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1、2014年5月SAT考試真題2014年5月SAT考試真題:1. Whe n read ing a poem, you should read slowly to havegive n on eself the opport unityto savor the details of itsIan guage, form, and sound.A. to have give n on eselfB. to give yourselfC. for on eself to be give nD. for on eself to haveE. so that you had had答案:B解析:A選項(xiàng)中

2、on eself使用不恰當(dāng),因?yàn)榫渥又髡Z(yǔ)是you (二 人稱),另外,have given的使用也錯(cuò),to have done 表示已經(jīng)發(fā) 生的事情,語(yǔ)義不恰當(dāng)。B選項(xiàng)to do做目的狀語(yǔ),正確。CD選項(xiàng) 中on eself都使用錯(cuò)誤。E選項(xiàng)中時(shí)態(tài)錯(cuò)誤,had had是過(guò)去完成時(shí), 而這里have the opportunity 應(yīng)該是沒(méi)有發(fā)生的事情。2. The econo mist estimated that workers in our city spe nd an average of 40 minu tes daily traveli ng to their jobs and 50

3、 minu tes retur ning home.A. workers in our city spe ndB. a work in our city who spe ndsC. they who work in our city spe ndsD. those who work in our city spe ndingE. our city s workers having spent答案:A解析:that引導(dǎo)estimated 的賓語(yǔ)從句,A選項(xiàng)spend time doing something 是正確用法,A對(duì)。B選項(xiàng)沒(méi)有主句,只有 who 引導(dǎo)的從句。C中they spends錯(cuò)

4、誤。D中缺謂語(yǔ)動(dòng)詞。E中也缺謂 語(yǔ)動(dòng)詞。這里主句的estimated 并不影響that從句的時(shí)態(tài),因?yàn)闆](méi) 有邏輯關(guān)系。3. Neuroscie ntists have gained new in sights into how thebrain works by adoptingresearch methods used to studyother elaborate systems, this ran ges from computer chips to the stock market.A. systems, this ran ges from computer chips toB. sy

5、stems with a range from computer chips andC. systems ranging from computer chips toD. systems, it ran ges over computer chips andE. systems, they are ranging from computer chips to答案:C解析:逗號(hào)之前是完整句子,ADE選項(xiàng)run-on 。 B選項(xiàng)中from.and.錯(cuò)誤。C 正確,ranging from.to 做后置定語(yǔ),修飾 systems,等于 which range 。4. Most of the obje

6、cts in the museum s ceramics collections are porcelain pieces from Germany, although the collecti on also in cludes prices from Turkey, Korea, and Japa nese ceramics are also represe nted.A. a nd Japa nese ceramics are also represe ntedB. as well as Japa nese ceramicsC. a nd from Japa nD. and Japa n

7、E. a nd also from Japa n答案:D解析:三個(gè)國(guó)家平行,只能選D最簡(jiǎn)潔正確。Turkey, Korea, and Japanese 。5. Most states in the Un ited States had en acted child labor laws by 1920, but not un til 1938 whe n the Fair Labor Sta ndards Act established a n atio nal minimum worki ng age.A. but not un til 1938 whe nB. but it was not

8、 un til 1938 thatC. n ot un til 1938 didD. it was, however, not until 1938 thatE. a nd not un til 1938 whe n答案:B解析:逗號(hào)之前是完整主句,所以CD選項(xiàng)run-on。A中將not until 1938提前,那么后面需要部分倒裝,后面正確的表達(dá)應(yīng)該是 did the Fair Labor Stan dards Act establish a n atio nal minimum working age。B是it was not until時(shí)間that的正確強(qiáng)調(diào)句使用方法。E與A錯(cuò)誤一致,

9、而且and應(yīng)該改為but邏輯更通順。6. The largest hot desert in the world, the Sahara covers well over three millio n square miles, and eleve n coun tries are spa nned by it.A. miles, and eleve n coun tries are spa nned by itB. miles and spa nning eleve n coun triesC. mile and spa ns eleve n coun triesD. mile, it sp

10、a ns eleve n coun triesE. mile, with eleve n coun tries spa nned by it答案:C解析:A選項(xiàng)表達(dá)不簡(jiǎn)潔,盡量遵循“主語(yǔ)主動(dòng)一致”。B中and 前后不平行,covers和spanning 不能平行。C選項(xiàng)用covers 和 spa ns平行,簡(jiǎn)潔明了,C正確。D選項(xiàng)run-on。E選項(xiàng)表達(dá)不夠 簡(jiǎn)潔和直接。7. Adopted in 1997, the Kyoto Protocol is what was theintern ati onalagreeme ntto reduce the gree nhouse gasemiss

11、i ons of in dustrialized n ati ons over a five-year period.A. is what was the intern ati onal agreeme ntB. was whe n it was in ter nati on ally agreedC. was where the intern atio nal agreeme nt wasD. be ing intern ati on ally agreedE. is the intern atio nal agreeme nt答案:E解析:主語(yǔ)是the Kyoto Protocol , B

12、C選項(xiàng)語(yǔ)義錯(cuò)誤。A選項(xiàng) 中語(yǔ)序錯(cuò)誤,從句中應(yīng)該使用陳述句語(yǔ)氣。 D選項(xiàng)沒(méi)有謂語(yǔ)動(dòng)詞。E 正確。8. During the 1990s, the number of factory outlet malls greatly in creased in the Un ited States, at which brand-n ame goods are sold at disco unt prices.A. During the 1990s, the number of factory outlet malls greatly in creased in the Un ited States, a

13、t which brand-n ame goods are sold at disco unt prices.B. Factory outlet mall in the Un ited States greatly in creasedin nu mber duri ng the 1990s, at which brand-n ame goods aresold at disco unt prices.C. Greatly in creas ing duri ng the 1990s were the nu mber of factory outlet malls in the Un ited

14、 States, at which brand-n amegoods are sold at disco unt prices.D. Thenu mberoffactoryoutlet malls, atwhichbrand-n ame goodsaresold atdisco unt prices,greatlyin creased in the Un ited States duri ng the 1990s.En the Un ited States, the nu mber of factory outlet malls greatly in creaseddur ing the 19

15、90s, at which brand-n amegoods are sold at disco unt prices.答案:D解析:A選項(xiàng)中which指代the United States ,語(yǔ)義明顯不對(duì)。B選項(xiàng)中which指1990s,語(yǔ)義也不對(duì),介詞at使用錯(cuò)誤。C選項(xiàng) 是倒裝句,主語(yǔ)是the number of ,應(yīng)該當(dāng)單數(shù)看,不能用 were。 D中which指malls使用正確。E選項(xiàng)錯(cuò)誤與B 一樣。9. Withan averagedepthofabout12,000 feet,theextremes ofdark ness,highpressure,and coldthatch

16、aracterizethe deepsea couldnotbe toleratedbyshallow-water ani mals.A. extremes of darkness, high pressure, and cold that characterize the deep seaB. extremesof dark ness,high pressure, and coldcharacteriz ing the deep seaC. extremes of dark ness, high pressure, and cold that are characteristic of th

17、e deep seaD. deep sea is characterized by extremes of dark ness, high pressure, and of being so cold that itE. deep sea is characterized by extremes of dark ness, high pressure, and cold that答案:E解析:逗號(hào)前的狀語(yǔ)表明句子主語(yǔ)必須是sea而不能是 extremes。ABC選項(xiàng)直接排除。D選項(xiàng)三者平行錯(cuò)誤。只能選 E。10. Scie ntistsinv estigati ngthe effects of

18、 exercisecompared the performa nee of active mice with sede ntary mice on a memory test and found that the active mice did better.A. the performa nee of active mice with sede ntary mice ona memory test and foundB. the performa nee on a memory test of active mice withsede ntary mice and it was foundC

19、. the performancesof active and sedentary mice on amemory test and foundD. how active and sede ntary mice performed on a memorytest, their finding wasE. active and sede ntary mice on how they performed on a memory test, they found答案:C解析: 主語(yǔ)是 scientists,nvestigating the effects of exercise 是后置定語(yǔ)做修飾成分

20、。謂語(yǔ)從此compared。A中用performanee 于mice比較,比較內(nèi)容不一致,A錯(cuò)。B錯(cuò)誤與A 一樣,比較內(nèi)容 問(wèn)題。C正確,比較的是兩種mice的performances D選項(xiàng)run-on 。 E 選項(xiàng) run-on。11. The Dracula orchids, aptly n amedbecause theirmodified leaves resemble flyi ng bats, have cen tral petals thatlook like small white mushrooms.A. aptly n amed because theirB. aptly

21、 n amed because of theirC. aptly n amed because of hav ingD. n amed that because they haveE. n amed that because of their答案:A解析:注意到resemble這個(gè)動(dòng)詞,說(shuō)明兩個(gè)逗號(hào)之間應(yīng)該是從句,所以BCE排除,因?yàn)閎ecause of是介詞。A正確。D和E的that 不能單獨(dú)指代名詞12. Hailed as a remarkable tech no logical adva nee, Hany Farid developed the software that measu

22、res the extent to which images in the media have bee n digitally altered.A. Ha ny Farid developed the software thatB. Ha ny Farid had developed the software thatC. the software developed by Hany FaridD. the software, Hany Farid developed it,E. it was the software developed by Hany Farid that答案:C解析:h

23、ailed做狀語(yǔ),主語(yǔ)必須與hail是被動(dòng)關(guān)系,那么主語(yǔ) 只能是the software,被認(rèn)為是最牛的科技進(jìn)步,ABE直接排除,E 雖然是強(qiáng)調(diào)句,但是句子主語(yǔ)還是it,was時(shí)態(tài)也錯(cuò)誤。D選項(xiàng)run-on。C選項(xiàng)正確。13. As a delegate to the Un ited Nati ons Gen eral Assemblyin 1946, Elea nor Roosevelt and An drey Vysh insky debated the importa nee of free speech.A. Elea nor Roosevelt and An drey Vyshi nsky debatedB. Elea nor Roosevelt and An drey Vyshi nsky debated overC. Elea nor Roosevelt and An drey Vysh in sky, they debatedD. Elea nor Roosevelt debated An drey Vy


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