



1、精品文檔僅供參考!你無法把點滴與未來聯(lián)系, 只能通過回顧才能看見。 所以你必須相信過的點擊能 串聯(lián)未來。你必須有信念,不管那是你的膽識、命運、人生還是因果報應,因為 把過去點滴串聯(lián)起來,才能有信念忠于自我。 即使你的選擇和別人不一樣, 這會 使你與眾不同。你的時間是有限的,不要浪費在其他人的生命當中 , 別受教條約束,別活在其他 人對你的期望之中,別讓批評抹去了你內(nèi)心的聲音。你得找到你所愛的東西, 包 括你熱愛的事業(yè)和你的伴侶。你的工作將會占據(jù)你生命的大部分, 相信你做的工作是對的, 你才能發(fā)自內(nèi)心得 到滿足。而只有愛你所有的事,才能成就不凡。如果你還沒找到,那繼續(xù)找,別 安逸下來。有勇氣順從

2、自己的內(nèi)心和直覺,你的內(nèi)心早就知道你未來的夢想。但是你不可能一帆風順, 大多數(shù)人輕易放棄, 但你知道人的意志有多強大嗎?意 志是無可比擬的堅強又富有任性的!任何人在財務、感情生活、 健康良好的環(huán)境 中都能感到幸福, 任何人都能自得其滿,任何人都能有偉大的理想,任何人在任 何的環(huán)境下都能有信念。 真正試驗你的信念、 信仰和意志, 是當你被擊倒的時候。 起身而行需要勇氣,被擊倒仍能謙虛,需要有勇氣放下并重新開始。恐懼,扼殺夢想,恐懼,扼殺希望,恐懼,使人一蹶不振,恐懼使你蒼老,阻止 你去做能做到的事。但是,它也會使你麻木不仁。每個情緒起伏,仍然一無所成。但是每個原則,是自我的承諾。你的喜怒哀樂,最

3、后也許什么都沒有。但是每次下決心,都是一種承諾。你們有些人,至今尚未成功,那是因為你們過于情緒化。你被情緒所主導,像是早上心情不好,不想起 床?誰想?每天你不面對自己的夢想, 你也許會把目標延后整整六個月, 或是 年!就是沒有起身鞭策自己的那一瞬間。你不曉得自己退后了多少! 別讓你的情感控制你!我們是情感的動物, 但是你必須管理你自己的情感! 你要是不能管理情感,你將會被吞噬!你想要全力以赴,毫不保留。當你想改變的時 候,不會很容易,如果很容易的話,每個人都做到啦!但是你認真,全力以赴! 我是主導者,主宰著自我。我不會被外在事物打擊我,摧毀我,我重新站起來, 而我會變得更好、更加堅強。你必須下

4、定決心,這是你的意義。如果這時你想要 的夢,不論那是健康或是功成名就, 對你的人生負完全的責任。 接受現(xiàn)在的自己, 并且相信自己能做的更好。你可以把每一天當做最后一天在過!活出你的激情來!拿出魄力來! 每天不斷鞭 策自己做的更好!人生的最后一章尚未寫下, 昨日種種的事情并不重要, 你發(fā)生 了什么也沒關系。重要的是,你要怎么做? 今年我要使夢想成為現(xiàn)實!我甚至不想再講了。我可以的!我可以的!我可以的 我覺得堅持對每個人都重要,不要放棄,不要妥協(xié),每件事都有方法。You can t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect the

5、m looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something: your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. Because believing that the dots will connect dow n the road, will give you the con fide nee to follow your heart, eve n whe n it lead

6、 you off the well worn path. And that will make all the differe nee.Your time is limited, so don t waste it livi ng some one else s life. Don t be trapped by dogiwhich is living with the results of other people s thinking. Don t let the noise of othersopinions drown out your own inner voice. You ve

7、got to finduwbve .yAnd that is astrue for your work as it is for your lovers. |Your work is going to fill a large part of your life and the on ly way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven t found it yet,

8、keep looking, and don t settle. Have the courage to followyour heart and in tuiti on, they somehow already know what you truly want to become.You re going to have some ups and you re goning to have some downs. Most peopiveup on themselves easily. You know the huma n spirit is powerful?! There is not

9、hing as powerful. It s hard to kill the human spirit! Anybody can feel good when they have their health, their bills are paid, they have happy relati on ships. An ybody can be positive the n, an ybody can have a larger visi on the n, an ybody can have faith un der those kinds of|circumsta nces. The

10、real challe nge of growth, men tally, emoti on ally and spiritually comes whe n you get kno cked dow n. It takes courage to act. Part of being hungry whe n you bee n defeated. It takes courage to start over aga in.Fear kills dreams. Fear kills hope. Fear, put people in the hospital. Fear can age you

11、, can hold you back from doing someth ing that you know with in yourself that you are capable of doing, but it will paralyze you.At the end of your feeli ngs is nothing, but at the end of every prin ciple is a promise. Behind your little feelings, it might not be absolutely not at the end of your li

12、ttle feelings. But beh ind every prin ciple is a promise. And some of you in your life, the reas on why you not at your goal right now, because of your just all about you feeli ngs. All on your feeli ngs, you don t feel like waking up, so who does? Everyday you say“ no” to your dreams, you mightbe p

13、ush ing your dreams back a whole six mon ths, a whole year! That one sin gle day, that one day you didn t get up could have pushed your stuff back, I don t know how long.Don t allow your emotio ns to con trol you. We are emoti on al, but what you want to begi n to discipline your e motion. If you do

14、n t discipline and contain your emotion, they will use you. You want it, and you are going to go all out to have it. It s not going to be easy, when youwant to change. It s not easy. If it were in fact easy, everybody would do it. But if you serious, you ll go all out.I m in control here. I m not go

15、ing to let this get me down; I m not going to let this destroyme. I m coming back! And I ll be stronger and better because of it! You have got to make adeclaration, that this is what youstand for! You re standing up for your dreams; you resta nding up for peace of mind, you sta nding up for health.

16、Take full resp on sibility for yourlife! Accept where you are and the responsibility that you re going to take yourself whereyou want to go.You can decide that I am going to live each day as if it were my last! Live your life with passi on! With some drive! Decided that your cha nge to push yourself. The last chapter to your life has not been written yet, and it doesn t matter about whayeaeptay. Itdoesn t matter about what happened to you, what matter is


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