



1、智課網(wǎng)TOEFL備考資料托福TP01 口語Task4題目文本及答案解析摘要:托福TPO系列是考生們一致認(rèn)證的權(quán)威備考資料,為了幫助大家更好的備考托??谡Z,本篇小編為大家整理了托福 TP01 口語Task4題目文本及答案解析,大家一定要好好利用!托福 TP01 口語 task4 題目 Reading Part:Groupthi nkOne process by which groups may make bad or irrati onal decisi ons is known as groupthi nk. In dividual members of a group attempt to

2、conform their opinions to what they believe to be the group consen sus eve n though the result may be n egative. There are many reas ons why groupthi nk happe ns. These in clude the desire to be liked,fear of los ing a job, or eve n not wan ti ng to be the one employee delay ing a decisi on that see

3、ms in evitable. These kinds of implicit pressures to conform lead group members to ultimately make decisions that each, by himself or herself, might normally not make.托福 TPO1 口語 task4 題目 Listening Part:Now liste n to part of a lecture on this topic in a bus in ess man ageme nt class.(male professor)

4、So, let me tell you about my own experie nces whe n I was work ing for a computer compa ny a couple of years ago.So, one day a co-worker and I suggested we should give our computers a desig n make-over: make them look more up-to-date. Market research was show ing that new customers said they would b

5、e more in terested in buy ing our computers if they looked cooler. Our tech no logy was adva need but the outside desig n looked really old-fashi on ed.At first, more than half the group supported u s. There were a few senior managers here who didn t support thedesig n cha nge. One o f the senior ma

6、n ager said,“ Our focus has always bee n on tech no logy, cha nging the look is anunn ecessary cost. ”Almost immediately, some of our supporters cha nged their min ds! Eve n my co-worker cha nged his mind! When I asked him why after the meeting, he told me he didn t want to make a bad impression on

7、the senior managers. Hethought that disagreeing with them might jeopardize his chances of getting a promotion by not looking like a teamplayer.What about me? I hate to admit it, but, after a few hours of discussi on, I started won deri ng if it was worth every one time to argue about this? As more p

8、eople sided with the senior management, I started to feel that I was the only one holdi ng up the vote. Every one else seemed to thi nk cha nge was n t n ecessary. I voted aga inst my own idea in the end.So we unanim ously decided to stay with the curre nt old-look ing desig n. But this decisi on en

9、 ded up costi ng us a lot of mon ey. That same year, our competitor came out with a new desig n that attracted some of our customers and preve nted us from profit ing from new customers.托福 TPO1 口語 task4 題目 Question:Expla in groupth ink and its effects. Using the example of the computer compa ny.托福TP

10、O1 口語task4答案解析:1. Read ing keys(1.1) Term: groupth ink(1.2) Defi niti on: sometimes people make bad or irrati onal decisi on with in a group(1.3) Why do we do it?(1.3.1) Desire to be liked, fear of losing a job(1.3.2) Not wanting to be the only one that s holding up the vote2. Liste ning keys(2.1) P

11、rofessor and coworker wan ted to cha nge the look of their computer(2.2) Ma nager disagreed(2.3) Coworker cha nged his mind(2.3.1) Did not want to leave a bad impression on the managers(2.4) Professor cha nged his mind as well(2.4.1) Did not want to be the only one that s holding up the vote(2.5) Th

12、ey were all wrong(2.5.1) A competitor came out with a new desig n that attracted many costumers托福TPO1 口語task4范文:The professor talks about groupth ink which means sometimes people would make a bad decisi on as a group. In the example, the professor and his co-worker thought they n eed to cha nge the

13、look of their computers, but man agers disagreed. So his co-worker cha nged his mind because he did nt want to leave a bad impressi on on the man agers by not look ing like a team player. I n the end, the professor cha nged his mind too, because he did nt want to be the only person that s holding up

14、 the vote. But they were all wrong, the same year, a competitor came out with a new design that attracted many of their customers.小馬為大家研發(fā)岀新的托福備考神器兩枚,小馬機(jī)經(jīng)APP和托福聽力APP!小馬機(jī)經(jīng)APP機(jī)經(jīng)庫包含歷年托福機(jī)經(jīng)及最新更新考前預(yù)測機(jī)經(jīng),戰(zhàn)托必備!讓大家直接體驗(yàn)托福機(jī)經(jīng)在線??辑h(huán)境。托福聽力APP模擬托福聽力考場環(huán)境,并同時(shí)給岀了TPO1-34模考題及答案解析,海量詞匯句子文章魔鬼式訓(xùn)練,高分必達(dá)!以上內(nèi)容就是小編為大家整理的托福TPO1 口語

15、Task4題目文本及答案解析的全部內(nèi)容,同學(xué)們是不是受益匪淺呢?小馬四月的TOEFL機(jī)經(jīng)已經(jīng)岀來了,同學(xué)們有需要的可以向小馬老師索要下載鏈接,或者掃描文中二維碼 下載小馬機(jī)經(jīng) APP,名校助推器在手備考不愁,趕快掃描二維碼下載APP吧!相關(guān)推薦:2015新托??谡Z技巧之兼顧完整性和濃縮性托??谡Z日常練習(xí)之六步訓(xùn)練法托??谡Z語速問題相關(guān)解答丄1片100QX753UJ5flUE子mt9TOEFL名師IELTS名師GRE名師SAT名師E 3 T;百度測投直的在踐學(xué)習(xí)假導(dǎo)品聽迖些老師拋課彳是種享受渺渺紅塵,茫茫人海,沒有過早,也沒有太晚,遇見的自然是恰逢其時(shí)。有人說,這世間的所有相遇,都是久別重逢。惟有父母與子女,是為了別離。父母為自己付出的,永遠(yuǎn)是百分之百的綿綿恒愛。每當(dāng)看到滿頭如雪,彎腰駝背,步履蹣跚的父親母親,總會不由自主地想起,他們曾用最純樸、最勤勞的方式為自己撐起過一片天,現(xiàn)如今卻是衰老伴著他們走過一年 又一年。于父母眼里,自己就像飄在天空的風(fēng)箏,無論飛得多高多遠(yuǎn),他們也舍不得松開牽掛的那根線。這種深厚的愛,若高山闊海,就算用一輩子的時(shí)間,恐怕也回饋不完想來那句:你養(yǎng)我長大,我陪你變老,應(yīng)是最好的報(bào)答。記得一首友情的歌,里面那段歌詞格外打動人:友情,人人都需要友情,不能孤獨(dú),踏上人生的旅程聽完,特別想感謝那些出現(xiàn)在自己不同人生階段的朋友,感謝這一路上你們給予的支持和鼓勵。此


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