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1、書山有路勤為徑,學(xué)海無涯苦作舟。祝愿天下莘莘學(xué)子:學(xué)業(yè)有成,金榜題名!語言類考試復(fù)習(xí)資料大全公共英語三級分類模擬題聽力題(四)公共英語三級分類模擬題聽力題(四)Unit 1 This section is designed to test your ability to understand spoken English. You will hear a selection of recorded materials and you must answer the questions that accompany them. There are TWO parts in this sectio

2、n, Part A and Part B. Remember, while you are doing the test, you should first put down your answers in your test booklet. At the end of the listening comprehension section, you will have 3 minutes to transfer your answers from your test booklet onto ANSWER SHEET 1. If you have any questions, you ma

3、y raise your hand NOW as you will not be allowed to speak once the test has started. Now look at Part A in your test booklet. Part B You will hear four dialogues or passages. Before listening to each one, you will have 5 seconds to read each of the questions, which accompany it. While listening, ans

4、wer each question by choosing A, B, C or D. After listening, you will have 10 seconds to check your answer to each question. You will hear each piece ONLY ONCE. Questions 14-17 are based on the following dialogue. (如需獲取本MP3聽力錄音請搜索標(biāo)題名)1. Where does the woman work?A.At McDonalds.B.For Jackson and Sons

5、.C.With the man.D.For a construction company.答案:A解析 14-17M: Hi, Mary, how are you today?W: Im fine, Vince. How are you?M: Pretty well. Are you going to Joes party tonight?W: I want to, but I cant. I have to work.M: Oh, you have a job? I didnt know that.W: I work at McDonalds. Im the assistant manage

6、r. But I want to get a different job. My major is accounting so I want to a job where I have more responsibility for money.M: Why dont you try my fathers company?W: What kind of company does he work for?M: Hes the personal manager of Jackson and Sons. Its a construction company.W: That sounds like i

7、t might be interesting. Do you know what kind of job they have?M: Well, I dont know for sure. But he said they need twenty-five or thirty new people. They plan to heir them in June. Theyll work until the end of August or the beginning of September.W: Id better check pretty soon. If I get a job there

8、 Ill have to stop working at McDonalds in May.M: Ill tell my father that you are interested in working for his company. Then you can call him and make an appointment to go and talk with him about it. Ill tell him tomorrow.W: Good, then Ill call him the day after tomorrow. Thanks a lot, Vince. 文中提到“I

9、 work at McDonalds”。 2. Why does the woman want to change her job?A.Because her present job is too hard.B.Because she doesnt just want to be an assistant manager.C.Because she wants to have a job where she can use her knowledge.D.Because she wants to earn more money.答案:C從“My major is accounting so I

10、 want a job where I have more responsibility for money”,可以推斷出答案。3. When will Jackson and Sons hire new workers?A.In September.B.In May.C.In August.D.In June.答案:D從“They plan to hire them in June”,可以推斷出答案。4. When will the man tell his father about the woman?A.Tonight.B.Tomorrow.C.This afternoon.D.The

11、day after tomorrow.答案:B文中Ill tell him tomorrow,可以推斷出答案。 Questions 22-25 are based on the following dialogue. (如需獲取本MP3聽力錄音請搜索標(biāo)題名)5. Why couldnt the salesman sell anything?A.Because he is not experienced.B.Because he stays in big cities.C.Because the market is declining.D.Because the quality of the p

12、roducts is not good enough.答案:C解析 22-25W: What? Youve sold nothing?M: Well, you know, the market is in a slump. People in this area simply arent buying things.W: Then you should go other places, lets say, big cities, like Chicago, New York, San Francisco, and so on.M: Yes, Miss. Ill start as early a

13、s possible.W: Remember you should try your best to find new customers.M: Yes, Miss, I will.W: Listen, try to sell all the products. Dont come back until youve succeeded.M: I understand, Miss.W: Where are you going first?M: How about Washington D. C.W: Good. Are you ready to leave now?M: No, Miss. I

14、came only yesterday evening.W: Then youd better go back and get ready to leave. By the way, which train are you going to take?M: The 10:26 train. Its the earliest one to Washington D. C.W: Now let me see. Its already 8:20. So you only have two hours to prepare for your trip. Get moving. Youre wastin

15、g time.M: I think Id better go to the station to book a sleeping car first.W: A sleeping car? Thats right, and dont forget to take enough money with you.M: Thank you, Miss. I wont come back to see you until Ive succeeded. 根據(jù)文中“The market is in a slump. People in this area simply arent buying things”

16、。 6. When can the man come back?A.Before he fails to sell the products.B.After he sold the products.C.After he has failed.D.After he has found the new places.答案:B根據(jù)文中“Dont come back until youve succeeded”。7. Which city will he go first?A.New York.B.In Francisco.C.Chicago.D.Washington . .答案:D對話中問到“Wh

17、ere are you going first?”回答是“Washington D. C”,因此可推斷出答案選D。8. Which train is the man going to take?A.The 10:16 train.B.The 11:26 train.C.The 10:26 train.D.The 9:26 train.答案:C文中說到“The 10:26 train”。Unit 2 This section is designed to test your ability to understand spoken English. You will hear a selecti

18、on of recorded materials and you must answer the questions that accompany them. There are TWO parts in this section, Part A and Part B. Remember, while you are doing the test, you should first put down your answers in your test booklet. At the end of the listening comprehension section, you will hav

19、e 3 minutes to transfer your answers from your test booklet onto ANSWER SHEET 1. If you have any questions, you may raise your hand NOW as you will not be allowed to speak once the test has started. Now look at Part A in your test booklet. Part A You will hear 10 short dialogues. For each dialogue,

20、there is one question and four possible answers. Choose the correct answer-A, B, C or D, and mark it in your test booklet. You will have 15 seconds to answer the question and you will hear each dialogue ONLY ONCE. (如需獲取本MP3聽力錄音請搜索標(biāo)題名) 1. What does the woman mean?A.She prefers to stay home and exerci

21、se.B.She likes basketball more than the man does.C.She prefers going to a movie instead of the basketball game.D.She doesnt want to go to a movie.答案:C解析M: Theres a basketball game tonight.W: Oh, really? Id rather go to a movie. 女士回答“Id rather go to a movie”,所以選C。 2. What is the man going to do?A.To

22、look upstairs for Bill.B.To lock up Bill.C.To go with Bill.D.To play a visit to Bill.答案:D解析W: Are you going to New York next weekend?M: Yes, Im going to look up Bill while I am there. 對話中提到“to look up Bill while I am there”,答案可知。 3. What will the woman probable do?A.Buy something to eat on the train

23、.B.Take the five oclock train.C.Wait to catch a later train.D.Take the train to the airport.答案:A解析M: Here you are your tickets, Miss. The train will depart from platform five at one oclock.W: Thank you. Could you please tell me if there is a snack bar on the train? 對話中女士問道“if there is a snack bar”,所

24、以選A。 4. What does the woman suggest they do about those words?A.Forget them until later.B.Go over them right away.C.Move them away from the coffee cup.D.Discuss them with professor Smith in coffee shop.答案:B解析M: Im so confused by these words from professor Smiths lectures.W: How about reviewing them

25、together now over a cup of coffee? 關(guān)鍵詞“reviewing them together now”。 5. What happened to the man?A.She got home before 7 oclock.B.She had a cold.C.She had a car accident because of the snow.D.She was delayed.答案:D解析W: If it hadnt been snowing so hard, I might have been home by 7 oclock.M: Its too bad

26、 you did make it. You missed a wonderful program on TV. 關(guān)鍵句“if it hadnt been snowing, I might have been home at 7 oclock”。 (如需獲取本MP3聽力錄音請搜索標(biāo)題名) 6. What kind of the weather are they having?A.Hot.B.Cloudy.C.Mild.D.Not sure.答案:D解析M: Did you hear the weather forecast?W: Yes, they said it would be cold t

27、omorrow. 關(guān)鍵詞“it would be cold”,知“not sure”。 7. What does Johnson think about the exam?A.It will be difficult.B.Its hopeless to study for it.C.Hes ready for it.D.He missed it.答案:A解析M: Im really worried about passing the exam tomorrow?W: Its too late to worry about it now, Johnson. 男士提到“Really worried

28、 about passing the exam”。 8. When will the bus leave?A.8:00.B.8:15.C.8:30.D.8:45.答案:C解析W: What time does the bus leave?M: 8:30, but I want to get to the bus station at 8:15 in order to get a good seat. 關(guān)鍵詞8:30。 9. Where are the speakers?A.In a bank.B.In a store.C.In a market.D.At a party.答案:B解析W: Ca

29、n you tell me where the womans department is?M: Yes, its on the second floor. Take the lift. 男士回答“on the second floor, take the lift”。 10. Which sports does the man like?A.Golf and skating.B.Skiing and tennis.C.Golf and tennis.D.Skiing and skating.答案:C解析W: I like skiing and skating.M: But tennis and

30、 golf are my favorite sports. 關(guān)鍵詞“but tennis and golf are my favorite sports”。 Part B You will hear four dialogues or passages. Before listening to each one, you will have 5 seconds to read each of the questions which accompany it. While listening, answer each question by choosing A, B, C or D. Afte

31、r listening, you will have 10 seconds to check your answer to each question. You will hear each piece ONLY ONCE. Questions 14-17 are based on the following dialogue. (如需獲取本MP3聽力錄音請搜索標(biāo)題名)1. Who had a birthday?A.Jane.B.Janes aunt.C.Janes sister.D.Janes brother.答案:D解析 14-17M: Are you feeling OK, Jane?

32、You look pretty tired.W: My sister and I had a birthday party for my brother last night. I didnt get much sleep.M: Where did you have the party?W: It was at my aunts house. Then, right after party, I had to start typing a history paper that was due first thing this morning. I was kind of nervous bec

33、ause the professor said he wouldnt accept any late papers.M: I dont know how you do it. I cant handle a pressure situation like that.W: Well, I just turned the paper in, and now Im going home to bed. See you later. 對話中提到“had a birthday for my brother”,其他為干擾項。 2. Where was the party?A.At Janes house.

34、B.At Janes aunts house.C.At Janes sisters house.D.At Janes brothers house.答案:B回答問題“where did you have the party?”,有“it was at my aunts home”。3. What did Jane do after the party?A.She typed a paper.B.She visited her aunt.C.She went to bed.D.She tired to study history.答案:A文章提到“after party, I had to st

35、art typing a history paper”,所以可知答案選A。4. What does the man say he is unable to do?A.Plan a birthday party.B.Sleep during the day.C.Type his own term paper.D.Work well under pressure.答案:D男生說到“I cant handle the pressure situation like you”再比較選項即選D。 Questions 22-25 are based on the following passage. (如

36、需獲取本MP3聽力錄音請搜索標(biāo)題名)5. How did the automobile affect the workforce in the 1950s and 1960s?A.It allowed workers to spend more time at home.B.It gave workers opportunity for better thing.C.It let workers live far from the job.D.It eliminated many factory jobs.答案:D解析 22-25 Up to now, we focused on the po

37、sitive impact of the automobile on society in the United States. Today well look at some of the negative effects. A number of sociologists blame the automobile for the decline of the downtown areas of the major cities. In 1950s and 1960s, the automobiles made it possible to work in the cities and ye

38、t live in the suburbs many miles away. Shopping patterns changed, instead of patronizing downtown stores, people in the suburbs went to large shopping malls built in open areas outside the city where everything was cheaper. Merchants in the city failed, stores closed. Downtown shopping areas became

39、deserted. In recent years, there has been a rebirth in a number of downtown areas. As suburbanites, especially young married couples, have moved into the city to avoid roads covered with the traffic between the suburbs and the cities every morning and evening. Now lets look at some slides that illus

40、trate these trends. By the way, tomorrow Ill explain the effects of all these automobiles on the environment. For example, what happens to the atmosphere as a result of burning gas- Line and the depletion of natural resources like fossil fuels? 文中提到“it make it possible to work in city and live in th

41、e suburbs”,所以選D。 6. What problem did city merchants face?A.The lack of a qualified sales force.B.Prices are lower in downtown stores.C.Highway commuting has become unpleasant.D.Property is more valuable in the cities.答案:B關(guān)鍵句“shopping malls in the open areas outside where everything was cheaper”所以人們比

42、較選項,merchant mall面臨著B項問題。7. According to the speaker, why are some people moving back to the city?A.The opportunities are better there.B.Prices are lower in downtown stores.C.Highway commuting has become unpleasant.D.The living conditions are more comfortable.答案:C文中說“they move into city to avoid the

43、 road covered accident”。8. What will be included in tomorrows lecture?A.A discussion of air pollution.B.Predictions of fuel surpluses.C.Sliders of recently discovered fossils.D.A description of urban transportation pattern.答案:A作者在文章最后提到“Ill explain the efforts of the automobile on the environment”,可

44、知要談?wù)摥h(huán)境問題。 Questions 11-13 are based on the following passage. (如需獲取本MP3聽力錄音請搜索標(biāo)題名)9. What happened to Mr. Smiths car one morning?A.It was missing.B.It was damaged by somebody.C.It was still in the usual place.D.It was borrowed by his friend.答案:A解析 11-13 Mr. Smith left his car outside his apartment o

45、ne night, as usual, but when he came down the next morning to go to his office, he discovered that the car wasnt there. He called the police and told them what had happened, and they said they would try to find the car. When Mr. Smith came home from his office that evening, the car was back again in

46、 its usual place in front of his house. He examined it carefully to see whether it had been damaged, and found two theater tickets on one of the seats and a letter, which said, We are very sorry. We took your car because of an emergency. Mr. and Mrs. Smith went to the theater with the two tickets th

47、e next night and enjoyed themselves very much. When they got home, they found that thieves had taken almost everything they had in their apartment. 文中說到“the next morning the car wasnt there”可推知“it was missing”。 10. What did Mr. Smith find when he examined the car?A.He found that the car was badly da

48、maged.B.He found that the seats were stolen.C.He found a letter on the seat.D.He found two theatre tickets and a letter on one of the seats.答案:D文中原話“he found two tickets on one of the seats and a letter”所以選D。11. Why did the person who took the car give them ticket?A.Because he wanted to thank them a

49、fter using their car.B.Because he knew that Mr. and Mrs. Smith liked to see plays.C.Because he could steal when Mr. and Mrs. Smith were at the theater.D.None of the above.答案:D因為在他們夫婦看電影回來之后“they found the thieves stolen everything”。 Questions 18-21 are based on the following passage. (如需獲取本MP3聽力錄音請搜

50、索標(biāo)題名)12. Why the Toluker Prison called an open prison?A.The prison gates are always open.B.Its prisoner can work outside.C.The prison has no armed guards.D.The prison is open to the public.答案:B解析 18-21 In the high mountain country outside the city of Toluker, there stands a prison. This prison is qu

51、ite different from other prisons in the world. The guards, except for two at the main gate, are not armed. There are many remarkable things about Toluker prison. For example, of the 15,000 individuals who have been in prison at Toluker, less than two percent have got into trouble again with the law.

52、 Men in the open prison are free to find work on the outside but must go back to prison each night. On weekends they are allowed to go home. When most other prisons are still sending criminals back into society, Toluker is returning people who stand on their own feet and contribute to society. In 19

53、74, a prison called Barb Grook moved to the open prison. A year later, he left Toluker for the last time. He was then nearly forty-six and had been in prison for fourteen years. He got a job as construction worker in the city, remarried and was they believed as a useful person of his community. If y

54、ou ask Barb why Toluker works, he would say because they believe in me when I was at my worst. 文中提到“men in the open prison are free to find work on the outside”,所以選B。 13. What is the essential characteristic of Toluker Prison?A.The prisoners are provided with jobs on release.B.Its prisoner is seldom

55、 made to work overtime.C.It is run on the principle of trusting prisoners.D.It has no security prisoners.答案:C文中說最重要的是犯人可以在外找工作,所以選C。14. How long did Barb Crook stay in the Toluker Prison?A.One year.B.Two years.C.Thirteen years.D.Fourteen years.答案:C關(guān)鍵句“had been in prison for fourteen years”。15. What

56、is the speakers attitude toward this type prison?A.Doubtful.B.Positive.C.Critical.D.Indifferent.答案:B根據(jù)作者的話“when other prisons send the prisoners to the society, Toluler is returning people who contribute to the society”即知作者態(tài)度肯定。Unit 3 This section is designed to test your ability to understand spoken English. You will hear a selection of recorded materials and you must answer the questions that acco


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