1 The Lessons of Learning 2 Policy evalution and Program termination_第1頁
1 The Lessons of Learning 2 Policy evalution and Program termination_第2頁
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1、The lessons of learning: Reconciling theories of policy learningand policy change COLIN J. BENNETT MICHAEL HOWLETT Framework Introduction: Policy change and the ambiguities of policy learning The subject of learning: Who learns? The object of learning: Learns what? The results of learning: To what e

2、ffect? Conclusion: Lessons about learning Introduction: Policy change and the ambiguities of policy learning Hall argues that learning serves the object of better goal attainment by governments. In Heclos view learning means a relatively enduring alteration in behavior that results from experience;

3、usually this alteration is conceptualized as a change in response made in reaction to some perceived stimulus. Introduction: Policy change and the ambiguities of policy learning Etheredge has utilized government learning to describe the process by which governments increase their intelligence and so

4、phistication and in this manner enhance the effectiveness of their actions Sabatier:policy-oriented learning involves relatively enduring alterations of thought or behavioral intentions that result from experience and that are concerned with ones belief system Introduction: Policy change and the amb

5、iguities of policy learning Rose :lesson-drawing is a particular type of learning in which policy-makers learn from both the positive and negative experiences of others This article sets out to evaluate these competing concepts and to aid in the clarification of the role of knowledge in the policy p

6、rocess. The subject of learning:Who learns? Heclo argues the preeminence of societal forces; Etheredge is located firmly within the formal institutions of the state, The other three opt for more complex views of the relationships existing between these two sets of actors The object of learning: Lear

7、ns what? For Heclo learning involves learning about both the substance and process of policy In Etheredges view, learning is determined by the growth of intelligence,there are three objective indicators of learning: (a) increased capacity for differentiation, (b) increased capacity for organization

8、and hierarchical integration, (c) increased capacity for reflective thought The object of learning: Learns what? In Sabatiers view, policy-oriented learning involves: 1. Improving ones understanding of the state of variables 2. Refining ones understanding of logical and causal relationships. 3. Iden

9、tifying and responding to challenges The object of learning: Learns what? Rose:Learning involves 1 scanning programs existing elsewhere, 2 producing a conceptual model of a program of interest, 3 comparing the exemplar with the problems of the existing program which have occasioned dissatisfaction.

10、The subject of learning:Who learns? In Hall scheme, learning involves three different types or orders. First-order, lessons regarding the setting of existing instruments are derived from past experiences. Second-order,the use of various instruments themselves. Third-order, changes involve the hierar

11、chy of goals behind the policy itself The results of learning: To what effect? In Heclos view, there are two common types of policy change which occur as a result of learning. Etheredge argues that learning involves both a growth in intelligence and an increase in effectiveness The other there think

12、 think that learning changes policy connected with its paradigm. Conclusion: Lessons about learning Policy evalution and Program termination Peter deLeon Framework Program Termination Program Termination and Policy Evalution Concluding Observation Program Termination Three criteria are generally app

13、lied in greater or lesser degrees: financial imperatives; governmental efficiencies; and political ideology. Financial or budgetary constraints have been increasingly posed as stimulating program terminations or at least retrenchments. Program Termination Governmental efficiences,especially on the f

14、ederal level, to deliver a desired service in an efficient, timely manner-is a second criteria when proposing program cutbacks. Political ideology-that is, ones general political orienta- tion as it affects specific policies and programs-necessarily influences the termination decision Program Termin

15、ation At times, it is impossible to estimate with any confidence what the costs of a program deletion might be given that certain of the programmatic The evidence for efficiency is clearly open to debate Political ideology has increasingly been forwarded as the basic cause or motivating factor in pr

16、ogram terminations Program Termination and Policy Evalution Two alternatives for structuring program reductions which accept the three ascribed components of policy termination economies, efficiencies, and ideologies- but in different degrees and priorities. The first is To the extent that the conce

17、ptual dimensions of policy are formulated on the basis of sweeping universals, they are divorced from actual phenomena and therefore can be neither empirically verified nor refuted, Program Termination and Policy Evalution The second alternative is deceptively simple: to do better. The linchpin to t

18、his second, more optimistic alternative, lies largely with the credibility of the policy evaluation community to contribute to policy termination debates Careful evaluations will help to outline the ramifications of program terminations, identify those who will be hurt and helped , and acutely revea

19、l the political and ideological factors that enter into policy termination decisions. Concluding Observation Treating the policy process as an integreted process that the relationship between policy evalution and policy termination. Program evaluation that is positively affect the policy process hav

20、ing the improvement of ones methodological skills or disciplinary reputation-then the evaluation termination nexus becomes essential 香港香港SARSSARS 1.案例介紹 2.案例分析 3.案例總結(jié) 案例介紹案例介紹 2003年,回歸進(jìn)入第六個(gè)年頭的香港迎來了癸未羊年的開年大吉,旅游 業(yè)和進(jìn)出口雙雙勁增的勢(shì)頭讓香港各界為之振奮,走出了金融危機(jī)的陰影, 走過了連續(xù)幾年的經(jīng)濟(jì)低迷,人們開始談?wù)撊绾蜗鳒p財(cái)政赤字,如何讓香 港經(jīng)濟(jì)重上顛峰,然而就在這個(gè)時(shí)候,一場(chǎng)人類歷史

21、上從未有過的疫病卻 悄然襲來。 2003年3月10日,香港最大的兩家電視機(jī)構(gòu)無線和亞視,同時(shí)播報(bào)了 一條消息:過去數(shù)日內(nèi)威爾斯親王醫(yī)院8A病房有7名醫(yī)生、4名護(hù)士出現(xiàn) 發(fā)燒、上呼吸道感染癥狀。此后病情的蔓延令所有人都猝不及防。 3月11日,感到不適的8A病房醫(yī)護(hù)人員激增到23人,其中兩人被證實(shí)感染 非典型肺炎。3月16日,有醫(yī)護(hù)人員的家屬被感染。17日,感染的病例突 破了100宗。一天之后,香港出現(xiàn)了首宗本地感染及死亡病例。 3月26日,港府衛(wèi)生署證實(shí),淘大花園E座有5個(gè)家庭7人受感染。28日, 感染人數(shù)大幅增加到63人。31日,感染人數(shù)再激增至213人。 為防止疫情擴(kuò)散,香港特區(qū)政府當(dāng)晚決定對(duì)淘大花園E座實(shí)行香港四十年 來的首次隔離令。 3月14日,特區(qū)行政長官董建華親自來到威爾斯親王醫(yī)院,看望醫(yī)護(hù)人員,了解實(shí)際情 況。 3月27日,港府宣布,禁止探視非典病人,曾與非典患者有密切接觸的人士須于10天內(nèi) 每天向指定的衛(wèi)生署診所報(bào)到,并開始在所有入境管制站實(shí)施檢疫申報(bào)措施。3月27日, 宣布中小學(xué)及幼兒園停課。 3月31日,決定對(duì)疫情嚴(yán)重的淘大花園E座


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