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1、關(guān)于發(fā)展與運作xxxx區(qū)幼兒園至高中學(xué)校合同a contract on developing and running schools from kindergarten to senior high school in xx district of xx甲方:xxxx區(qū)教育局地址為 _ _party a: education bureau of xx district of xxaddress: _ _ 乙方:international quality education group(hk-iqegg)地址為 _ _address: _ _鑒于:whereas:1.甲乙雙方為豐富xx區(qū)教育的層

2、次,xxxx區(qū)教育局與iqeg就xx區(qū)xxx國際學(xué)校項目合作達成以下協(xié)議。1. in order to enrich the education levels, education bureau of xx district of xx and iqeg make and enter into the following agreement on the fei e ling international school project in xx district.2.乙方具備經(jīng)營國際學(xué)校專業(yè)知識及豐富經(jīng)驗,建立和運作成熟及優(yōu)質(zhì)的大學(xué)前的國際學(xué)校模式,涵蓋幼兒園到高中。該公司在香港及澳門建立的加

3、國國際學(xué)校,在區(qū)內(nèi)學(xué)校中擁有領(lǐng)導(dǎo)地位。2. party b is equipped with the professional knowledge and rich experience in running international school, and with international school model to establish and run the mature and superior pre-university, covering kindergarten to senior high school. the canadian international scho

4、ols established both in hong kong and in macao by the company boast the leadership position among the schools in the district.3.乙方所辦為國際學(xué)校采用加國xxx省教育廳認證的課程結(jié)合中國中文課程,培養(yǎng)學(xué)生可報考全世界優(yōu)質(zhì)大學(xué)。本校將致力將加國、美國、英國等先進的教育理念引進xx并在本校成立國際文化交流站,為xx乃至廣州所有教師、學(xué)生做到海外留學(xué),游學(xué)及教育交流,交換學(xué)生及加國、美國教育信息資源交流。同時本校愿為xx教師提供國外教育理念、教育方法等培訓(xùn)交流,并為教師與學(xué)

5、生提供到加國參觀交流的機會。本??擅磕陰Ъ訃鴮W(xué)生到xx重點中學(xué)進行交流,推進xx區(qū)學(xué)校與加國xxx學(xué)校成為姐妹學(xué)校,促進xx與加國教育文化的交流。3. the international school operated by party b adopts the courses authenticated by albert provincial ministry of education of canada integrated with chinese courses, and the cultivated students may apply for superior universit

6、ies in the world wide. the school will be dedicated to introducing the advanced education philosophy of canada, the usa, and britain to xx, and establishing international culture communication station, which offers the opportunities of oversea study, study tour and education communication to all tea

7、chers and students in xx even in xx, exchanges students and makes communication of education information with canada and the usa. meanwhile, the school is willing to provide the teachers in xx with foreign education philosophy, education approach and other training and communications, and provide th

8、e teachers and students with the opportunity to visit and communicate in canada. in each year, the school will bring the canada students to key high schools in xx for communication, promote the school in xx district to be the sister schools of canada albert school, and boost the educational and cult

9、ural communication between xx and canada.4.甲方同意將位于xx區(qū)xxx,占地面積約29161.50 平方米的教育用地提供給乙方興建由幼兒園至高中的學(xué)校項目。乙方擬建 20000-23300平方米建筑面積的優(yōu)質(zhì)學(xué)校,為中國和外國護照持有學(xué)生提供非學(xué)歷教育幼兒園、小學(xué)至高中級學(xué)歷教育。4. party a agrees to provide the education use land with an area of 29,161.50 square meters located at the fei e ling, xx district to part

10、y b for the establishment of school project ranging from kindergarten to senior high school. party b proposes to build a superior school with the floor area of 20,000 to 23,300 square meters, offering non-diploma education to chinese students and the students with foreign passport from kindergarten,

11、 primary school to senior high school.計劃辦學(xué)規(guī)模:幼兒園共4個年級,每年級4個班,每班25人,每年級100名學(xué)生,共400人。小學(xué)共6個年級,每年級4個班,每班25人,共600名學(xué)生。初中、高中即7至12年級共6個年級,每年級4個班,每班25人,共600名學(xué)生。由幼兒園到高中學(xué)生共1600人,教師 94 人,教職員工 87 人,以及其他管理人員(含后勤人員)共185人。(不含校巴司機及跟車人員)planning scale of school-running: the kindergarten has 4 grades, each grade consi

12、sts of 4 classes, each class accommodates 25 students, thus each grade has 100 students, and the kindergarten has 400 students in total. the primary school has 6 grades, each grade consists of 4 classes, each class accommodates 25 students, and thus the primary school has 600 students in total. the

13、junior and senior high school, namely, 6 grades from grade 7 to grade 12, each grade consists of 4 classes, each class accommodates 25 students, and there are 600 students in total. there are 1600 students in total from kindergarten to senior high school, 94 teachers, 87 faculty and staff, and 185 o

14、ther administrative personnel (including logistic personnel). (excluding the school bus drivers and levermen)5.乙方負責(zé)興建上述學(xué)校的全部資金投入,包括學(xué)校的建筑、裝修、辦學(xué)設(shè)備及籌辦運營學(xué)校,共約投入資金為 xxx億 元。其中基建約xxx萬元,包括基建工程、設(shè)備工程、裝修工程、戶外活動場地工程;辦學(xué)設(shè)備共約xx萬元;啟動資金約800萬元。5. party b shall be responsible for all capital investment for building th

15、e foresaid school, including school buildings, decoration, school equipment, and making preparation for running school, approximately investing capital of rmb xxx million in total. of which the infrastructure is approximately rmb xx million, including infrastructure engineering, equipment engineerin

16、g, decoration engineering, and outdoor venues engineering; the school equipment is approximately rmb xx million; and the initial capital is approximately rmbxx million.6.產(chǎn)權(quán)歸屬:上述學(xué)校由xx區(qū)教育局即甲方提供教育用地,以甲方名義建設(shè),由乙方投資建設(shè)學(xué)校及辦學(xué)。該校的產(chǎn)權(quán)歸屬甲方即xx區(qū)教育局,乙方擁有該校xx年的使用權(quán)。6. property ownership: the land of foresaid school i

17、s provided for education use by party a, namely the education bureau of xx district, and the school is built in the name of party a, and invested, built and run by party b. the property of the school belongs to party a, namely, the education bureau of xx district, and party b owns the use right of t

18、he school for xx years.7.上述學(xué)校分兩期建設(shè),第一期為 8000-11000 平方米,于 20xx 年 5 月完成,并于 20xx 年 9 月 1 日開學(xué)。第二期為 8000-11000 平方米。7. the foresaid school will be built in two phases. the first phase covers 8,000 to 11,000 square meters, which shall be completed prior to may 20xx, and will start school on september 1, 20

19、xx. the second phase covers 8,000 to 11,000 square meters.8.乙方會致力發(fā)展為一所以獨特模式和優(yōu)質(zhì)的學(xué)校,成為xx區(qū)內(nèi)及中國其它城市的領(lǐng)導(dǎo)者。 8. party b will be dedicated to developing a superior school with unique model, and making the school to be the leader in xx district and other cities in china. 為促進教育事業(yè)的發(fā)展,提高人民的教育素質(zhì),確保xx區(qū)周邊中外籍適齡兒童能準(zhǔn)時

20、入學(xué),并提供良好的學(xué)習(xí)環(huán)境,在平等、自愿、協(xié)商一致的基礎(chǔ)上,甲、乙雙方就下列房產(chǎn)的合作辦學(xué)達成如下協(xié)議:to promote the development of education cause, improve the education quality of people, ensure on-time admission of age children with chinese and foreign nationality from surrounding area of xx, and provide a sound studying environment, on the basi

21、s of equality, voluntariness and consensus, both parties hereto make and enter into the following agreement on cooperatively running school on the following property: 合作模式cooperation model第一條. 甲方提供辦學(xué)用地給乙方建設(shè)辦學(xué),前 25 年(即 20xx 年 9 月至 20xx年 8 月 30日)為免收乙方一切費用(包括但不限于租金、管理費及國有資產(chǎn)占用費等),第 26 年至 35 年(即 20xx年 9

22、月至 2048年 8 月)有償使用,每年的國有資產(chǎn)占用費為當(dāng)年學(xué)費的5%。article 1 party a shall provide the land to party b for building and running school. for the first 25 years, (namely from september 20xx to august 30, 2038), party b is free from any expenses (including but not limited to rental, management overhead, occupancy ex

23、pense of state-owned asset, and etc.). from the 26th to 35th year, (namely from september 20xx to august 20xx, the land is for the non-gratuitous use, and the occupancy expense of state-owned asset for each year accounts for 5% of tuition for current year.第二條.有償使用期間,乙方在每月的10日至15日前支付上述國有資產(chǎn)占用費給甲方。arti

24、cle 2 during the period of non-gratuitous use, party b shall pay the foresaid occupancy expense of state-owned asset to party a prior to 10th to 15th of each month.第三條.乙方在興建學(xué)校時須交付 300 萬元給甲方作為押金,一旦學(xué)校完成主體建設(shè)通過相關(guān)部門驗收時,甲方須在15個工作日內(nèi)無息退還給乙方。article 3 party b shall pay rmb 3 million to party a as deposit whe

25、n building the school, and party a shall return the interest-free deposit to party b within 15 working days after the principal part is completed and passes the acceptance and check of competent department.第四條. 合同期內(nèi),乙方自負盈虧,承擔(dān)辦學(xué)所產(chǎn)生的水電費及日常費用。承擔(dān)因教學(xué)所產(chǎn)生的責(zé)任。article 4 during the contract term, party b shal

26、l take full responsibility for his (her) own profits and losses, and bear all utilities and current expenses arising out of running school. and bear all responsibility arising out of teaching.第五條.乙方必須把該物業(yè)用于開辦由幼兒園至高中的國際學(xué)校,該國際學(xué)校由國內(nèi)部和國際部組成,不得作其他用途。計劃辦學(xué)規(guī)模由乙方根據(jù)實際進度逐步完善。article 5 party b shall utilize the

27、 property in running the international school from kindergarten to senior high school. the international school consists of the domestic department and the international department, and shall not be used for other purpose. the planning scale of school-running will be gradually improved by party b in

28、 light of the practical progress.合作期限cooperation term第六條.雙方約定的合作期限為35年(即 20xx 年 9 月 1 日至 2048 年 8 月 30 日),35年后乙方有相同條款續(xù)約的優(yōu)先權(quán)。article 6 both parties hereto agree that the cooperation term is 35 years, (namely from september 1, 20xx to august 30, 2048,) and party b shall have the preemptive right to re

29、new the contract with the same terms and conditions after 35 years.用地交付及物業(yè)驗收land delivery and property acceptance and check第七條.甲方交付給乙方建設(shè)學(xué)校用地的產(chǎn)權(quán)及相關(guān)手續(xù)等須符合教育用地要求。article 7 the property right and relevant formalities of school land delivered to party b by party a shall be in line with the requirement of

30、 education use land.第八條.乙方須按甲方同意的設(shè)計方案建設(shè)學(xué)校。article 8 party b shall build the school according to the design proposal agreed by party a.第九條.甲方須協(xié)助乙方辦理興建學(xué)校的相關(guān)手續(xù)及物業(yè)驗收的相關(guān)手續(xù)如報建、規(guī)劃、消防驗收、合格驗收等。article 9 party a shall assist party b in going through relevant formalities with respect to school building and pro

31、perty acceptance and check, such as application for building, planning, fire protection acceptance and check, qualified acceptance and check, etc.甲方的權(quán)利義務(wù)rights and obligations of party a第十條.為辦妥學(xué)校辦學(xué)許可證等牌照事宜,甲方協(xié)助辦理建設(shè)手續(xù)及辦學(xué)建筑物的規(guī)劃審批,消防合格證,衛(wèi)生合格證,建筑合格驗收,環(huán)保驗收等辦學(xué)所需的合格驗收交付乙方作為申辦辦學(xué)許可證的資料,并配合乙方辦理辦學(xué)許可證。article 1

32、0 in order to deal with the schools operating license and other licenses consummately, party a shall assist party b to deal with construction procedures and the acceptance and check certificates for operating a school such as the plans of school buildings for approval, fire safety certificate, hygie

33、ne conformance certificate, building acceptance and check and environment conformance certificate. then party a turns over these documents to party b as the materials to apply for school-running, and cooperates with party b to deal with the school-running license.第十一條.甲方應(yīng)當(dāng)按以下條件向乙方提供合作之用的辦學(xué)用地:article

34、 11 party a shall provide school land for cooperation to party b as the following conditions.(1)甲方所提供的辦學(xué)場地必須在雙方認可的合適的發(fā)展位置(在b.1項所指,備注:對于該地址建議細化,附帶用地圖、規(guī)劃許可等文件)。(1) the school land provided by party a shall be in the right position recognized by both parties (as stipulated in item b.1. remarks: better

35、to provide the details of the address, with the map, planning permission and other documents. )(2)甲方自簽本合同后三個月內(nèi)須交付辦學(xué)場地給乙方使用。(2) party a shall turn over the school land to party b within three months commencing from signing this contract.第十二條.甲方有權(quán)依據(jù)本合同的約定收取國有資產(chǎn)占有費。article 12 party a shall be entitled

36、to charge occupancy expense of state-owned asset as per the contract.第十三條.甲方有權(quán)對乙方使用該物業(yè)的情況進行監(jiān)督檢查,并對乙方的運作,包括每年一次財務(wù)情況進行督審。article 13 party a shall be entitled to supervise and check the conditions of the use of the property and the operations of party b, including the supervision of the annual approval

37、 of financial situations.第十四條.甲方有權(quán)審核乙方對該用地的建設(shè)進度及物業(yè)的裝飾、辦公及教學(xué)設(shè)備的布置,對于違反安全規(guī)范、消防規(guī)范的裝飾及布置有權(quán)要求進行整改,以確保該物業(yè)的安全。article 14 party a shall be entitled to approve the progress of construction of the land and the decorations of the property, arrangements of the office and teaching facilities. for the decorations

38、 and arrangements which violate the safety standards, fire standards, party a shall have the right to ask for rectification to ensure the safety of the property.第十五條.甲方有權(quán)對乙方的建設(shè)物業(yè)的品質(zhì)合格及材料審批。article 15 party a shall be entitled to approve the quality certifications and materials of the property built

39、by party b.乙方的權(quán)利義務(wù)rights and obligations of party b第十六條.乙方有權(quán)指定建筑師和其它開發(fā)人員規(guī)劃和設(shè)計校園,包括以下主要特點:article 16 party b shall be entitled to appoint architects and other developers on campus planning and design, including the following main features:(1)在質(zhì)量和外觀上,符合發(fā)展項目的高標(biāo)準(zhǔn) ; (1) the quality and appearance shall b

40、e in line with the high standards of the development project;()建造工程分階段進行,以降低初段的投放的資金,并平衡營銷目的,政府建設(shè)要求,施工效率等因素;(2) the construction is phased to reduce the capital in early phase and balance the marketing purposes, the governments building requirements, construction efficiency and other factors.()爭取把國際

41、最新技術(shù)投入教育;分布實施教學(xué)計劃和規(guī)模。(3) try to bring the latest international technology into the education; gradually implement teaching plans and scales.()優(yōu)化使用多用途的功能,以降低成本。(4)optimize using the multi-usage functions to reduce costs.乙方向甲方上報的建設(shè)方案,除非有違反相關(guān)法律法規(guī)之處,否則甲方原則上應(yīng)當(dāng)同意及批準(zhǔn)。as for the construction plan provided t

42、o party a by party b, party a shall agree and approve in principle, unless otherwise violates relevant laws and regulations.第十七條.乙方在合同期限內(nèi)有權(quán)使用該物業(yè),使用期間,乙方應(yīng)妥善保護該物業(yè)。article 17 party b shall have the right to use this property within the term, and properly protect the property during the term.第十八條.乙方負責(zé)學(xué)校

43、建設(shè)工作及資金投入,并自行負責(zé)籌備各項辦學(xué)工作,包括辦學(xué)申請、辦學(xué)章程與各項規(guī)章制度的制定、教職員工的聘請、辦學(xué)所需的各類辦公、教學(xué)設(shè)備和圖書、資料等的購置。article 18 party b shall be responsible for school construction and capital investment, and be responsible for the preparation of the school, including school applications, the set of the school rules and regulations, the

44、 employ of staff and the purchase of teaching facilities, books, materials and so on.第十九條.乙方自行負責(zé)與加國教育局申請課程使用及認證。article 19 party b shall be responsible for applying to the canadian education bureau for the curriculum use and certification.第二十條.乙方必須按法律法規(guī)的規(guī)定向政府相關(guān)部門辦理辦學(xué)手續(xù)及繳交所需的費用,且辦學(xué)過程應(yīng)遵循法律、法規(guī)及教育主管部門的規(guī)

45、章和規(guī)范。article 20 party b shall apply to the government department to deal with the procedures of school-running and pay school costs as per the relevant laws and regulations. the process of school-running shall follow the laws, regulations and the laws and regulations of competent department of educa

46、tion.第二十一條.乙方須在甲方交付場地 月內(nèi)開始進場建設(shè)學(xué)校并于 年 月 日準(zhǔn)時開學(xué) article 21 party b shall begin school construction in _month since party a turns over the school land. and party b shall open school on time at _.第二十二條.乙方保證在法律法規(guī)規(guī)定的范圍內(nèi)獨立管理幼兒園的日常工作及進行教學(xué)活動。學(xué)校經(jīng)營過程的全部稅金、費用均由乙方負責(zé)并向政府部門繳納,甲方不承擔(dān)任何費用。乙方應(yīng)當(dāng)實行自主辦學(xué)、獨立核算,自負盈虧。article

47、22 party b shall ensure to manage the kindergarten routine works and teaching activities independently as per the relevant laws and regulations. all the taxes and costs rising out of during the processes of school-running shall be borne by party b, party a shall not bear any expenses. party b shall

48、operate school and deal with business accounting independently and own the profit and loss responsibilities.違約條款breach clause第二十三條.在合作過程中,合同滿前,如甲方中途須收回該學(xué)校建筑物作為其他辦學(xué)用途時,須提前3年書面通知乙方以便乙方安排學(xué)生就讀,并支付乙方所投入剩余合同年限的建校成本和乙方最后一年總收入的總額。甲方未提早通知的,還應(yīng)支付造成學(xué)生或者第三方的實際損失。如乙方辦學(xué)中途單方解約,自行清算所有費用及安排學(xué)生就讀,甲方不須支付任何費用給乙方并擁有該建筑物,并

49、須提前2年書面通知甲方。任何一方解約或其他因素須結(jié)束該學(xué)校辦學(xué),雙方須共同協(xié)助妥善安排好學(xué)生就讀,不得造成負面影響。article 23 in the process of cooperation, before the expiration of contract term, if party a wants to recover the school buildings in the middle of the term as other educational purposes, party a shall inform party b in writing three years in

50、 advance so that party b would be able to arrange students and pay the costs of the remaining time of the contract and the total gross income in the last year for party b. if party a fails to inform party b in advance, party a shall pay for the loss of the students or the third party. if party b wan

51、ts to unilateral terminate the contract halfway, party b shall be responsible for all the costs and arrangements of students independently and shall inform party a two years in advance. party a shall pay no expenses to party b and owns the building. either party terminates or must finish the school-

52、running due to other factors, both parties shall jointly help students with proper arrangements to avoid any negative impact.第二十四條.乙方遲延支付國有資產(chǎn)占用費的,承擔(dān)違約責(zé)任。article 24 party b shall be responsible for the liability for breach of the contract, provided that party b delays in payment of the occupancy expe

53、nse of state-owned asset.第二十五條.任何一方違反其他約定的,支付約定一方 元得違約金。article 25 either party violating other agreements shall pay penalty of $_ to the other party.其他約定other agreements第二十六條.在校園設(shè)施上,雙方在未來攜手合作研究其擴充的需要,當(dāng)甲方發(fā)覺設(shè)施不足時,會提交詳細的財務(wù)可行性研究,雙方再確定是否增加資金投放。article 26 as for the campus facilities, both parties could

54、work together in the future to study the expansion needs. when party a finds inadequate facilities, party a will submit a detailed financial feasibility study, then both parties will make the determination whether to increase the capital investment.第二十七條.雙方簽訂本合同的合作精神應(yīng)當(dāng)有利于xx區(qū)社會利益和雙方商業(yè)的統(tǒng)一。在此基礎(chǔ)上,雙方同意盡最

55、大努力,以解決任何問題或可能出現(xiàn)的爭端。article 27 the spirit of cooperation which the two parties sign the contract shall be benefit to the xx districts society and the unity of both parties business. on this basis, both parties shall be on a best effort to resolve any problems or disputes that may arise.第二十八條.直至雙方同意此

56、合同中有任何更改,本合同的精神及條款將繼續(xù)有效。即使雙方同意更改任何條款,都不會令其它條款及條件失效或不可執(zhí)行。article 28 the spirit and terms of this contract will remain in force, until both parties agree to make any change in the contract. even if both parties agree to make any change of the terms, all other terms and conditions will not be invalid o

57、r unenforceable.第二十九條.此合同適用中華人民共和國的法律,雙方同意將合同爭議提交廣州仲裁委員會仲裁,適用該會仲裁規(guī)則。article 29 this contract shall be governed by the laws of the peoples republic of china, the two parties agree to submit the contract dispute to xx arbitration commission for arbitration, and the arbitration rules shall apply to the

58、 disputes hereunder.第三十條.守約方為追究違約方違約責(zé)任而支付的所有合理(包括但不限于仲裁費、律師費等)均由違約方承擔(dān)。article 30 the reasonable costs (including but not limited to the arbitration fees, lawyer fees, etc.) paid by observant party to call to the account of the default party shall be borne by the default party.第三十一條.本合同自雙方簽字蓋章后生效。甲乙雙方當(dāng)各執(zhí)一份article 31 this contract shall come into force after the signature and seal of both parties, with the both parties holding one.第三十二條.在合作期限內(nèi),若


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