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1、實用文檔國際技術咨詢服務合同Tech ni cal Con sulta ncy Service Con tract合同號: Con tract No.:.簽訂日期:Date of Signature:.簽訂地點:Place of Signature:.中國 公司(以下簡稱委托方)為一方,國 公司(以下簡稱為咨詢方)為另一方,雙方就 的技術咨詢服務,授權雙方代表按下列條款簽訂本合同。This Con tract is made and en tered in to through frien dly n egotiati on by and betwee n China(herei nafter

2、referred to as“ Client ” ), as one party,and(herei nafter referred toas “ Consultant” ),as the other party, concerning the technicalcon sulta ncy service of, un der thefollow ing terms and con diti ons:第一條合同內(nèi)容Article 1 Contents of Tech ni cal Con sulta ncy Service1.1委托方希望獲得咨詢方就 提供的技術咨詢服務,而咨詢方愿意提供此項服

3、務。Whereas Clie nt desires to obta in the tech ni cal con sulta ncy service of from Con sulta nt and Con sulta nt has agreed to perform such services.1.2技術咨詢服務范圍詳見本合同附件一。The Scope of Tech ni cal Services is defi ned in Appe ndix 1.1.3技術咨詢服務的進度安排詳見本合同附件二。The Time Schedule for the Services is show n in

4、 Appe ndix 2.1.4技術咨詢服務的人員安排見本合同附件三。The Manning Schedule is described in Appe ndix 3.1.5技術咨詢服務自合同生效之日起 個月內(nèi)完成,將在 個月內(nèi)提 交最終技術咨詢報告,包括圖紙、設計資料、各類規(guī)范和圖片等。咨詢方應免費 通報委托方類似工程的最近發(fā)展和任何進展,以便委托方能改進該工程的設計。Con sulta nt shall complete the Services withinmon thsfrom the Effective Date of this Con tract and fur nish the

5、final tech ni cal service report, in clud ing draw in gs, desig ning docume nts, all kinds of sta ndards and photos, withinmon ths. Con sulta nt shallkeep aware, free of charge, Clie nt of the latest developme nt of similar projects and any progress made in order to improve the desig ning of the pro

6、ject.第二雙方的責任和義務Article 2 Both Parties Resp on sibility and Liability2.1委托方應向咨詢方提供有關的資料、技術咨詢報告、圖紙和可能得到的信 息并給予咨詢方開展工作提供力所能及的協(xié)助,特別是委托方應在適當時候指定一名總代表以便能隨時予以聯(lián)系。Clie nt shall furnish to Con sulta nt the pert inent data, tech ni cal service reports, maps and in formatio n available to him and shall give to

7、Con sulta nt the reas on able assista nee n ecessary for carry ing out of his duties. Particularly Clie nt shall nomin ate a gen eral represe ntative who shall be available at reas on able time.2.2委托方應協(xié)助咨詢方向有關機構取得護照簽證、工作許可和咨詢方要求的 其它文件以使咨詢方能進入委托方國家和本工程的現(xiàn)場,但費用由咨詢方負擔。Clie nt shall assist Con sulta nt w

8、ith the resp on sible authorities for obta ining visas, work permits and other docume nts required by Con sulta nt to en ter the country and to have access to the Site of the Project. The above expe nses shall be borne by Con sulta nt.2.3除了合同附件三所列的技術人員外,咨詢方還應提供足夠數(shù)量的稱職的技 術人員來履行本合同規(guī)定的義務。咨詢方應對其所雇的履行合同的

9、技術人員負完 全責任并使委托方免受其技術人員因執(zhí)行合同任務所引起的一切損害。Con sulta nt shall fur nish a sufficie nt nu mber of compete nt pers onnel to perform its obligati on here un der, in additi on to those pers onnelspecifically listed in Appe ndix 3. All pers onnel employed by Con sulta nt in carry ing out the work shall be excl

10、usively Con sulta nts resp on sibility, and Con sulta nt shall hold Clie nt harmless from any claims of any kind by Con sulta nts pers onnel aris ing out of any acts by Con sulta nt or its pers onnel in conn ecti on with the work performed hereunder .2.4咨詢方應根據(jù)咨詢服務的內(nèi)容和進度安排,按時提交咨詢技術咨詢報告及有關圖紙資料。Con sul

11、ta nt shall provide Clie nt all the tech ni cal tech ni cal service reports and releva nt docume ntati on with in the Scope of Tech ni cal Services and within the Time Schedule of the Time Schedule for the Services.2.5咨詢方應協(xié)助委托方的技術人員獲得進入咨詢方國家的簽證并負責安排食 宿,食宿費用由委托方負擔。咨詢方應為委托方的技術人員提供辦公室、必要的設施和交通便利。Consul

12、tant shall assist Client / S personnel in his country in obtaining visas and in arranging lodg in gs. Hotel and board ing expe nses shall be borne by Client. Consultant shall supply to Client/ S personnel officespace and n ecessary facilities as well as tran sportati on.2.6咨詢方對因執(zhí)行其提供的咨詢服務而給委托方和委托方工作

13、人員造成的人 身損害和財產(chǎn)損失承擔責任并予以賠償,但這種損害或損失是由于咨詢方人員在 履行本合同的活動中的疏忽所造成的。咨詢方僅對本合同項下的工作負責。Con sulta nt shall be resp on sible for and shall indemnify Clie nt and his employee in respect of injury to pers on or damage to property occurri ng in connection with the services, to the exte nt that such damage or injury

14、 directly results from n eglige nee of Con sulta nts pers onnel while en gaged in activities un der this Con tract.C on sulta nt shall be liable on ly to the work un der this Con tract. _x0019_2.7咨詢方對本合同的任何和所有責任都限定在咨詢方因付出專業(yè)服務而收到 的合同總價之內(nèi),并將在本合同第7 . 3條規(guī)定的保證期滿后解除。Any and all liability of Con sulta nt w

15、ith respect to this Con tract shall be limited to the Total Con tract Price received by Con sulta nt for his professi on services and shall termi nate upon expirati on of the warra nty period set forth in Article 7.3.第三條價格與支付Article 3 Price and Payme nt3.1 本合同總價為 (幣種) (大寫:)。各分項的價格如下:分項一的合同價為 (幣種) (大

16、寫:);分項二的合同價為 (幣種) (大寫:);分項三的合同價為 (幣種) (大寫:);分項四的合同價為 (幣種) (大寫:)。The total con tract price is(sayonly) in(curre ncy). The breakdow nprices of the above men ti oned total con tract price are as follows:Con tract Price for Item 1:(sayonly)in(curre ncy); Con tract Price for Item 2:(sayonly) in(curre ncy

17、); Con tract Price for Item 3:(sayonly) in(curre ncy); Con tractPrice for Item 4:(sayonly) in(curre ncy).3.2本合同總價包括咨詢方所提供的所有服務和技術費用,為固定不變價格, 且不隨通貨膨脹的影響而波動。合同總價包括咨詢方在其本國和委托方國家因履 行本合同義務所發(fā)生的一切費用和支出和以各種方式寄送技術資料到委托方辦 公室所發(fā)生的費用。如發(fā)生本合同規(guī)定的不可抗力,合同總價可經(jīng)雙方友好協(xié)商 予以調整。如果委托方所要求的服務超出了本合同附件一規(guī)定的范圍,雙方應協(xié)商修改本合同總價,任何修改均需雙方

18、書面簽署,并構成本合同不可分割的部分。 The total con tract price will in clude all the service and tech no logy provided by Con sulta nt. The total con tract price shall be firm and fixed and shall not fluctuate with any in flati on. The total con tract price shall in clude all charges and expe nses in curred by Con s

19、ulta nt in perform ing his obligati ons both in his own country and in the Peoples Republic of China and in cludes the expe nses in curred in sending the Tech ni calDocume ntati on to Clie nts office by all kinds of forms.In the eve nt of Force Majeure as defi ned in the Con tract, the total con tra

20、ct price shall be readjusted through frie ndly n egotiati ons betwee n the parties. If Clie nt requires services not con templated in the Scope of Services the parties shall frie ndly discuss an ame ndme nt to thetotal con tract price. Any such ame ndme nt shall be in writ ing coun tersig ned by bot

21、h parties. This docume nt shall the n form in tegral part of the Con tract.3.3委托方向咨詢方的所有付款均通過委托方所在地的 銀行以電匯方式支付到 銀行咨詢方的帳戶上。 對咨詢方提供的服務,委托方將以下列方式或比例予以付款:All payme nts to be made by Clie nt to Con sulta nt un der the prese nt Con tract shall be made by telegraphic tran sfer.In case of anypayme nt by Cli

22、e nt, the payme nt shall be effected throughin Chi na tofor the acco unt ofCon sulta nt.In con siderati on for the services provided by Con sulta nt hereunder , Client shall effect the payment to Consultant in accordanee with the follow ing manner and perce ntage:3.3.1 合同總價的% ,即 (大寫:, 在委托方收到咨詢方提交的下列

23、單據(jù)并經(jīng)審核無誤后 天內(nèi)支付給咨詢方:perce nt (%) of the total con tract price, i.e.(Say:onl y), shall be paid by Clie nt toCon sulta nt withi n(_) days after the clie nt has receivedthe follow ing docume nts provided by Con sulta nt and found them in order .A. 咨詢方國家有關當局出具的批準證書或不需批準的證明文件,正本一份,副本二份;One (1) orig inal a

24、nd two (2) duplicate copies of Con sulta nts gover nment approval, or a writte n stateme nt of the compete nt authorities or releva nt age ncy of Con sulta nts country certify ing that such docume nt is not required;B. 咨詢方銀行出具的金額為 元(大寫: , 以委托方為受益人的對預付款的不可撤銷保函正本一份,副本一份,保函格式見合同附件。One (1) orig inal and

25、 one (1) duplicate copy of Irrevocable Letter of Guara ntee for adva nee payme nt issued by Con sulta nts Bank in favor of Clie nt covering(Say:onl y), specime n ofwhich is as per Appe ndix 4;C金額為合同總價的形式發(fā)票一式五份;Five (5) copies of profoma inv oice coveri ng the total con tract price;D 簽發(fā)的標明支付金額的商業(yè)發(fā)票一式

26、五份;Five (5) copies of manu ally sig ned commercial inv oice in dicat ing the amount to be paid;E.即期匯票一式二份。Two (2) copies of sight draft.上述單據(jù)應在本合同生效之日起不遲于 天內(nèi)交付。The said shall be delivered by Con sulta nt not later tha n days after the effective date of theprese nt Con tract.3.3.2 分項一合同價% ,即 (大寫:,在委托方

27、收到咨詢方提交的下列單據(jù)并經(jīng)審核無誤后 天內(nèi)支付給咨詢方:perce nt (%) of the Con tract price for Item 1, i.e.(Say:only) shall be paid by Clie nt toCon sulta nt withi n(_) days after Con sulta nt has received thefollow ing docume nts provided by Con sulta nt and found them in orderA. 分項一的技術咨詢報告一式十份;Ten (10) copies of tech ni ca

28、l service report on Item 1;B簽發(fā)的標明支付金額的商業(yè)發(fā)票一式五份;Five (5) copies of manu ally sig ned commercial inv oice in dicat ing the amount to be paid;C. 即期匯票一式二份。Two (2) copies of sight draft.333分項二合同價的% ,即 (大寫:,在委托方收到咨詢方提交的下列單據(jù)并經(jīng)審核無誤后 天內(nèi)支付給委托方:perce nt (%) of the Con tract price for Item 2, i.e.(Say:only) sha

29、ll be paid by Clie ntto Con sulta nt within() days after Lice nsee has receivedthe follow ing docume nts provided by Con sulta nt and found them in order .A. 分項二的技術咨詢報告一式十份;Ten (10) copies of tech ni cal service report on Item 1;B簽發(fā)的標明支付金額的商業(yè)發(fā)票一式五份;Five (5) copies of manu ally sig ned commercial inv

30、 oice in dicat ing the amount to be paid;C.即期匯票一式二份。Two (2) copies of sight draft.3.3.4 分項三合同價% ,即 (大寫:,在委托方收到咨詢方提交的下列單據(jù)并經(jīng)審核無誤后 天內(nèi)支付給咨詢方:perce nt (%) of the Con tract price for Item 3, i.e.(Say:only) shall be paid by Clie nt toCon sulta nt withi n(_) days after Con sulta nt has received thefollow in

31、g docume nts provided by Con sulta nt and found them in orderA. 分項三的技術咨詢報告一式十份;Ten (10) copies of tech ni cal service report on Item 1;B簽發(fā)的標明支付金額的商業(yè)發(fā)票一式五份;Five (5) copies of manu ally sig ned commercial inv oice in dicat ing the amount to be paid;C.即期匯票一式二份。Two (2) copies of sight draft.3.3.5 分項四合同價

32、% ,即 (大寫:,在委托方收到咨詢方提交的下列單據(jù)并經(jīng)審核無誤后 天內(nèi)支付給咨詢方:perce nt (%) of the Con tract price for Item 4, i.e.(Say:only) shall be paid by Clie nt toCon sulta nt withi n(_) days after Con sulta nt has received thefollow ing docume nts provided by Con sulta nt and found them in orderA. 分項四的技術咨詢報告一式十份;Ten (10) copies

33、 of tech ni cal service report on Item 1;B. 簽發(fā)的標明支付金額的商業(yè)發(fā)票一式五份;Five (5) copies of manu ally sig ned commercial inv oice in dicat ing the amount to be paid;C. 即期匯票一式二份。Two (2) copies of sight draft.336 分項四合同價% ,即 (大寫:,在委托方收到咨詢方提交的下列單據(jù)并經(jīng)審核無誤后 天內(nèi)支付給咨詢方:perce nt (%) of the Total Con tract price ,i.e.(Sa

34、y:only) shall be paid by Clie nt toCon sulta nt withi n(_) days after Con sulta nt has received thefollow ing docume nts provided by Con sulta nt and found them in orderA. 簽發(fā)的標明支付金額的商業(yè)發(fā)票一式五份;Five (5) copies of manu ally sig ned commercial inv oice in dicat ing the amount to be paid;B. 即期匯票一式二份。Two (

35、2) copies of sight draft.3.4如果依據(jù)合同規(guī)定咨詢方應支付預提稅和應向委托方支付違約金,委托方 有權從上述款項中扣除。In case Con sulta nt is liable for pay ing to Clie nt the pen alty un der theCon tract, Clie nt shall have the right to deduct it from any said payme nt.3.5為執(zhí)行合同在中國境內(nèi)發(fā)生的銀行費用由委托方承擔,中國之外的發(fā)生的 費用由咨詢方承擔。The banking charges of both pa

36、rties in curred in China for the executi on of the Con tract shall be borne by Clie nt and those in curred outside China shall be borne by Con sulta nt.第四條交付Article 4 Delivery Schedule4.1前述技術咨詢報告以CIF 價格條件交付的最后期限為:The deadli ne for the arrival of the Tech ni cal service reports CIFare:A.分項一的技術咨詢報告:合同

37、生效后 月內(nèi);Tech ni cal service report on Item 1 :mon ths aftereffective ness of the Con tract;B. 分項二的技術咨詢報告:合同生效后 月內(nèi);Tech ni cal service report on Item 2 :mon ths aftereffective ness of the Con tract;C. 分項三的技術咨詢報告:合同生效后 月內(nèi);Tech ni cal service report on Item 3 :mon ths aftereffective ness of the Con trac

38、t;D. 分項四的技術咨詢報告:合同生效后 月內(nèi)。Tech ni cal service report on Item 4 :mon ths aftereffective ness of the Con tract.4.2咨詢方在航空郵寄上述資料時應以傳真方式將郵寄日期和航空提單號等通 知委托方。委托方收到上述技術咨詢報告后應及時通知咨詢方。Con sulta nt will inform Clie nt by Fax whe n the Tech ni cal service reports are airmailed to Clie nt in dicat ing the date and

39、 nu mber of airway bill.Clie nt will inform Con sulta nt whe n the Tech ni cal service reports have bee n received.4.3如果在郵寄過程中上述資料發(fā)生丟失、損壞,咨詢方應在接到通知后兩周 內(nèi)免費予以替換。Should any docume nt be miss ing or damaged duri ng the tran sport Con sulta nt shall be no tified accord in gly and within two (2) weeks the

40、 miss ing or damaged docume nt shall be replaced by Con sulta nt free of charge.第五條保密Article 5 Confiden tiality5.1由委托方收集的、開發(fā)的、整理的、復制的、研究的和準備的與本合同項 下工作有關的所有資料在提供給咨詢方時,均被視為保密的,不得泄漏給除委托方或其指定的代表之外的任何人、企業(yè)或公司,不管本合同因何種原因終止,本條款一直約束咨詢方。All data assembled, developed, compiled, reproduced, studied, and prepare

41、d in conn ecti on with the work done here un der and furni shed to Con sulta nt by Clie nt shall be con sidered con fide ntial and shall not be divulged to any pers on, firm or corporatio n other tha n Clie nt or its desig nated represe ntatives. This Clause shall rema in binding on Con sulta nt no

42、twithsta nding the term in ati on of the Con tract for any reas on.5.2合同有效期內(nèi),雙方應采取適當措施對本合同項下的任何資料或信息予以 嚴格保密,未經(jīng)一方的書面同意,另一方不得泄露給任何第三方。Within the validity period of Con tract, Both parties shall take proper measures to keep the materials or in formatio n strictly con fide ntial.The other party shall no

43、t disclose or divulge to any third party without prior writte n consent of one party.5.3 方和其技術人員在履行合同過程中所獲得或接觸到的任何保密信息,另 一方有義務予以保密,未經(jīng)其書面同意,任何一方不得使用或泄露從他方獲得的 上述保密信息。Either party shall be obliged to keep con fide ntial any secret in formati on of the other party which either party and its pers onnel m

44、ay obta in or be accessible to in the course of the performa nee of Con tract. Either party shall not make use of or disclose such secret in formatio n obta ined from the other party without prior writte n permissi on issued by the other party.第六條稅費Article 6 Taxes and Duties6.1中華人民共和國政府根據(jù)其稅法對委托方征收的與

45、執(zhí)行本合同或與本合同 有關的一切稅費均由委托方負擔。All taxes and duties in connection with and in the executi on ofCon tract levied by the Chin ese gover nment on Clie nt in accorda nee with the tax laws of PRC shall be borne by Clie nt.6.2中華人民共和國政府根據(jù)中國稅法和中華人民共和國政府與咨詢方國家政 府簽訂的避免雙重征稅和防止偷逃所得稅的協(xié)定而向咨詢方課征的各項稅費均 由咨詢方支付。委托方依據(jù)本國的稅法

46、有義務對根據(jù)本合同而應得的收入按比例 代扣一定的稅費并代向稅務機關繳納,在收到稅務機關出具的關于上述稅款稅收 單據(jù)后,委托方應毫不遲延地轉交給咨詢方。All taxes and duties levied by the Chin ese gover nment on Con sulta nt, in conn ecti on with and in the executi on of Con tract, accordi ng to Chin ese tax laws and the agreeme nt betwee n the gover nment of PRC and the gove

47、r nment of Con sulta nts country for the reciprocal avoida nee of double taxati on and the preve nti on of fiscal evasi on with respect to taxes on in come shall be borne by Con sulta nt.Clie nt is legally obliged to withhold, as a withholdi ng age nt, the amount of taxes pro rata each taxable payme

48、 nt un der Con tract and pay them to the releva nt Chin ese tax authorities. After recei ving the tax receipts issued by the releva nt Chin ese tax authorities for the aforesaid withhold ing taxes, Clie nt shall forward them to Con sulta nt without un due delay.6.3中華人民共和國以外所發(fā)生的與本合同有關和履行本合同的各項稅費均由 咨詢

49、承擔。All taxes and duties aris ing outside PRC in conn ecti on withand in the executi on of Con tract shall be borne by Con sulta nt.第七條保證Article 7 Warra nty7.1 咨詢方保證其經(jīng)驗和能力能以令人滿意的方式富有效率且迅速地開展咨 詢服務,其合同項下的咨詢服務由勝任的技術人員依據(jù)雙方接受的標準完成。Con sulta nt warra nts that he has the experie nee and capability to effici

50、e ntly and expeditiously perform the services in a satisfactory manner and that the services performed by him un der this Con tract shall be performed by compete nt pers onnel in accorda nee with accepted sta ndards.7.2如果咨詢方在其控制的范圍內(nèi)在任何時候、以任何原因向委托方提供本合 同附件一中的工作范圍內(nèi)的服務不能令人滿意,委托方可將不滿意之處通知咨詢方,并給咨詢方天的期限改正

51、或彌補,如咨詢方在委托方所給的期限內(nèi)改正或彌補,所有費用立即停止支付直到咨詢方能按照本合同附件一的規(guī)定提供 令人滿意的服務為止。In the eve nt of a failure of Con sulta nt to provide to Clie nt satisfactory services with in the scope of work described in Appe ndix at any time for any reas on within the con trol of the Con sulta nt, Clie nt may no tify Con sulta n

52、t of such dissatisfact ion. Con sulta nt shall be afforded a period of days to correct or remedy the matter. Should Con sulta ntwithin the time afforded by Clie nt fail to correct or remedy the matter to the satisfacti on of Clie nt, all charges shall cease forthwith un til such time as Con sulta nt

53、 is able to provide satisfactory services in accorda nee with the Scope of work described in Appe ndix.7.3咨詢方的保證義務在本咨詢服務經(jīng)委托方最后驗收后或最后一批款項支付 后的月到期。Con sulta nt guara ntees to Clie nt that he shall, after receipt of no tice from Clie nt, promptly correct at no cost any errors in the services aris ing o

54、ut of the n eglige nt performa nee thereof.第八章技術咨詢報告的歸屬Article 8 Own ership of Tech ni cal Service Reports8.1所有提交給委托方的技術咨詢報告及相關的資料的最后文本,包括為履行技術咨詢服務范圍所編制的圖紙、計劃和證明資料等,都屬于委托方的財產(chǎn),咨詢 方在提交給委托方之前應將上述資料進行整理歸類和編制索引。Fi nal versi on of the tech ni cal service report submitted to Clie nt and all releva nt data

55、such as maps, pla ns and support ing material compiled in perform ing the Scope of Services, shall be the property of Clie nt. Such materials shall be sorted and in dexed by Con sulta nt prior to tran smissi on to Clie nt.8.2咨詢方可保存上述資料的復印件,包括本合同第五條所指的委托方提供的 資料,但未經(jīng)委托方的書面同意,咨詢方不得將上述資料用于與本咨詢項目之外 的任何項目。

56、Con sulta nt shall be permitted to reta in copies thereof, provided however that such materials, in clud ing the material fur ni shed by Clie nt as stated in Article 5 of this Con tract, shall not be used by Con sulta nt for purposes not related with this Project without the prior writte n approval

57、of Clie nt.第九章轉讓Article 9 Assig nment9.1未經(jīng)另一方事先書面同意,無論是委托方或是咨詢方均不得將其合同權利 或義務轉讓或轉包給他人。Neither Clie nt nor Con sulta nt shall assig n or sublet their rights or obligati ons here un der without the prior writte n consent of the other party.第十章違約和合同的解除Article 10 Termin ati on10.1如果由于咨詢方的責任,技術咨詢報告不能在本合同第4條規(guī)定的交付期內(nèi)交付,咨詢方應按下列比例向委托方支付遲延罰金:If, due to the resp on sibility of Con sulta nt, the tech ni cal service reports have not bee n delivered at dates accord ing to the delivery schedules as stipulated in Article 4 of the Con trac


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