史密斯家的小汽車 注:帶詞尾s的單數(shù)名詞,通常仍加s: the bosss plan 老板的計劃 the hostesss worry 女主人的擔(dān)心 帶詞尾s的人名,可加s 或只加省字

14、撇(): Dickens novels 狄更斯的小說 Charless job 查理斯的工作 -s卻以咝音結(jié)尾者,一律加s:不帶詞尾 Marxs works 馬克思的著作 Georges room 喬治的房間中考英語短文填空解題技巧 注意:(考點) 如果一個事物為兩個人或兩個以上的人共同擁有,只在最后一個名詞的末尾加s。 E.g. This is John, Jack and Toms room. E.g. Mr. Green is Jim and Kates father. 表示某人的家,店鋪的所有格,一般可以省略它所修飾的名詞。 the Greens 格林家 the barbers 理發(fā)店

15、 at the tailors 在裁縫店 at the doctors 在醫(yī)院 the Smith 史密斯這個人 the Smiths史密斯一家人 the Smiths史密斯的家(住處) the Smiths史密斯一家人的家(住處) s 所有格常表示有生命的東西,但也可表示無生命的東西, 如:時間,自然現(xiàn)象,國家,城市等實體,度量衡以及價值等。例: five minutes walk 五分鐘步行的路程 todays newspaper 今天的報紙中考英語短文填空解題技巧 thirty dollars value 30美元的價值 Chinas capital 注:一個七歲的女孩 a seven-

16、year-old girl a seven years old girl a girl of seven a girl of seven years 一百米的賽跑 100-meter race 100 meters race 用and連接的并列連詞的所有格要分兩種情況,即表示各自的所有關(guān)系時,要分別在并列連詞后加-s,表示共同的所有關(guān)系時,只在最后一個名詞后加-s: Toms and Jims rooms 湯姆和吉姆(各自)的房間 Tom and Jims rooms 湯姆和吉姆(共同)的房間 用于某些固定表達中: a stones throw 一箭之遙 at ones wits end 黔驢

17、技窮 at arms length 以一臂之距 out of harms way 在完全的地方 所有格of )、2(中考英語短文填空解題技巧 表示無生命的名詞的所有格,一般用of 所有格。如: the legs of the chair 椅子的腿 the cover of the book 書的封面 (3)、雙重所有格 雙重所有格,即兩種形式結(jié)合在一起應(yīng)用“of +名詞s”。如: the books of the librarys圖書館的書 a photo of Jim a photo of Jims (4) -s 所有格與of 所有格的用法比較 (1) of 所有格既可用于有生命的人或物,也

18、可用于無生命的東西。of 所有格有時可以與-s 所有格互換。如: Mr Smiths son = the son of Mr Smith 史密斯先生的兒子 Jims patience = the patience of Jim 吉姆的耐心 the Queens arrival = the arrival of the Queen 女王的到達 (2) 必須用 s 所有格的情形: 表類別時:mens shoes 男鞋,childrens stories 兒童 故事中考英語短文填空解題技巧 表來源時:Johns telegram 約翰的電報 當(dāng)被修飾的名詞后有同位語修飾時:Marys husband

19、, a policeman, has just been here. 瑪麗的丈夫是個警察,剛剛來過這兒。 (3) 必須用of 所有格的情形: 用于無生命的事物時:the subject of the sentence 句子主語 表同位關(guān)系時:the City of Beijing 北京市 當(dāng)中心詞是名詞化的名詞時:the life of the poor 窮人的生活 當(dāng)of 所有格中的名詞后跟有后置修飾語或同位語時:Mr Smith is a foreign teacher of a university in China. 史密斯先生是中國一所大學(xué)的外籍教師。 名詞所有格 【經(jīng)典例題】 1.

20、 They got much _ from those new books. A. ideas B. photos C. news D. stories 中考英語短文填空解題技巧 解析: much 是用來修飾不可數(shù)名詞的, A B D三個選項均是可是名詞的復(fù)數(shù)形式, C項為不可數(shù)名詞, 因此選C. 2. I have two _ and three bottles of _ here. A. orange, orange B. oranges, oranges C. oranges, orange D. orange, oranges 解析: orange 有兩種含義, 一種可數(shù)名詞橘子, 另

21、一種是不可數(shù)名詞橘汁, 此題第一空應(yīng)填可數(shù)名詞, 第二空填不可數(shù)名詞, 因此選 C。 3. Every evening M r. King takes a _ to his home . A. 25 minutes walk B. 25 minutes walk C. 25 minute walk D. 25 minutes walk 解析: 句中的 minute應(yīng)該用其復(fù)數(shù)的所有格形式,只+,而不能+s,因此選A。 4. An old _ wants to see you. A. people B. person C. the people D. the person 解析: person

22、與people 都有”人” 的意思, 但用法不同. “a person”, “一個人”用中考英語短文填空解題技巧 “兩個人” 用 “two persons”; people 泛指 “人們”是集合名詞,表示復(fù)數(shù), the people 指 “人民”, a people 指 “一個民族”. 應(yīng)選B。 5. Help yourself to _. A. chickens and apples B. chickens and apple C. chicken and apple D. chicken and apples 解析: chicken 可用作可數(shù)名詞指小雞,用作不可數(shù)名詞指雞肉,根據(jù)詞題意應(yīng)

23、理解為雞肉;apple為可數(shù)名詞, 故應(yīng)+s, 因此選D。 6. Oh, dear. I forgot the two _. A. rooms number B. rooms number C. room numbers D. rooms numbers 解析: room number 房間號碼. room可直接用作定語修飾后面的名詞 . 類似的還有my phsics teacher, two bus drivers 等. 應(yīng)選C。 7. She has been in Tianjin for ten years. Tianjin has become her second _. 中考英語短文

24、填空解題技巧 A. family B. house C. home D. room 解析: family指的是家庭或是家庭成員; house指的是房子(住所); room 指的是房間;而home 指的是家, 因此選C. 8. _ mothers couldnt go to the meeting, because they have gone to Shanghai . A. Mary and Peters B. Mary and Peter C. Marys and Peter D. Marys and Peters 解析: 此句中 “mothers”是復(fù)數(shù),表示兩個人各自的母親,因此應(yīng)選D

25、。 9. Li Lei has been to _ many times this month. A. her uncle B. her uncles C. her uncles D. aunts 解析: 此句意為 “李雷這個去她舅舅家多次”. 表示具體場所時, 可省去所有格后面的名詞. 因此選B。 10. He is a success as a leader but he hasnt _ in teaching. A. many experiences B. much experience 中考英語短文填空解題技巧 C. an experience D. a lot experience

26、解析: experience 作 “經(jīng)驗” 講時是不可數(shù)名詞, 作 “經(jīng)歷”講時是可數(shù)名詞. 本句中應(yīng)理解為 “經(jīng)驗”,因此是不可數(shù)名詞,排除 A C. 又因 a lot of , lots of, plenty of 只用于肯定句, 不用于否定句, 因此選B。 11. A classmate of _ was here ten minutes ago. A. you B. your C. your sister D. your sisters 解析: 此題考查名詞的雙重所有格.應(yīng)選D。 12. A group of _ are talking with two _. A. Frenchmen

27、, Germans B. Germans ,Frenchmans C. Frenchmans , Germen D. Germen , Frenchmen 解析: Frenchman 是復(fù)合詞,其復(fù)數(shù)形式為 Frenchmen; German 的復(fù)數(shù)為直接在單詞末尾+S, 應(yīng)選A. (三)動詞:考察語態(tài)和時態(tài),非謂語。 動詞時態(tài)1.中考英語短文填空解題技巧 一般現(xiàn)在時 動詞原形或單三 一般過去時 Ved 一般將來時 Will do Is going to do現(xiàn)在完成時 Have /has done過去完成時 Had done 現(xiàn)在完成進行時 Have/has been doing 過去進行時

28、 Was/were doing現(xiàn)在進行時 Be ving將來進行時 Will be doing 1、動詞填寫:第一、看整體時態(tài),第二、看時間詞,第三、看動詞與介詞搭配,第四、看句子的意思。 2、語態(tài) Be done,把語態(tài)放到對應(yīng)的時態(tài)中就有六種語態(tài)。 3、非謂語 (1)Ving (2)Done 非謂語如何判斷: (1)先看主謂賓,定狀補。 (2)看一個句子中的動詞形式。只有一個謂語動詞(切記)這里特指主句中的謂語動詞。其他的為非謂語形式。 (3)如何變非謂語:看他與對應(yīng)名詞的關(guān)系,主動為ved,被 。ving動為中考英語短文填空解題技巧 4、動詞變名詞。 5、 初中英語不規(guī)則動詞過去式、過去

29、分詞表 (1) AAA型(動詞原形、過去式、過去分詞同形) cost(花費) cost cost shut(關(guān)) shut shut cut(割) cut cut spit (吐痰) spit spit hit(打) hit hit hurt 傷害) hurt hurt let(讓) let let put(放) put put read (讀) read read (2) AAB型(動詞原形與過去式同形) beat(跳動) beat beaten 型(動詞原形與過去分詞同形)ABA(3) 中考英語短文填空解題技巧 become(變成) became become awake (叫醒) awo

30、ke awoken come(來) came come run(跑) ran run (4) ABB型(過去式與過去分詞同形) dig(挖) dug dug built build built (得get catch 到) got got/gotten caught caught (吊hang hanged 死) hanged deal dealt dealt (懸hang hung 掛) hung feed fed fed 中考英語短文填空解題技巧 hold(抓?。?held held find found found shine(照耀) shone shone forbid forbidd

31、en forbade/forbad sit sat sat (坐) paid pay paid win (贏) won won sent send sent (遇meet shoot 見) met met shot shot (保keep kept tell kept 持) told told sleep (睡) slept slept won won win 中考英語短文填空解題技巧 sweep(掃) swept swept feel(感覺) felt felt smell(聞) smelt/smelled smelt/ smelled leave(離開) left left build(建

32、built 設(shè)) built (傳 lent send lent lend(借出) sent sent 送) (丟 lose spend(花費)spent spent lost lost 失)(學(xué) learn burn (燃燒)burnt burnt learnt 習(xí)) learnt (抓 catch meant meant mean(意思是) caught caught ?。?bring(教)teach taught taught (帶 brought 來) brought (戰(zhàn)斗)fight fought fought buy bought bought (買)中考英語短文填空解題技巧 t

33、hink(想) thought thought hear (聽見) heard heard sell(賣) sold sold tell(告訴) told told say(說) said said find(找到) found found have/has(有) had had make(制造) made made stand(站) stood stood understand明白 understood understood (5) ABC型(動詞原形、過去式與過去分詞三者不同形) begin(開始) began begun take(?。?took taken drink(喝) drank

34、 drunk mistmistaken mistook (弄錯)ake中考英語短文填空解題技巧 ring(鈴響) rang rung ride(騎) rode ridden sing (唱) sang sung do(做) did done swim(游泳) swam swum write(寫) wrote written blow(吹) blew blown gone go(去) went draw (畫) drew drawn lain (平躺) lay lie fly (飛) flew flown seen (看見) saw see(生grow we grown grew 長) worn

35、 wore (穿)ar 中考英語短文填空解題技巧 know(知道) knew known be ( am, is, are )(是)was, were been throw(投擲) threw thrown show(出示) showed shown break(打破) broke broken choose(選擇) chose chosen forget(忘記) forgot forgotten (forgot) bear (容忍) bore borne/born speak(說,講) spoke s poken draw drew drawn wake(醒) woke woken drea

36、m dreamt/ dreamed dreamt/ dreamed drive(駕駛) drove driven hide hidden hid 中考英語短文填空解題技巧 eat(吃) ate eaten lay laid laid 放置 fall(落下) fell fallen lie lied lied 撒謊 give(給) gave given lie lay lain 躺 rise(升高) rose risen see saw seen shake shook shaken steal stole stolenl can-could may-might will-would shall

37、-should must-must 6、動詞變名詞小結(jié) or: 或er 雙寫加er,r ,在詞尾加.)1(中考英語短文填空解題技巧 A. play _ player, sing _ singer, wait _ waiter , find _ finder, B. write _ writer, drive _ driver, come _ comer, explore _ explorer C. run _ runner, win _ winner, rob _ robber, traval _ travaller D. visit _ visitor, invent _ inventor

38、(2). 在詞尾加ing: build _ building, draw _ drawing, end _ ending, begin _ beginning, (3).在詞尾加ion 或去e加ion: A. decide _ decision, describe _ description, produce _ production, celebrate _ celebration,pronounce _ pronunciation, decorate _ decoration B. discuss _ discussion, invent _ invention, attract _ at

39、traction 中考英語短文填空解題技巧 impress _ impression,inject _ injection,instruct _ instruction (4).其它: know _ knowledge, please _ pleasure, enjoy _ enjoyment, practise _ practice, die _ death, succeed _ success, weigh _ weight, sit _ seat, change _ chance,enter _ entrance,fly _ flight, rob _ robbery, discover

40、 _ discovery,faile _ failure,appear _ appearance, breathe _ breath 7、動詞加ing規(guī)則: (1).一般動詞直接加ing,如:singsinging, laughlaughing, helphelping, saysaying, drawdrawing, sleepsleeping, 等等; (2).以不發(fā)音的e 結(jié)尾的動詞,去e加ing。如:havehaving,makemaking, writewriting, skateskating, dancedancing, loveloving,等等; 但dyedyeing,(是為

41、了區(qū)別diedying的原因);以ee結(jié) 等等。agreeing,seeing, agreesee尾的詞不受此限制:中考英語短文填空解題技巧 (3).以重讀閉音節(jié)結(jié)尾的動詞,末尾只有一個輔音字母,雙寫這一輔音字母,再加ing。(注,字母y, w 不雙寫)。如: sitsitting, putputting, runrunning, ridridding, skimskimming, swimswimming, stopstopping, shopshopping, referreferring, forgetforgetting, regretregretting,等等。 另外, 以-l結(jié)尾的

42、雙音節(jié)詞及少數(shù)其他詞,在英國英語中常雙寫,而在美國英語中則不常雙寫。如:traveltravelling/traveling, equalequalling/equaling, quarrelquarrelling/quarreling, worshipworshipping/worshiping,做禮拜;崇敬; 詞尾是x時不雙寫:boxboxing把裝箱/盒; (4).以ie為結(jié)尾的動詞,先將ie變?yōu)閥,再加ing。 diedying,lielying, tietying,等等。 (5).特殊情況:picnicpicnicking, 中考英語短文填空解題技巧 8、動詞變形容詞小結(jié) (1).詞

43、尾加ful: use - useful, care - careful, help - helpful,thank - thankful peace - peaceful, forget - forgetful, play - playful, succeed - successful, wonder - wonderful (2).詞尾加d或ed: please - pleased, unite - united, excite - excited, surprise - surprised, organize - organized, close - closed, wound - wou

44、nded, relax - relaxed,develop - developed, (3).詞尾加ing: interest - interesting, surprise - surprising, excite - exciting develop - developing, frighten - frightening,thrill - thyrilling frustrate - frustrating, relax _ relaxing, live - living rock - rocking, sleep - sleeping 中考英語短文填空解題技巧 (4).詞尾變y為i,加

45、ed: worry - worried, marry - married,fry - fried, terrify - terrified satisfy - satisfied (5).詞尾加able: know - knowledgeable, enjoy - enjoyabe,suit - suitable adjust - adjustable, comfort - comfortable (6).其它: lose - lost, fool - foolish, live - lively / alive /living, sleep - sleepy / sleeping / asl

46、eep,wake - awake, taste - tasty speak - spoken, break - broken, die - dead, educate - aducational, world - worldwide (四)代詞:考察五種形式:主格,賓格,反身代詞,名詞性物 主代詞,形容詞物主代詞。中考英語短文填空解題技巧 主格:做主語,賓格:做賓語,形容詞物主代詞做形容詞,名詞性物主代詞做名詞, 形容詞物主代詞+名詞=名詞性物主代詞。 反身代詞:當(dāng)前邊主語為人稱代詞時,根據(jù)句意翻譯成什么自己即為反身代詞。 (五)數(shù)詞:基數(shù)詞,序數(shù)詞。 1.基變序有規(guī)律,詞尾+th fourt

47、h,一二三特殊例,八去t,九去e,ve要用f替,若要碰到幾十幾,前邊基,后邊序。 (六)陜西省歷年英語選詞填空題考試 形容詞 名詞動詞 代詞 數(shù)詞 年20113 2 5 中考英語短文填空解題技巧 年20123 1 5 1 年20133 1 4 1 1 2014年2 3 5 年20152 2 5 1 年20162 1 6 1 20xx年陜西中考真題.短文填空。 用方框中所給詞的適當(dāng)形式填空,使短文完整正確。 old, shoe, stand, foot, pick, small, feel, clear, need, use One day, while I was sitting in my

48、car in a parking area, I noticed a young boy in front of my car. What is the boy doing? I asked myself and looked closely. Oh, he is 61. _ up a coin from the ground. When he 62. _ up, we saw each other 63. _ , He was not 64. _ than ten and was wearing one blue glove(手套) and One brown glove. His coat

49、 was too 65. _ for him. As he walked away, I saw his 66. _, which were too old to wear, I rolled down my window and called him over. 1 asked him if he 67. _ some money. He replied, No. 桔瑡?歯祡? The parking area was wet, 1 could tell that his 68. _ were cold because he kept moving his weight from one foot lo ). 鈔票the other, Please, 1 held Out a five-dollar


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