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1、浙江省臺(tái)州地區(qū) 2016-2018 年八年級(jí)上學(xué)期期末英語(yǔ)試卷精選匯編:語(yǔ)法填空(含答案)語(yǔ)法填空路橋區(qū)五、語(yǔ)法填空(本題有 10 小題,每小題 1 分;共計(jì) 10 分)閱讀下面短文,在空白處填入一個(gè)適當(dāng)?shù)脑~,或填入括號(hào)中所給單詞的適當(dāng)形式。today, well read a story in the book a street cat named bob. it is 61_ how one man, james bowen, and his cat bob found hope on the streets of london.when james saw 62_ poor sick c

2、at in his apartment building, he had no idea howmuch his life was about to change. james was 63_(live) hand to mouth, and the last thinghe needed was a pet. yet he felt it hard not 64_(help) the cat, whom he named bob. he65_(slow) looked after bob back to health. one day, bob 66_(follow) james. heat

3、tracted(吸引) lots of people. they stopped 67_ listened to james songs. james made 68_(much) money that evening than he would usually make in a day.69_ there were many hard days to get through, bob and james had many wonderfulexperiences. this book is written by james bowen 70_(he). the language is si

4、mple, so it is easy to read.1 / 7浙江省臺(tái)州地區(qū) 2016-2018 年八年級(jí)上學(xué)期期末英語(yǔ)試卷精選匯編:語(yǔ)法填空(含答案)五、61. about65. slowly62. a 63. living 64. to help 66. followed 67. and 68. more69. although 70. himself椒江區(qū)五、語(yǔ)法填空(本題有 10 小題,每題 1 分,共 10 分)students these days often have a lot of 51 (worry). sometimes they have problemswith

5、their schoolwork, and sometimes with their friends. what can they do about this? somepeople believe the 52 (bad) thing is to do nothing. laura mills, 53 teenagerfrom london, agrees. “problems are normal in life, ” says laura. “but i think talking to someone helps a lot. unless we talk to someone, we

6、ll certainly feel worse.”laura once lost her wallet and she 54 (be) afraid to tell her parents about it. sheworried for days and didnt know 55 to solve the problem. she even walked three milesto school each day because she didn t have 56 (some) money. she just kept thinking,“57 i tell my parents, th

7、ey ll be angry! ”58 (final), she talked to her parents andthey were really 59 (understand). they got her a new wallet and asked her to be morecareful. “i will always remember to share my problems in the future! ” laura says. her dad said he sometimes made careless mistakes 60 (him).五、語(yǔ)法填空(本題有 10 小題,

8、每題 1 分,滿分 10 分)51.worries 52. worst 53. a 54. was 55. how56.any 57.if 58.finally 59. understanding 60. himself臺(tái)州市期末模擬五、語(yǔ)法填空(本題有 10 小題,每小題 1 分;共計(jì) 10 分)2 / 7浙江省臺(tái)州地區(qū) 2016-2018 年八年級(jí)上學(xué)期期末英語(yǔ)試卷精選匯編:語(yǔ)法填空(含答案)15(10 分)閱讀下面的短文,在空白處填入一個(gè)適當(dāng)?shù)脑~,或填入括號(hào)中所給單詞的正 確形式i have been dreaming of visiting america since i was (1

9、) a little girl so when i got on the plane to america(2) on january 31, i was very excitedwe first arrived in new york and then los angeles with my parents los angeles is abeautiful citythe temperature was higher than(3) that of shanghai our tripbegan in disneyland the park has many cartoon(4) chara

10、cters(character) suchas snow white , mickey mouse and donald duck made by walt disney,a (5)successful(success) man the ride on the roller coaster was really fantastic! i likethe lovely ghost house best (6) because it was exciting and it was not scary atall and they organized us some funny activities

11、 everyone liked (7) them during the following days, we travelled to many other interesting places it took us threedays (8) to enjoy (enjoy) their life and culture we also (9) flew (fly)to many cities like san francisco, visiting sea world adventure park, stanford universityand so on i made many frie

12、nds when travelling i(10) truly (true) hope that i cango there again! america is really a magic and amazing place【分析】文章主要是作者第一次去美國(guó)旅行的情境,參觀了洛杉磯,迪尼斯樂(lè)園等有趣的地 方【解答】1a 考查冠詞填空根據(jù) i was (1)little girl 我是一名小女孩時(shí),泛指,首字母 是輔音音素,故答案是 a2 on 考查介詞填空根據(jù)后面 january 31 具體某一天前要用 on,故答案是 on3 that 考查代詞填空根據(jù) the temperature wa

13、s higher than (3)of shanghai 句意溫度比3 / 7浙江省臺(tái)州地區(qū) 2016-2018 年八年級(jí)上學(xué)期期末英語(yǔ)試卷精選匯編:語(yǔ)法填空(含答案)上海高在英語(yǔ)比較級(jí)中常用 that 或者 those 代替前文提到的相同的內(nèi)容,本句中指代前 文的 the temperature,抽象名詞不可數(shù),故用 that4characters 考查名詞填空根據(jù) the park has many cartoon(4)(character) such assnow white, mickey mouse and donald duck made前面 many 很多,后面如何白雪公主,米老

14、鼠等,要用復(fù)數(shù)形式名詞,故答案是 characters 角色5 successful 考查形容詞填空根據(jù)前面 walt disney,是一個(gè)成功的男人,后面 man 是 名詞,前面要用形容詞,故答案是 successful 成功的6 because 考查連詞填空根據(jù) i like the lovely ghost house best (6)it was exciting andit was not scary at all我最喜歡可愛(ài)的鬼屋,它很刺激,一點(diǎn)也不可怕,因果關(guān)系,故答 案是 because 因?yàn)?them 考查代詞填空根據(jù)前面 and they organized us some

15、 funny activities 他們組織了一些有趣的活動(dòng),后面應(yīng)該每人喜歡它們,要用 they 的賓格形式,故答案是 them8 to enjoy 考查動(dòng)詞填空根據(jù)題干,it take sb sometime to do 花費(fèi)某人做時(shí)做某事是固定 句型,故答案是 to enjoy 享受9 flew 考查動(dòng)詞填空根據(jù)全文時(shí)態(tài)是過(guò)去時(shí),we also (9)(fly) to many cities like sanfrancisco,這里應(yīng)該是飛向很多城市,例如舊金山等,動(dòng)詞要用過(guò)去式,故答案是 flew 飛10truly 考查副詞填空根據(jù)題干 i (10)(true) hope that i

16、 can go there again!應(yīng)該是真 地想再去那兒,修飾動(dòng)詞 hope 要用副詞,故答案是 truly 真地【點(diǎn)評(píng)】考查語(yǔ)法填空根據(jù)所給的短文對(duì)意思有所了解,然后根據(jù)短文的大體意思,用合 適的詞合適的形式完成本題,使短文更通順天臺(tái)縣4 / 7浙江省臺(tái)州地區(qū) 2016-2018 年八年級(jí)上學(xué)期期末英語(yǔ)試卷精選匯編:語(yǔ)法填空(含答案)四、語(yǔ)法填空(本題有 10 小題,每小題 1 分,共計(jì) 10 分)閱讀下面短文,按照句子結(jié)構(gòu)的語(yǔ)法性和上下文連貫的要求,在空格處填入一個(gè)適當(dāng) 的詞或使用括號(hào)中詞語(yǔ)的正確形式填空。(每空不多于 3 個(gè)單詞)technology(科技)makes our li

17、fe easier and better than before. many think it is great. formost people, technology means you can do (46) _(much) in less time and have fun whiledoing it. heres one ex ample. people(47) _( make) letters with smoke from planes. peoplecan see the letters from the streets, buildings and places far (48

18、) _ the sky. its calledskywriting. it began in england. in 1922, the (49) _(one) words written in the sky overamerica were “hello usa”. that year skywriting started to be used for advertising. then it keptpopular for a long time. its difficult (50) _(put) a message into the sky. the pilot must count

19、numbers to know when to turn the smoke on and off. (51)_ wind moves the letters, the pilotshould watch their shadows on the ground or their shapes in the sky. if its a(52)_ (snow)day, the pilot in the plane cant see the white letters, (53) _ we can see them in the sky onthe ground. people are so (54

20、) _ (create) to have romantic time! however, for some people,technology is not just for fun. it can change their (55)_(life). most believe tomorrows technology comes out right side up!四、語(yǔ)法填空46. more 47 .made 48. from 49. first 50 .to put51 .the 52.snowy 53.but 54.creative 55. lives路橋區(qū) 2017-2018 學(xué)年五、

21、語(yǔ)法填空(本題有 10 小題,每小題 1 分;共計(jì) 10 分)閱讀短文,按照句子結(jié)構(gòu)的語(yǔ)法性和上下文連貫的要求,在空格處填入一個(gè)適當(dāng)?shù)脑~或5 / 7浙江省臺(tái)州地區(qū) 2016-2018 年八年級(jí)上學(xué)期期末英語(yǔ)試卷精選匯編:語(yǔ)法填空(含答案)使用括號(hào)中詞語(yǔ)的正確形式填空。apple is one of the 61_ popular fruits in our life, andmany people eat apples every day. but there are three special apples in the world.when the world just started,

22、apple was a forbidden( 被禁止的) fruit in the garden of eden.62_, a girl named eve stole and 63_(eat) it. unluckily, god found whathappened and drove her away from the garden together with a boy 64_(call) adam. later, adam and eve had lots of 65_(baby) and became the ancestors(祖先) of us.the 66_(two) app

23、le has something to do with newton. one day, when newton wasthinking of one problem under 67_ apple tree, one apple fell down from the tree and hithis head. because of this, newton discovered gravitation( 萬(wàn)有引力) and his new idea of sciencemade people really 68_(surprise) and happy, also he changed ou

24、r ideas about nature and the way we think.and today, steve jobs changed the world by his apple products. for example, iphones can befound everywhere in the street. they have become a symbol 69_ our times. although hehas died, people still remember him and miss him, because he made our life 70_(easy)

25、 than before.五、61. most 62. however 63. ate 64. called 65. babies 66. second 67. an 68. surprised 69. of 70. easier臨海市 2016-2017 學(xué)年五、語(yǔ)法填空(本題有 10 小題,每小題 1 分;共計(jì) 10 分閱讀下面短文,在空白處填入一個(gè)適當(dāng)?shù)脑~,或填入括號(hào)中所給單詞的正確形式。did you watch that popular tv show a smile is beautifulthis summer vacation? yang yang,6 / 7浙江省臺(tái)州地區(qū) 2016-2018 年八年級(jí)上學(xué)期期末英語(yǔ)試卷精選匯編:語(yǔ)法填空(含答案)25, plays 56 important role in it. he acts a good-looking and smart college stud


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