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1、MEASURES FOR STEEL structural FABRICATION category: COKING PLANT SECTIONJ1, j2, j3, j4, J5 Belt conveyer Subcategory: gallery PART I: INTRODUCTION I. OVERVIEW ABOUT BELT CONVEYER GALLERY STRUCTURAL SYSTEM: J1, J2, J3, J4, J5 belt conveyer gallery structural system is the item of Thai Nguyen Steel an

2、d Iron Corporation 2 stage expansion project. Belt ndconveyer gallery steel structure is designed by the Principal Contractor China Metallurgical Group Corporation (MCC) and assign to this subcategory for Subcontractor is Thang Long Ferrous Metallurgy Joint Stock Company. This subcategory includes t

3、he following sections: 1. J1 belt conveyer gallery steel structure linking the J2 transport station with J3 transport station. 2. J2 belt conveyer gallery steel structure linking the J3 transport station with coke cutting room. 3. J3 belt conveyer gallery steel structure linking the coke cutting roo

4、m with J4 transport station. 4. J4 belt conveyer gallery steel structure linking the J4 transport station with the coke screening house. 5. J5 belt conveyer gallery steel structure linking the coke screening house with G2 transport station. Subcategory of belt conveyer gallery steel structure system

5、 is designed with steel column system which are manu factured from hot rolled steel geometric font size H . Structure of racking platform is used types of hot rolled angle steel, steel beam system supporting roof is using comb ined steel geometric font size I. Sub-beams system support ing the floor

6、using hot rolled steel shape I, U . Purlin roof system using steel shape C . Floori ng sheet and stairs on the con veyor using 6mm an ti-slip religious. This sub-category is desig ned to use pla n of structural of hot rolled steelcolu mnlin ki ng stability brac ing and rack ing platform system runni

7、ng along the conveyor gallery so the columnstructures and truss are applied similar producti on processes. So in this con structi on method,we just discuss the measures to produce steel trusss frame structures. II. SIZE AND STRUCTURE OF THE ITEM. 1. Describe the size of the belt con veyer gallery -J

8、5): (J1structural system J1 belt con veyer gallery steel structure has len gth of 10.56m. Truss system is arranged starting from cos-0.181m. And along the design slope to +2,894 m. The width of the steel truss system is 3.4m. The height of the truss system is 2.5m. J2 belt con veyer gallery steel st

9、ructure has length of 54.50m. Truss system is arrangedstartingfrom cos +0600m and along the desig n slope to +9,676 m. The width of the steel truss system is 3.4m. The height of the truss system is 2.5m. J3 belt conveyer gallery steel structure has length of 124.00m. Truss system is arranged startin

10、g cos +1219m and along the design slope to +23,779m. The width of the steel truss system is 3.4m. The height of the truss system is 2.5m. has structure steel gallery conveyer beltJ4 length of 20.35m. Truss system is arranged starting cos +21,156m and along the design slope to +26,715 width of the st

11、eel truss system is 3.4m. The height of the truss system is 2.5m. J5 belt conveyer gallery steel structure has length of 12.666m. Truss system is arranged starting cos +5007 m and along the design slope to +6,710 m. The width of the steel truss system is 3.4m. The height of the truss system is 2.5m.

12、 Based on the design drawing, which were handed by the Principal Contractor to Subcontractor, we divided into the following types of components: A. Steel columnsStructuresupporting the main truss structure: - Column type 1 (JZ4) has cross section of empty column with width of 3.4m and height of 14.5

13、2m. Main bar by steel H300 * 305, bracing bar by steel U16, and L75 - L100. from from m. The from - Column type 2 (JZ2 / 3) has cross section of empty column with width of 3.4m and height of 10.35m. Main bar by steel H488 * 300, bracing bar by steel U18, and L56 - L125. - Column type 3 (JZ2 / 3) has

14、 cross section of empty column with width of 3.4m and height of 19.55m. Main bar by steel H700 * 300, bracing bar by steel U18, and L56 - L125. - All the columns have length 12m will be divided into smaller components with length 12m will be divided into smaller components with length = 12m and are

15、produced at the plant, then combined and connected in the construction site. PART II: PREPARATION OF FACILITIES, ENGINEERING SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS FOR STEEL STRUCTURAL FABRICATION OF BELT CONVEYOR GALLERY I. FACILITIES ENGINEERING STEEL PRODUCTION. The entire steel structure of the item steel struc

16、ture supporting belt conveyor gallery system J1 to J5 are manufactured at factory of Thang Long Ferrous Metallurgy JSC in My Hao District - Hung Yen Province. The structural withweight 5.000kg and len gth 5000kg and length 30m are produced outside the processing of steel structures. Our plant includ

17、es factory system, technical staff and skilled workers equipped with the modern equipment and machinery to produce products meeting the technical requirements of designs and current standards. Equipments for production in plants is as follows: A Processing equipment embryos 1. Hydraulic cutter but f

18、lat production (Imported) 01 : 02 2. CNC embryos cutter (Imported) 3. Punching-and-shearing machine : 01 4. Hydraulic press machine 300T-PPN31200 01 : 5. Steel cutters 01 B. Mechanical equipment 1. 3-axis wind machines : 01 : 01 2. U- mill machine 3. Lathe T750, T823 : 01 4. Automatic drifting machi

19、ne 5. Large-diameter drill Z3050 x16 : 01 01 construction site 1. Welder02 02 6. Two stone grinder 7. Hand forever : 05 01 8. Drilling machine bending - C. Welding equipment 1. Automatic Welding Machine 2 burners : 01 2. Semi-automatic welding machine : 03 3. Machine fitting combinations H-beams aut

20、omatically 01 4. Wing bending machine : 01 : 05 5. Ta350 C02 weldi ng mach ine- Win Cleaning and painting D. 1. Bogo compressors: 01 : 01 2. Sand blasting machine E. Transport equipment lifting 1. Q = 10 ton crane : 04 2. Fork-lift truck : 01 F. Test equipment : 011. Equipment and test kits KCS 2. C

21、oating thickness measurement: 01 3. Pan me, grip size G. Equipment and construction machinery at : 01 2. Generators 3. Iron cutting machines : 01 4. Machines for construction other II. HUMAN resources for STEEL structure PRODUCTION. Total number of technical workers of the factory went into producti

22、on of steel structures for Coke belt conveyor galleries to 94 people at its peak. Of which: 1. Welder: 25 workers 2. Themed details fixtures: 15 workers 3. Mechanist skilled manufacturing grade 4 / 7 or more: 05 workers 4. Turner: 02 workers 5. Electrician: 02 workers 5. Cold assembly workers: 15 wo

23、rkers 6. The other workersfor production: 20 workers 7. Technical engineering staff for production: 10 people III. PREPARATION MATERIALS, MATERIAL STEEL PRODUCTION. 1. Steel:All types of steel in production of steel structures to ensure the new steel, stainless pitting, no warping. Steel must have a

24、 clear origin, must have a quality controlcheck of each type of batch production. After the investment, supervision consultants to agree to test for sampling quality control to ensure the new steel was put into production.The entire production of steel for belt conveyer gallery steel structure is Q2

25、35B steel which made from China or other steel with equivalent specifications. 2. Welding materials:welding materials of choice for electric welding and manual w elding. method according to automatic welding Manual wAt the request of desig ning in weld ing eldi ng: a) of Q235B steel structure, using

26、 E43 weldingrods of China Types of welding rods has the same technical features of J421weldi ng rod of Viet namese Germa n Weldi ng Compa ny, FS-E421 and FS- E422 of the company s Huu Nghi welding and con structi on of Viet nams mecha ni cal producti on. b) Automatic weldi ng: When weldi ng steel st

27、ructures with steel Q235A and Q235B using weld ing wire and weld ing compo und H08E H08A or equivale nt weldi ng wire and welding compound FS-HW08A, HF -402. 3. Choose Pai nt -Epoxy Primer, Epoxy in termediatepaint and coat ing of PU paint of manu facturers in Viet nam was accepted by the Investoran

28、d MCC( Hanoi General Paint Corporation / Jotun Viet Nam /In ter pain t/ Chugoku .) with appropriate quality meeti ng the requireme nts of the proposed desig n. PART III: STEEL FABRICATION A- GENERAL PRINCIPLES belt co nveyer gallery structural Fabricatio n of steel structures for systemcomplies with

29、 con structi on sta ndards and accepta nee of GB 50205-2001, steel structural weldi ng sta ndard JGJ 81-91,205-83 Chi nas manu factur ing sta ndards and structures 170-89 20TCN-steel of Viet nam as follows: a, Steel structure and texture fon ta nel tiou no n-sta ndard part is manu factured accord in

30、g to desig n draw in gs, detailed draw ings of comp onents that are available for approval and promulgati on. Whe n process ing using adva need methods, in accorda nee b, with the requireme nts of tech no logy and strict con trol of the stages. Materials used for processingand manufacturingtoc, qual

31、ity and nu mber of steel grades in accorda nee with desig n requireme nts. For the particular steelcomponents,in addition tod, gen eral provisi ons also comply with specific regulati ons for steel materials of that structures. Requirements for steel and welding materials: All the e, steel into the m

32、anu facturi ng to be tested muscle and physically by the legal un its performa nee. Weld ing rod,weld in gwire and weld ing compo un ds quality certificatesshould call the manu facturer to provide, prior to use to check quality. Other materials: f, Bolts-linktype must have the certificate,the qualit

33、y. Anti -rust paint and protected by paint are specified accurately as the design of pai nt a comp onent or two comp onen ts, the level of clea ning and coati ng thick ness of each layer. B- MANUFACTURING PROCESS OF STEEL COMPA NY Research desig n draw in gs, con structi on draw ings made In specti

34、on and approva / Check, Approval. Up dema nd for materials Purchase of supplies by project requireme nts Check in puts Retur nNo. Reach reached Impressi on, by cutt ing embryo draw ings have bee n approved Flat straighte ning, prepari ng joint comb ined details In specti on and Detailed fitt ing com

35、b in ati on con sortium weldi ng after details have detail Straighte ning wingafter weld ing Perfect fitting assemblies In specti on and providerOk bee n comb ined Weldi ng complete details Straighte ning, flat, heated, ground fix In specti on and docume ntati on Surface clea ning products In specti

36、 on and docume ntati on Paint products In specti on and docume ntati on Last in specti on. Making records of completed tests Public tran sport to con structi on site C- Steel structure manu facturi ngl. Billet process (billet forming, marking and cutting ) I.1. Form ing and mark in g:Before form ing

37、 and mark ing, steel surface must be cleanedso that there is or dust. Steel must not be rusty and abscessed. Worker who is in charge of forming, marking must be skilled and well-trainedexperieneed and able to understand, desig n draw ing. Supervise engin eer must popularize manu facturi ng oarts tec

38、h no logyand in struetmarking workder redundancy in case of the shrinkagein cutting, no grease detail to make a weldi ng and chamfering. The redundant index of billet is executed 4.1.2, 4.1.3, 4.1.5, 4.1.6 of the Chinese GB 50205-2001 standard or Vietnamese 20TCN170-89 standard (table 4 v table 7).

39、Tools for forming and marking are: steel pen, parane caliper square, iron-sheet measuring tape, set quare. I.2. Billet cutting: 2.1. Cuttingbillet by heating method: During the cutting process , temper must be stable in order to reduce the billet warping. Temperature at the cutoff point should be co

40、ntrolled from 900C to 1000C so that the cutting 00 line is flat and not burned due and there is no steel slag at low temperature in order to reduce the labor cost for the billet cleaning process to chamfering. Means and tools for billet cutting by heating method are including: Gas oxy pla ne-sheari

41、ng machine made in China, KEROI gas-oxy plate- shearing machine made in Japan. 2.2. Beveled: All the butt-welding for parts with the billet thick ness 8mm should be chamfered by mach ine or autogenous cutting machine. Tolerance of chamfering is executed base on table 4.3.2 standard GB 50205-2001 Chi

42、nese standard or AWSD 1.1 standard on page 11. Table 5 applies to V manual welding joint. 2.3 Billet straightening before jigging welding: - Method of straightening components made by straightening machine dedicated structures for hot-rolled structural steel and combined welding steel. Manual straig

43、htening method for straightening ho-trolled corner steel components and other comp onents which have complex size and beam straighte ning machi ne fails. -There must be no dimples on surface of parts, depth of cast marks on surface 0.5mm after straighe ning. -The allowa nee tolera nee table after st

44、raighte ning steel material. No. CategoryDiagram Allowa nee tolera nce(mm) Tolera nee Partial range 1000mm: smooth ness of theiooo platel 1,5 t 1 Theheightofthe bowformsteels1/1000 2 (f) 5mm Verticalofstraightness = b/100angle steel (A 3 TheslopingofUofsideedge A = b/8shaped steel : ( A 4 ofslop in

45、gThe the central line of flat is on horizontal( the web) should be on the same level ( test by bled) The work of jigging are carriedout by means of temporary attachmentweld then check all the geometric dimensions of the frame of steel truss, the warping of detail parts, truss flat surfaces inside an

46、d outside the frame of steel Once the parameters controlled by the requirement to conduct complete attachment link the nodes of the steel truss II.2. Completely jigging column parts and steel truss: Before completely jigging parts: technical department to check all the details which were temporary f

47、ixtures and to reject all parts that do not meet the requirement of size, straightness and replace new ones. Parts are only jigged when they are confirmed for smoothness and straightness. When welding linking buttons of the truss and linking bracing columns to conduct accurately technical requiremen

48、ts in order to avoid improper welding processes causing warping of the link code due to shrinkage of the heat. Jigging gusset plate of column base : Before jigging column, beam must be straightened, without warping, the flange must be flat so that the gusset plate will be crossed with the flange and

49、 the web to ensure size for matching. Jigging gusset plate of beam head: Done like jigging columns, welding combination should be finished before jigging parts; bracing struts and “con bo ” (steel plate under parlin, if any) should be straightened, smoothed and not twisted. Tolera nee of comb in ati

50、o n jigg ing bases on table 8: Table 8: Allowa nee tolera nee Applied Name of variati on sta ndard (mm ) warpi ng Fla nge 1. 0.005B (for one side) only (B : Fla nge width ) aftereompletion.20 TCN 170-892. Flange fan- in 0.005B (for one side) only (B : : Fla nge width ) after eompleti on. 3. Non- per

51、pe ndicular H/100 ( H : I betwee nen dgussetFW - SPeomb in ati on height ) less platewithwebafter0017 than 2 fin ishi ng weldi ng. L/1000 no more tha n 10mm (apply to truss ) 4. Crow nin gofpartFW - SPL/1000 no more than 5 0017 after eompleti on.( apply to eolu mn and crane bridge ) with len gth of

52、part: L 5. Distortion of part0.001L no more than 10 after eompletio n20 TCN 17089partialwebs 6. 0.003H ( H : webs idth at the measuri ng point ) warpi ng 7. Smoothless on high intension bolt in stalli ng 8 mm applied as Viet nam sta ndard 6735:2000 (BS3923-1:1988) -Check ing by test (te nsile test )

53、 for steel with variuos thich nesses : 01 sample/ per test. 3.2. an gle weld joi nt: -By visual: 100% 100% -By mold as Viet nam Sta ndard 338-2005: -By ultrso nic: 0% Defects at the weld ing joint found dur ing check ing will be recorded. All n ecessary works for repair ing defects and errors will b

54、e also recorded as well. The welding joint must be cleandto ensurenon- residuary of defects dur ing check ing. Defect ing tole nee of an gle joint weld as in figure A and B are accepted. Defects as in figure C must be repaired. Defecting tolence of butt weld as in figure D is accepted, defects as in

55、 figure E must be repaired. (Accordi ng to AWS D1.1 page 40 ) 1 Picture A : Best weldi ng joi nts Picture B: Acceptable defectedweldingjoint with C point is from 0.1S to 0.8mm (S:lengthmeasured according to the right angleside of the weldi ng joint) -二 1 7 Picture C: un acceptable defected weld ing

56、joints 4 咯 Picture D: Acceptable butt welding joint with R=0 to 3 mm. IM 1XJ Error weldi ng joi nt In sufficie nt weld ing joint( not fully done)Burn ed- base weldi ng joint beari ng weldi ng joint colu mn, and moveme nt surface of the reel so 3.3. Straighte ning Ishaped beam, H shaped truss after w

57、eldi ng After weld in g, I shaped beam, H shaped colu mn and truss almost are warped and deformed because of heat.Therefore, we have to straighte n them aga in as in itial desig n. Straighte ning I shaped beam will be processed by straighte ning mach ine. Procedure of straighte ning for beam straigh

58、tening is as follows: using crane bridge in the workshop to lift the I shaped beam or H shaped beam up to bed of straighte ning mach ine. Press ing electric butt on for operating reel so the beam will move on along its bed smoothly without any problems for traslational of I beam or H beam. Adjusting

59、 the straightening engine of machine graduatly lower down to the underside I beam or H beam. Bush ing grease on surface of beam rib.Pressing start botton for hydraulic engine of straighteningbeam to operate together with that the beam surface is always con tacted with beam straighte ning engine, pre

60、ssure force will be in creased. I shaped beam or H shaped beam is moving tra nslati on ally on engine few time, it will be straight, smoothly as design. Procedure of straighteningsteel truss is done by manual straighte ning tech nique with Gas-oxyge n bur ner is as follows: professi onal workers wit


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