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1、CF-2000-0171Con tract No.:15119COMMODITY HOUSE P URCHASE AND SALESCONTRACTCopyVender :Vendee :Shandong In dustry and Commercial Admi ni stratio n sealedMade un der Sup ervisi on of Nati onal Con structi on Dep artme nt andShandong P rovi ncial Admi ni strati on for In dustry and CommerceCon tract P

2、arties:VenderRegister AddressRegister Bus in ess Lice nse NumberCompany Qualificati on Certificate NumberLegal Rep rese ntativeCon tact PhonePostal Code :En trusted Age ntCon tact PhoneAddress :Postal Code :En trusted Age ncyRegister AddressRegister Busin ess Lice nse NumberLegal Rep rese ntativeCon

3、 tact PhonePostal Code :VendeeMyself 【Legal representative】 Name :Natio nality:【ID card 】【P ass port 】【Bus in ess lice nse registrati on nu mberAddress :Postal Code :Con tact PhoneAccord ing to thePeopI es Rep ublic of China Law of con tractPeop les Rep ublic of China City Real estate Con trol lawan

4、d otherreleva nt laws and regulati ons,The ven dee and ven der should be baseon the equality, volun tarily, con suits unanim ously foun dati on to reachthe followi ng agreeme nts about pu rchas ing the commodityap artme nts .Article 1P roject con struct ion basisSeller get the land employment right

5、of which is locatedin,the serial nu mber isby theway of.【con tract nu mber for gran ti ng of Ian d-use rightdocume nt nu mber for allow ing and authoriz ing of Ian d-use rightauthoriz ing of Ian d-use rightdocume nt nu mber for tran sferri ng andisThis land area is,the plan use is the,the landuse ag

6、e is limited fromtoSeller by approving of authority, con struct thecommercialreside ntial housesin the above land p arcel,【present name 】,【temporary name】,the con struct ion p roject plan lice nsenu mber is,the build ing p ermit lice nse nu mberisArticle 2Reside ntial basis.The residential is【compie

7、ted house】【the selling house inisadvanee 】.The approval authority of selling house in advanee,p re-selli ng p ermit lice nse nu mber isArticle 3Fun dame ntalstate of ven dee s comm odity house.Ven dee s commercial reside ntial buildi ng (here in after referred to as the commodity build ing, the hous

8、e plan is sp ecified in appen dix 1 to the con tract, house nu mber is bases on the appen dix 1 details) whichsti pu lated in the first article of the con tract is:【tents 】(building number)specific house numberis【unit】layer 1 house nu mberCommercial build ingseuwhich is approved by planningdep artme

9、 nt is,bel ongs tostructure, layer heightis.the total nu mber of reside ntial p lies areun dergro und layer areThe balc ony of this ap artme nt is sealed not sealed.The total buildi ng area of this ap artme nt isitf as stipulated oncon tract property registrati on. The Usable Area isitf , with Publi

10、carea to be shareditf ( refer to the attachme nt2 for Pu blic area to beshared con structi on explan ati on )Article 4 Valuatio n Mode & priceVen der and ven dee calculate the p rice of this ap artme nt assti pu lated inmode below:1. Accord ing to the build ing area, the unit p rice of this ap artme

11、 nt is/ rf, totally (2. Accord ing to the Usable area, the unit p rice of this ap artme nt is/ rf, totally (3. Accord ing to the Set, the unit p rice of this ap artme nt is totallyArticle 5 Area con firmati on and differe nee treatme ntAccord ing to the valuati on mode which in terested p arties cho

12、ose, this article sti pu lates the area con firmati on and differe nee treatme nt accord ing to buildi ng areausable area( here in after called area for short).P arties selected p rice accordi ng to Set, this clause shall not apply.For any differe nces in con tracted area and registrati on area, the

13、 registratio n area will be take n as the sta ndard.,for any differe ncesAfter the ap artme nt is tran sferred to the buyer in con tracted area and registrati on area, both p arties will agree to man age accord ing to the followi ngterm:1. Sp ecial agreeme nt by both p arties2. Both p arties will ag

14、ree to man age accord ing to the follow ingprincip le:(1 ) If the absolute value differenee is within 3%( include 3%), thecharge will be accord ing to actual amount.(2) If the absolute value differenee is exceeds 3%( include 3%),the buyer has rights to can cel the orderFor the buyer who can cels the

15、 order,the seller must retu rn themoney to buyer with in 30 days after buyer make the order cancelapp licati on, and pay the in terests rates accord ing to%.For the buyer who choice not can cel the order,if the registratio nareas is withi n 3% (in clud ing 3%) bigger tha n con tracted area, theexcee

16、ded amount should be suppl eme nted by the buyer; for the casewhich is more tha n 3%, the exceeded amount should be born by theseller, the property rights belongs to the buyer.If the registrati on areasis smaller tha n con tracted area, the area ratio is within 3% (in clud ing3%), the exceeded amoun

17、t must be retu rned to the buyer; the amountwhich are more tha n 3% must be doubled and return to the buyerRegistrati on areas - Con tracted areaArea tolera nee ratio =X100 %Con tracted areaThe differe nee caused by the desig n modificati on, which bothp arties does not term in ate the con tract, bu

18、yer and seller should sig ncomp leme ntary agreeme nt of con tract.Article 6 P ayme nt and Deadii neThe buyer must make the p ayme nt accord ing to themode1. Full P ayme nt in once2. I nstallme nt Payme nt3. Loa n P ayme nt4. OthersArticle7 Breach of con tract res pon sibility for overduep ayme ntIf

19、 the buyer cannot effect the p ayme nt in the st ipu lated time, he orshe will be treated in themode:1. Accord ing to the late pay time, p rocess res pectively (notcumulative)(1 ) If the overdue date is withindays, from the 2nd due p ayme ntdate to the actual p ayme nt date, the buyer should pay to

20、the sellerdefault fine accordi ng to the overdue date, the con tract will con ti nue tobe p erformed.(2) If the overdue date is exceeds _ days, the buyer has the rightsto termi nate the con tract. the buyer should pay to the sellerdefault fine accordi ng to the overdue date, If buyer still willi ng

21、tocon ti nue the con tract, after seller agrees, the con tract will con ti nue tobe p erformed, from the 2nd due p ayme nt date to the actual p ayme ntdate, the buyer should pay to the seller% (this ratio cannot less tha nthe rates in (1) ) default fine according to the overdue date.The overdue p ay

22、me nt in this article refers to the bala nee betwee n6 th article due p ayme nt and actual effected p ayme nt; for in stallme ntp ayme nt, it should be decided by the bala nee betwee n due in stallme ntand actual p ayme nt.Article 8 Delivery deadli neAccord ing to the states and local government reg

23、ulations, theseller should han dover the commercial reside ntial buildi ng, whichpo ssess the belowcon diti ons, as sti pu lated by the con tract, to thebuyer before1. This commodity reside ntial build ing is insp ected to be qualified.2. This commodity reside ntial buildi ng is comp rehe nsivelyins

24、p ected to be qualified.3. This commodity reside ntial build ing is in stallme nt insp ected to bequalified.4. This commodity reside ntial buildi ng obta ined the approval docume nts of commercial reside ntial han dover for usage.But in case of the follow ing exce pti onal reas ons, exce pt for both

25、 p arties agree the term in ati on or alter natio n of con tract, the seller can prolong the deadli ne as per actual fact.1. Encoun tered with majeure, and seller in formed the buyer within days after the majeure occurs;Article 9 Respon sibility of delay in han dover ap artme ntExce pt for the sp ec

26、ial cases st ipu lated in article8, if the seller cannot han dover the ap artme nt to buyer in the st ipu lated schedule in this con tract, the buyer should be treated in the followi ng mode:1. Accord ing to the overdue time, the seller should be treatedsep arately (not be accumulated)(1 ) For overd

27、ue date less thandays, from the 2 nd day ofdeadli ne st ipu lated in article 8 to the actual deliver day, the sellershould pay% default fine of the already effected p ayme nt, this con tract will be p erformed con ti nu ously.(2) For overdue date more thandays, the buyer can term in atewithinthe con

28、 tract .In this case, the seller should return all the p ayme ntdays after the date of term in ati on, and pay _% default fineof the already effected p ayme nt. If the buyer requests con ti nu ously p erform the con tract, this con tract will be p erformed continu ously.% ( this ratio cannot be less

29、From the 2 nd day of deadli ne sti pu lated in article 8 to the actual deliver day, the seller should pay the buyer tha n the rates in 1) of the already effected p ayme ntArticle 10 Agreeme nt on the planning and desig ning variati onThe planning and desig ning variati on agreed by gover nment or de

30、sig ning orga ni zati on, which affects the commodity reside ntial quality and usage of buyer , the seller should send writte n no tificatio n to the buyer withi n 10 days after the appro val upon the related authority:(1 ) The construction, layout, space dimension, orientation;(7)The buyer has the

31、rights to reply in writte n words regardi ngwhether to can cel the order with in 15 days after recei ving the no tice. Ifthe buyer did nt can cel the order with in 15 days after recei ving theno tice, it will be regarded as acce ptance to the variati on. If the sellerhas n t no ticed the buyer with

32、in st ipu lated time, the buyer has rights tocan cel the orderIf the buyer can cel the order,the seller must retu rn the effectedp ayme nt within _days after the request is made, and also pay thein terests accord ing to%. If the buyer does n t can cel the order , he orshe should sig n suppl eme ntar

33、y agreeme nt with the sellerArticle 11 Han doverWhen the reside ntial commodity meets the usage con diti on, theseller should send writte n no tificati on to the buyer to make han doverp rocedure. During the han dover,the seller must issue the proofdocume nts sti pu lated in article 8, and sig n the

34、 reside ntial han dover sheet. For the reside ntial which bel ongs to habitati on, the seller also n eed to pro vide the habitati on quality guara ntee and habitati on usage in struct ion s. If seller fails to issue the above docume nts or issueincompi ete docume nts, the buyer has rights to refuse

35、acce pti ng the han dover; delay caused by this case will shall be bear with the seller,both p arties agreed toFor the delay han dover caused by the buyer man age as below:Article 12 seller must en sure the reside ntial sold without prop erty rights and creditors right dis pu tes. Un able to make pr

36、op erty rights registrati on or occurre nee in dis pu tes, the res pon sibility must be born by the seller .Article 13 Seller breach of Decorative equipment sta ndards pro miseThe decorative equipment sta ndards han dover by the seller should meet the sta ndard agreed by both p arties (Appen dix 3).

37、 If not achieve the sta ndard, the buyer has the rights to man age accordi ng to thefollowi ngmode.1. The seller compen sates the decorative equipment in double bala nee of the differe nt.2.Article 14 Pro mise of seller on the no rmal usage of in frastructure, p ublic affiliated equipmentsThe seller

38、 pro mise the followi ng in frastructure, affiliated equipments directly relates with the no rmal usage of this reside ntial achieve the usage con diti on accordi ng to the below date:If on the sti pu lated date does not meet the con diti ons of use, the p arties agree as follows:Article 15 Agreeme

39、nts on the property rights registrati onThe seller should submit the related docume nts requested formaking prop erty rights registrati on to the reside ntial adm ini strati ondept and make the p rocedure indays after han dover. If the buyermode:cannot get the registrati on prop rietary certificate

40、in time caused by theseller, both parties agree to treat in the following1. The buyer can cels the order,the seller must return the effectedp ayme nt withi n xx days after buyer raised the requireme nt, andcompen sate the buyer with% of the effected p ayme nt.2. The buyer does not can cel the order,

41、the seller should pay thedefault fine with% of the effected p ayme nt.Article 16 Rep air guara ntee respon sibilityFor the buyer who buy commodity reside ntial, the reside ntialquality guara ntee will be affixed to this con tract. The seller will sta ndthe rep air respon sibility accord ing to resid

42、e ntial quality guara nteefrom the han dover day.For the buyer who buy commodity prop erty id non-reside ntial, bothp arties should make suppl eme ntal agreeme nt as appen dix of thiscon tract which sti pu lates the rep air scope, deadli ne, and res pon sibility.For the p roblems happened with in th

43、e rep air scope, deadli ne, theseller should p erform the rep air.For the majeure or damaged notcaused by the seller , the seller will not sta nd the res pon sibility, but can assist for the rep airi ng, the buyer shall bear the rep air fee.Article 17 Both p arties can sti pu lates the followi ng:1.

44、 The usage of the reside ntial roofi ng2 . The usage of the residential externalwall3 . The naming right of the building of this reside ntial4 . The naming right of the community of this reside ntiall, the buyerArticle 18 The buyer s housan only be use as cannot cha nge the main structure, p artiti

45、on structure and usage duri ng the usage. Exce pt for additi onal st ipu lated in the other attachme nt in con tract, the buyer has the rights to share the p ublic area and in frastructure with other people with the rights, and bear the duty accord ing to land area occ upying and p ublic shared area.The seller cannot cha nge


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