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1、大學(xué)英語四級考試(大耳朵英語)詞組:be likely to do有可能做某事refer to涉及到out of style過時in style流行pass on傳遞;過世be trouble by受到困擾not any more不再be fond of喜歡of course當然come out發(fā)表;發(fā)行;公開宣布come on快點;趕快come over改變立場;偶然拜訪come off發(fā)生;出現(xiàn);實現(xiàn);離開less than少于more than 多于;超越 rather than而不是other than 不同于;除了in addition to 除之外lead to 導(dǎo)致;引起turn

2、 to 轉(zhuǎn)向;求助于;致力于keep to堅持;遵循regardless of不管;不顧as if=as though好像;似乎call sth1.sth2把sth1稱為sth2notat all根本不;一點兒也不take steps采取措施take action采取行動under control得以控制意識到:1.be aware of sth 2.be aware that從句lies in 在于learn to do sth學(xué)會做某事on the fly趕緊的;匆忙的make sth1.sth2使sth1成為sth2end up結(jié)束instead of代替run out of用完;耗盡f

3、ar better好的多each other=one other彼此at the same time同時in constant=constantly一直the+比較級.the+比較級 越越used to過去;常常be used to do sth用來做某事習(xí)慣做某事:1.be used to doing sth2.be used to sth3.=be accustomed to doing4.be accustomed to doaccuse sb of sth=charge sb with sth 控告某人犯某罪have sth down讓別人做某事owing to由于;因為attend

4、to sb照顧某人prefer to do sth寧愿做某事prefer sth寧愿得到某事How come? 如何?怎樣做到?In advance提前 On the spot=at the door在現(xiàn)場;當場hear from sb收到某人來信drop sb a line 給某人寫封短信keep in touch with sb 與某人保持聯(lián)系out of touch with sb=lost contact with sb與某人失聯(lián)thew a party for sb為某人舉行聚會turn into轉(zhuǎn)變introduce A to B(人)把A介紹給B;(物)把某物引進來no matt

5、er what=whatever無論什么no matter how=however不管怎樣,無論如何no matter who=whoever無論誰,任何人no matter where=wherever無論什么地方regard sb1 as sb2把某人1當作某人2regard sb as adj把某人當作(adj)regard sth1 as sth2把某物1當作某物2regard sth as adj把某物當作(adj)Regard:轉(zhuǎn)化:think;see;view認為某人(某物)是怎樣的prevent sb from doing sth阻止某人做某事inform以形式attempt

6、to do試圖做某事go onon:有繼續(xù)性eg:write on繼續(xù)寫sleep on繼續(xù)睡dream on(口語)作你的夢去吧drive on繼續(xù)開車drive to加車去 drive on to繼續(xù)開車去例:I will drive on to next e up with提出;想出close to接近heard of聽說on the basis of在基礎(chǔ);根據(jù)be based on基于Generally speaking總的來說On campus在校園中take course上課take the exam考試work on從事account for解釋build up

7、積累cut down減少;削減all the while一直;始終draw on涉及;利用keep an eye on留意engage in從事take great pains to do費很大力做某事be suppose to do sth應(yīng)該做某事sb be supposed to某人應(yīng)該be occupied to do sth忙于做某事occupy sb/sth with sthsb/sth be occupied(with sth)某人/某物的被占用one of其中之一;只加可數(shù)名詞復(fù)數(shù)two of其中之二only to do不料卻live up to符合;達到;不辜負keep sb

8、sth+adj使某人某事處于(adj)狀態(tài)中確定肯定 :1.be sure of sth2.be sure to do sth3.be sure that從句例:我確定我能成功。1.I am sure of my success.2.I am sure to succeedbe successful.3.I am sure that I can be successful.in terms of根據(jù);在方面a sequence of一系列the sameas和相似find the way to找到去的路pass into進入;逐漸變成pass through經(jīng)歷;經(jīng)過hand in上交be e

9、quipped with 以裝備have (no)trouble (in)doing sth有沒有困難做 have=have got 1.表必須2.表患病3.表有have to=have got to必須be meant to應(yīng)該;必須look on看待make contribution to為做貢獻make effort to do sth努力做某事tend to do sth易于due to由于in different ways以不同的方式rob sb of sthsb be robbed of sth某人被剝奪on ones (own)behalf代表某人(自己)set aside置之不

10、理as to關(guān)于rely on依靠;依賴show up出現(xiàn)tell sth1 from sth2把sth1和sth2辨別開來have to do with與有關(guān)kill sb off趕盡殺絕 act as起到作用in the same way用同樣的方法thousands of成千上萬the first time第一次result from+起因 由引起result in+結(jié)果 導(dǎo)致propose to do sth計劃做某事allow sb to do sthsb be allowed to do sth 允許某人做某事made clear that清楚的表明Its no secret th

11、at 不是秘密Ought to應(yīng)該take advantage of 利用quitstop to do sth停下來去做另一件事quitstop doing sth停止正做的是keep from doing阻止做某事come to do sth成為;(疑問句:怎么,為什么)get up close and personal with與近距離接觸complicate to(介)do全心全意做某事on regular定期的for better or worse無論好壞serve as充當;起作用a role model榜樣live on靠過活;以為生be tough to do很難做某事at le

12、ast至少set sb to do sth指定分配某人做某事aim at旨在;目的在go far有長遠前途in time及時at ones request應(yīng)某人要求be responsible for對某事負責(zé)in the view of在看來well off富裕的;寬裕的on the other hand另一方面way up遠遠之上go on strike罷工out of business破產(chǎn)have(much)to do with與有(很大)關(guān)系attach so much importance關(guān)注a breed of一類人at an extraordinarily high speed以

13、驚人的速度as never before史無前例;前所未有involve with耗費很多時間關(guān)注thanks to多虧a variety of多種多樣的give sb the edge使某人略勝一籌get familiar with熟悉be eager for sth渴望得到某事eager轉(zhuǎn)化為hungry; thirsty含義不變be eager do sth渴望做某事fail in在失敗fail to do sth沒能做成某事impact on對有影響lack of缺乏;不足pay more attention to對感興趣;關(guān)注于remember to do sth記得去做某事reme

14、mber doing sth記得做過某事most likely很可能enable sb to do sth使某人能夠做某事be interested in對感興趣to a certain extent依賴be pound of以驕傲one of the first首先be conditioned to習(xí)慣于step out of從走出來save on節(jié)約hold sb/sth in high regard尊敬;尊重appears to似乎draw up草擬;起草deal with處理rather than僅僅;只=no more than=few things more thanfew:表否定

15、;a few:表肯定be good at擅長turn off=switch off關(guān)閉prove to be=turn out to be證明是have difficulty(in)doing sth很難做某事have access to有機會接近get access to能得到tidy up收拾;整理meet ones requirementneed滿足某人要求show sb around帶某人四處逛逛cope with處理rise to能夠處理的in good health身體健康theres no question that+從句 毫無疑問+that從句in short bursts突發(fā)be determined by由決定pitch in to do sth參加做某事;投入某事blame sth1 on sth2把某事1歸于某事2worry about擔(dān)心because of由于free up使可用于agree on商定it may be years before要好幾年時間notno


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