



1、Teach ing pla n for Things I wish Ik nown whe n I was youn ger by Fang Jing 方靜 from Han gzhou Foreig n Lan guage School 杭州外國語學(xué)校 Teach ing Material Things I wish Ik nown whe n 1 was youn ger Teach ing Object Stude nts in Senior Two, Ton gxia ng High School Criteria Notes Teach ing Aims 1. The main ta

2、sk (Outcome) The stude nts will be able to write a comme nt on the article in a blog. 這是本節(jié)課的主要任務(wù),其他活 動都是為此作準(zhǔn)備。 2. Lan guage focus 1) The stude nts will be able to know meanings of the followi ng sentence patter ns and phrases and try to use them in proper situati ons: I wish I had done when 1 was yo

3、unger; There no better way to do ; Doi ng s; a means to an end; be worth doing; be destined to do/be 2) The students will study to comment articles in one blog on the In ternet. 本篇文早是出自Adrian Savage 的博客。學(xué)生閱讀的目的是要讀 懂作者的看法,同時引發(fā)自己對 于同類問題的思考而作出相應(yīng) 的評論,這也是一個非常生活化 的網(wǎng)絡(luò)行為,因此語言點的選擇 是從這個角度定位,并結(jié)合學(xué)生 語言能力實際而提取的。

4、3. Lan guage skills 1) The stude nts will be able to better un dersta nd the passage through predict ion. 2) The stude ns will be able to practis skim ming for gists. 閱讀技巧訓(xùn)練并非一蹴而就。要 在不斷的課堂訓(xùn)練中,通過有意 識地引導(dǎo)學(xué)生的逐步掌握這些 技巧。 4. Lear ning Strategies 1) The stude nts will be able to guess and reas on the presum

5、pti on by the in formati on collected from the read ing of the article. (認(rèn)知策略) 2) The stude nts will be en couraged in groups to write a comme nt on the article with patter ns from the text.(情感策略) 學(xué)習(xí)策略是在學(xué)習(xí)活動中得到 體驗的。因此根據(jù)學(xué)生學(xué)習(xí)能力 的特點,把推測能力(認(rèn)知策略) 和合作能力(情感策略)的培養(yǎng) 分別結(jié)合到閱讀和寫作活動之 中。 5. Affection The students

6、will be able to comment the thoughts of the writer and express their own un dersta ndings on the subject of life. 高二階段的學(xué)生應(yīng)該更注重人 生觀和價值取向的培養(yǎng),學(xué)會評 判性地看待問題。因此要由單純 的理解性學(xué)習(xí)過渡到思考性學(xué) 習(xí)。 6. Culture The students will be able to be aware that people ideas differ from one another based on their age, culture, and p

7、ers onal experie nee. 由于作者和學(xué)生年齡不冋,國別 不同,經(jīng)歷不同,才會產(chǎn)生認(rèn)識 上的差異。學(xué)生無論是在語言學(xué) 習(xí)還是在認(rèn)知世界的過程中,意 識到這一點都是很有必要的。 Difficulties The students might find it short of time to con struct a comme nt with a good logic order and in well-orga ni zed Ian guage. 學(xué)生對于評論性文早與作訓(xùn)練 不多,文章理解也存在難度。解 決方法:教師適當(dāng)提供支架、 組 織小組合作討論和足夠時間。 Teach i

8、ng Aids Blackboard, Chalk, Computer, Overhead Projector, White board, Markers Procedures and Activities Teache Stude nt Notes I. Pre-read ing activities 1. To greet students and lead in the topic-Things I wish I had known whe n 1 was youn ger. 2. Let students talk about their own things that they wi

9、sh they had known whe n they were youn ger. 1. To liste n to teacher carefully and try to un dersta nd the topic. 2. To tell them things they wish they had known whe n they were youn ger. 直接引入題目,通過老師和 學(xué)生交談了解各自希望以前 能夠知道的事情,即能拉近 老師學(xué)生的距離,活躍課堂 氣氛,又能幫助學(xué)生理解題 目。 II. While-readi ng Activities Part one: Skim

10、mi ng 1. To present the title, the author and make stude nts predict about the contents of the text by asking two questio ns (1) Where can we probably read this article? Why? A. I n an ad B. I n his diary C In his blog (2) What are the things about that he wishes he had known when he was youn ger? A

11、. Work B. Life C. En tertai nment 2. To teach a reading skill-skimming and guide the stude nts to skim the article. 3. To check stude nts skim ming. (Teacher check ing, or peer check ing) 1. To listen to teacher and try to answer the two questi ons. 2. To skim the passage. And mark someth ing if n e

12、cessary. 3. To check with partn ers. 由猜測文章內(nèi)容到快讀文章 尋找信息,能幫助學(xué)生更好 地了解文章的梗概,有助于 后一步對課文的深入剖析。 Part two: Read ing for details 1. To present tow more questios on details and guide students to finish readi ng the whole passage. 1. To read the seven things and mark someth ing if n ecessary. 2. To take part i

13、n the quiz and study 將文章較難理解的觀點放入 小測試的題目中,既能通過 解答題目幫助學(xué)生正確地理 What are the things that he wishes he had known whe n he was youn ger? And why? 2. To host a quiz to check students un dersta nding and teach follow ing patter ns and phrases: 1) I wish I had done someth ing whe n 1 was youn ger. 2) There n

14、o better way to do . 3) Doi ng s . 4) a means to an end 5) be worth doing 6) be destined to do/be 3. To group the class to work on the tips. 4. To collect the tips. some Ian guage poin ts. 3. to work with group members on the tips. 解文章大意,又能讓學(xué)生在 競賽的氛圍中積極思考,投 入課堂。在充分理解文章后, 讓學(xué)生寫出作者的觀點,水 到渠成。 III. Post-

15、reading Activities 1. To guide the students to think about the tips critically. 2. To group students to give their comme nts on the tips. 1. To think about the tips. 2. To work in groups and comme nt on the tips. 思維訓(xùn)練是高中閱讀教學(xué)的 重點。讓學(xué)生學(xué)會批判性地 思考問題,表述自己的觀點。 從而達到語言訓(xùn)練和思維激 發(fā)的雙重目的。 教材改編原則: 1.篇幅:原文篇幅過長。學(xué)生不可能在一節(jié)課內(nèi)全部完成,因此將文章一分為二。剩下一半篇章作為課后 作業(yè)留給學(xué)生,從而對課堂學(xué)習(xí)進行鞏固。進而也不影響文章的完整性。


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