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1、初三英語(yǔ)競(jìng)賽 、單項(xiàng)選擇。 1. Anyone who followedwould be blessed with a richer life and boun dless love from his family. A. my set of rulesB. my packet of rules C. my group of rulesD. my pack of rules 2. As Mr. Best was passing the bookshop, he thought hed just to see whether any in teresti ng books were on sal

2、e. A. look inB. look up C. look round D. look for 3. My fathers very quiet too. Ihim. A. follow withB. take after C. look likeD. tur n up to be 4. The n ews wason the radio the day before yesterday. A. broadcastB. to broadcast C. being broadcastedD. broadcast ing 5. I can t get into my apartmesnlaus

3、e I left the keymy door in my car. A. ofB. fromC. onD. to 6. On New Years Eve, there will be a fireworkat Peoples Square. A. exhibiti onB. performa neeC. showD. display 7. Its not far from the village if we take the shortthrough the jun gle. A. passB. comerC. turningD. cut 8. Could you keep a(n)on t

4、he baby for a mome nt? A. heartB. eyeC. handD. ear 9. The museumnext month to celebrate the Science & Tech no logy Festival. A. is decoratedB. will decorate C. is decorat ingD. will be decorated 10. Did the policema n give muchon how to protect pers onal in formati on? A. noteB. tipC. adviceD. book

5、1-5 AABAD 6-10 DDBDC 二、閱讀理解。 (A) Most America ns think that ice cream is as America n as baseball and apple pie. But ice cream was known long before America was discovered. The Roma n emperor Nero may have made a kind of ice cream. He hired hun dreds of men to bring snow and ice from the mountains.

6、He used it to make cold drin ks.Traveler Marco Polo brought back recipes for chilled and froze n milk from China. Hundreds of years later, ice cream reached England. It is said that King Charles enjoyed that treat very much. There is a story that he bribed his cook to keep the recipe for ice cream a

7、 royal secret. Today ice cream is known throughout the world. America ns alone eat more tha n two billio n quarts a year. 11 .The passage says that most America ns A. thi nk that ice cream is very new B. think that ice cream was an American idea C. know that ice cream has a long history D. do not kn

8、ow what ice cream is 12. The Roma n emperor Nero hired men to A. make ice cream for him B. bring ice cream from China C. guard the secret of ice cream D. bring ice to cool his drinks 13. Charles I of En gla nd wan ted to A. make ice cream popular B. keep the secret of ice cream for himself C. develo

9、p new kinds of ice cream D. bring ice cream recipes from China (B) Ben Joh nson is one of the few men ever buried sta nding up. As the story goes, King Charles I once made him a promise. The king told the great writer that he would be buried in En gla nds famous Westm in ster Abbey. But that was nt

10、all. Joh nson could choose any place he liked for his grave. Joh nson died in 1637. Then it was found that the spot he had picked was already filled. The gro und space left in it was just eightee n in ches square. King Charles 1 kept his words. He had Joh nsons coffi n placed on its end in the small

11、 place. Thats the way it would just fit. 14. Which probably happe ned first? A. Joh nson picked a place in the Abbey. B. Joh nson died. C. Johnson received Charles s promise. D. Joh nson told the king of his choice. 15. Charles I found out the place filled after A. Johnson s death B. Johnson s buria

12、l C. the reading of Johnson s will D. 1638 16. Johnson s coffin was placed upright so that it would A. face the westB. look bigger C. take less roomD. reach the floor 17. The story shows that Charles tried to A. role Brita in wellB. keep his promise C. lear n about artD. write poems and stories (C)

13、Along with jogg ing and swim ming, cycli ng is one of the best all-r ound forms of exercise. It can help to in crease your stre ngth and en ergy, givi ng you more efficie nt muscles and a stron ger heart. But increasing your strength is not the only advantage of cycling. Because youre not carry ing

14、the weight of your body on your feet, its a good form of exercise for people with painful feet or backs. However, with all forms of exercise its important to start slowly and build up gently. Doing too much too quickly can damage muscles that arent used to working. If you have any doubts about tak i

15、ng up cycli ng for health reas ons, talk to your doctor and ask his/her advice. Ideally you should be cycli ng at least two or three times a week. For the exercise to be doing you good, you should get a little out of breath. Dont worry if you begin to lose your breath. Shortness of breath shows that

16、 the exercise is having the right effect. However, if you find you are in pain the n you should stop and take a rest. 18. The words Al ong with (in Para. 1, li ne 1) most probably means A. I n accorda nee withB. Except for C. In addition toD. I nstead of 19. Cycli ng is good for people with painful

17、back because A. they can avoid putt ing all their weight on their feet B. they can have some exercise on their back C. they must start slowly and build up gen tly D. they can relieve pain from the back 20. The probable result of sudde n exercise is that A. you might get a little out of breath B. you

18、 will lose your breath C. you can get your muscles hurt D. you ll find you are in pain with your heart 21. What is the writers purpose of writing this article? A. To give amuseme ntB. To make criticism C. To give adviceD. To give warning (D) Dear Sir, I am writing to make a strong complaint about th

19、e impolite treatment my guests, my colleague and I received whe n we visited your restaura nt last Friday eve ning. On booking a table for four by telephone on Tuesday we were assured that there would be room for us despite the fact that your restaura nt had bee n ope n only for a few weeks and all

20、the tables had already bee n booked. We appreciate that there must be great dema nd for restaura nt meals at this time of the year in such a popular and historic area but we were not expecting such an ill-mannered reception on the part of your head waiter. Our Chinese friends are currently touring t

21、he Shakespeare Country and were looking forward to a traditi onal En glish dinner in such a charm ing sett ing. But our hopes for an enjoyable evening out were in sta ntly spoilt whe n your head waiter in formed us that he had received no book ing in our n ame and, so, no table was reserved for our

22、party. My colleague and I protested at this and asked to speak to the Manager, who, we were told, was unavailable. Your staff then offered us a table which we all had to share with another couple and no effort was made to smooth over the un pleasa ntn ess we had experie need. We also had to wait for

23、 some con siderable time before the menu was brought to us. I trust you will give this compla int your prompt atte nti on as the whole embarrass ing in cide nt was a great disappo in tme nt to our guests and set a bad example to our En glish hospitality. Yours sin cerely, Mr. Paul J. Weller 22. Mr.

24、Weller could be described as being A. disappo in ted B. impolite C. moderately dissatisfied D. hurt and angry 23. The writer had the un pleasa nt experie nee in A. a hotel B. a Chin ese restaura nt C. a restaura nt in Shakespeare s birthplace D. a bar in London 24. Mr. Weller hopes that this letter

25、of eomplai nt A. will be looked into at once B. will embarrass the man ager C. will result in the restaura nt being closed D. will cause the quick dismissal of the head waiter (E) Like mother, like son 1955 Dear Mummy I hate this board ing school. Food Awful, prefects bully me. Please take me home.

26、Love, David. Dear David Nonsen se! Chin up. Mother 1997 Dear David I hate this home. Food awful, nurses treat me like a child. Fetch me immediately. Dear Mother Nonsen se! Chin up. David 25. What is the theme of the above short story? A. The mother en couraged her son to stay aga inst harsh con diti

27、 on and so did his son to his mother 22 years later. B. The son had a high moral sense to cheer his mother up while she was sufferi ng in the Old Peoples House C. The son refused his mother s urgency for help because he was treated as such when he was at board ing school 22 years ago. D. The son wan

28、 ted his mother to experie nee how he was put dow n 22 years ago at board ing school. 11.( B) 12.(D) 13.( B ) 14.( C ) 15.( A ) 16.( C) 17.( B) 18.( C ) 19.( A ) 20.( C ) 21.( C ) 22.(D) 23.( C ) 24.( A ) 25.( C ) 、綜合語(yǔ)法填空。 A Delicious Meal Tony is Chinese American. His family members gather together

29、 and serve a traditional Chin ese meal once a week. Last week Tony in vited his friend Amy for it. Tony s family26(prepare) dinner when Amy arrived. The family was cooking vegetables with hot oil. The kitche n was filled with many good smells.“ You can help me set tl table. ” Tony told his friend. T

30、hey gave each person a pair of chopsticks, a soup bowl, a soup spoon, and a rice bowl on a plate. “ Where are the forks and kni ves?Amy asked. “ Oh,you27(not need) those. Tony explained. I will show you how to use chopsticks. Don t worry. ” Tony mother put different foods which were28 (familiar) to

31、Amy onto big plates. She asked the kids to carry the food-filled plates out to the table. Amy carried roast duck. It was one of the few dishes she recog ni zed. Amy was a little n ervous about eat ing29chopsticks. Tony gave her in struct ions on how to do it. Amy fin ally man aged to hold the chopst

32、icks. Just whe n she picked up a piece of chicke n in her chopsticks, her fin gers sudde nly lost con trol of them, and the chicke n flew across the table. It Ianded in Tony s soup w飛濺h)s Eaehyone at the table smiled. Tony father 30 (kind) brought out a fork and knife. He handed them to Amy .Amy fel

33、t more comfortable. She ate the rest of her dinner easily. It was delicious! At the end of the meal, Amy31(give) a fortune cookie(簽語(yǔ)餅干).She broke it ope n and read the small note in side,” Practice hard, you will lear n many thin gs.” Amy laughed and said, ” if you let me take home a pair of chopsti

34、cks, my fortune may come true! 26. was preparing,27.won tuse, 28.unfamiliar, 29.with,30.kindly,31.was given, 32.a nd 四、任務(wù)閱讀理解。 It was Saturday aga in. Grace and Karen disliked Saturdays. That was ano ther thing the twins had in com mon. They shared the same clothes and tied their hair in the same ma

35、nn er. I n fact, it was hard for their classmates and teachers to tell them apart sometimes. Un like their classmates, they had to get up early at seve n every Saturday to prepare for their less ons. Grace had to atte nd the art less on and Karen had to atte nd her ballet less on.“ could do somethin

36、g different today , ” said the twins with one voice. All at once, an idea came to Grace and Karen at the same time.“ How would you like to be me for a day?” they asked each other. It seemed like a wonderful plan to them. After giving each other a description of their own fri ends, Grace put on Karen

37、 s ballet dress while Karen put Grace s brushes and paints into her bag Then they left for their classes. When the art less on started, Kare n was lost. Unlike Grace, Kare n was poor at draw ing. When the art less on fin ally en ded, Kar en did n t dare to hand in her work. Mean while, Grace was str

38、uggli ng in the ballet class as well. As she had no idea about the dance steps, she had to follow her classmates bli ndly. As a result, she kept knocking into them. Their ballet teacher became impa tie nt with her,“ Karen, you should remember the basic steps. You can t rely on copying what others ar

39、e doing.” When Karen and Grace got home, they were tired out. They decided that they would n ever try to be some one else they were no t. It seemed that the grass was not always gree ner on the other side . 33. Did Grace and Karen like Saturdays? 34. When did the twins get up on Saturdays? 35. What

40、was the twins pla n whe n they decided to do someth ing differe nt? 36. How did Karen feel at the begi nning of the art less on? 37. Why did the ballet teacher become impatie nt? 38. What d oes the underlined part the grasswas not always greener on the other side” at the end of the story try to tell

41、 us? 五、 33. No, they didn t. / No. Both of them disliked (Saytsr 34. (They got up) at seve n on Saturdays. 35. (Their pla n was to) prete nd to be the other one / excha nge roles for a day. 36. She felt lost (when the art lesson started). 37. (Because“ Karen ” couldn t) remember the basic steps / da

42、nce well. 38. (Any reas on able an swer is acceptable.) 閱讀以下內(nèi)容,完成任務(wù)。 Sometimes givi ng up is the way forward This is a story about a mountaineer named Phillip. Phillip was a member of a mountaineering team that planned to climb a mountain. In order to enjoy the glory( 榮耀)of being the first to reach

43、the mountain top. Phillip went to climb the mou nta in39 one ni ght while the other mountain eers were sleep ing. Obviously, climb ing at ni ght was n t a smart decisi on. But he still wan ted to give it a try. He was nearly to the top when he suddenly slipped(失足)and started to fall. At that moment, his entire life flashed(閃現(xiàn))before him. While thinking about how 40 he was to death, he felt the rope around his wa


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