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1、Unit TwoWell Begun, Half Done Listening and speakingTeaching Materials Analysis:In Part I open your mouth we are going to talk about course information and deciding what course to choose In Part II Sharpen your listening we are going to listen and learn more course-choosing information and dealing w

2、ith the things involved in.Teaching Objectives:I. Knowledge objectives 1. Master the useful sentences 2. Learn to talk about course information and deciding what course to choose 3. Know more course-choosing information and dealing with the things involved in.II. Ability objectives1. Enhance the stu

3、dents listening and speaking abilities2. Develop the students intercommunion abilitiesImportant Points: Imitate the situational conversations and learn how to speakDifficult Points: Use the new expressions fluentlyTeaching Methods:1. Task-based teachingmethod2. Imitation and practiceSuggested Time:T

4、wo periodsTeaching Procedures: I. lead-in Once college classes start, you have to wave goodbye to the high school, and say hello to many new friends from different parts of the country. You no longer need to attend classes seven hours a day, and you have to learn and live independently, so for the f

5、irst several weeks you may have a lot of worries over how to get along with your study. In order to quickly adapt yourself to college life, you need to make your own timetable to follow .Are you getting ready for your College study? II. Open your mouth Step 1 Introduce the teaching goals of this uni

6、t;Step 2 Ask students to do pair work, discussing what will get involved in choosing course;Step 3 . Require students to list as many words and expressions as possible about course-choosingStep 4 Have students role-play Conversation 1, 2, 3;Step 5 Pick out some important words, phrases, and sentence

7、 patterns about course-choosing and help students try to apply them into real practice, and finish Activity 3.Reference:A: Good morning. Youre a freshman, arent you? B: Yeah! Um could you tell me how to choose courses?A: Sure, my pleasure. Actually, youve got the same problem as I did one year ago.

8、B: What should I consider when I choose my courses?A: Generally speaking, you may think of two things: one is your interest, and the other is whether they are practical. B: Um, let me think. OK. Id like to consider both. A: What about the English Writing Course?B: Well. What are the benefits? A: It

9、emphasizes the practical skills. And Im sure you will learn many practical English skills. B: Is this hard for freshmen?A: Actually, theyre not too hard if you put your mind to them. B: What are the requirements for this course?A: Firstly, it requires students to attend classes regularly. Secondly,

10、at the end of this semester you should hand in a course paper and take part in a final exam. B: Great! No problem. I wont miss this chance to improve my practical English skills. By the way, can you recommend some reference books for this course?A: OK, I will offer you a list of reference books this

11、 afternoon. And good luck to you!B: Many thanks. A: Youre welcome. III. Sharpen your listeningStep 1 Present students some difficult words, phrases, and sentence patterns which appear in the listening part;Step 2 Familiarize students with the new words, and ask them to read aloud after the teacher;S

12、tep 3 Tell students some listening skills such as how to catch the main point;Step 4 Ask students to guess the main idea of Dialogue 1 and learn to classify the information according to the category items while they are listening Step 5 Play the recording and check answers Step 6 Dialogue 2 and Pass

13、age can also be conducted in the similar way.Dialogue 1 A: When will we have the final test for the English Writing Course?B: It will be in the 19th week?A: Whats on the test?B: Some basic knowledge about this course, and its application. A: What should I do if I failed the exam?B: Then you have to

14、sit for a make-up exam. I know youre a hard-working guy, and Im sure you wont fail. A: Thank you. I hope not. And how many students often fail in this course?B: Its hard to say. Usually, less than 10 percent. Dialogue 2A: What about your English Reading Course? Is it interesting?B: Yes, its not only

15、 interesting, but practical. A: Really? B: Sure. In this course we can learn how to improve our reading skills. A: How I wish I could choose that course. B: Dont be sad. You still have a chance next semester if you sign up early enough. A: I hope so. Anyway, could you lend me your notes about this c

16、ourse?B: Sorry, I left them in my school desk. How about giving them to you tomorrow morning?A: OK. See you then. PassageWith so many different classes available, it can be difficult to pick what classes would be best for you. A teacher will make sure that you are selecting courses that fulfill all

17、of your graduation requirements. In addition, you should consider the practical aspects of each course as well, such as the professor, the time of day, the class size, and the amount of assignments. IV. Summary Useful Sentences 1. Could you tell me how to choose courses?2. You can choose some select

18、ive courses you are interested in. 3. Actually, theyre not too hard if you put your mind to them. 4. Would you mind giving me some advice on choosing courses?5. Could you recommend a practical course for me?6. It may involve so much effort. V. Assignment 1. Remember the useful sentences.2. Workbook

19、Unit 1 Part I: Listening Unit TwoWell Begun, Half Done Passage A My Unforgettable learning ExperienceTeaching Materials Analysis:Part III Broaden your view Passage A presents an unforgettable college experience which makes students reminiscent of their college life.Teaching Objectives:I. Knowledge o

20、bjectives 1. Master the new words and expressions;2. Understand the difficult sentences; 3. Understand the main ideas of Text A.II. Ability objectives1. Cultivate the students reading comprehension abilities2. Improve the students skimming and scanning skillsImportant Points: 1. Understand the diffi

21、cult sentences 2. Improve the students reading abilityDifficult Points:Improve the students reading abilityTeaching Methods:1. Student-centered teachingmethod2. Task-based teachingmethodSuggested Time: Two periodsTeaching Procedures: I. Review II. Passage Well Begun, Half Done1. Have students play w

22、ith words and give them some suggested answers;2. Ask students to interview each other and complete the questionnaire;3. Read about Passage A for the main idea of each paragraph; 4. Detailed readinglearning experience;5. Vocabulary and structures; 6. Discuss Activity 1, 2, 3, 4, 5;7. Finish Exercise

23、 1, 2, 3. Step 1 Have students play with words and give them some suggested answers;Step 2 Ask students to interview each other and complete the questionnaire;Step 3 Read about Passage A for the main idea of each paragraph; Step 4 Detailed readinglearning experience;Step 5 Vocabulary and structures;

24、 Difficult Sentences1. (Para. 1) I felt lost and terrified when I set foot in the classroom. Analysis: 這是一個(gè)由when引導(dǎo)的時(shí)間狀語(yǔ)從句。Paraphrase: From the moment I came into the classroom, I was very nervous and didnt know what I should do. Translation: 走進(jìn)教室,我感到茫然、手足無(wú)措。2. (Para. 2) Without taking all her attent

25、ion away from the other students, shed help me sound out “See spot run” and “Tom is a boy”. Analysis: 本句中含有由without引導(dǎo)的一個(gè)分詞結(jié)構(gòu),分詞結(jié)構(gòu)的邏輯主語(yǔ)與后面主句的主語(yǔ)she應(yīng)保持一致。Paraphrase: Although she helped me to say such simple English sentences as “See spot run” and “Tom is a boy”, she didnt leave behind other students a

26、nd helped them with their study as usual. Translation: 柯林斯女士雖然花很多時(shí)間不厭其煩地幫助我讀類(lèi)似“See spot run”和“Tom is a boy”這樣簡(jiǎn)單的英語(yǔ),但并未因此放松對(duì)其他學(xué)生的教導(dǎo)。3. (Para. 3) By middle semester, I was well on my way to speaking English fluently and had a good grasp on reading. Analysis: 本句是由and 引導(dǎo)的并列句,其中on my way to 中的 to 是介詞,其后應(yīng)

27、接動(dòng)詞的ing形式。Paraphrase: After half a semester passed, I had made great progress in both English speaking and reading. Translation: 半學(xué)期后,我就差不多能流利地說(shuō)英語(yǔ)了,并較好地掌握了閱讀技能。4. (Para. 5) As I began enjoying success as a singer, I mentioned Mrs. Collins in interviews when I was asked about people who had inspired

28、me. Analysis: 本句的主句是I mentioned Mrs. Collins in interviews, 該主要結(jié)構(gòu)被兩個(gè)時(shí)間狀語(yǔ)從句修飾: 第一個(gè)時(shí)間狀語(yǔ)是As I began enjoying success as a singer;第二個(gè)時(shí)間狀語(yǔ)是when I was asked about people,同時(shí)該時(shí)間狀語(yǔ)從句中的people又被who引導(dǎo)的定語(yǔ)從句修飾。Paraphrase: In interviews, reporters asked me about the person who encouraged me most to become a succes

29、sful singer, and I told them that it was Mrs. Collins. Translation: 后來(lái),我成為一名成功的歌星。采訪中經(jīng)常被問(wèn)到激勵(lì)我成功的人是誰(shuí),我說(shuō)應(yīng)該是柯林斯女士。5. (Para. 6) I cant tell you how many times the enlightened spirit she instilled in me has guided me through challenges in my life. Analysis: 本句是由tell引導(dǎo)的雙賓語(yǔ),其中一個(gè)賓語(yǔ)為從句。在賓語(yǔ)從句 how many times t

30、he enlightened spirit has guided me through challenges in my life中又嵌入了一個(gè)省略了that 的修飾 spirit 的定語(yǔ)從句she instilled in me。Paraphrase: She made me gradually understand much wisdom about life, which helped me overcome more difficult and demanding tasks in my life than I could remember. Translation: 她教給了我很多人

31、生的啟迪。在這些啟迪的引領(lǐng)下,我已記不清自己戰(zhàn)勝了人生中的多少次挑戰(zhàn)。 Important Words1. gain v. to get something that is useful, that gives you an advantage, or that is in some way positive, especially over a period of time獲得;增加e. g. The man gained a lot in the business, but he lost the respect of his friends. 那個(gè)人做這買(mǎi)賣(mài)賺了很多錢(qián), 但他卻失去了朋友

32、們對(duì)他的尊敬。What do you hope to gain from the course? 你希望從這門(mén)課程中得到什么?2. confidence n. firm trust (in sb., in sb.s ability, or in what is said, reported, etc.)信心;信任 e. g. We have full confidence that we shall succeed. 我們完全有把握取得成功。I have confidence in her. Shell be perfect for the job. 我對(duì)她有信心,她最適合這個(gè)工作。3. gr

33、asp n. understanding 把握,領(lǐng)會(huì)e. g. Im afraid my grasp of economics is rather limited. 我擔(dān)心自己對(duì)經(jīng)濟(jì)學(xué)懂得太少。v. to understand something, especially something difficult 把握,領(lǐng)會(huì)e. g. Did you grasp the point of what I said? 你領(lǐng)會(huì)我說(shuō)的意思嗎?4. nervous a. worried and anxious 緊張的,焦慮的e. g. Do you feel nervous during exams? 考試

34、時(shí)你緊張嗎?I was very nervous about driving again after the accident. 事故后再駕車(chē)我顯得非常緊張。5. announcev.1) to state or make known, especially publicly 宣布,宣告e. g. She announced the winner of the competition to an excited audience. 她向激情高漲的聽(tīng)眾宣布競(jìng)賽獲獎(jiǎng)?wù)摺?) to show that something is going to happen 宣布開(kāi)始e. g. The first

35、few leaves in the gutter announced the beginning of autumn. 水溝里第一次出現(xiàn)的落葉預(yù)示著秋天的到來(lái)。6. proud a. feeling pleasure and satisfaction because you or people connected with you have done or got something good 自豪的e. g. You must be very proud of your son. 你肯定以你兒子為榮。I was so proud that my son had been chosen for

36、 the national team. 兒子選入國(guó)家隊(duì),為此我感到非常自豪。7. certificate n. the document that acknowledges a qualification that you receive when you are successful such as in an examination 證書(shū)e. g. She has a certificate in Drama Education. 她擁有一張戲劇教育的證書(shū)。Will you show me your enrollment certificate, please?請(qǐng)把你的入學(xué)通知書(shū)給我看好嗎

37、?8. interview n. 1) a meeting in which someone is asked questions about themselves for a newspaper article, television show, etc. 采訪e. g. In a television interview last night, she denied she had any intention of resigning. 在昨晚的電視采訪中她否定了辭職的意圖。2) a meeting in which someone asks you questions to see if

38、 you are suitable for a job or position面試e. g. I had an interview for a job with a publishing firm. 我參加了一個(gè)出版公司的招聘會(huì)。v. to ask someone questions in an interview 采訪 e. g. Whos the most famous person youve ever interviewed on TV?你在電視上采訪過(guò)的最有名的人是誰(shuí)?9. inspire v. to make someone have a particular feeling or

39、 reaction 激勵(lì)e. g. This will inspire them to further efforts to win economic independence. 這將鼓舞他們進(jìn)一步努力去爭(zhēng)取經(jīng)濟(jì)獨(dú)立。He tried to inspire his employees. 他設(shè)法激勵(lì)公司的員工。10. spirit n. willingness to assert oneself; courage 精神;勇氣e. g. The players have a very strong team spirit. 隊(duì)員們有著強(qiáng)烈的團(tuán)隊(duì)精神。Was that against the spi

40、rit of the Olympics?那違背奧林匹克精神嗎?11. challenge n. (the situation of being faced with) something needing great mental or physical effort and which therefore tests a persons ability 挑戰(zhàn)e. g. Finding a solution to this problem is one of the greatest challenges faced by scientists today. 找到解決這個(gè)問(wèn)題的辦法仍是科學(xué)家們面

41、臨的最大挑戰(zhàn)。Its going to be a difficult job but Im sure shell rise to the challenge. 這是個(gè)艱巨的工作,但她卻勇于面對(duì)挑戰(zhàn)。12. universe n. everything that exists, especially all physical matter, including all the stars, planets, galaxies, etc. in space宇宙,世界e. g. Is there intelligent life elsewhere in the universe?宇宙的其他地方還有

42、智能生命存在嗎?The earth is only a speck in the universe. 地球在宇宙中只不過(guò)是一個(gè)小點(diǎn)罷了。13. set foot into go to a place 進(jìn)入,踏進(jìn)e. g. He refuses to set foot in an art gallery. 他拒絕進(jìn)入畫(huà)廊。My uncle loves his island. He hardly ever sets foot in the city. 我叔叔熱愛(ài)他那個(gè)小島,他幾乎從來(lái)不進(jìn)城。14. take away from remove sb./sth. from sb./sth.; weak

43、en, lessen or diminish the effect or value of something 移去,移開(kāi);減弱e. g. These books must not be taken away from the library. 這些書(shū)不準(zhǔn)攜出圖書(shū)館。The scandal took away greatly from his public image. 那丑聞極大地?fù)p害了他的形象。15. cheer sb. onto shout loudly in order to encourage someone in a competition 激勵(lì)某人e. g. Helen was

44、doing so well in her performance that I wanted to cheer her on. 海倫表演得很出色,我想去給她鼓鼓勁。We did our best to cheer him on when he was about to give up. 當(dāng)他將要放棄時(shí),我們盡力鼓勵(lì)他。16. be well on ones way togo smoothly in something在方面進(jìn)行順利e. g. After graduation from university, he is well on his way to the job. 大學(xué)畢業(yè)后,他工作

45、很順利。Practice more, and youll be well on your way to better English. 多練習(xí),你的英語(yǔ)會(huì)進(jìn)步很快的。 Step 6 Discuss Activity 1, 2, 3, 4;IV. SummaryKey words:grasp, announce, certificate, inspire, enlightened, instill, challenge Important Sentences:1. I felt lost and terrified when I set foot in the classroom. 2. Mrs

46、. Collins never doubted that I would catch up. 3. By middle semester, I was well on my way to speaking English fluently and had a good grasp on reading. 4. With the reading competition coming up, I worked as hard as I could. V. Assignment 1. Finish Exercise 1, 2, 3.2. Write down some useful sentence

47、 patterns.Unit 1 Well Begun, Half Done Practical Writing and Grammar Teaching Materials Analysis:In Part IV Use your hands we are going to learn to fill in course timebable. In Part V Practice your grammar we are going to practice English tenses.Teaching Objectives:I. Knowledge objectives 1. Know cl

48、early how to fill in course timetable. 2. Master English tensesII. Ability objectives1. Students can use English to fill in course timetable with their personal information2. Apply the tense rules into the exercisesImportant Points: Fill in course timetable correctlyDifficult Points:Improve the stud

49、ents practical writing abilityTeaching Methods:1. Task-based teachingmethod2. Student-centered teachingmethodSuggested Time: Two periodsTeaching Procedures: I. Review II. Use your handsStep 1 Present students one sample of course timetableStep 2 Direct students attention to the main points or struct

50、ures of the course timetable;當(dāng)學(xué)生學(xué)期注冊(cè)成功后,便獲得一份該學(xué)期必修課的課程表。在提倡通識(shí)教育的今天,學(xué)生還可選修些課程以拓展視野與提高能力。當(dāng)選修課開(kāi)選后,所選課將自動(dòng)加入課表中。熟記自己的課程表并做好個(gè)人時(shí)間作息安排與課前準(zhǔn)備無(wú)疑對(duì)學(xué)生的學(xué)習(xí)與生活起著重要作用。作為課程安排的重要提示工具,課程表必然要求條理分明,便于查看與記憶。因此,課程表具有醒目、清晰的特點(diǎn);語(yǔ)言文字也須簡(jiǎn)練、準(zhǔn)確。1. 整體要求1) 課程表由上課時(shí)間(period)與課程名稱(chēng)(course name)兩部分組成。也可以加上學(xué)校名稱(chēng)、專(zhuān)業(yè)、姓名與課程表所屬的學(xué)期時(shí)間等。2) 課程名稱(chēng)作為專(zhuān)

51、有名稱(chēng),首字母需大寫(xiě),并力求做到清晰明了。2. 寫(xiě)作步驟與方法1) 在紙上畫(huà)出學(xué)校每天正常上課的時(shí)間表格,每2小節(jié)課占1小格。假如一天有12小節(jié)課,就畫(huà)6小格并以此畫(huà)出每周五天共30小格(7行6列);2) 在此基礎(chǔ)上加上兩行與一縱,在自上而下的第二行與最左第一列,分別寫(xiě)上星期與課程小節(jié)數(shù)。然后在最上面一行寫(xiě)上課程表名稱(chēng)“COURSE TIMETABLE”。如有必要,你還可再在課程表名稱(chēng)下面寫(xiě)上學(xué)校名稱(chēng)、專(zhuān)業(yè)、姓名與課程表所屬的學(xué)期時(shí)間等。當(dāng)然你也可以用其他方式來(lái)制作表格,但不要忘了表格要清晰明了,便于查看。3) 根據(jù)課程安排,在相應(yīng)的時(shí)間表格內(nèi)寫(xiě)上自己所上課程名稱(chēng)與上課地點(diǎn)。4) 最后檢查自己

52、課程表上的信息是否準(zhǔn)確,以免發(fā)生因粗心導(dǎo)致看錯(cuò)時(shí)間或走錯(cuò)教室的情況。Step 3 Have students correct the mistakes in Exercise 3 by referring to the sample.Step 4 Familiarize students with some course information in Exercise 1 and try to apply it into Exercise 2;III. Practice your grammarStep 1 Let students discuss the grammatical rules

53、about verb tenses;Step 2 Apply these rules into the exercises that follow. Task 2 Lets complete the chart below. 完成時(shí)態(tài)pastpresentfuture Be人稱(chēng)代詞肯定否定肯定否定肯定否定since,before,by the end of,already,etc. Ihad beenhadnt beenhave beenhavent beenshall have beenShall not have been Wehad beenhadnt beenhave been hav

54、ent beenwill have beenwont have been You had beenhadnt beenhave been havent beenwill have beenwont have beenHe, She, Ithad beenhadnt beenhas been hasnt been will have beenwont have been Theyhad beenhadnt beenhave been havent been will have beenwont have beenTask 3 Fill in each blank with the proper

55、form of the verb given in the brackets. 1. has lived 2. have finished 3. had felt 4. had, gathered 5. had not understood6. shall have been 7. would have fulfilled 8. will have beenTask 4 Complete each sentence with the proper form of the verb given in the brackets. 1. have covered 2. had been 3. had

56、 set 4. had, arrived 5. shall have been IV. SummaryKey words:software, automation, e-commerce, marketing, principle, electrical, advanced. Important phrases Computer Network :Business TranslationSoftware EngineeringInternational TradeOffice Automation E-commerce International MarketingBusiness NegotiationsPrinciples of Operating System Some basic rules of verb tensesV. Assignment


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