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1、NCE1 KEY-SENTENCESLesson 1 Excuse me!打擾了。1. Excuse me!2. Yes?3. Is this your han dbag?4. Pardo n?5. Yes, it is./No, it is nt.6. Tha nk you very much.Lesson 3 Sorry, sir.對(duì)不起,先生。7. My coat and my umbrella please.8. Here is my ticket.9. This is not my umbrella.10. Sorry sir.Lesson 5 Nice to meet you 彳艮

2、高興見至 M爾。11. Good morning.12. This is Miss Sophie Dupo nt.13. Sophie is a new student.14. She is French / German / Korean / Chinese / English / Italian / American.15. Nice to meet you.Lesson 7 Are you a teacher?你是教師嗎?16. I am a new stude nt.17. Whats your name?18. My n ames Robert.19. Are you French?

3、20. Yes, I am. / No, I am not.21. What nationality are you?22. Are you a teacher?23. Whats your job?24. rm a keyboard operator.Lesson 9 How are you today? 今天好嗎?25. How are you today?26. Im very well, thank you. And you?27. How is Ton y?28. Hes fine, tha nks.29. Goodbye, Helen. Nice to see you.Lesson

4、 11 Is this your shirt?這是你的襯衫嗎?30. Whose shirt is that?31. My shirts blue.32. Is this shirt Tims?33. Perhaps it is, sir.34. Tims shirts white.35. Here you are. Catch!Lesson 13A new dress 一件新連衣裙36. What colours your new dress?37. Its gree n / yellow / orange / black / brown / red / purple / pink .38.

5、 Come upstairs and see it.39. Look! Here it is!40. Thats a nice dress.41. Its very smart.42. My hats new, too.43. Its the same colour.Lesson 15 Your passports, please.請(qǐng)出示你們的護(hù)照。44. Are you Swedish?45. Yes, we are. / No, we are not.46. Are your friends Danish, too?47. No, they arent. They are Norwegia

6、 n.48. Are these your cases?49. Yes, they are. / No, they arent.Lesson 17 How do you do?你 好!50. How do you do?51. Those women are very hard-working.52. What are their jobs?53. Theyre keyboard operators.54. Who is this young man?55. This is Jim.Hes our office assistant.Lesson 19 Tired and thirsty 又累又

7、渴56. Whats the matter, children?57. Were tired and thirsty, Mum.58. Sit down here.59. Are you all right now?60. Look! Theres an ice cream man.61. These ice creams are nice.Lesson 21 Which book?哪一本書?62. Give me a book please, Jane.63. Which book?64. This one?65. No, not that one. The red one.Lesson 2

8、3 Which glasses?哪幾只杯子?66. Give me some glasses please, Jane.67. Which glasses?68. These glasses?69. No, not those. The ones on the shelf.Lesson 25 Mrs. Smiths Kitchen 史密斯太太的廚房70. Mrs. Smiths kitchen is small.71. There is a refrigerator in the kitchen.72. The refrigerator is white.73. It is on the ri

9、ght. / on the left.74. There is a table in the middle of the room.75. There is a bottle on the table.Lesson 27 Mrs. Smiths living room史密斯太太的客廳76. There is a stereo in the room.77. The stereo is near the door.78. There are some books on the stereo.Lesson 29 Come in, Amy.進(jìn)來,艾米。79. Come in, Amy.80. Shu

10、t the door, please.81. This bedrooms very untidy.82. What must I do, Mrs. Jones?83. Open the window / air the room / make the bed / dust the dressing table / sweep the floor.Lesson 31 Wheres Sally?薩莉在哪里?84. Wheres Sally?85. Shes in the garden.86. Whats she doing?87. Shes sitting under the tree.88. W

11、hos climbing the tree?89. What about the dog?90. Its running across the grass .I ts running after a cat.Lesson 33 A fine day 晴天91. It is a fine day today.92. There are some clouds in the sky,but the sun is shining.93. Mr. Jones is with his family.94. They are walking over the bridge.95. Sally is loo

12、king at a big ship.Lesson 35 Our village 我們的村莊96. This is a / another photograph of our village.97. Our village is in a valley.98. It is betwee n two hills.99. My wife and I are walk ing along the banks of the river.100. This is the school building. It is beside a park.101. Some children are coming

13、out of the building.Lesson 37 Making a bookcase 做書架102. Youre working hard.103. Im making a bookcase.104. What are you going to do now?105. Im going to paint it.106. What colour are you going to pain it?107. Im going to paint it pink.108. This bookcase isnt for me.109. Its for my daughter, Susan.110

14、. Pinks her favourite colour.Lesson 39 Dont drop it!另 U摔了!111. What are you going to do with that vase? P112. Be careful!113. Dont drop it!Lesson 41 Pennys bag 彭妮的提包114. Is that bag heavy?115. A piece of cheese. A loaf of bread.A bar of soap.116. A bar of chocolate.A bottle of milk. A pound of sugar

15、.117. Half a pound of coffee.A quarter of a pound of tea. And a tin of tobacco.118. Its certainly not for me!Lesson 43 Hurry up! 快點(diǎn)!119. Can you make the tea?120. Yes, of course I can.121. I can see the teapot,but I cant see the tea.122. Its in front of you!123. Can you find them?124. Hurry up, Sam!

16、 The kettles boiling!Lesson 45 The bosss letter 老板的信125. Can you come here a minute please?126. Shes next door. Shes in her office, sir.127. Can she type this letter for me?Ask her please.128. I cant type this letter.129. The bosss handwriting is terrible!Lesson 47 A cup of coffee 一杯咖啡130. Do you li

17、ke coffee?131. Yes, I do. / No, I dont.132. Do you want a cup?133. Yes, please. / No, thanks.134. I dont like milk in my coffee.135. I like black coffee.Lesson 49 At the butchers 在肉店136. I like lamb, but my husba nd does nt .137. My husba nd likes steak,but he does nt like chicke n.138. To tell you

18、the truth,I dont like chicken either!Lesson 51 A pleasant climate 宜人的氣候139. Where do you come from?140. I come from Greece.141. Whats the climate like in your country?142. Its very pleasant.143. Whats the weather like in spring?144. Its often windy in March. Its always warm in April and May,but it r

19、ains sometimes.145. Whats it like in summer?146. Its always hot in June, July and August.The sun shines every day.147. Is it cold or warm in autumn?148. Its always warm in September and October. Its often cold in November and it rains sometimes.149. Is it very cold in winter?150. Its ofte n cold in

20、December, January and February .It snows sometimes.Lesson 53 An interesting climate 有趣的氣候151. The weathers often cold in North and windy in the East.Its often wet in the West and sometimes warm in the south.152. Which seasons do you like best?153. I like spring and summer. The days are and the night

21、 are short.The sun rises early and sets late.154. Our climate is not very good, but its certainly interesting.155. Its our favourite subject of conversation.Lesson 55 The Sawyer family 索耳B家人156. The Sawyers live at 87 King Street.157. In the morning, Mr. Sawyer goes to work and the children go to sc

22、hool.158. She always eats her lunch at noon.159. In the after noon, she usually sees her frien ds. They often drink tea together.160 .In the evening, the childre n come home from school. They arrive home early.161. At night, the children always do their homework. Then they go to bed.Lesson 57 An unu

23、sual day很不平常的一天162. It is eight oclock.163. The children go to school by car every day, but today, they are going to school on foot.Lesson 59 Is that all?就這些嗎?164. Do you have any writing paper?165. Yes, we do. / No, we dont.166. I dont have any small pads. I only have large one. Do you want a pad?1

24、67. Is that all?168. Thats all, thank you.169. What else do you want?170. I want my change.Lesson 61 A bad cold 重感冒171. Hes in bed.172. He feels ill.173. He looks ill.174. We must call the doctor.175. Can you remember the doctors teleph one nu mber?176. He has a bad cold, Mr. Williams, so he must st

25、ay in bed for a week.177. Thats good news for Jimmy.178. Because he does nt like school!Lesson 63 Thank you, doctor. 謝謝你,醫(yī)生179. Can I see him please?180. You must nt get up yet.181. You must stay in bed for another two days.182. Does he have a temperature,doctor?183. Yes. He must rema in in bed for

26、ano ther two days.184. He can get up for about two hours each day, but you must keep the room warm.Lesson 65 Not a baby 不是一個(gè)孩子185. Can I have the key to the front door please?186. Jills eighteen years old, Tom.Shes not a baby.187. You must nt come home after a quarter past eleve n. Do you hear?188.

27、Thats all right.189. Enjoy yourself!Lesson 67 The weekend 周末190. Were you at the butchers?191. Yes, I was. / No, I was nt.192. Was he absent from school last week?193. Yes, he was. / No, he was nt.194. He was abse nt on Mon day, Tuesday,Wed nesday and Tuesday.195. Were going to spend three days in t

28、he country.196. Friday, Saturday and Sun day in the coun try! Arent you lucky!Lesson 69 The car race 汽車比賽197. In 1995, there was a very big race.198. My wife and I were at the race.199. There were twenty cars in the race.200. Five other cars were just behind him.201. On the way home, my wife said to

29、 me, Dont drive so quickly! Y oure not Billy Stewart! Lesson 71 Hes awful! 他討厭透了!202. Whats Ron Marston like?203. Hes awful!204. He telephoned me four times yesterday, and three times the day before yesterday.205. Did he telephone again last night?206. Yes, he did. / No, he did nt.207. What did you

30、say to him?208. I said, This is Paulinesmother. Please dont telephone my daughter again!Lesson 73 The way to King Street 到國(guó)王街的走法209. She does not know London very well, and she lost her way.210. I can ask him the way. she said to herself.211. Can you tell me the way to King Street, please?Lesson 75

31、Uncomfortable shoes 不舒適的鞋子212. Do you have any shoes like these?213. We had some shoes like those a month ago,but we dont have any now.214. Can you get a pair for me, please?215. Im afraid that I cant.216. They were in fashion last year and the year before last.Lesson 77 Terrible toothache 要命的牙痛217.

32、 Do you have an appointment?218. Is it urge nt?219. Can you come at 10 a.m.on Monday, April 24th?220. Im afraid that he cant.221. Cant you wait till this afternoon?222. I can wait, but my toothache cant!Lesson 79 Carols shopping list 卡羅爾的購(gòu)物單223. Im making a shopping list, Tom.224. I must go to the g

33、rocers.225. We have nt got much tea or coffee, and we have nt got any sugar or jam.226. Have we got any beer and wine?227. I hope that youve got some money.228. Well, I have nt got much either!Lesson 81 Roast beef and potatoes烤牛肉和土豆229. Hes having a bath.230. Im nearly ready.Lesson 83 Going on holid

34、ay 度假231. Ive already had lunch. I had at half past twelve.232. I had one after my lunch.233. Excuse the mess.234. Ive already had my holiday this year.Lesson 85 Pairs in the spring巴黎之春235. Have you just been to the cinema?236. Yes, I have. / No, I have nt.237. Whats on?238. Ive already seen it.239.

35、 I saw it on television last year.Lesson 87 A car crash 車禍240. Is my car ready yet?241. Whats the number of your car?242. When did you bring it to us?243. I brought it here three days ago.244. Have your mechanics finished yet?245. Did nt you have a crash?246. I drove it into a lamp-post.Lesson 89 Fo

36、r sale 待售247. I believe that this house is for sale.248. How long have you lived here?249. Ive lived here for twenty years.250. Ive been here since 1976.251. How much does this house cost?252. Women always have the last word.Lesson 91 Poor Ian!可憐的伊恩!253. Has Ian sold his house yet?254. Has he moved

37、to his new house yet?255. He has always been a good neighbour.256. Well all miss him.257. Please give him my regards.258. He did nt want to leave this house.259. No, he did nt want to leave,but his wife did!Lesson 93 Our new neighbor 我們的新鄰居260. At the moment, hes in Madrid.261. He flew to Spa in a w

38、eek ago.262. Hell return to London the week after next.263. Hes only forty-one years old, and he has already been to nearly every country in the world.Lesson 95 Tickets, please.請(qǐng)把車票拿出來。264. Two return tickets to London, please.265. What time will the next train leave?266. At nineteen minutes past ei

39、ght.267. Which platform?268. Platform Two. Over the bridge.269. We had better go back to the station now, Ken.270. Youve just missed it!271. That clocks ten minutes slow.272. The next train is in five hours time!Lesson 97 A small blue case一只藍(lán)色的小箱子273. I left a suitcase on the train to London the oth

40、er day .274. Can you describe it, sir?275. Its a small blue case and its got a zip.276. Theres a label on the handle with my name and address on it.277. This case does nt bel ong to me!Lesson 99 Owl! 啊喲!278. I slipped and fell downstairs.279. I think that the doctor had better see you.280. The docto

41、r says that he will come at once.281. Im sure that you need an X-ray , Andy.Lesson 101 A card from Jimmy 吉米的明信片282. Read Jimmys card to me please, Penny.283. I have just arrive in Scotland and rm staying at a Y outh Hostel.284. He say hes just arrived in Scotland. He says hes staying at a Youth Host

42、el.285. Ill write a letter soon. I hope you all well.286. He say hell write a letter soon. He hopes we are all well.Lesson 103 The French test 法語(yǔ)考試287. How was the exam?288. Not too bad. I think I passed in English and Mathematics.289. The En glish and Maths papers werent easy eno ugh for me.290. I

43、could nt an swer the rest.They were too difficult for me.291. Perhaps we did nt to do badly.Lesson 105 Full of mistakes 錯(cuò)誤百出292. How do you spell intelligent?293. Youve typed it with only one L.294. This letters full of mistakes. I want you to type it again.295. Heres a little present for you.296. I

44、 hope itll help you.Lesson 107 Its too small. 太小了。297. Would you like to try it?298. Im afraid this green dress it too small for me as well.299. It does nt suit me at all.300. I want a dress like that one, but it must be my size.301. Im afraid I have nt got a larger dress.302. This is the largest dr

45、ess in the shop.Lesson 109 A good idea 好主意303. Thats a good idea,304. Thats eno ugh for me.305. Would you like some more?306. Id like a cigarette, too. May I have one?307. Have a biscuit in stead.308. Eat more and smoke less!309. Thats very good advice!Lesson 111 The most expensive model 最昂貴的型號(hào)310.

46、How much does it cost?311. Its the most expensive model in the shop.312. It costs five hundred pounds.313. Thats too expensive for us.314. We cant afford all thatmoney.315. This models less expensive than that one.316. Its not as good as the expensive one.317. Can we buy it on instalments?318. You c

47、an pay a deposit of thirty pounds, and then fourteen pounds a month for three years.319. Millionaires dont buy things on instalments!Lesson 113 Small change 零錢320. I cant change a ten-pound note.321. Have nt you got any small cha nge?322. Have you any small change, sir?323. Im sorry .Ive got none. I

48、 have nt got any either.324. Can you change this ten-pound note, madam?325. Im afraid I cant.Neither can I.326. Ive got some small change.So have I.Lesson 115 Knock, knock! 敲敲門!327. Im sure theres no one at home.328. But thats impossible.329. Carol and Tom invited us to lunch.330. Look through the w

49、indow.331. Can you see anything?332. Nothing at all.333. Dont believe her, Jim. Shes only joking.334. Have some beer!Lesson 117 Tommys breakfast 湯米的早餐335. When my husband was going into the dining room this morning, he dropped some coins on the floor.336. We looked for them, but we could not find th

50、em all.337. We both tried to get the coins, but it was too late. Tommy had already swallowed them!338. Tommys bee n to the toilet three times this morning, but I have nt had any cha nge yet!Lesson 119 A true story 一個(gè)真實(shí)的故事339. It happened to a friend of mine a year ago.340. While my friend, George, w

51、as reading in bed, two thieves climbed into his kitchen.341. After they had entered the house, they went into the dining room.342. The thieves dropped the torch and ran away as quickly as they could.343. George heard the noise and came downstairs quickly.344. He tur ned on the light, but he could nt

52、 see anyone. The thieves had already gone.Lesson 121 The man in a hat 戴帽子的男士345. Who served you, sir?346. The lady who is standing behind the counter.347. Which books did you buy?348. The books which are on the counter.349. He says hes the man who bought these books.350. The man who I served was wea

53、ring a hat.351. Is this the man that you served?352. I recognize him now.Lesson 123 A trip to Australia澳大利亞之行353. This is a photograph I took during my trip to Australia.354. Theyre people I met during the trip.355. Thats the man I told you about.356. The one who offered you a job in Australia.Lesso

54、n 125 Tea for two兩個(gè)人一起喝茶357. I had to water it every day.358. Well, Ill have tea by myself.359. That means you dont need to water the garden.360. That was a pleasant surprise.361. It means I can have tea, in stead.Lesson 127 A famous actress 著名的女演員362. It must be Karen Marsh, he actress.363. Its can

55、t be.364. She must be at least forty.365. Im sure she is.366. She was a famous actress when I was still at school.367. Im not more than twenty-nine myself.Lesson 129 Seventy miles an hour 時(shí)速 70 英里368. That policemans waving to you.He wants you to stop.369. Where do you think you are?370. You must ha

56、ve been driving at seventy miles an hour.371. I cant have been.372. Did nt you see the speed limit?373. I must have been dreaming.374. Thats why I did nt see the sig n.375. I wont charge you this time,but youd better not do it again!376. Next time youd better take my advice!Lesson 131 Dont be so sure!別那么肯定!377. We may go abroad. Im not sure.378. We cant make up our min ds.379. Will you travel by sea or air?


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