淺談新課改下的小學英語教學 另附小學英語復習練習_第1頁
淺談新課改下的小學英語教學 另附小學英語復習練習_第2頁
淺談新課改下的小學英語教學 另附小學英語復習練習_第3頁
淺談新課改下的小學英語教學 另附小學英語復習練習_第4頁
淺談新課改下的小學英語教學 另附小學英語復習練習_第5頁
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2、產(chǎn)生濃厚的興趣并且保持長久,是學生能否學好英語的關(guān)鍵,它影響著學生今后各個階段英語學習。只有激發(fā)學生的學習興趣和動機,才能真正調(diào)動學生的積極性和主動性。在英語教學中,歌曲和chant是激起學生興趣的有效形式,針對孩子天生活潑好動的特點,把音樂帶入課堂,用歌曲來導入新課、組織課堂教學,效果很好,明顯激發(fā)了學生的興趣。另外,采用多樣化活動教學,充分利用實物教學調(diào)動學生的感官,學生摸、聞、聽、觸結(jié)合起來,也能激起學生的興趣。如教學:sweet ,sour, spicy ,chocolate ,sandwich ,a hot dog等單詞時,我讓學生看著真實的物品學單詞,并且摸著、說著、品嘗著,加以有



5、分解,是一個language user。三、課堂保持新鮮感,恰當使用現(xiàn)代教育技術(shù),提高效率當代信息技術(shù)的發(fā)展使得教育技術(shù)走進了校園。多媒體教學與計算機輔助教學使傳統(tǒng)的“粉筆、黑板”的單調(diào)的教學手段,被越來越多地運用到教師的日常課堂教學中。多媒體形象活潑、豐富多彩、大大促進了學生思維能力的發(fā)展。在小學英語課堂中運用現(xiàn)代教育技術(shù),創(chuàng)設教學情景,可以優(yōu)化課堂教學,有效地培養(yǎng)學生初步運用英語進行交際的能力,激活兒童的思維,促進學生綜合能力的提高。但是如何恰當?shù)氖褂枚嗝襟w,確實發(fā)揮現(xiàn)代教育技術(shù)的作用,是值得我們思考的。在課堂中我經(jīng)常利用多媒體設備來突破教學重點和難點,把language,sounds,p

6、ictures等融為一體,創(chuàng)設學生主動參與語言交際活動的情境,學生走入情境理解情境、表演情境以此突破語言觀。例如,我在教“學習用品”一類單詞時,直接用rulers, pencils, pens, books等進行教學,這樣的效果很好,學生也樂于接受。四、創(chuàng)設英語的教學的真實情境,經(jīng)歷人際互動在小學英語教學中,學生只有在真實的言語情境才能更好地組織思維,理解具體情境中所傳遞的信息和語言材料,觸景生情,激發(fā)表達思想的能力。那么如何創(chuàng)設真實的學習情景呢? 在教學中,我們不可能將真實生活情景搬入課堂,但能模擬真實情景,創(chuàng)設接近生活的真實的語言環(huán)境,這有利于學生理解和掌握對話內(nèi)容。例如:在教授四年級英語

7、what will you do in summer?這一課時就讓學生扮演扮演記者去采訪全班同學,簡單的內(nèi)容,輕松的情節(jié)加上同學表演時全身心的投入,惟妙惟肖的表演就像一個全真的課本劇,深深吸引了同學們的注意力,激發(fā)了學生們的興趣。使學生們不知不覺中就掌握了what will you do in summer? i will go to swimming/ i will play on the swing/i will play basketball等很多實用句型。而且這樣的教學使學生對內(nèi)容的理解不是空洞的而是真實的、深刻的。又如在教授五年級the universe這一內(nèi)容時我用動作表演來認識形

8、容詞,如long ,short, tall, old, young, big, small等。學生的熱情非常高漲,氣氛非?;钴S。當然我們也可以利用表演和簡筆畫,巧設情景。如在學習職業(yè)時,我首先用簡筆畫畫下各職業(yè)的圖畫,然后,我讓學生模仿各種職業(yè)特征的動作,學teacher做教師拿粉筆的動作,學farmer 做農(nóng)民種地的動作并讓學生進行問答:“is she a driver?”。通過畫、動作的方式學生很快掌握所學內(nèi)容。五、關(guān)注情感、策略、評價評價是一門藝術(shù),好的評價手段不僅可以滿足學生的成功感,而且可以激勵學生產(chǎn)生不斷向上的精神。所以我們要注重學生學習策略的指導,做出及時評價。及時評價有助于激發(fā)

9、學生的學習興趣,增強學生的學習動機,激發(fā)學生學習的主觀能動性和促進學生主體作用的展現(xiàn)。評價的目的之一在于讓每個學生都有機會體驗成功。每個人都需要成功,都渴望成功,小學生更是如此。在課堂教學或者是在課后作業(yè)中,我經(jīng)常用excellent, very good, well done等對學生的表現(xiàn)進行及時評價,此時學習的意義不僅僅在于學習英語的本身,更在于學生在學習英語的過程中感受到自身的價值。六、總結(jié)與課改共成長中的經(jīng)驗英語學習是一個漫長的過程,其中需要學習者付出艱辛的努力。小學英語處在英語學習的初級階段,一旦學生學習失敗,將會影響到學生今后一生的英語學習。在小學英語教學中,在確保教學生動有趣的同


11、、形式多樣的教學活動,例如sing english songs,dances等,這些都起到了很好的教學效果。但是,英語教學的目的在于提高學生綜合運用英語的能力,跳跳唱唱只是手段,而不是目的。不能在英語教學中為了唱歌而學唱歌,為了表演而學表演。因此我們應該從學生的實際情況和提高學生綜合運用英語能力的目標出發(fā),應該注意實效,而不是千篇一律地搞一些形式化的東西。另外,我們應當很好地掌握每一位學生的具體情況,在心里給每一位學生制定一個目標。這個目標應該是實際的,就是他可以通過一定的努力可以達到的,而不應過于簡單或困難,并給予合理的期待,加以鼓勵,使他們產(chǎn)生強烈的學習動機??傊?,在課改理念的指導下,通過

12、教學中的這些嘗試,我收獲很大。作為小學英語教師我由衷地感到高興,也切身體會到了新課改所帶來的欣慰和喜悅。但這只是一個開端,我要做的還有很多,還需要不斷學習新課改的有關(guān)理論,并運用到教學實踐中去,不斷充實我的課堂。小學英語五年級期末考試題(一)聽力部分一、聽錄音,選出你所聽到的內(nèi)容,并將其序號填入題前括號內(nèi)。(5%)( ) 1. a. sweep b. sleep c.speak( ) 2. a.square b. shape c. sure ( ) 3. a. circle b. rectange c. triangle( ) 4. a. a storybook b. a copybook c

13、. a picture book( ) 5. a.a carton of milk b. a bar of chocolate c. a tin of chicken 二、根據(jù)你聽到的句子選出相應的答語,并將其序號填入題前括號內(nèi)。(5%) ( ) 1. a. im reading a storybook. b. i like reading storybooks. c. yes. i am reading a book. ( ) 2. a. yes, they are. b. yes, he is. c. yes, she can.( ) 3. a. to the train station.

14、 b. sorry, i dont know. c. im walking. ( ) 4. a. yes, its a cake. b. its a rectangle. c. its a birthday cake. ( ) 5. a. i can see three. b. its three. c. no , i cant. 三、根據(jù)聽到的對話及問題選出正確答案,并將其序號填入題前括號內(nèi)。(10%) ( ) 1. a. in the study b. in the bedroom c.in the sitting-room ( ) 2. a. yes, she can. b. no, h

15、e cant. c. no, she cant. ( ) 3. a. a toy car. b. a toy bear. c. a toy dog. ( ) 4. a. a rectangle. b. a diamond. c. a square. ( ) 5. a. a telescope. b. a camera. c. a walkman. 四、聽錄音,填入所缺單詞。(10%) 1、my _ is _ clothes now. 2、su yang and su hai are _ the windows and the _. 3、look. an old _ is _ in the ga

16、rden. 4、mr zhang _ a tin-opener in _ bag. 5、-can you _ a big _ ? -yes, i can. (二)筆試部分一、判斷下列各組單詞劃線字母發(fā)音是否相同,相同的打“”,不同的打“” (6%) ( ) 1. fridge tiger ( ) 2. red vest ( ) 3. chess she( ) 4. stove open ( ) 5. mouth thank ( ) 6. shape stand 二、詞組翻譯(10%) 1、看報紙_ 2、在圖書館_3、做家務_ 4.掃地_5.和他們一起玩_ 6.坐在帳篷附近_7. make a

17、new year card_ 8. help each other_ 9. at an art lesson_ 10. some red flowers_ 三、選擇所給的單詞填空。(8分) bedroom day make lesson family each other evenings join1. it is the first of the new year (年). 2. there is a in the house. 3. they are having a music , now. 4. he can a puppet. 5 . ben and his are in the s

18、itting-room. 6. in the we watch tv. 7. they are playing basketball in the playground. ill go and them. 8. they are showing their things to . 四、選擇題(20分)( )1.what is the sun? a. shape b colour c time ( )2.當你問對方去哪里時,你會說: a.what are you doing? b.where are you going? c.whats your name? ( )3.你走進商店,服務員一般會對

19、你說: a .excuse me. b.can i help you? c.youre welcome. ( )4.你想知道對方是否有空閑,可以說: a. are you free now? b. what are you doing now? c. how are you ? ( ) 5. how much are they? a. here you are b. eighty yuan, please. c. heres your change. ( ) 6.show how to play the violin. a we b our c us ( )7. are back at sch

20、ool. a. all the students b. all student c. all the student ( )8. -is there a map of the world on the wall? - a.yes,there is. b.no, there is. c. yes, there isnt. ( )9.there is elephant in the zoo. a. a b. an c. /( )10. there arent pictures. a. a b. any c. some ( )11. -can you sing the song? - a.yes,w

21、e can. b.no,we can c.yes,we cant ( )12.- -i can dance. a.what do you do? b. what can you do? c.what you can do? ( )13.can you . a. piano b. play the piano c.play piano ( )14 - do you need? -some masks,please. a.else what b.what else c.what else. ( )15. me,please. a. listen b. listen c.listen to ( )1

22、6.they would like for a halloween party. a.to buy things b. buy things c.buying things ( )17.-what are you doing? -im . a. doing my homework b. do my homework c.does my homework.( )18.can you help me my maths? a.of b. with c.to ( )19. the children are a camping site. a. at b.on c.of( )20.xiao hong a

23、 lot of apples. a. have b. is c.has 五、把下面的單詞連成句子。(12分) 1are you what doing ( ? ) 2. is a stove there camping site at the ( . ) 3. can sing the you song ( . ) 4.what they have do ( ? ) 5is behind what door the ( ? ) 6.shape what it is ( ?) 六、對話訓練(6%) (1)根據(jù)上下文完成對話。(每空一詞) a: hi, su yang. teachers day _

24、 coming. _ buy a card for miss li. b: why dont we _ one? a: thats a good idea. lets make it together. b: all right. we _ a pen, some paper and crayons. a: here you are. b: great. lets start. _ some flowers on the paper first. a: shall i draw a lovely doll near the flowers? miss li like dolls. b: ok.

25、 dont forget to _ “happy teachers day, miss li”! a: how nice the card is! miss li will like it, i think. 七、閱讀短文,判斷下列 是否與短文意思相符,用t表示相符,用f 表示不相符(10%)hello, im su yang. look, this is my house. there are two bedrooms. a bathroom. ,a study, a kitchen and a large sitting room. beside the house, theres a g

26、arden. in the garden, there are a lot of red flowers. my parents like red flowers. you can see four big trees beside the house. a swing is between the two apple trees. my sister, su hai, and i like playing on the swing. ( ) 1.there are six rooms in my house. ( ) 2.there is a garden beside my house.

27、( ) 3.my brother likes red flowers. ( ) 4.my sister and i like playing the piano. ( ) 5.there is a swing behide my house . 單詞playground garden teachers desk canteen art room computer room washroom music room gym tv room lunch english class music class breakfast dinner p.e. class get up go to school

28、go home go to bedsweater jeans pants socks shoes shorts hot weather rainy windy cloudy colourful pretty cheap expensive sneakers slippers sandals boots sheep hen lamb goat cow tomato cucumber potato onion carrot四會單詞(88個)computer board fan light this is my that your teachers desk picture wall floor y

29、es it one two three four five six seven eight nine ten what time its 。oclock math chinese english p.e. music for class jacket shirt skirt dress t-shirt red blue yellow green white no not colour warm cold cool today jeans pant socks shoes lets play football snowy sunny how much big small long short a

30、pple banana pear orange watermelon are they horse arent cat rabbit pig duck dog eleven twelve thirteen fifteen twenty how many there第二課時,句型unit 1 our schoolthis is the teachers office. that is my classroom.這是老師辦公室。那是我的教室。go to the library. read a story-book.去圖書館。讀故事書。is this the library? yes, it is.

31、這是圖書館嗎?是的。is that the art room? no, it isnt. the art room is on the second floor.那是美術(shù)室嗎?不是,美術(shù)室在二樓。where is the canteen? its on the first floor.食堂在哪里?在一樓。playground garden library teachers office canteen art room computer room washroom music room gym tv room computer board fan light picture teachers

32、desk wall floor yourthis is my computer ,that is your computer .is this a teachers desk ? yes , it is .unit 2 what time is it?what time is it? 幾點鐘了?its nine oclock.現(xiàn)在九點。its time for english class.該上英語課了。school is over. lets go to the playground.放學了,讓我們?nèi)ゲ賵霭桑ts time to go to school.該去學校了!lunch englis

33、h class music class breakfast dinner p.e class get up go to school go to bed go home one two three four five six seven eight nine ten its=it is math chinese english p.e music classwhat time is it ?it s two oclock .its 9:45. its time for math class .unit 3 is this your skirt?i like the white sweater

34、with the green skirt.我喜歡白毛衣搭配綠裙子。whose is this? its my baby brothers.這是誰的?是我小弟弟的。is this your t-shirt? no, its not.這是你的t恤衫嗎? 不是。where are my socks? 我的襪子在哪兒?what colour is it? its white.它是什么顏色的?白色的。sweater jeans pants socks shoes shorts jacket shirt skirt dress t-shirt red blue yellow green white col

35、ouris this your t-shirt ?no, its not . what colour is it ?its white .unit 4 its warm todaythis is the weather report. 這是天氣預報。its cool in lhasa. 拉薩天氣涼爽。whats the weather like in beijing? its rainy.北京天氣怎樣?下雨。can i wear my shirt today? yes, you can./ no, you cant.我今天能穿襯衫嗎?能/不能。hot weather rainy windy c

36、loudy warm cold cool today jeans pants socks shoes lets=let us play football snowy sunny its warm today .lets play football .its cool .is it cold ?unit 5 how much is it?look at that dress. its pretty。看那條裙子,真漂亮!can i help you? 需要我為你做些什么嗎?i want a pair of sneakers.我想要一雙球鞋。how much is it? its ninety-ni

37、ne yuan.多少錢?九十九元。thats expensive.好貴阿!a pair of sneakers for my son. 給我兒子買雙球鞋。what size? size five. 幾碼?五碼!are they all right? 合適嗎?well take it.我們買下了!how much are they? theyre three yuan.他們多少錢?三元。colourful pretty cheap expensive sneakers slippers sandals boots big small long short apple banana pear or

38、ange watermelonhow much is it ?its ten yuan.how much are they ?theyre three yuan .unit 6 at a farmwhat are they? they are goats.它們是什么?它們是山羊。this farm is so big.這個農(nóng)場好大阿!are they ducks? no, they arent.它們是鴨子嗎?不是的。look at the cucumbers. theyre fresh.看那些黃瓜,他們好新鮮!i like tomatoes. they are juicy.我喜歡番茄,他們很多

39、汁。i dont like onions. theyre smelly.我不喜歡洋蔥,他們有股味道。how many horses are there? twelve.那兒有多少馬?十二匹。sheep hen lamb goat cow tomato cucumber potato onion carrot horse arent=are not cat rabbit pig duck dog eleven twelve thirteen fifteen twenty how many thereare they ducks?no, they arent .how many horses ar

40、e there ?twelve. 1你如何向別人介紹今天天氣很晴朗。1、 你買了一些橘子,如何問人家價格,人家又如何回答你一共三十元。2、 如何告訴別人 9點了,該上數(shù)學課了。3、 你如何告訴人家這是你的計算機。第三課時,句型整合單詞,填空unit1 where is the canteen?its on the first/second floor. this is the teachers office. that is my classroom. how many students are there in your class? do you have a library? the c

41、anteen is on the first floor. your school is beautiful/cool. is this/that the library? yes, it is. / no, it isnt. unit2school is over. -lets go home/go to the playground. -ok what time is it now? its five oclock. its 6:00, its time for dinner. its 7:05. its time to go to school. breakfast is ready.

42、what time is it in beijing/london/sydney/new york? unit3i like the white sweater with the green skirt. where is my skirt? -what colour is it? its blue. -is this your skirt? -yes, it is./no, its not. -whose is this/it/that? its my t-shirt/your baby brothers. my jacket is brown/gray. where are my sock

43、s? theyre on the bed. these/those are your baby pants. unit4this is the weather report, its cool/warm in lhasa/harbin/hong kong. -can i wear my new shirt today? no, you cant. / yes, you can. its warm today, you can wear your new shirt. heres the world weather, its rainy/snowy in london/moscow? what

44、are you doing? not much. whats the weather like in beijing? its snowy today. whats the matter? unit5-look at that dress/skirt. its pretty/colourful. yes, it is -can i help you? yes, please. i want a pair of sneakers. -how much is it/this/that dress? its ninety-nine yuan. a pair of sneakers for my so

45、n. -what size? size five. -are they all right? yes, they are. how much are they? theyre thirty-five yuan. well take them. ill take it. unit6-what are they? they are goats. -are they sheep/horses? yes, they are./ no, they arent look at the hens. they are fat. -how many cows do you have? one hundred.

46、-what are these? they are carrots/onions. are these/those cucumbers? yes, they are./ no, they arent. -how many sheep/cows/goats are there? twelve. 四會句子this is your computer.that is your computer.is this teachers desk? yes, it is.what time is it? its two oclock.its 9:45. its time for math class.is th

47、is your t-shirt? no, it is not.what colour is it? its white.its warm today. lets play football.its cool. is it cold?how much is it? its ten yuan.how much are they? theyre three yuan.are they ducks? no, they arent.how many horses are there? twelve.recycle two goat,sheep,horse,donkey,tomatoes,potatoes

48、 。are they ?how many ?shear a sheep.小學英語三年級下冊教 學 計 劃一、教學目標1、能夠表述過去發(fā)生的事情。2、能夠掌握表達過去曾經(jīng)做過某些事情。3、能夠詢問和表達用餐情況。4、掌握獲取信息的方法能描述事物的特征。5、能掌握對過去做過事情的表達。6、掌握發(fā)送電子郵件的相關(guān)詞匯和短語。7、掌握詢問別人的意見和提出建議的表達方式以及同意和不同意的表達方式。8、能夠使用不同的動詞形式描述過去發(fā)生的事情和做過的動作。9、能針對事件發(fā)生的時間、地點和參與的人進行詢問。二、學生分析三年級學生經(jīng)過半年的學習英語興趣更為濃厚,掌握了基本的句子及單詞的讀音規(guī)律。但是后進生的落




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