



1、2015年6月B級真題聽力原文和參考答案 Part I Liste ning Comprehe nsion Sectio n A 1. M: How is everything going, Peter? 答案C 2. W: May I have your name, please? 答案A 3. M: Do you like to chat in English online? 答案B 4. W: Would you please sign your name here, sir? 答案A 5. M: Do you ofte n travel on bus in ess? 答案D 6. W:

2、 Can you put me through to the manageoffice? 答案C 7. M: Shall we arrange a meeting sometime next week? 答案D Sectio n B 8. W: Tom, why were you late for the in terview? M: I miss the bus. Q: Why was Tom late? 答案A 9. W: How do you like to pay for the computer? M: By credit card, please. Q: How will the

3、man pay for the computer? 答案D 10. W: We are really impressed by your work experience M: Thank you very much. Q: What impresses the woma n deeply? 答案D 11. M: Marry, why isn Linda working here now? W: She retired last week. Q: What can we lear n about Linda from the con versati on? 答案C 12. M: Excuse m

4、e ,where can I learn more about your company. W: From our website. Q:Where can the man get more in formatio n about the compa ny? 13. M: Good morning, I have an appointment with Doctor Green at 10:30. W: Please wait a mome nt. He is with ano ther patie nt. Q: Where does this conv ersati on most prob

5、ably take place? 答案A 14. W: Im afraid we can have the meet ing today as Joh n ishere. M: I see. Letshave it tomorrow. Q: When will they have the meeting? 答案C Sectio n C Conv ersati on 1 W: Good morning, may I help you? M: Yes, (15) I would like to see a doctor, please. W: Are you a new patie nt here

6、? M: Yes, this is my first time here. W: I see. Whatyour trouble? M: (16) I e caught a bad cold. 15. What does the man want to do? 答案C 16. What sthe matter with the man? 答案A Conv ersati on 2 W: Good after noon, Parker In dustries. M: Hello, (17) may I speak to Mr. Black, please? W: Im sorry, he is n

7、ot in. Can I take a message? M: Yes, Im Joh n Brow n. Please tell him our meeti ng will be held on Friday at 3:30. W: (18) Friday at 3:30. M: And would you ask him to call me this after noon? W: Yes, whats your phone nu mber, please? M: It 3584058. W: Ok. (19) I pass the message to Mr. Black. 17. Wh

8、om does the man want to speak to? 答案D 18. When will they have the meeting? 答案A 19. What will the woman do for the man? 答案D Sectio n D Good after noon, ladies and gen tleme n. Thank you very much for coming to our conference this after noon .Im Henry Joh nson, the (20) sales manager of Smart Toys. No

9、w, I like to introduce you to a completely (21) new idea of toy manufacture. Firstly, I talk about the market research which led to the (22) developme nt of this product. The n I lexplai n the product ion and our sales pla n. Fin ally, I lmake some suggesti ons so that you can make this product a (2

10、3) success. We are con fide nt this new product will sell well in the (24) American market. At the end of my speech, welhave a questi on-an d-a nswer secti on. Part II Vocabulary & Structure Sectio n A 25. C 26. D 27. C 28. B 29. A 30. B 31. A 32. C 33. B 34. A Sectio n B 35. to guess 36. be made 37

11、. freque ntly 38. agreeme nt 39. more difficult Part IIIRead ing Comprehe nsion Task 1 40. B 41. C 42. B 43. A 44. D Task 2 45. C 46. B 47. D Task 3 48. 64,500 49. 2.6 millio n 50. the Uni ted States 51. global 52. reliable en ergy Task 4 53. C, K 54. M, J 55. F, Q 56. G O 57. E, H Task 5 58. Jim Jo

12、h nson 59. The Vice Preside nt 60. in troduce 61. next week 62. the sec ond floor Part IVTran slati on En glish into Chin ese 63. A-C-B 64. B-A-C 65. A-B-C 66. C-B-A 67. 參考譯文作為一家國際公司,ABC集團已經(jīng)經(jīng)營了 50多年。公司內(nèi)部有很 大的空間可以晉升到更高崗位,所以來我們公司工作能使你的職業(yè)生涯邁上 新高度。如果你想在一個正在成長的公司里找工作,那么這些工作絕對適合 你。 Part V Writi ng A Suggested An swer: MEMO Date: (1) June 14th, 2015 From: (2) Man ager To: (3) All the employees Re: (4) About the bonus Message: ep Our company made great achievements last year. Each employee will receive a $500


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