



1、第1題:填空題:The importance of agriculture cannot be overstated. More than 50 percent of the worlds labor force is employed in agriculture. The distribution in the early 1980s ranged from 67 percent of those employed in Africa to less than 5 percent in North America. In Western Europe, the figure was abo

2、ut 16 percent; in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union, about 32 percent; and in Asia, about 68 percent. Farm size varies widely from region to region. Recently the average for Canadian farms was about 186 ha (about 460 acres) per farm, and for U.S. farms, about 175 ha (about 432 acres). The average

3、size of a single landholding in the Philippines, however, may be somewhat less than 3.6 ha (less than 9 acres), and in Indonesia, a little less than 1.2 ha (less than 3 acres). Size also depends on the purpose of the farm. Commercial farming, or production for cash, is usually done on large holdings

4、. The plantations of Latin America are large, privately owned estates worked by tenant labor. Single-crop plantations produce tea, rubber, cocoa. Wheat farms are most efficient when they comprise some thousands of hectares and can be worked by teams of people and machines. Australian sheep stations

5、and other livestock farms must be large to provide grazing for thousands of animals. Individual subsistence farms or small-family mixed-farm operations are decreasing in number in developed countries but are still numerous in the developing countries of Africa and Asia. A back-to-the-land movement i

6、n the U.S. reversed the decline of small farms in New England and Alaska in the decade from 1970 to 1980. The conditions that determine what will be raised in an area include climate, water supply, and terrain. Over the 10,000 years since agriculture began to be developed, peoples everywhere have di

7、scovered the food value of wild plants and animals and domesticated and bred them. The most important are cereals such as wheat, rice, barley, corn and rye. Agricultural income is also derived from non-food crops such as rubber, fiber plants, tobacco, and oilseeds used in synthetic chemical compound

8、s. Money is also derived from raising animals for pelt. Much of the foreign exchange earned by a country may be derived from a single commodity; for example, Sri Lanka depends on tea, Denmark specializes in dairy products, Australia in wool, and New Zealand and Argentina in meat products. In the U.S

9、., wheat has become a major foreign exchange commodity in recent years. The importance of an individual country as an exporter of agricultural products depends on many variables. Among them is the possibility that the country is too little developed industrially to produce manufactured goods in suff

10、icient quantity or technical sophistication. Such agricultural exporters include Ghana with cocoa, and Myanmar with rice. On the other hand, an exceptionally well-developed country may produce surpluses not needed by its own population; this has been true of the U.S., Canada, and some of the West Eu

11、ropean countries.第2題:填空題: 論想象力的培養(yǎng) 我的講話是主張培養(yǎng)想象力。 那么,我是從什么意義上使用“想象力”這個詞的呢? “想象力”一詞的定義是:“構思出理想圖畫的能力”;“向自己或他人描述不在眼前的事物的能力。”我在下面的講話使用“想象力”這個詞時,就具有這樣的含義。 沿著這條思路,我相信可以把我的意思講清楚。不在眼前的事物是什么呢?例如歷史就是。歷史講的是過去的事情。從某種意義上來說,歷史并不存在于腦中就是說,你看不到過去的事情;但是學習歷史能使你得到并增強理解不在眼前的事物的能力。因此我愿向你們推薦歷史課,那是一門最值得學習的課程。正確答案:答案: 農(nóng)業(yè)的重要性怎

12、樣強調(diào)都不為過。世界百分之五十以上的勞動力從事農(nóng)業(yè)。二十世紀八十年代初,農(nóng)業(yè)勞動力的比例在非洲高達百分之六十七,在北美洲則不足百分之五,在西歐約為百分之十六,在東歐和蘇聯(lián)約為百分之三十二,在亞洲則約為百分之六十八。 農(nóng)場規(guī)模因地而異,差別很大。直到最近,加拿大農(nóng)場的規(guī)模平均約為186公頃(約合460英畝),美國農(nóng)場的規(guī)模約為175公頃(約合432英畝)。但在菲律賓,私人農(nóng)場的規(guī)模平均略少于3.6公頃(不足9英畝),在印度尼西亞則略少于1.2公頃(不足3英畝)。 農(nóng)場的規(guī)模還取決于其用途。大農(nóng)場通常從事商業(yè)耕種,或者說為賺錢而生產(chǎn)。拉丁美洲的大莊園就是大片的私有土地,雇人勞動。單一作物的種植園生

13、產(chǎn)茶葉、橡膠或可可。生產(chǎn)小麥的農(nóng)場最有效益。它們擁有幾千公頃土地,雇傭一群群工人,并使用機器。澳大利亞牧羊場和其它畜牧場的規(guī)模一定要大到足以能為成千的牲畜提供充足的飼料。 零散的維持生計的個體農(nóng)場,或者說混合經(jīng)營的小規(guī)模家庭農(nóng)場,在發(fā)達國家已日漸減少,但在非洲和亞洲的發(fā)展中國家里仍大量存在。美國的“返回田地”運動扭轉(zhuǎn)了l970至1980這十年間新英格蘭和阿拉斯加小農(nóng)場衰敗的局面。 一個地區(qū)究竟生產(chǎn)什么取決于它的氣候、供水、地形和其它條件。 自有農(nóng)業(yè)以來的一萬多年中,各地的人們發(fā)現(xiàn)了野生動植物的食用價值,于是將其加以馴化或栽培,最重要的是谷物,如小麥、稻子、大麥、玉米和黑麥。 農(nóng)業(yè)收入還來自非糧

14、食作物,如橡膠、纖維植物、煙草以及可用于生產(chǎn)化學合成品的油料作物。此外,還可通過飼養(yǎng)動物取其皮毛而獲利。 一個國家賺取的外匯,很大一部分可能來自某種單一的商品。例如,斯里蘭卡依靠茶葉,丹麥專門經(jīng)營奶制品,澳大利亞出口羊毛,新西蘭和阿根廷則出口肉類制品。在美國,近年來小麥已成為其賺取外匯的主要商品。 一個國家是否以出口農(nóng)產(chǎn)品為主取決于許多可變因素。其中一個因素就是這個國家的工業(yè)可能很不發(fā)達,無法生產(chǎn)足夠數(shù)量和技術先進的工業(yè)品。這類農(nóng)產(chǎn)品出口國包括加納,出口可可,還有緬甸,出口大米。另一方面,特別發(fā)達的國家可能生產(chǎn)過剩,大于本國人的需求,美國、加拿大和一部分西歐國家就是這種情況。正確答案:答案:

15、On the Cultivation of the Imagination I address these words in favor of the cultivation of the imagination. In what sense, then, do I use the word imagination? The meaning of imagination is the power of forming ideal pictures; the power of representing absent things to ourselves and to others. That is the sense in which I shall use the word imagination in the course of my address. Now follow out this thought and I think I can make my meaning clear. Absent things! Take history. History deals with the things of the past. They are absent in a sense, from


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