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1、中學(xué)生英語(yǔ)聽(tīng)力障礙分析及對(duì)策-初中英語(yǔ)教學(xué)論文-Analysis of Middle School Students Listening Obstacles and Its countermeasuresAbstract Listening is an essential ponent of munication in human life, but for most middle school students, among listening, speaking, reading and ost difficult one, in other on eaning in limited ti

2、me. Listening prehension is a plex activity: it requires students to use their phoics, vocabulary, grammar and background knoost students have many difficulties in listening prehension. This article mainly analyzes the linguistic and non-linguistic obstacles that affect listening prehension. The aut

3、hor suggests that students only prove their listening ability.Key any factors will affect the whole process of listening; firstly, we are going to talk about the linguistic obstacles. 2.1 Lack of phoic knowledge “Phoics is defined as the study of the -phonic medium of language; it is concerned edium

4、 of listening and speaking. Only by using correct sound, can students express their vieust overe. The purpose unicate ore, munication is a mutual activity. So this requires us to express ourselves as clearly as possible unicate any middle school students lack of basic phoic knoprovement in listening

5、 ability.2.1.1 Distinguishing soundsDistinguishing sounds means to distinguish tore sounds that are in the neighboring position in terms of places of articulation. For most middle school students the discrimination of some sounds is a problem in listening prehension. The reason that some students ca

6、nt understand the listening materials is that they cant discriminate some voiced and voiceless consonants, short and long vople, they can hardly distinguish the e students hear the as “l(fā)ight” and “bus”. Also, there are some students inate the phonemes n and l, s and and mistakenly, es are often pron

7、ounced together in the speed flo Chinese. In Chinese, there is no liaison. So liaison is a difficult and important point for the middle school students in learning English as any students cannot understand liaison, so if the students cant master it ple:(1). What about you? w t b (2). Please put up y

8、our hands! pl z pu t p j h nd(3). Can you repeat again? k n&n-bsp; ri p t g nLiaison is very mon in English, if students arent familiar portant factor affecting listening prehension. Usually, a plete plosive occurs on phoic phenomenon in English. “If behind a plosive there is another plosive sound,

9、the former plosive sound akes a pose to pronounce this sound, and then pronounce the latter one.”5 For example:(4). Next door nekst_d (5). stop talking st p t ki (6). Old friend ld frend (7). fast train f st tr n If students do not knoaterials correctly; this portant factor that affects English list

10、ening. It is frequently more difficult for the beginner to listen to and understand some speakers if they are not familiar eaning. A shift of stress may change the part of speech of a a noun to a verb although its spelling remains unchanged.”6 For example:(8) the contrast n to contrast v (9) the des

11、ert n to desert v(10) the object n to object v (11) the protest n to protest vIn an English sentence, “orphological features it has”. Usually, nouns, notional verbs, adjectives, demonstrative and emphatic pronouns, interrogative an e.If students have a better mastery of stressed and unstressed prove

12、 their listening ability, because in this case, they can grasp the key information of the sentence and understand it well. 2.1.5 Intonation“When pitch, stress and sound length are tied to the sentence rather than the word in isolation, they are collectively known as intonation.”7 Intonation is speak

13、ers “-speech rhythm”, the change of loeaning of sentence. The meanings of an identical sentence are different if the speaker utters it in different intonation or tone, so students must pay more attention to intonation. Intonation may shoood, “English has four basic types of intonation, knoatory sent

14、ence, also it can be very helpful in transferring and changing speakers real meaning ple: (15)This letter belongs to you. (16)This letter belongs to you.Spoken in the falling tone, version (15) simply states a fact: this letter is yours. Version (16) said in the rising tone, indicates the speaker ma

15、kes a question: Is this letter belong to you? If students cannot distinguish these sentences in different tones in the listening prehension, they any difficulties in understanding the listening text.Besides those above phoic knoe others, such as assimilation, plification, and different pronunciation

16、 of American and British English. All these cannot be neglected or they provement of listening ability. 2.2 The speed of speakingMany students plain that in listening e to decode the message. Virtually every language learner initially thinks that native speakers speak too fast. “Listening prehension

17、 is demanding. Students can not control the speed of speakers, and students can not interrupt or stop the speakers for clarification.”9 Unlike reading, ay not al of speech al speed listening materials.2.3 Vocabulary Noany students feel that vocabulary is a salient problem that hinders their listenin

18、g prehension. “Vocabulary is the major ponent of language; people alaterial. For every English learner, study English ount of vocabulary is just like builders building houses without bricks.”1-0 Vocabulary plays an important role in the English learning. Every dialogue and passage in listening prehe

19、nsion is made up of sentences, eet some difficult iliar .If a ne to understand the eaning. Even some students stop to think about the neet and can no longer concentrate their attention on the ining information, in this case, they iss the next step of speech and cant understand the ple:(17). M: You u

20、st have made a mistake. I e that night.Q: : Enjoy? If I could choose again, I an from the conversation?If students knoood and rhetorical question quite mediately they an doesnt like mathematics at all, he likes biology. Today, there are so many students lack solid grammar knoeans. It itation of back

21、ground knoemory barriers.3.1 Limitation of Background Knowledge The big differences between the East and the West will greatly influence the listening prehension. The background knowledge is indispensable in listening prehension. The influences of th-e background knoportant than the linguistic knoe

22、background knos, life styles and habits. If students lack these kinds of knoaterials correctly. For example, if students are given tn Festival; the other is about Easter Day. It is very easy for them to understand the former, because Mid-Autumn Day is the traditional festival in China, and they are

23、very familiar to anse questions about it during the process of listening. 3.2 Bad listening habitsThe main purpose of listening is to understand the general idea. But the bad habits in the process of listening prehension prevent some students from catching the major content. For example, they aleani

24、ng of every eet a ne over, and in this case they cannot catch up ore. “Still some students cannot directly understand English materials; they are used to translating English into Chinese any students are passive listeners, and they never read the topic before sound signals e, and they are not used t

25、o predicting the folloe students take listening prehension for granted; they never pay attention to listening and think it is unimportant to them. All these bad habits, in a sense, are the main factors affecting their listening prehension. In fact, it is unnecessary to knoain idea, grasp the major p

26、oints, e to attend to the main content, let alone seize the implication of it. So students must get rid of these bad habits for their improvements in listening prehension. 3.3 Psychological factorsListening prehension is closely related to psychological factors. The process of listening prehension i

27、s a very plicated psychological one. It is easy for students to bee frightened eet some e students are afraid of listening at the very beginning, and others cannot concentrate their attentions on the listening, and other things will draw stud-ents attentions ost students can hardly learn anything in

28、 class, and listening prehension is a painful thing to them.3.4 Memory barriersMemory plays an essential part in the process of listening. “Memory is the premise of prehension, ation of memory. In some sense, quality of memory is the degree of understanding.”12 Listening is being more and more impor

29、tant, but students find it difficult to memorize something e long passages. They often forget the preceding information that heard just noemory is a serious problem; it directly affects the listening prehension.4. Countermeasures to improve listening4.1 Attach importance to spoken EnglishMost studen

30、ts have never been exposed to spoken English before, so they tend to be insensitive to the features of spoken English such as liaison, stress, ilation, elision and so on. These features of spoken English made students feel that they have never heard English spoken like that, because their former tea

31、chers have never taught them to speak English in that , students should practice more reading in order to be sensitive to these phoic phenomena. First of all they must get familiar bols and correct the articulation of certain voination, liaison, elision, loss of plosive, assimilation and so on so th

32、at they can master these features of spoken English. They also should understand the stress, rhythm and intonation of the ust be able to distinguish the differences beterican English. For the English they learned before is British English; therefore, they eet the American English. Only kno clearly c

33、an they pave the inationouth, the shape of the lips, as e voinimal pair set in context ber of sentences containing minimal pairs of ple, distinguishing between/ r/and / l/ in- contexts as the follo aliliar any liaisons and inplete plosives in English song. If the students listen to English songs reg

34、ularly, they s of this kind once again in their listening, they can deal ain ideasStress of English is often put on the part that the speaker emphasizes. Stress may indicate the speakers purpose or attitude and in many cases it is eanings. So before listening teachers should remind students to pay s

35、pecial attention to the stressed e stressed and unstressed aterials, and stressed ost important information in a sentence. Focusing attention on the stressed ation to understand the main ideas. Every day teachers can dictate some different sentences in different rhythm to students so they can notice

36、 that the stressed ore clearly pronounced, and that they are usually nouns, verbs and adjectives. Teachers can train students in the follo to recognize stressed arks on them. Secondly, they are required to fill in the blanks issing stressed ain idea. If keeping doing this practice, students provemen

37、t of listening prehension.4.1.4 Practice for intonationIntonation is an important means to express the meaning of sentence; different intonations express different meanings in a sentence. Most students are unfamiliar e sentences in differen-t intonation to students in the class to make them notice t

38、he differences, itate the speakers intonation after class, prove students pronunciation.4.2 Practice for the tempo of speaking The tempo of speaking is another painful thing for most students. Students plain that they cannot catch up ust memorize, store, classify, understand and respond to the infor

39、mation they hear. It is a quite difficult task for them. To solve this problem, firstly teachers can sloe sentences for students to think over and understand the contents, and then teachers gradually speed up the tempo of speaking and add the listening contents so that students can adapt to the aver

40、age speed. Secondly, students can begin ust pay great attention to the speaker in order to repeat. Repetition requires students to skillfully master the phoic, intonation, grammar, vocabulary knoust strengthen their ability of recognition and translation. At first, students to repeat, but if keep do

41、ing this practice, students ation going into their ears isnt lost so quickly, and gradually they can catch up ethods are useful in training students listening ability.4.3 Enlarge vocabulary and strengthen grammarVocabulary is the foundation of a language. Listeners must have enough vocabulary for th

42、eir improvement in listening because vocabulary affects listening directly. If students do not have enough vocabulary, they e unfamiliar ust try every method to increase they vocabulary. Grammar is crucial for listening prehension. If students have a solid grammar basis, they can understand the gram

43、mar in listening prehension easily, prove their listening ability. Thus, students must consult as many grammar books as possible to accumulate the vocabulary for the great improvement of listening prehension.4.4 Enrich students background knoethods to enrich their background knos, religion, sports,

44、education and culture. Also students must be encouraged to touch English as much as possible, -such as reading some English neagazines and original novels, ation of English-speaking countries. The more students read, the more knoprovement of reading ability ote the improvement of listening ability.

45、The other is to make full use of the English movies or TV programs to gain some background kno at making students familiar . During the process of the authors doing practice teaching at a middle school, the author found that the students ust read on knoents of scientific culture. Hence, it can creat

46、e favorable conditions for understanding English lecture, broadcast and conversation.4.5 good habits and master some listening skills.4.5.1 Cultivate students ability of catching important informationStudents should read the requirements before listening so as to catch some information ahead. That i

47、s to say, they should skim the exercises to seize any possible hints about the passage and have a short memory on them. Then take notes emory. During the process of listening prehension, students attention should be focused on the key points of the listening materials, but not on every very confiden

48、t about the job intervieost everything about finance and economics. Q: portant tics”, they an is going to portant skill for foreign language, especially for listening, because information only lasts for a short time. “Use the skill of guessing at unknoeaning.”13 Usually it is impossible for students

49、 to catch everything. Therefore training their guessing ability is very important. e neeaning. What they should do is to guess the unkno-ple, “One neportant use for puters is for entertainment. Many nees are” ent” they ean. If they do not mind and continue to listen, they es, so they can easily gues

50、s it means “enjoyment”. But most students are too nervous eet an unfamiliar eaning of the neajor points, ethod to train students guessing ability is that iddle, and ask students to guess provement in listening prehension.4.5.3 Cultivate students predicting skillA good listener is a person ents and a

51、 person ind, and testing the hypothesis is by matching ind. The process of understanding the text is the process of seeing hoatches up to these predictions. 14 For instance, before students listen to a passage about doing an experiment in the lab, teachers should give some brainstorm questions to st

52、udents, such as “ulate students interest and curiosity; arouse the enthusiasm of the students. 4.5.4 Train students inferring abilityThere are so many inferring questions in listening test, inferring is monly used to guess any questions like “ the dialogue or passage?” and “ply?”. It is paratively d

53、ifficult for students to ansemorization of the content of t-he listening, sometimes of very detailed things. For example,(22). M: I hear you are moving into a neent soon?y present neighbor plays the piano all night long.Q: : Dont y e is it noust take notes of “8:30” and “(30)”. If students do not ca

54、tch any to choose the correct ans the good habit of taking notes is beneficial to lessen students memory load and can reduce their understanding barriers so that they can easily find the correct ansethod for the improvement of listening prehension.4.6 Countermeasures for the psychological barriersIt

55、 is very important for students to have a good psychological state realize that listening is the first step of any language learning. Meanent for listening prehensionInfluenced by the traditional grammar teaching method, students threshold is very loouths to speak English; they feel nervous and are

56、afraid of making mistakes. All these factors hinder students listening prehension. Therefore, in listening class, teachers should bine listening and speaking togethe-r to create a relaxing environment to encourage them to speak English as much as possible. Students arks if they listen to the listeni

57、ng materials in a relaxed and pleasant mood. Of course not only in the class, but also after class, prove their listening and speaking ability.4.6.2 Cultivate students interest in listening“Interest is the best teacher and the poaterials for students to listen to. An interesting listening material c

58、an easily arouse their interest in listening. The materials cannot be too difficult, or they aterials must be selected from easy to difficult so that students can realize their improvement in listening, to build up their confidence. In this uch students can cope uch of the unfamiliar can be included e historical, geographical, political and cultural knoaterial to arouse students interests, aterials are multiple choices, provement of speaking ability. So according to the material, ent some questions and use the forms of ask and ansore chances for students to state th


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