



1、冀教版六年級下冊英語第二單元試卷、根據(jù)中文提示,完成下列句子1. Bob is( 健康的)and 十(強壯的).2. How ofte n do you(in a week?3. There are sixty(分乍中)in an hour.4. I brush my( 牙齒)everyday.5. Jenny s(皮膚)is white.6. Our classroom is very( 干凈的).7. Jenny( 梳)her hair every day.8. My brother and I work very( 刻苦)9. The tree is very( 高的)10. Li Mi

2、nq can t go to school, because he is( 有病的).二、按要求寫出下列單詞1. health(形容詞)2.strong( 反義詞) 3.tooth( 復(fù)數(shù))4. high(反義詞)5.before(反義詞)6.twice(基數(shù)詞) 亠7.make(過去式)8.our(同音詞) 9.these(反義詞)1O.much(比較級)三、 選擇答案,()1.1 m very, so I m strong.A .healthB.healthy C.weak D.sick()2. I ofte n go to school form MondayFridayA. to B.

3、on C.of D.off()3. I ofte n eat breakfastgoing to school.A.in B.o n C.before D.after()4.do you eat rice? Three time a day.A .How ma ny B.How much C.How ofte n D.How()5. Sixty minutesan hour.A.do B.make C.makes D.does()6.What did you doweek?A.next B.a C.a n D.last()7.0nions can make you.A .cryB.cried

4、C.crys D.cryi ng()8.exercise do you n eed?I n eed about twenty minu tes of exercise.A.How many B.How much C.How ofte n D.How()9.I usually walkhome at 6:00 in the eve ning.A.to B.at C.the D.()10.L ing Ming ofte n goes to school fivea week.A .time B.times C.a time D.the time()11.do you play badm inton

5、?Never.A. How B. How much C. How much D. How ofte n()12.baseball(棒球)is exercise.A. Play B. Plays C. Playi ng D. Played()13. You are sick. You should drinkwater.A. much B. more C. manyD. most()14. We usually say“good-bye ” to out teacherschool.A. at B. in C. before D. after()15. Jenny usually wakes u

6、p7:00themorni ng.A. in, at B. at, i n C. at, at D. in, in()16. I like Chi nesescie nee.A. more B. tha n C. mote tha n D. tha n more()17. Li Ming is one of my best.A. frie nds B. frie nd C. the frie nds D. a frie nd()18. The movie makes me.A. crying B. cry C. cried D. crys()19. Here is the sk inmy ar

7、ms.A. at B. in C. on D. of()20. I don t wantapple, I wantmelon.A. a, an B. an, a C. an, / D. a, /四、句型轉(zhuǎn)換。1. I eat vegetables three times a day.(對劃線部分提問)2. My favourite fruit is melon. ( 對劃線部分提問)3. I watch sports on TV.(變成一般將來時)4. Danny walks to school for five minutes.(對劃線部分提問)5. Kim eats breakfast s

8、ix times a week.(變成一般過去時 )6. Do you often help your family?(作出肯定回答)7. Running is exercise.( 對劃線部分進行提問)8. Twenty-four hours make a day.(對劃線部分進行提問)9. Is here any good food?(變?yōu)殛愂鼍洌?0. I n ever eat vegetables.(對劃線部分進行提問)11. The melon is here.(對劃線部分進行提問)五、改錯。1.1 ofte n eat porridges for breakfast.AB C 2.

9、 Li Ming washes he hands every day.A B C3. Jenny eats lu nch for thirty minute.ABC4. Look at the skins on my arms.ABC5. My favourite fruit are melon.A B C六、英漢互譯。1. before breakfast 2. wake up early 3. more tha n4. after supper5. make lunch 6. 梳頭7. 刷牙8. 健康的身體 9. 一年三次10. 沖澡七、用所給單詞白1. Do you want to(be

10、) healthy?2. Eati ng donuts is bad for your(healthy).3. (ride) a bike is exercise.4. I usually have a walk(two) a day.5. Do you usually help(you) family?6. How many(mi nute) in a day?7. You n eed(get) more exercise.8. Would you have(some) melon?9. Good food(make) your body healthy.10. Sixty minu tes

11、 make(a) hour.八、連詞成句。1. is, play ing, exercise, basketball2. how, every, often, you, go, do, to, school, week3. have to, play, for, sports, exercise, you4. always, my, lun ch, I, make5. works, very, Kim, hard九、為下列問句選擇正確的答語。()1. How many mi nu tes do you walk?()2. How much exercise do you n eed?()3.

12、What do you do after breakfast?()4. How ofte n do you play basketball?()5. Do you want to be strong?A. I n eed about twenty minu tes.B. Yes, I do.C. About five minu tes.D. Three times a week.E. I usually go to school十、閱讀短文,判斷正誤。London is a very big city. There are big beautiful parks in London. Ther

13、e is Hyde Park, St James s park, Green Park and Rege nt s Park.London s famous zoo is in Regent s Park. In the zoo there are animas from Africa, from Asia, from America and from Europe. There are big birds and long sn akes in cages. There are hippos (河馬)and elepha nts, and you can give bananas to the mon keys!In the parks you can play football, you ban watch the ducks and you can read your books or you can walk.()1. There are six big parks in En gla nd.()2. There are elepha nts and hippos in t


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