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1、短文改錯(cuò)練習(xí)(1)Rowe na and Billy Wran gler are model high school stude nts . They study hard . They do extreme well on 76. achieveme nt tests . And n ext year , Rowe na will atte nding 77. Harvard Un iversity . Billy , her youn ger brother , has to go 78. to Corn ell . That makes Rowe na and Billy differe

2、 nt from79.most students is that they don t go to schooln fac80.theyve never been to school . Since a kindergarten , they 81. have studied at home. Neither Rowenaor Billy feels as if 82. they have missed out on no thi ng by being taught at home . 83. As many of the more tha n one millio n people who

3、 receive 84. home schooli ng in the Un ited States , they feel if they85.have gotte n a good educatio n .76. _d77. 78i ng,79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84.短文改錯(cuò)練習(xí)(2)Did you enjoy yourself yesterday? I suppose you do. But Ilike to tell you what a bad day I had yesterday. Nothi ng just went wrong. On the morning

4、, my alarm clock did n since I woke up an hour late. I was in such a hurry that I bur nt my hand whe n I was cook ing the breakfast. Then I ran out of the house to catch the 8:30 buses. This is the bus I usually take. But, you may laugh, I missed it of course. I am very un happy, and scared as well

5、because teacher hates the students coming late to school.So I ran three miles to school only to discover that no body was 85. there. The school was quiet but peaceful. Our classroom was locked.I realized that mome nt: It was Sun day.短文改錯(cuò)練習(xí)(3)Get a good educatio n is more importa nt today tha n76.eve

6、r before n Can ada mostly childre n atte nd public77.schools. Public schools are mainly found by gover nments78.through tax in come. Stude nts in Can ada taught in79.En glish and in Fren ch. The rests of Can adia n childre n80.atte nd private schools, that are supported mai nly by fees81.pay ing by

7、pare nts .By law ,the childre n must atte nd82.the school from age 5 to 16. There are several differe nt83.levels in the Can adia n educati on system .The first was84.called Eleme n tary Schools ,which in clude kin dergarte ns85.through grade 7 or 8.短文改錯(cuò)練習(xí)(4)Yesterday we went to plant trees on the h

8、ill near to our school. The boys were madedig pits 坑) .The girls were told to pla nt the young trees into the pits. All of us worked very hardly. Soon we were all wet with sweat.After the young trees pla nted, we bega n to water it.The water was at the foot of the hill. But we stood in line to pass

9、pails 桶) of waler fiom one to other up to die hill.We did not finish water the trees un til it was dark.Though we were tired,we feel very happy.短文改錯(cuò)練習(xí)(5)A few mon ths after returni ng the US from Germa ny , I took part in a college course in Fren ch. Since I have lear ned to speak Germa n good in Ge

10、rma ny, I thought that it might be in terested to begi n study ing ano ther Ian guage. At the first class, the teacher asked us to do a pronun ciatio n exercise, i n which he would say one word or two in Fren ch, and each76. 77. -78. -79郭81.肚83.84. 二8576. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81.stude nt would do their b

11、est to copy. Whe n he got to me,82.he kept hav ing meto say more words, and I fin ally asked 83.him why. “ 1 find it great funs. It s the first time I84ve heard anAmerica n speak French with a Germa n acce nt.he expiated_it.短文改錯(cuò)練習(xí)(6)It was fine yesterday. The sun was shining in thesky. I went boati

12、ng by myself. I did nt take many 76.friends with me because I wan ted to row alone.77.I hired a boat and rowed slowly to the cen ter of lake.78.A fresh breeze was blow ing, fish was swim ming and birds 79. were singing. Whe n I reached the cen ter, I took up the80.paddles (槳)and lie down in the boat

13、. With the blue sky81.over me or gree n water around me I was extremely82.relaxed. Over about two hours passed in this way before I83.knew them. I came back home very late. I did n tiri ng at all, for I had really had a good time.t fee8短文改錯(cuò)練習(xí)(7)I was anxiously expected your letter, and at

14、last it has reached to me. I am very glad to know that7980s n ice 81takeevery one at home is enjoying good health as usually. Things here are samenow as they were before. The final examin ati on will place in n ext week. SoI am now busy prepari ng for my less on s. Itto think that the summer vacatio

15、n is coming83 84 85 near. I can t say much I want to see you all again. I am look ing forward to spe nd summer days with you. Give my love to Father, Mother and anyone at home.短文改錯(cuò)練習(xí)(8)One after noon , whe n I was on my way home , the sky 76.Chan ged sudde nly . Dark clouds were gathered . I bega n

16、77. to feel worried because I didn t have both a raincoa78.or umbrella about me . It soon started to rain .79.Just as I was hurry ing home , I heard of some one calli ng80.me from beh ind . I tur ned to have a look and find that81.he was Liu Wei , a good n eighbour of mine . He82.offered to share hi

17、s umbrella with me . We walked all 83.the ways home . Without Liu Wei s help , I would hav4. got wet to the sk in .How much tha n kful I was for his help !85.短文改錯(cuò)練習(xí)(9)I worried about the missed bag all the eve ning.76.I tried to remember exact what I had done from the77.time I left the store un til

18、at the time I got home. I78.remembered whether I had looked at the bag while I79.was hav ing lun ch. So I must have it whe n I left the80.store. I remembered show ing it to a friend on the bus.81.But I had the bag the n. I came directly from the bus 82.to my house, and I must have forgotte n it on t

19、he bus. I 83. was in hurry to get off and forgot to check the packages84.lying on the floor. I should be much careful n ext time.85.短文改錯(cuò)練習(xí)(10)A kind of little car may someday take place of today76. s bigones . If people drive such cars in the future ,there would be 77. less pollution in there air .

20、There will be more spaces for 78. park ing cars in cities . The streets will be less crowd . And79.driv ing will be safer as these little cars can go only 65 km80.per hour . The future cars will be fine for getting round a city , so they will not be useful for long trips . Little cars81.will go 200k

21、m , before n eed ing to stop more gas . If big cars82.are still used along with the small ones , two sets of roads that will be n83.84.fit in theeeded in the future . Some roads will be usedfor the big fast cars and ano ther roads will be n eeded for the slow small ones . It is said that third such

22、little cars 85. space now n eeded for one car the usual size .短文改錯(cuò)練習(xí)( 11)Dear Bob,I must say that I do agree with you. Though you find76.something, but it doesn t mean it belongs to you. If yo77. can find who itbelongs to, you should try to return back 78. it. I m sure you would want some one to do

23、same for 79. you. Once I found a beautiful picture. I wan ted to keep 80.it. The n I remembered see one just like it in an office.81.I went to the office and found the pers on to who it82.bel on ged. The lady was very happy to get back and83.gave me delicious apples. So you see, Bob, I get two84.rew

24、ards: one I could eat and ano ther I could keep in 85. my heart.Yours, Li Mi ng短文改錯(cuò)練習(xí)( 12)76. Mr Zhang is over sixty years old. He has retired(退休)He is one of my respected teachers. He teaches uschemistry whe n we were in senior Grade One. He was old, and77. he taught us good. He tried his best to m

25、akehis classes lively. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. Mr Zhang usually made good preparati ons for the less on and was strictto us, too. Whenever wemademistakes in our homework. he would ask us to correct them. At that time, I was used to be poorly in chemistry. Mr Zhang ofte n helped me with my st

26、udies very patie ntly. With his help, I had maderapid progress and caught with the class. He is always very kind to every stude nt.As an experie need teacher, he is respected and loved by all the students.短文改錯(cuò)練習(xí)( 13)2.I cant swim because I have a strong fear of water.Look back at

27、my childhood experie nee, I think that three reason might explain the fear. The first reas on is that I was not allowed to go n ear the water whe n I was a child, for my mother had un reas on able fear of it. So, eve n as a child I was taught see the water as someth ing dan ger. Second, my eyes beca

28、me bad ones when I was five. If I took off myglasses in the water, I couldn t see anything, but thB3.in creased my fear. The worst part of your experie nee is that as a child I ofte n see a n eighbor drow ned. Since84. 85.then I have bee n more frighte ned.短文改錯(cuò)練習(xí)( 14) Most people who are ambitious a

29、nd want toachieve someth ing live on stress. They n eed them. I like to use example from the ani mal world because there is a biological basis for what I say. If you take a turtle and force it to run with as fast as a racehorse, you should kill it. So it to a turtle type huma n what he must achieve

30、this76. _77. _78.s useless t(7SAay80. _because his father was famous and his gran dfather was successful. You can make race-horse out of a turtle. But the reverse is also true. If you 82. _ are the race-horse type, as more efficie nt bus in essmen and politicia84.ns 83 are, you have the urge to do m

31、any thi ngs and to express85.you. If you told not to do any thi ng, you are un der terribledistress.短文改錯(cuò)練習(xí)( 15)Have you ever heard from the say ingAll work and no play 76.make Jack a dull boy ? What this means is that if you study all the times you will become a boring person . You must go out and h

32、av ing fun with your frie nds , otherwise you will lose him . No one wan ts to be frie nds with some one who only talks about work and study .0.81.Perhaps you have a con fide nce problem . Please try remember82. what the work you do is for yourself but no one else . You do not have to comp

33、ete with your classmates . No one could be happier in study ing seve n days and seve n ni ghts in a week .83.84.85.短文改錯(cuò)練習(xí)( 16)Deare Abby ,How are you ? Today I ve got a wonderful news to tell you . I76.have offered a scholarship at a uni versity in Australia for my 77.further educati on . One hun dr

34、ed and twenty stude nts took exam78.for it , but only a few was chose n and I wasone of them . However , my pare nts are not happy about it . They are strong aga inst me going there . They say it is too far away that they will not2.see mefor a whole year and they are afraidof I will feel l

35、onely83.84.They cant imagine a girl so young live alone . They advise meco ntnahlAvting with them .to study in the capital in stead . The n IHow can I persuade them to accept the fact I have grow n up ?85. Best WishesJane短文改錯(cuò)練習(xí)( 17)I used to love scie nee clas all of them biology, 76 chemistry, geog

36、raphy or physics. I thi nk I liked those.classes because I felt that it helped me77un dersta nd what the world works. For example,7.9.whe n I was a child, the rain was a mystery. I n one80.class, I lear ned why it rain ed. I think scie nee classes81.clear up mysteries. But the n there is always more

37、82.mysteries look into. What was my least favorite class? 83. That was math. After lear n the basics of the subject,84.Noth ing else seemed very practically to me. I n ever 85. saw how I could use it in my daily life. _ 短文改錯(cuò)練習(xí)( 18) Some America ns judge success on the len gth76.of his vacati ons . T

38、he man who gets a mon ths 77.vacati on each year con sider himself more successful 78. than the man gets two weeks . Many people want79.to be teachers because it is teachers who can80.get three-m onth vacati on every year . Some college81.teachers who teach the three classes con sider82.themselves l

39、ess successful tha n that who teach83.only one or two , or none in all .In short , the less 84. work America ns do , the less successful they85.con sider themselves .短文改錯(cuò)練習(xí)( 19)As is known, that is in teresti ng to teach childre n to76.swim while they are still babies. Most the large tow ns in77.Flo

40、rida and Califor nia have already run particularly less ons for 78 babies. The idea has quickly spread to Europe from where, 79. in several coun tries, special courses are now offered to 80. the childre n who are from 7 to 24 month old. 81.The first step is to have child get rid of fear of82.water.

41、Next, he is teachi ng to float in water. Once he 83.can do that naturally and can swim with fear, the child can 84. master the technique and push him forward through the water85. 短文改錯(cuò)練習(xí)( 20) Dear Mr. GreenI work in the Frie ndship Shop on Zhon gsha n Road76. where you have ofte n come to buy thi ngs

42、. The other day77. if you bought a vase at our shop with your wife, I made 78. the mistake about the price. You looked at two differe nt2.price of the same vase, one costi ng 30 yua n and the other 21 yua n. You took the 21 yua n one so I accepted 30 yua n from you. I found my mistake on l

43、y after you and your wife have left. Will you please come to our shop to 83.get in your cha nge or to retur n your vase and get a 30 84.yua n one in stead? I apologize you for it.85. I m looking forward to your coming earlier.Yours truly,Wang Hua短文改錯(cuò)練習(xí)( 21)In many western coun tries heavy in dustry

44、is high developed76.The differe nee betwee n heavy and light in dustry are based on77.the n ature of the goods produced. Heavy in dustry produce78.mach ines while light in dustry uses mach ines produce the 79. smaller objects required for various purpose in our home80.and offices.The growth of in du

45、stry in country depe nds on the81.gen eral level of econo mic or in dustrial developme nt.82.In its beg inning, in dustrializati on is likely to be cheap. To83.decrease (減少) costs, industrialists in an area usually depend on 84. Local supplies of the coal or electric power for their operati on85.短文改

46、錯(cuò)練習(xí)( 22)It happened in a morning that I was walking in the street .76.I ate up a banana and threw its peel on the corner of the road .77.Short after that I heard a scream behi nd looked back to 78.see what was happe ned .A little girl about 8 years old fell79.dow n and the banana peel was exactly un

47、 der her left shoes .80.She stood up without cry .The n she picked up the banana peel81.and ran toward the dustb in .On that mome nt ,1 realized my fault , and went to 82. apologize her for that ,but my van ity虛榮心) preve nted me . 83.The little girl had taught me a good less on by her acti on .84.An

48、d now ,after I do everything , Ill think carefully whethk it s right or wrong . Ill do mybest to be in good habits and qualities .短文改錯(cuò)練習(xí)( 23)Mr Wangis myphysics teacher. Hehas 1.75 meters in the height. 76 He was born on November 4,1952. So he is a middle-aged man.77 He graduated Qin ghua78 Uni vers

49、ity in 1978. After graduati on, he becomes a middle79 school teacher. He has bee n taught physics for more tha n 20 years. 80 8_1He is very successful as a teacher. He has bee n give n a lot82 83 84 85 of honor. He not only is a good teacher in physics but also speak En glish and Russia n very well.

50、 In his spare time, he likes read ing books, collect stamps and liste ning music. Also, Mr Smith is kin d-hearted.短文改錯(cuò)練習(xí)( 24) Dear Lily,I got your letter and pleased to hear about your job76.in terview at a grocery store. I know you wan ted to 77.ve been looking,get a job at the TV station, and youf

51、or several week now and havent found anything. 0.81.The job at the grocery store doesn tsound badly. If I 80.am you, I d take it. If you worked there a while, you could earn some mon ey. Its your decisi on, of course, but I advise you to take it. Let me to know what you d

52、ecided to do. By the way, after you get the job you can think about get a bike later.Love短文改錯(cuò)練習(xí)( 25)Last Friday, Dad told methat two America frie nds, Mr. Smith and his daughter Lily,Hello! Nice to meewould come and have dinner with us. This wasgood cha nce for meto practise myspeak ing En glish.82.

53、84.85.83.you! ” I greeted them. We talked happy andpto surprise it seemed that I had no difficulties understanding them. During the dinner, sat next to me, Lily asked me a lot of questi ons about her school life. Whe n she heard I was very good at Lat in dancing but using the computer, she was so ex

54、cited. Howa happy time we were hav ing!短文改錯(cuò)練習(xí)( 26)I went to see film after supper. On my way to the cin ema, I met an oldEn glish woma n, she had lost her way. I gave up the chance to see the film, walking towards her and took her to her hotel. While go there, I told her great cha nge had take n pla

55、ce in the past few years and she told mesomethi ng about Brita in and her family.Though I missed the film, however I felt very happy, for I not only helped the old lady out from trouble but also practise my spoke n En glish. If I had n orked hard wt En glish, I would have bee n able to help her.短文改錯(cuò)

56、練習(xí)( 27)One eve ning two young menwere walk ing in the street. They tried to find a cha nee to steal everyth ing. The clock strikes twelve. Most people were in bed. Quickly they came to a house so it seemedthat every one in the house had falle n8.sleep ing. Sta nd

57、ing at the front gate, one man said in En glish to 79.the other at a low voice,“ You wait herArow nld to 80.the front door and then get into the house.” Suddenly out of the house ran a dog, bark ing at them. The two men were 82.very afraid and ran away as fast as possibly. They did n 83. t stopun til they had got to a Ion ely place


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